Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
The weekend is over, and we're off to another week.

Welcome back NASA! I'm getting tired of only hearing about these privately owned rocket companies owned by goofy billionaires.

This morning's launch window closes at 10:30. I sure hope they get this "candle" lit and off the ground by then. If not, it may have to wait till Friday. It sure is a giant monster of a rocket. Although there won't be any humans on this flight, they will have dummies in the seats. That just hits me as funny.

Jack is not going to have a fun day. He's got to be at the Vet's at 8 to be "fixed", and have a chip put in. About mid-day we'll get a call to pick him up. Fuzzbutt will probably spend half the morning looking for her brother.

Quite a barbeque you've got planned BB. With only 78 rings, Bert is still a young lad. And don't be giving him too much of a hard time on his TV program choices. Otherwise.......I'll start pontificating about how anal HGTV viewers are.

Thanks for putting in a good word for us with "The Big Guy", K2. Either I've forgotten or you haven't told us what the reason is for your dietary restrictions. And what's so special about Wednesday? What's your goal here?

A Tiki Bar sounds cool!

My taste testing of different coffees continues. Starting today it'll be Starbucks' breakfast blend for a week. So far, the difference in various brands is only subtle.

Good morning to all the rest of you Bunnies!



2nd Officer
Good morning. Well today's launch has been scrubbed. No real plans for me today other than doing some laundry.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Summer GIF by Yevbel
Another beautiful day on tap here .... AFTER THE RAIN .....the weather folks are predicting. 77 degrees right now and going to drop during the rain and get back up to 88F this afternoon. Works for me. I don't have to water my plants. :clap002:

DAVE: All the best to Jack on his "Snipping surgery"! Ouch for him.

Dave: Can I say I'm having a COLONOSCOPY on Wed morning! :eek: Serious Prep starts Tuesday!
diarrhea GIF

Made a cup of Mango-Ginger Tea this morning. What a nice change from coffee.

Nasa Logo GIF by NASA
Loop Text GIF by xponentialdesign
Hopefully, FRIDAY will be a go!

Out of here for now. I really need to try and start that book Jill gave me.
LATER GANG..... have a swell day!:emoticon 0115 inlove:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! I was up bright & early this morning, got dressed and was ready to head out to the lanai to watch the launch. So much for my best made plans! Now I can do it all over again on Friday in the hope that Artemis will launch then.

Got an appointment this morning to go pick out frames for my glasses that I will only need to use, if my eyes are tired. This is one of those things I hate to do. I can never find frames that I particularly like, except the eye doctor I used to go to in Ocala. His staff helped you to find that "perfect" frame. Of course, the glasses & frames had the perfectly high price to match !!! Bert is getting his eyes examined. He hasn't had that dome in over 5 years, so it definitely is time.

Kathie - Enjoy your diet for the next few days. I'm not a fan of any of those jello flavors. Just got a recipe that uses different flavors of jello with grapes that you dip in the jello powder and then freeze. Super easy and I think the kids will love them.

Dave - Don't you go picking on people who watch HGTV. That's a great station, if you like to watch people tear down walls. What a great way to take out your frustrations! Good luck to Jack today. I'm sure he'll get to wear a "cone of shame" for a few days too, unless they've changed things now.

Nancy - Have fun doing laundry today! That's such a boring job and you have to keep washing the same clothes over and over. LOL

Time to get ready to head for the eye doctor's office. Be back later. Have a good day, gang!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer

Not only CAN you say colonoscopy, Kathie, you DID! And again I would be remiss if I didn't share Bowser and Blue's tune... I can't seem to get Tony and any number of his lines out of my mind.
I was sorry to see that the launch was scrubbed too. Bummer.
HGTV. Some would ask "Why". What ever happened to Bob Villa and This Old House on PBS.
Save Jack a spot in the soprano section of the "Boy Dog Choir" Dave. I hear that they are a cut above the rest. Perhaps you can record his post surgery bark and share a "snippet".
Ya, maybe it's the weather but I've really got nothin' today. It felt like 91F at 6:00 this morning. Slightly cooler by The River.
Tomorrow I get a Transthoracic Echocardiogram followed by a Holter Monitor to wear for the following three days. the last time I had one of those I went straight to the hospital, did not pass go and, well, you all know the rest.
Games day this afternoon.
You fine folks all have a super day!


2nd Officer
Lee, hopefully you will have better results with the next round of testing, although the fact that you are still with us is a pretty good thing too, which if not for the test you might not have been!

