Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Have a fun evening at the Bookstore!
And NO OATMEAL for me. Art makes it with all kinds of stuff in it and I'm a purist.

BB: Made that Potato salad from all our HOME-GROWN backyard potatoes. And I must say it was VERY good along with the grilled Brats!

It's a fantastic evening over here in Michigan. SAME as over there in A'Burg area!

Today, I went over to the Big park and sat on a bench by the water and read some chapters of my book. Haven't done that in a long time. I was able to see Art pull up on his bike by his car with some of the other bikers. I drove over to them and asked "Where do you guys hide the girls"! Ha ha. They all got a laugh out of that.

I hope you all have a really good Friday.
I'm going to pay some bills on here and then go and watch some more Tennis.

Serena Williams Tennis GIF by US Open
She's been so good in the last 2 events. Tonight is doubles. I'm not a big fan of that game, but I'll watch it.

thats all folks GIF
Sleep well.


2nd Officer
My beautiful white doggy isn't headless, Lee. She just chooses to pose and position herself in pictures like that , hence her name "Fuzzbutt".

I understand that your neighbors are breathing easier now that you've decided to take up the ukulele instead of the tuba.

Coming soon Bunnies, the Canadian Arthur Godfrey!

Results are in from The "Master's" Lab, comparing popular brands of coffee that you can buy at the local grocery store.

Finishing at the top in taste & aroma; Starbucks Breakfast Blend.

Tied at number 2; Tim Horton's and McDonalds.

3rd is Maxwell House.

And 4th is Dunkin Donuts.

We're off to the International House of Pancakes this morning for breakfast. Kathi heard they have pumpkin-spice pancakes. I'll just have one of their yummy BLTs.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.
Art would love the Pumpkin Spice pancakes.......NOT ME.

Starbucks Breakfast Blend is a KEEPER with us when we find it ON SALE at the grocery store. It happens every so often. Pike Place is a real good one to try too.

We've been buying a Colombian Supremo Coffee at Costco Medium strength and it's good. Price is right too for 3 LB bag of Beans. (We grind our own) $8.33 a pound = $24.99

I'm working on finding Art a new Derailleur for his bike. Seems it's out of stock throughout the USA!

Okay, folks I have nothing else for you. I paid my bills and sent in my rebate to Menands for the light fixture we bought and some bulbs. And that's it. I grocery shopped yesterday like a fool instead of waiting for TODAY (Friday) to get extra fuel points. Oh well, there's always next time. I keep forgetting about that little perk.

Have a good day and stay safe if you're out and about. Be back later.

It sure is going to be another PURE MICHIGAN DAY here! And a fantastic Michigan State Univ football game tonight. Bring on those college games.

Dave: Ohio has a BIG GAME tomorrow. Watch for it.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well a week from today at this time we will be in the air on the way to Vancouver.

No plans for me today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I've got a few minutes before I have to get to work around here, if I want to get everything I have planned finished. I need to make about 4 lbs of potato salad first. Then comes the macaroni salad with tuna fish. Next will be the key lime pie followed by the angel food/pineapple cake. That's a new one for me, so I'll let you know how it turns out. Those are the only ingredients and once mixed you have to get it into the pan and oven quickly, as the cake expands quickly. We shall see. Might also prep the jalapenos for poppers and make some dips for tomorrow, if I still have time and I'm not exhausted.

Dave - Thank you for the results of your coffee comparisons. How bout doing one for ice cream now. I know that will be right up your alley. I hope you enjoy your BLT.

Kathie - I see you posted while I was typing this. I'm hoping we're going to be able to watch the Gator game tomorrow evening. We're having a bit of trouble with DISH Network and Missy was supposed to look into it for us, but didn't have time yesterday. Maybe I can get her over today or else tomorrow when the gang will be here, they can all take a stab at it before it's game time.

Nancy - You need a days, hours, and minutes countdown for next week! I can tell your excitement is growing.

Time to get to work. Hi to everyone I missed. If I get a chance & need a break later, I'll try to stop by. Have a fantastic day and stay safe, bunnies!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Salads are made, angel food/pineapple cake is in the oven and smells so good. Once that comes out of the oven, I'm going to take a break and do some running around with Bert just to get out of the house. He needs to stop at the library to pick up a book, stop at Walgreen's for his meds and a quick stop at Publix to pick up a new bottle of key lime juice. I didn't like the color of the juice in the bottle I had in the refrigerator. Glad I hadn't already mixed the rest of the ingredients or I'd have had to throw it all away.

Once we get back, it won't take very long to mix up the ingredients for the key lime pie. That bakes up quickly and then I will be done for the day, unless I fix the dips or seed the jalapenos. If the rains hold off, I see some quality time out on the lanai with a nice glass of wine as my reward for all my work today. I will have earned it!!


