Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Reaction GIF
RISE and SHINE and enjoy the day Wrabbits!

Nancy good to know you've got everything all in order for your cruise. I hope once you get on the ship you can kick back and relax and enjoy it.

Karen: You DESERVE every penny that Wilma gave you. She saved a TON of money having you help her. Sure glad that job is done and over with and you can didn't sprain your back doing it. Take some time out for yourself.

Negc: Art had some kind of football on yesterday. I just couldn't get into it. Our A/C was on and it was just NOT FOOTBALL time yet as far as I was concerned. I did watch the BMW Golf game though. It was good. Amazing putts on some of those "not so good-looking greens"!

I managed to find some new 'light bulbs' for our bedroom bathroom. I just couldn't stand the ones that were in there. TOO BIGHT. They were called DAY-LIGHT color. Way too white looking. So back to Menards and bought some called SOFT WHITE. They are much better. Wish light bulbs were like they use to be for decades long ago.
These LED's cost too much and the light is just so strange looking.

Art is gone to get his Allergy shot. I'm about to grab a coffee and start shredding old papers. Only have a few boxes of that to do. :eek: :rolleyes:

Lee: I suppose your weather is just like ours. MUGGY, HUMID and OVERCAST. The sun is trying to come out, but it will only add to the humidity.

DAVE: Our grass is WAY TOO HIGH from all the rain we've had and humidity. Wednesday is our cut day and ED (the lawn man) will have his work cut out for him big time.

BB: Did you get that Mimosa??
happy hour cocktails GIF by London Dewey

Later gang. Be safe and enjoy the day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. This morning I finished up putting clothes in the compression bags, but am sure that both cases are over weight, but I came up with a solution, I have third smaller case that I can put some things in so will do that in a day or two, since I already paid to have a third checked bag.

Last night Bruce decided to have the leftover salad for dinner so I had left over pizza. So tonight I will fix beef tacos using the beef cubes I thawed yesterday instead of fixing stew.

For us our coffee is the least expensive K-Cups for Bruce, for me, I grind either Columbian or Wesley Farms Supreme and use my refillable K cup for one and then for now a Decaf K-Cup for my second cup for the morning and if I want a cup later in the day it will be decaf, and most of the time I make that one iced. For the cruise I will drink decaf only.

Canceled my MRI for now and
cancelled Bruce's sleep study and left a message for the nurse, so am waiting for a call back from her.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
FINALLY getting a chance to get on here. Where are all these hours going?

I see a theme spreading through many of y'all's recent posts - mimosas!! To answer the most burning question you all seem to have, YES, the birthday gal's daughter bought the bottle of bubbly and the orange juice for the 4 of us. It was our friend's 80th birthday. So we had 3 mimosas each! Life was good. The mimosas were the best part of the breakfast. The omelets were disgusting and the pancakes were so cool that butter wouldn't even melt on them! I think it will be a while before we go there for brunch again. It's inexpensive $12pp, but just not worth even that to us. Spent the rest of yesterday just taking it easy & enjoying being in the AC.

Karen - Nice that your neighbor gave you the $100. You sure earned it. Already you've got weeding jobs lined up. Don't you ever stop and let others take care of you once in a while?

Kathie - Sounds like Art got a decent haul from his Mustang visit. Our lawn is probably like yours right now. You can practically see the grass growing by the minute. I personally love watching football with the AC on. After all the hot afternoon and evenings we spent at Gator games, I'd much rather stay inside and have a cold beverage as far away as the refrigerator.

Nancy - I don't think this cruise can come fast enough for you. You put so much thought into it.

Lee - Nice that you leave Katie home once in a while. The old gal needs her rest!!

Dave - You got all this coffee talk going for sure. For the record we fill our own k-cups with either Kona or Jamaican coffee that Bert buys from a distributor online. Been buying from him for years now.