Kathie, good luck prepping for your test, that is the main reason I avoid having one done. Had it years ago & swore never again. I do the colagard & so far no problems

Dave, poor Jack, all this time & he never realized he was "broken" till his owner sent him to be fixed...Bummer about the launch being scrubbed the VP had flown in for it & everything

Pat, I'm with you on picking out eye glass frames, they either don't have any I like or if I do like them they require a 2nd mortgage to buy them. The last pair of glassed I bought I ended up going online for, I like that I can upload a pic of myself & actually be able to see how they will look instead of my blind self trying to see in a store.

Bill, did Rita by chance get her Yahoo account hacked? I just got 2 emails from her asking if I shopped Amazon? I didn't reply, thought it would be best to check here with you first

Did some more organizing in my garage yesterday, brought in all my little containers of left over screws & sorted thru them again trying to get somewhat of the same size/type in each container. Then in the afternoon got some pool time in with my sisters.
This morning was mowing day at Jane's, just the front yard. Then she fixed a yummy breakfast casserole, canadian bacon, scrambled eggs, & cheese with a layer of biscuts on top.MMMMM, good, I even had 2 helpings of it.
We got a major storm here last night, it had been rumbling off & on for a couple hours & then around 10 the skies just opened up! It was thundering & lightning so bad I brought the kitty's into the bedroom with me in case we ended up under a tornado warning. This morning my back porch area was flooded, the rain had blown in from the south & soaked the floor & my rug good. Just glad I don't have to worry about the house flooding like at the old place. Now I'm going to go chill for a while before I decide whether to tackle some more of the garage or not. Got an email this morning my 2nd shelf from Walmart will be here Wed. so I am eager to get that put together and finally be about done. Later gang!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Told you I would be back!

Lee - Good luck with those tests you have to have. Hopefully, all will come out good and you won't be scaring us with you making a trip to the hospital.

Karen - We got a bad storm last night also. Lots of rain, light flashes and booms. Only good part was that for a change, I didn't lost DISH Network and we could watch TV all evening. Nice breakfast your sister made for you. Around here, there's no such thing as breakfast any longer. By the time Bert shows up in the kitchen, it's close to lunchtime! That was one good thing when the other families were staying with us. You could at lest guarantee a big breakfast on weekends. I miss that!

So our trip to the eye doctor for Bert & glasses for me. Big sign on window 2 PAIRS OF GLASSES FOR $79.00! Like that didn't happen. I had the assistant help me pick out my frame. He chose an assortment of what I wanted. He then also helped Bert pick his new frames. Before we were finished, it cost just about $900.00!!!!! We both chose the package with non-glare and non-scratch plus a few other things. I'm sure this will be the last pair of glasses I buy, as I don't even have to use them all the time. Bert also gets a number of years out of his glasses also, so we figured what the heck - get what we wanted.

Tonight is leftover night. Either salmon that I made the other day or some of the chicken we got at Sam's today and fettucine alfredo with veggies in it. I'm getting hungry already!!

Looks like it's our turn to get a storm. It's starting to rumble outside. Have a good evening, everyone, and you gals in Florida, stay dry!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Karen and Pat. I do plan to spend the evening studying. ;)
I too was checking to see if Rita may have been hacked. We got the same two emails!
We’re under a thunderstorm warning here too!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I forgot to mention that I heard from Rita. Yes, she was hacked, so don't sent any Amazon e-cards to the email address that showed.

I had the same kind of deal come up the other day. A phone call from a supposed health care company checking to see if I had gotten the NEW plastic medicare card. He was very insistent that I check. Well I checked and told him it was paper and not plastic. He said that in order to verify this, he needed my medicare number. I told him Hell no in no uncertain terms and told him I was going to report his scheme to the police. He hung up!! There's always someone out there trying to rip you off! :mad: :mad: :mad:


Wacky Wabbit
Came in to close this computer down. We're just about to get a Doozer of a storm here. Lots of areas already reporting trees down. :eek:

Lee: I want you to know I listened to that entire song/video. Amazing how they can put things like that to music. Loved it.
Good luck with your monitor. Hate wearing those things.

BB: Goodness girl. Those were really expensive glasses that you don't even wear all the time. Best take real good care of them.

Karen: Good for you getting more done in your garage. Nice that you could get some pool time in yesterday.

And it's a real good thing that they say this is supposed to be my last Colonoscopy test. I'm already tired of this LIQUID boring diet. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile: Can't wait until this is over and done with.

