Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Happy You Can Do It GIF by Hello All
That's Art tomorrow going up those hills!

Getting ready for my brother and sister-in-law to come over for lunch. Sure glad I made the Sloppy Joe mix yesterday. Nice not to have to rush.

Dave: If you click on Lee's new picture a few times it makes it bigger. I'd say they were at Disney! Great picture.... great people! Heck, we're all great people.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning this beautiful hump day! Not a lot happening here today, so things are going to get done slowly. Home health comes this afternoon for therapy, but not until close to 5. Good thing I'm making a very easy pot roast & veggies in the slow cooker, keeping with my slow day theme!!

Karen - You definitely are a bundle of energy weeding 2 houses and then going back to spray those tiny weeds. You really did earn a a glass of wine after all that. Sorry it rained by you and kept the number of people down for the supper. That's a bummer.

Kathie - Enjoy your lunch today. I bet they'll love to new kitchen, even if there are still a few missing pieces.

Lee - Sounds like an easy trip to another country that you took the other day. I can't remember the last time we went to Trader Joe's. It definitely was before the pandemic. I always love to go there, as they have such interesting things. Biggest problem is that it's in Orlando and unless we bring a cooler, the frozen stuff will have turned to mush before we could get it home. These days I have to settle for Aldi's instead. When I can convince Bert to go there, that is.

Nancy - You have got to be just about ready by now with all your packing and repacking. How's Bruce's cut hand doing? Just watch that it doesn't get infected.

Dave - Good luck with your visit to the vascular surgeon this morning. I don't see mine again for another 5 weeks. He wants to see how my leg wounds are doing. I think he will be surprised due to the care my resident nurse is taking care of them. Almost healed is the best way to describe what they look like! I will be so glad when I don't need to wear these compression socks and can let my legs look like legs again.

As I said before, there's not a lot going on here today. I'll have Bert get out the slow cooker in a little while, as well as all the veggies I need to cut up to go in with the meal. I like to let the veggies warm up a bit before I prepare them. Otherwise my fingers get numb from the cold. I'll also use a crock pot liner, so clean up after dinner will be a breeze.

Time for a cup of coffee. I haven't had any yet today, so before I go into caffeine withdrawal, I need to feed my mouth. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Bruce's hand is doing good. In stead of regular bandages we used Liquid Bandage and it worked real good.

Bruce's appt with the Dr for this Friday has been cancelled and changed to just after we get back from Alaska since he is doing the second sleep study. I got him eye mask to wear and he will take his sound machine and ear plugs. So hopefully this time he will sleep.


Wacky Wabbit
BB: I'm convinced that the voters in Florida are nuts. I just saw that GAETZ won the primary at 69.71% of the votes. The guy is a major loser. What's the heck is going on in your state?
Of course, I may add that my state isn't any better when it comes to politicians.

100% of precincts reporting
Percent of vote
Matt Gaetz

69.71 %

Mark Lombardo

24.43 %

Greg Merk

5.86 %

Going to be a HOT one here today. Nice of our lawn man, Eddie, to get here early. :clap002:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - Don't blame me for Matt Gaetz winning his primary once again. He's from an area that is as red as blood. I don't understand why he has not been charged yet. Oh wait, he's a republican and they can gt away with murder. :mad: It really is frustrating to not see anything being done to charge him with what he did!!


Chief Security Officer
You could be right,Lee, about the internet not tracking my posts and sending me targeted ads. If they did, I certainly wouldn't have received today's offer suggesting that I purchase the special "Donald Trump" coin for the fabulous price of $24.97 or some such price.
Glad to hear that Bruce's hand injury is healing. Rita has a similar situation and somehow suffered a cut on her leg the other day when we were at Lisa's pool. When she got out of bed this morning, she noted that it was bleeding again. She, too, takes Eliquis and has frequent bleeding problems when she even slightly bruises an arm or leg.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening Bunnies.
A quiet day here too. This afternoon we had a PD meeting in Windsor. The group is really looking to find its way. It’s tough with people of all ages and stages with different needs in the same room trying to relate. But such is PD.
I’m not sure when I changed up the picture Dave. It was taken in Pandora (from the Avatar movie) at Disney. It really is a spectacular interpretation of the mythical world created for the movie. How’d you make out at the surgeons office?
We were in Grosse Pointe Kathie. I think that Grosse Pointe Woods is a few minutes further north. It looks really nice! Seeing it I wish we’d headed there. Yes, The Masquerade Ball is WAYYY to rich for us too. Plus we would have to add exchange and likely a hotel room.
Good for you getting things straightened about with the luggage Nancy. That liquid bandage stuff is pretty slick too.
That slow cooker meal dinner sounds like another good one from the kitchen of Momma Bunny.
Kitchen Cooking GIF by DrSquatch

Now I have to ask…is a crock pot and a slow cooker the same thing?
I suspect a crock pot is where the “Repubs“ put their promises and a slow cooker is someone who lacks speed in the kitchen.
How did you and Rita make out at cribbage this week Bill?
Hopefully you had a good night after a hard days work and an Aleve Karen.
St. Vincent de Paul is coming to pick up our old dining room table and chairs tomorrow. Between 9 and 4!! None of the other charities would pick it up and we weren’t about to make a couple of trips to deliver it.
Everyone have a wonderful evening and a TREMENDOUS Thursday.