Took a ride to Old Town earlier. Most of you know where that it. We wanted to check out the "As seen on TV" store. For some reason, no one showed up to open it today. I was looking for a foot pedaler that one of the health care workers brought along the other day. He bought it at Good Will for $7.! It would be great to use under the table while I'm on the computer. Bert found one on ebay, but he doesn't want to pay $18. for postage. Can't blame him there.

Time now to go relax on my wonderful chair and read for a little while. I have a book that needs to go back to the library soon and I want to finish it first. Have a great rest of the day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Busy around here today. Being Monday it was games day but with the weather Kathie mentioned the pool was canceled and we hosted. I managed to get the front grass tidied up too!
We played a card game called Phase 10. A good game for 6 or 8 people.
I can’t figure out these new LED bulbs either Kathie. While I don’t find them too pricey the descriptions of the brightness, lumens and whatever never seem to give me the light I’m expecting.
Talkin’ smack before the NFL season even gets underway Bill! Way to go. ;)
So it looks like K-Cups or single serve packs are the favoured way to make coffee in the hutch. Pat wins the prize for using the best coffee! Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain are my two favourites by a long way. Problem being they both crazy expensive if you can even find them here.
Karen, you need to look at your calendar and mark at least a couple of days as “days off”. I hear we (Old Guy Contractors) may have a fence job coming up in a week or so.
Now Nancy, how do you compress the bags when it’s time to come home? Do they need a vacuum to draw the air out? I thought Kimi Raikkonen did a good job at The Glen until he got punted off and put into the wall.
Not sure what we have on tap for tomorrow. But we’ll make the best of it and I hope you all will too.


2nd Officer
Busy around here today. Being Monday it was games day but with the weather Kathie mentioned the pool was canceled and we hosted. I managed to get the front grass tidied up too!
We played a card game called Phase 10. A good game for 6 or 8 people.
I can’t figure out these new LED bulbs either Kathie. While I don’t find them too pricey the descriptions of the brightness, lumens and whatever never seem to give me the light I’m expecting.
Talkin’ smack before the NFL season even gets underway Bill! Way to go. ;)
So it looks like K-Cups or single serve packs are the favoured way to make coffee in the hutch. Pat wins the prize for using the best coffee! Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain are my two favourites by a long way. Problem being they both crazy expensive if you can even find them here.
Karen, you need to look at your calendar and mark at least a couple of days as “days off”. I hear we (Old Guy Contractors) may have a fence job coming up in a week or so.
Now Nancy, how do you compress the bags when it’s time to come home? Do they need a vacuum to draw the air out? I thought Kimi Raikkonen did a good job at The Glen until he got punted off and put into the wall.
Not sure what we have on tap for tomorrow. But we’ll make the best of it and I hope you all will too.
I bought bags from Magellan's that you roll up and the air comes out the one end. And yes Kimi did very good, in the top ten for awhile. On Saturday he was talking with some press and said one thing he really liked was how friendly everyone was and how fan and family friendly. It would be nice if he is able to race more next year.


2nd Officer
Hey gang, we've still got one third of summer still to go.

Good Tuesday morning!

"Maddow Monday" has come and gone. (Rachel Maddow is only on the air on Monday night's now.)

So pleased that your friend gave you $100 for assisting in painting her cabinets, KC. (Most likely you doing most of the work.) You deserve it. Imagine what a company would have charged her.

You mentioned a few days ago that you had finished 99 percent of your Christmas shopping. (I'll have you beaten later.) Well, we just started ours yesterday. Every year we receive this catalog of Christmas ornaments that can be personalized. And usually we get a Christmas tree ornament for every family that has everyone's name on it. Now that one family has over-breeded to 7 kids, and 2 adults it's hard to find an ornament that'll take that many names. But this year, that company has one that'll take 12 names. And so the shopping begins.

I know there is one out there.......But try as I might I can't come up with a funny line to go with yesterday's cartoon of the rooster pouring a cup of coffee. Put on your thinking caps, Bunnies.