Okay, I really need to close this down. It's getting darker around here.

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Let's see.......Jack is home wearing his cone of shame, the NASA rocket is still on the ground, and Rita has gotten hacked AGAIN. Sounds like a normal day here at the hutch.

Is this our current fad, getting our eyes checked? I go this morning to have mine tested. As for frames if I need a new prescription, I just have them put the new lenses in my old frames. These frames have been through about 3 or 4 lens changes.

GREAT song, Lee. Thanks.

I need to get a move on.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Time only for a quick post this morning. I am going to have what I call the home health "trifector" - 3 different people are coming today - nurse, physical therapist and occupational therapist. Oh, and in between their visits, I have to start a pot of corned beef & cabbage! After all that, it will definitely be time to drink!!

Dave - Good luck with your eye exam today. I didn't have any frames to put the lenses in, so I had to get new frames. Bert's frames are not very comfortable any longer and even after adjustments, slip down on his nose. You're lucky you have frames that still work for you.

Kathie - I hope your storm wasn't too bad after all. I know here there are a lot of times we think we're going to get a bad one and suddenly POOF! it's gone around us. I swear Lake Toho has something to do with how storms move through this area. It works for us.

Better get a move on. Nurse will be here shortly to get this show on the road. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF by Demic
Our STORM last night was little to nothing. MORE WIND and leaves being ripped off the Maple tree and flying around the yard and deck. Grass looks like a mess from the leaves all over it. Some areas further away from us had trees falling and flooding. We missed it "Thank Goodness"!

Just got a call from the Dr's office asking if I would be able to show up EARLIER for my procedure tomorrow. HECK YEAH! Now I am to be there at 7:30 am with an 8:00 am start time. Works for me.

Today will be total clear liquid diet. Ginger Ale (thank goodness I love our Vernor's Ginger Ale), Chicken broth (no noodles) and of course my saving grace... JELLO! Oh, and I can have plain black coffee, tea and water. Should be a fun day over here!
If you need to reach me after 4:00pm I'll have my cell phone & iPad with me YOU KNOW WHERE! :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:
toilet paper lol GIF by xxiyaa

BB: I see you just popped on. Good luck with all 3 of your visitors. I can't even imagine all the paperwork you get in the mail from these visits.

Speaking of paperwork....I need to pay some bills on this computer right about now.

Lee: Hope your Transthoracic Echocardiogram followed by a Holter Monitor goes well for you today. And we expect to hear from you to make sure you were able to go STRAIGHT HOME this time. ;)

Karen: Hope you get all 'screws and nuts' lined up and in order. Nice you're getting your garage all straightened out before it gets cold in your area.

Okay, the rest of you Wrabbits have a good day. And I'd advise you to not use the smaller bathroom in the hutch today. I have it
reserviced until Wednesday morning! :eek::rolleyes: And if you see me hopping down the hall please get out of my way! :oops:



2nd Officer
Good morning.

Well Bruce survived the sleep study last night. He took a sleep mask but because they tried three different breathing masks on him he could not use the sleep mask. And he is not sure how much sleep he really got. But it is over.

Hard to believe that we have just over a week we leave for Vancouver. This weekend the ship we will be on had a major problem in Vancouver, the company that runs the terminal and the refueling went on strike after doing the refueling and loading everyone on board and they would not move the barge from the ship so the ship had to stay in port overnight. IT was taken care of yesterday and the ship left just before 1. The Captain said he thinks all will be okay. I just hope there are nor more problems with either next Sunday's cruise or our cruise.

K2 I don't think I could do the
colonoscopy due to me having problems with going under and my Oxygen level dropping so much, so home testing is enough for me. Have done that for 5 years so am not having to do again right now.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
As most of you are already aware, Rita's email account was hacked and has taken the necessary steps to correct the situation. It is just such a pain and between that and all the robocalls I continually get despite being on no call lists
I sometimes wonder about the price we are paying for all the so-called technological improvements we have now that we didn't in the past.
Cribbage concludes tonight but it appears that only the team that won the first half and the team that won the second half will actually be playing tonight while the rest of us gorge on pizza and Caesar salad and wait for the prize money to be distributed. To say that this has been pretty poorly organized is an understatement but we did enjoy playing and it was something to do over the summer.
Still trying to find a place in Florida to spend the winter months but having little or no luck.
The road work in the neighborhood is due to begin later this week, depending on the weather, and it appears that our street will be among the first to be done so, hopefully any disruption will be minimal.
K2, let me know your opinion of that book you are reading. It is on the latest list of best sellers but the brief description of it didn't make it seem to be something that I might enjoy. Always looking for something new to read though. A distinct advantage to reading on my Kindle is that I can adjust the font size so I don't have to deal with the small print you mentioned. I do find it frustrating to get a message from Amazon touting a new book by an author that I like and when I click on the link, it turns out that they want me to pre-order a book that will be delivered to my Kindle next January or February.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
My home health trifector is now complete! The PT and OT really knocked me out. Now I'm waiting for Bert to get home from Publix so we can get this corned beef and cabbage started. We definitely will be eating late tonight!!