Wacky Wabbit
So I went to a local OUTDOORS MALL called the Villages of Rochester Hills. Haven't been there since Covid happened. Lovely mall with soft music playing from little round hidden speakers in the flower beds. Perfect day for this.
Walked in and out of some of my favorite shops, yes with my mask on. I was the ONLY MASKED person inside the stores. Outside I took it off.
Then I thought I would go into the town of Rochester on the way home and get a Malt at the BEST MALT SHOP in town. They still have counters with the round stools that turn and turn. I'm going to get a carry out. I'm waiting in line and see that this is going to be a long wait. Not much HELP in the place. I look up at the menu and LOW and BEHOLD a Malt or Shake now costs $8 bucks. I proceed to turn around and I went to my car and came home. I refuse to pay for a Malt or Shake that is 10 or 12 oz at best. These higher prices are going to have me losing weight soon. Ha ha. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

My dear friend Elaine called while I was in the car and told me another mutual friend of ours wasn't feeling good the past 2 weeks and yesterday finally had her daughter take her to the hospital. After many she had COLON SURGERY and they took out a nice size of her colon. Yup, it was Cancer.
Lesson is: Don't be putting off the test just because the PREP is so yucky. You never know when it's going to creep up on you.

Tennis tonight with SERENA playing. If she loses it will be her last game.

Mich State Univ FOOTBALL tonight too.
I'll be flipping back and forth.

Dave: You best be watching your OHIO TEAM tomorrow afternoon!

BB: You are out-doing yourself AGAIN with all this food prep. It does show that you're feeling better .... thank goodness.


Wacky Wabbit
Serena gave it her BEST, but LOST in the end. Terrific match. Wow!

Mich State Univ WON their 1st home football game tonight. Go GREEN!

Lee: Get those pups out to the Navy Park early. It’s suppose to get up to the 90’s! A few showers late evening.
I have to go to church around 2:00 to sing for the wedding. I will have my mask on. The wedding group is 98% Trumpsters and I know they won’t be wearing masks. Ha ha.

You all have a wonderful day.
happy labor day GIF
Fourth Of July Work GIF by Creative Courage
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Morning Bunnies!

OK, let's see what's going on; We're now into the long Labor Day weekend.

They are going to try to send off that NASA rocket again today. Last I heard it might go shortly after noon. Seems a broken engine sensor is what stopped the launch, on its' first try. Now here's the odd part; They didn't replace the sensor. Maybe it's because they would have to break down the engine, or for some other other reason. So what are they going to do if that sensor goes off this time....just ignore it. Yes, just ignore it.

The ambulance chasing lawyers are coming out of the woodwork. Seems that the Marine Corps base, Camp Lejeune, has had contaminated water for years. Now that its' been found out, everyone and their brother wants to sue for some illness they've developed. So now these lawyer are advertising for new clients. TV commercials, one right after the other.

I give K2, what's a Derailleur? At the malt shop they keep the prices high since people stay way too long spinning around on those round stool-seats.

BB; No need to compare ice cream brands. It's Breyer's, hands down. And their best flavor to me is mint, chocolate-chip. Blue Bunny makes dandy novelty cones. And I never turn down soft serve cones. Or is that a custard?

Tons of college football games are on the boob-tube over the weekend. Need to check the listings to find out what time THE Ohio State game begins today.

It just seems odd to see them play in such heat that is all over the country.


2nd Officer
Just popping in to say Good Morning!
Mowing day at Jane's, just the back yard, but it's big with lots of stuff to mow around. But the good part it doesn't get very high so it's not hard to mow

Pat, let me know how that pineapple cake turns out, Wilma had told me about it & it sounds like it would be something good to make for the pot luck

Dave, I will have to check out your Starbucks coffee choice, I usually buy the Sumatra when I buy starbucks

Kathie, smart move wearing your mask today, but how can you sing with it on? $8 for a malt? Don't blame you for leaving, you can buy a half gal of ice cream for that, if they still made half gallons

Lee, hope all is going well with you, Mr Man of few words. How was the bookstore program?

Nancy, you have been packing& planning for this trip for ages, hope it is a wonderful trip for all of you!

Time to get myself moving I'm stopping by Burger King to pick up a couple breakfast croissants for Jane& I

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning & happy Saturday, everyone! Another beautiful morning here with a cloudless sky.

Dave - Breyers chocolate chip mint is one of my favorites too. Unfortunately no one else around here seems to like it.
I believe the Artamis launch is scheduled for around 2 this afternoon. If we're lucky, we'll be able to watch it go up from out on our lanai. Just hope we don't have clouds move in or we won't see anything.
That Camp Lejune suit really has brought out the ambulance chasers! Their commercials are constantly on all the TV stations. They also advertise on the computer too. You just can't get away from them. There must be mucho money to be made by the lawyers on this case!