Not much else to chat about, so have another cup of coffee or a glass or 2 or 3 of "orange juice".
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2nd Officer
Good morning.

Well yesterday when Bruce got home he asked how much we paid for the sleep study and so when I told him nothing he said he would do the second one, which I said I had cancelled. Well got a call from them later and it had not been cancelled so he is on for the second one next Monday. He then went outside and worked on trimming more of the oak tree in front and when he was almost done, trimming the last piece the chain saw slipped and cut him along his knuckles. Fortunately it shut off so they are just cuts not very deep and it is good that he is not on Coumadin anymore or we would have had to go to the ER, but with being on the Eliquis they bled but not horribly.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.
DAVE: You're slipping not being able to think up something clever for the Rooster Pouring the coffee that I posted yesterday. You need some "heavenly intervention" from Tony on that one! Ha Ha. But we still have Lee and Bill to come up with something. I knew it would test you boys a tad when I posted it! ;) :emoticon 0115 inlove: Nice Nat King Cole video. I'm already getting nervous about Summer slipping away on us. This week here in Michigan is going to be ABOVE AVERAGE TEMPS in the high 80's. Thanks goodness.

Nancy: OUCH on Bruce and his fingers getting cut. My stomach did a few butterflies reading about it. I'm on Eliquis and would have still bleed a ton if that was me. Make sure he keeps those fingers clean, so he doesn't get an infection. And HEAVY-DUTY RAW HIDE GLOVES are a must when using a chain saw. Hope they heal well for him.

I've taken myself OFF of Eliquis last week because I'm going for a Colonoscopy NEXT Wednesday. It's been 12 yrs since my last one and I wanted to make sure I don't have any issues with bleeding during the procedure. I bought all the prep stuff and I'm thinking I should lose at least 5 pounds after drinking all the "stuff" that is required. YUK!

My brother and SILaw, who live close by, will be coming over for a light lunch on Wednesday to see the kitchen results. Still waiting on some of those "lovely replacement cupboards and island panels and a new carpet in the eating area, but they'll get the idea from what is done.
I'm holding out on doing a video for you Wrabbits until it's done. So don't think I've forgotten you guys.

I'm going to make easy going Sloppy Joes, a tossed salad and we went to the local Peach orchard yesterday and picked up one of
their home-made Peach pies for dessert. That will save a lot of work. I'm telling you that there is NOTHING like a MICHIGAN PEACH for full flavor. We bought a small basket of them. I'm not freezing any this year because I still have some from last year in those wonderful Food-Saver vacuum bags in the freezer.
4 things that are just PURE MICHIGAN..... Peaches, Corn, Tomatoes and Cantaloupe! WOW!
(And I know our Mama Bunny from Jersey will dispute some of these) Ha Ha :D

Out of here for now. Need to do some dusting and vacuuming around here. :eek:o_O Hey, somebody has to do it. I haven't won the lotto yet to hire that job out!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Another picture perfect morning here in the Sunshine State!

Nancy - I too got chills reading about Bruce getting cut using the chain saw. I used to cringe every time Bert used his when we lived in Ocala.

Lee - Your game sounds very interesting. Unfortunately, we couldn't come up with a group that size, even if we tried. :( Heck, I can't even get anyone to play BOOM Again these days.

Kathie - Sounds like a nice luncheon you have planned for your brother and SIL. And for the record, I will totally dispute your claim about corn & tomatoes. Ain't never seen anywhere make a big to do about PURE MICHIGAN corn & tomatoes, but you sure as heck see JERSEY corn & tomatoes advertised in all the high end stores when available. They draw their deep flavors from the rich black soil in NJ. Peaches are best from Georgia due to the minerals in the Georgia clay and dirt. I'll give you the cantaloupes though, as I've never really been into them. I know that in some areas here in Florida, they grow cantaloupes in between the orange trees.