Wacky Wabbit
Had a fantastic lunch with my brother and SIL. They loved the Sloppy Joe's and all the other stuff too. Loved the kitchen too. My brother said that Cindy will be bugging him for sure to do theirs. Ha Ha.
Put in an order for Peaches at the place we got the peach pie from. Went and picked up a 1/2 bushel of 2nd's. They might have a bruise here and there or are smaller than some others, but I'm telling you they LOOK REALLY GOOD TO US. Half of them were taken to Jill's house tonight. We sat out on their deck until the dang Mosquitos started to take over. Really a perfect night out there. NO wind, slight humidity and warm.

Lee: Next time you are in the Grosse Pointe area's (Woods or Shores) you really need to go straight EAST to Lakeshore Drive. You should also, while it's still warm out, go to the Etsel Ford property and tour it. Really nice.

Got a message from one of Art's best Biker friends.... Carolyn.... that she had Colon Surgery today. She said she was 7 months late on getting her colonoscopy and in late July found out she had a tumor the size of her thumb. She's as UPBEAT as they come and told us all to get the test done and she would even drive any of us to get it done and buy lunch afterwards. Her last test was 11 years ago, and she was good then. I get my test next Wednesday! :eek: Hope it turns out negative, especially after hearing Carolyns bad report. She has to wait to see what the next step will be after the pathology reports come back. ALWAYS SOMETHING FOLKS. Get your tests done.

Okay, I'm out of here for now.
Sleep Tight GIF by

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
There are so many places that we hope to explore as we become a little more comfortable with the directions of thing is Pure Michigan.
About 25% of the folks in the two grocery stores and only a couple of people in line at Panera Bread wearing masks. And those two at Panera were Lu-Ann and I. We just did our best to keep our distance and go about our business. There was on old guy (me) masked at Starbucks and a couple of the staff. One thing I will say is that everyone was very friendly.
tim hortons coffee GIF

Let me fill your tank Dave!

The dining set is up from the basement and in the garage awaiting pick up. They'll be here when they get here and not a moment before!
I suspect that I'll be back later on.
Enjoy your day.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Not much on my plate this morning to share with all you wonderful people.

I will comment about my dinner last night. I followed the direction to a "T" and when I took the meat out of the crock pot, it was still hard as a rock! I had never used a chuck roast before, but that was what was suggested. Lesson learned ... never again. I had to take the meat and gravy that had formed and put it in a dutch oven to cook for another hour. It did get softer, but nothing like in the video that went with the recipe. Bottom line was that the dinner did taste good, but that was a one and done recipe for sure. Worst part was that I had to use bullion cubes for the gravy and they made the gravy way too salty. Lesson learned!

And yes, a slow cooker & crock pot are the same thing.

Now it's time for coffee and to read the newspaper. Have a good one, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good morning Wrabbits! Time to clean this Hutch up a tad. I see dust bunnies here and there! :p
Dave we’ll give you a “pass” for your low gas tank. Just don’t make it a habit.
I’m on the deck totally enjoying the morning. So quiet. Temps are perfect and I’m still in my night-shirt! :D

BB: I don’t like chuck roasts because they never seem to get soft enough. I guess I could shorten the cooking time on a roast by putting it in the Pressure Cooker for awhile.
Tried to get a prescription refilled and it was denied by the Dr. Said I had to come in for a appointment. Well, that’s just fine…EXCEPT… the first opening is October 31st. So just what do you do when you only have 2 weeks of the meds left? They are sending off a message to the Dr to see what she has to say! They’re all nuts if you ask me. OCTOBER — geez!

Be back later….computer is about to run out of gas! Just like Dave.

Enjoy your day folks.
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Wacky Wabbit
Lee.......Too Funny! I thought I saw a something across the creek looking my way! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
The backyard is so quiet I could walk around naked and nobody would know it. Now think about that the REST OF THE DAY!
Tony.......stop laughing up there!

My brother brought over a Choc-Banana loaf cake for us. I must say it is absolutely delicious and MOIST as all get out. (I'm thinking there is a fair amount of oil in this recipe) I'll have to ask him for it.