Karen - How nice that you're stopping at Burger King for breakfast for you and Jane. At least it's not too hot yet to be mowing this morning, but still drink lots of water. I will definitely let you know how the cake tastes. I know it smelled so good when it came out of the oven.

Kathie - I don't blame you for wearing a mask today to sing at the wedding. You just can't be too safe these days. Bert is often one of very few people wearing a mask when he goes into any place. He's really good at remembering to put the mask on.

Got a few things to take care of this morning before anyone gets here. I want to be able to relax and enjoy this family time! Better get started, as I'm sure they will start arriving with the hour.

Have a wonderful day and do something fun!



2nd Officer
Good morning. No real plans for today other than watching NASCAR, but that does not start until 12:30.

I have been concerned about the weight of our luggage and so I made sure yesterday that all checked bags could be up to 50 pounds, so I have changed the third suitcase for the last time to a larger one. Now all 3 are in the low to mid 40 pound range so I am now a happy person. I found out late this morning that the hotel we are staying at does have a free shuttle to/from the airport so I got the info on what to do, so have canceled the van i had booked, so saving some money there.
Also found that the hotel has two Asian restaurants so we will eat at at least one, for a dinner.

Bruce had bought at Sitting Scarecrow to take to Jennifer's for them to us on Halloween, so today we folded it up and put it back in the box to take next week. One problem we had was how to take the pole out of it. Bruce called the number he had and they gave us instructions. It senses when someone is getting close and lifts the head and screams. Max will like it.

We are getting excited about Alaska. Last evening Jennifer called and when Bruce was talking with her he said "Maybe we should cancel" of course he was joking. He was saying how much he has done for the cruise, when I am the one that has done everything and he of course knows it. All he has to do is pick out what shoes to wear and what pair to take, which I pack and also to make sure he has what he needs in his toiletry bag, which again I will pack.

He wants me to ask a neighbor to water our plant at least once while we are gone. So I will do that Tuesday.

I have added Vancouver weather to my Yahoo Home page and have seen that the weather will be 70 when we arrive on Friday and also for Saturday but Sunday only 64. I also added Juneau and the temps they are showing will only be 60 as the highest with mainly mid to high 50's.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Enjoy your time in Vancouver, Nancy. It is one our favorite Canadian cities and it has a lot to see, including Stanley Park, Gastown, China Town and Canada Place, Capilano Suspension Bridge, and any number of very good restaurants. A Hop on Hop Off bus tour will take you to many of them. After one of our cruises we stayed for a couple of days and took a one day trip to Whistler which was fun. I am sure that you, as Floridians, may find those temperatures more than a bit cool, but we, hardy New Englanders, would just consider them invigorating. LOL
Got our suitcases out, but haven't started to pack them yet for our cruises that embark in two more weeks. Since we are sailing out of and back to Boston, we needn't worry about weight restrictions but will still try to limit what we take and rely on the ship's laundry service to get us through two weeks of cruising.
The other side of our street and nearby side streets have been done and it appears that they did a very good job. When they were doing one side of the roads everyone had to drive on the other side going in either direction, so if you were on the road and another car was coming the other way, one car would have to pull into someone's driveway until the other car passed. Only happened to us once but now that both sides of the street have been done, things will revert to normal.
College football season starts and BC has its first ACC match today. Seems like a perfect afternoon for football. Wish them luck.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening.
No, I don’t for the life of me know where the days go. Lu-Ann and I went for a 2 1/2 km walk when we got up, got the pups out for their walk (as Kathie suggested), had breakfast, I did 35 minutes on the bike…I’m weary just reading it. We got an invite to Jim and Gail’s for a little dip in their pool we‘re home.
Vancouver really is a great city Bill. The HOHO bus is a super suggestion for Bruce and Nancy.
When we went to AK Nancy, it was about this same time of year. We found LOTS of bargains as the shops were all trying to clear out their stock because the season is rapidly coming to an end.
I see Artemis has been cancelled again Pat. I was thinking I could smell that cake from here! Enjoy your day.
Dave, I think that the derailleur is the little gizmo that helps move the chain to different gears on the rear axle on multiple speed bikes. How’s Jack doing?
Hopefully everything goes well at the wedding Kathie. You just stay safe and sing a little louder through your mask!
The talk about our Fort was really interesting Karen. A most interesting history. Good on ya for picking up those “crossandwiches” for you and Jane.
Seems the pups want to go out after their dinner.
You all have a great evening.


2nd Officer
Bill and Lee, would I be ale to take the wheelchair on the HOHO bus? Would it take us to museums?

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Just got through reading the book Jill gave me. "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo". It was a fast read and kept my interests. (By: Taylor Jenkins Reid) It's 1:00 a.m. Sunday Morning. I just had to finish it. My eyes were starting to cross, but I was determined.
Bill, I think it could be both a Girl or Boy book to read.