Now I think I've earned a glass of wine while I wait for Bert to get here!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Tell Bert to take his time getting there Momma Bunny. I’m glad that you managed the trifecta today. I do imagine that would wear one out.
And with that, yes I’m home. No side trips to the hospitals. Monitor firmly glued to my upper left chest. For three days this time. A different monitor. Much more compact and it doesn’t have 7 wires. One from the contact on the side of my chest to the box and that’s it.
Poor Jack. Anytime our pups had to wear one it did it’s job but sure threw off their ability to know how wide their head and neck had become.
We had a terrible storm last evening Kathie. Very high winds and heavy rain. Our neighbours in town lost power so we invited them to our place. Too danged hot to sit it a house. They decided to wait a bit and power was back on in about an hour. Lots of limbs and leaves down in The Navy Yard this morning too. I guess I’m weird, but you all knew that. I stay awake for my colonoscopy. I find it fascinating that I’m able to watch the procedure in “real time”. Hugs comin’ your way for tomorrow.
I have to say that had it not been for Sunshine’s kindness we likely wouldn’t be heading to FL this winter Bill. The traffic already makes our decision marginal and everyone we know has encountered ridiculous rates for 2023. She has held the same rate for us that we paid pre pandemic.
Yes, Sunshine is really her name and she is an amazing person. I have attached an article, a longer read, about what she endured as a member of the Pan Am Flight 73 crew. I can’t even begin to imagine…
Nancy, our travel industry is a mess right now. I do sincerely hope that all of this nonsense straightens itself out shortly and your trip is nothing but smooth sailing. I hope Bruce gets good results from his sleep study.
It was back in the early 70‘s that a young Barry Manilow wrote the State Farm jingle Karen. I wonder if he’d redo it and replace ”neighbour” with “Karen”.
Time to consider dinner. But first I think I should join Pat and Lu-Ann in a glass of wine. Anyone else care to join us?
Be good everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Good to know you're all wired up and you are also HOME. Hope the test proves that you are healthy!
Lee.... I just got back from a quick trip to a Chinese Restaurant to get some Won Ton soup. I'm sick of Chicken soup already. I will only eat the clear soup. I gave the lovely looking Won Tons to Art to have. It's going to be a long night. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile: I'm starving right now.
On the trip to the restaurant I passed way too many trees that were UPROOTED. A few were on top of houses. It was like a WAR ZONE. The main street, 22 Mile Rd, was clear, but the houses facing the street were a mess. I really feel bad for all those folks. It looked like a tornado skipped right down 22 Mile and hit and missed at places. The news did say the winds were at 70mph and above. I won't be complaining about the few leaves on our deck and lawn after seeing all that devastation.

Nancy: Sure hope that the ship you will be on next week is in perfect working order. Glad to hear that Bruce made it through the sleep test. I wonder about those tests. I bet they'll say he needs a C-CAP or whatever you call those things.

BB: Corned beef sounds good, but I think I'd go slow with cooking it and have something else tonight.

Off to drink some of the MiraLAX concoction. And so it starts...........YIKES!!

Doctor Diet GIF by nerdbugs


2nd Officer
Good evening. I am not concerned with the condition of the ship, it will be fine, just hoping that the seaside company is all done with their striking.

Fixed goulash for dinner and have some of the left overs in the freezer and a bag in the fridge.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Thinking about you as you head for your test Kathie. Your county was on our news last night. They had footage of all of the trees and damage you mentioned from the storm. You just can’t mess with Mother Nature!
Didn't have a great night’s sleep. No doubt from the box glued on my chest.
Hope all of you have a fantastic day. I’ll pop back later on after we’ve all had a chance to wash our faces, brush our teeth and have a coffee!