Chief Security Officer
The results at cribbage last Tuesday night were much better than last week, Lee We ended up winning three of the five matches and got 5 points to our opponents' 3. Not exactly sure where we ended up. Next week it appears that only the team that won the first half and the team that won the second half will play. Considering how poorly the score sheets reflected the actual scores, the final standings may not actually reflect the true results but they are going to be what they are. I guess the rest of us will just show up for some pizza and drinks and to collect whatever prize money we get. The fellow who runs the cribbage matches, is the owner of the bowling alley and the lounge where we play, and I think his expertise is better suited for running a bowling alley and lounge than it is overseeing cribbage games. Our fellow players are all good players and the games have been fun but we may suggest a few changes to the format if we decide to play again next Summer.
Can't wait to hear what that doctor expects you to do in the meantime if (s)he can't see you until October, K2. Hopefully the prescription isn't something that is vitally important to your continued good health. I guess I am fortunate that my only issue with one of my doctors is the difficulty I sometimes have getting him to write 90 day prescriptions instead of 30 day ones.
Gas prices continue to drop locally and now are generally under $3 a gallon, still not great but certainly better than they were just a few weeks ago.
Sunny with temps in the mid to high 80s today, so it is a good day to be outside. So, on that note, I will bid all adieu and head out to enjoy this weather.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Had an appt this morning for the 15,000 mile check up on the SUV, all was well.

I may be driving a couple of ladies to the airport tomorrow as the guy they have picked may have too small of a vehicle. Will find out this afternoon.

Hard to believe that in two weeks we head to Tampa to go to Alaska.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: The med I'm waiting on isn't a life threatening one, but I still need it. Most of my doctors know that we go through Express Scripts and for us it's $5 bucks for 90 day supply. So I always make a point of ASKING them to make sure they electrotonically send in the order for 90 days. Just have to stay on top of things with the medical profession these days.
Come the first of the year our plan will be using a different Mail order pharmacy. I think it's actually still Express Scripts with a different name. Anyways, I need to make sure to have every one of my many prescriptions filled before the END OF THE YEAR to avoid a laps until all the information is transferred over to the new company. Crazy as crazy gets.

Glad you're still doing well with the Cribbage games.

It's a tad overcast over here right now. Not supposed to rain until later Friday. We'll see it that holds true or not. Temps are in the mid-80's and that's just fine with me.


Wacky Wabbit
News Date GIF by
Just got word that a 90day supply of the Med I'm soon to be out of has been ordered! And YES, I'll still keep the Oct 31st Dr's appt.

Might get some "showers" here later tonight. Good thing, since the Township placed a lawn sign at the front of our subdivision stating, "WATER RESTRICTION ON"!


2nd Officer
Good evening, once again time has gotten away from me before I found time to post.

Bill, lucky you having gas prices below $3 a gal. Ours made it down to about $3.29 last week but have now gone back up to $3.50 or higher. No doubt in anticipation of Labor Day weekend next week

Nancy, Big OUCH on Bruce's chain saw cut, sure glad it wasn't serious. I have a small electric chain saw & it has kicked back on me a time or 2, luckily I haven't gotten cut when it did.

Dave, we'll expect twice as much posting tomorrow since you took the day off today. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Good luck on the Dr. visit

Kathie, sounds like a nice visit with your brother, and you are right sloppy joes are always better the next day, or even the next day after that.

Lee, good to hear the border crossing went smoothly. You had asked if people could take carry out from the dinners, and the answer is YES! At one time they even had a stack of divided containers for people to use, now we just grab an extra paper plate if we want to take home some goodies.

Pat, bummer about the chuck roast not coming out good, I fix them from time to time & don't remember having a problem, but mine are usually very small 1-1/2 -2 lbs, so I'm sure they don't take as long in the crock pot as a larger one would.

Yesterday morning I went over & weeded my neighbor's flower bed, Joan is the lady whose husband had heart surgery last week. I noticed she had been putting out little boxes of pulled weeds for the lawn pick & decided to help her out. She had came over on monday to give me a cute little thank you gift for taking care of Victoria, bag clips for chips & stuff with cat heads on them
After that I did some errands & then spent a couple hours in the pool with my sisters.

Today was spent working in the garage. The other day I had ordered a set of metal shelving to replace the closet shelving that was always falling down. The rack came today so I got it put together & my totes with fall & Christmas decorations all set on it. I have another smaller rack on order that I am going to use to store my tools, nails, screws & small stuff like than instead of under the work bench, I'm getting tired on having to go down on my hands & knees to pull out a drill or a saw. I even ordered hooks for the wire rack to be able to hang things on. Over 5 yrs & I'm still getting organized here.


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