Dave: Lee nailed it on what a Derailleur is.

Lee: Is the neighbors pool heated? It's so big I was wondering. Hate to see his electric bill.

The wedding was very nice. The choir did a fantastic job. Lots of heads turning and looking upward in the loft. And I have NO ISSUES with singing with a mask on!

Get this. I know I have posted pictures of our church and there were pictures of the HUGE
chandelier's hanging in various area above the pews. Well, during the week (last week) one of those HUGE babies decided to break loose and came crashing down in one section of the pews. :eek: Thank goodness there wasn't anything going on and people sitting around that area. They're still trying to figure out just what caused the huge chandelier to break loose. Inspectors working on an answer for the insurance company. Perhaps a church ghost or maybe a church mouse in the plaster was biting away at it. Hmmmm!

Our church picnic is on Sunday. It's at a rental park 3 miles from our house. If the weather is still nice we will go over to buy lunch and support the cause. There are 2 other Serbian Orthodox churches doing this picnic with us. It's a first to get us all together.

I must say if you RE-PACK those suitcases one more time I think we'll be sending you to a "shrink". You just can't keep over-thinking this vacation girl.

Okay, off to bed. You all have a good day tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
Just got through reading the book Jill gave me. "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo". It was a fast read and kept my interests. (By: Taylor Jenkins Reid) It's 1:00 a.m. Sunday Morning. I just had to finish it. My eyes were starting to cross, but I was determined.
Bill, I think it could be both a Girl or Boy book to read.

Dave: Lee nailed it on what a Derailleur is.

Lee: Is the neighbors pool heated? It's so big I was wondering. Hate to see his electric bill.

The wedding was very nice. The choir did a fantastic job. Lots of heads turning and looking upward in the loft. And I have NO ISSUES with singing with a mask on!

Get this. I know I have posted pictures of our church and there were pictures of the HUGE
chandelier's hanging in various area above the pews. Well, during the week (last week) one of those HUGE babies decided to break loose and came crashing down in one section of the pews. :eek: Thank goodness there wasn't anything going on and people sitting around that area. They're still trying to figure out just what caused the huge chandelier to break loose. Inspectors working on an answer for the insurance company. Perhaps a church ghost or maybe a church mouse in the plaster was biting away at it. Hmmmm!

Our church picnic is on Sunday. It's at a rental park 3 miles from our house. If the weather is still nice we will go over to buy lunch and support the cause. There are 2 other Serbian Orthodox churches doing this picnic with us. It's a first to get us all together.

I must say if you RE-PACK those suitcases one more time I think we'll be sending you to a "shrink" for consulting! LOL You just can't keep over-thinking this vacation girl. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Okay, off to bed. You all have a good day tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, Bunnies!

Not feeling too gabby this morning.

But have enjoyed reading all your posts about what you've been up to.

Phooey that the NASA launch was cancelled again. Sounds like it's headed back to the "garage" for repairs this time.

Had a nice surprise yesterday. Got a call from Walley World letting me know that my new glasses were in. Initially I was told that they wouldn't be in till Wednesday. Much, much clearer vision now.

Another nice development was THE Ohio State Buckeyes won their game last night. 21-10. And to show you how nuts Ohio is about football; Over 100,000 people filled the "Shoe" to watch the win. The Shoe is the name of the stadium at THE Ohio State.

Stay safe and TRY to be good, Wabbits.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Pat, how was the BBQ yesterday? With all the food you had planed hopefully you have leftovers to munch on for a few days. And how was the pineapple cake?

Lee, I'm with you, most days it seems like I no more get up & get the day started and next thing I know it's evening again. Glad you enjoyed the program at the bookstore.

Kathie, wow, that was a really close call on that chandelier falling. I bet they will be checking out all the other's in the building to make sure they are secure!

Dave, isn't it nice when something actually arrives ahead of schedule? Glad the new glasses are working out for you.

Bill, sounds like the company who did your community roads had a pretty good plan for getting done & getting out of there. We have a fund going here for the repaving of our roads in a few years, not looking forward to that as Southern contractors are not interested in finishing anything in a timely manner!

Got up & out earlier today to weed one of the neighbors yards, she had called me last week from where she was staying up north & asked me if I would clean out her flower beds for her. She said there was no rush, she wouldn't be home till the middle of Sept. while I was there finishing up one of the other neighbors came by & said Peggy would be so happy to see her clean flower beds again & that she was on her way home & will be here in about 4 hours, sure glad I didn't put off doing it till next week.
Now I think it's time for another cup of coffee & some breakfast. Probably have some pool time this afternoon. Tomorrow my sister's are coming over for a cook out & pool time. Just burgers on the grill but I haven't had the grill on all summer, it was time.