Dave - Thanks for another trip down "memory lane" with that song. A perfect choice for right now. Of course, it will be summer here in Florida until at least the middle of October. Then we'll get Indian summer until mid to late December, at which time winter will move in until mid February when spring arrives here and the cycle starts all over again. I taped Rachael Maddow last night, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

I'm waiting for the nurse from Advent Health to get here. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and we need some more supplies. I'm also going to let him change the bandages on my legs. I'll let him earn his paycheck today. LOL

On that note, I'm out of here for now. Have a good, safe day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
We have the good fortune of having a local farm stand about a mile from us and so we have been enjoying their terrifically sweet and tender corn on the cob for several months now.
Speaking of k cups, I must have looked at an ad for them online at some point because all of a sudden I have been inundated with all sorts of ads from mail order companies offering to sell me all sorts of exotic brands at "bargain" prices.
That lack of rain I have been bemoaning ended yesterday with a day long deluge that provided a couple of inches, some of which I hope actually got into the ground before being swept away in the storm drains and sewers. Nothing as serious as the flooding in Texas and other locales, but perhaps enough to do a bit of greening up of the local lawns.
My son-in-law Jason and I have a fantasy football team and the draft is this weekend so I need to do some research to see if we can come up with the best candidates for our team. We have the first pick in the draft which is an indicator of how poorly we did last season.
Have a good day everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
NOT BAD DAVE! Got you to use some of those BRAIN CELLS that haven't been used in awhile! :clap002:

Washed the kitchen floor, changed the sheets on our bed. Washed and put them out on the deck rail to dry. And that didn't take long at all. Vacuumed the kitchen rug and family room carpet.
Now it's time to chop up some onions and green pepper and get this Sloppy Joe mixture cooking. It's always better when you make it a day ahead of time.

BB: I'll let you wallow in the fact that JERSERY Corn & Tomatoes are good. I'll just leave it at that! :emoticon 0115 inlove:
Happy Food GIF by Subway Sverige

Later gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another Pure Michigan day just across The River. Which is where we headed after walking the pups and having our breakfast this morning. I wanted my coffee so I didn’t head off to The US half cocked. We left the pups at home and headed to a very nice little village where I believe Kathie used to or does get her hair cut. Grosse Point. Why there? Well, we hadn’t arranged for anyone to check on Katie and Ava and the interweb suggested under an hour from The Burg to Kroger’s, Trader Joe’s and Panera all within a couple of blocks. No traffic in either direction at the border and we were there and home in a tad over 4 hours.
It was indeed a perfect day for that Nat King Cole tune Dave.
Thanks for the explanation about the compression bags Nancy. I’ve always been a fan of Kimi and hoped he would show well in a Cup Car. About Bruce’s mischief with the chain saw…OUCH!
You must be mistaken Bill. The interweb doesn’t track what you say or type to generate targeted ads!
I think we’ll be putting Boom Again back into the games day rotation soon Pat. It’s interesting when we play with Jim and Gail and get specific US political questions with them both being from The US. Even funnier when one of us “Canuks“ gets the answer and they don’t!
Now, to put an end to the which state has the best fruit and veg… it’s not a state at all. It’s right here in Southern Ontario.
I have to say that we found produce in both MI grocery stores today to be pricey! More in US dollars than we pay here in Canadian dollars (for better stuff - see above :D).
Time to get myself a beverage.
Have A wonderful day you fine people.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee & Lu-Ann: You actually came all the way to Grosse Pte Woods and didn't call us to meet up. YIKES! Well, I would have been around. Art bikes on Tues, Thurs and Saturday.
How was it coming over the border? Did you have to do anything special? Fill out any paperwork or that App ? Fill me in on the scoop!
You had a beautiful day. And were just BLOCKS away from Lakeshore Drive and the water. You could have taken Lakeshore Drive all the way to Downtown Detroit and then to the Tunnel entrance. Maybe, that's what you guys did! Hope so.

I made the Sloppy Joe mix for tomorrow. Art tested it and said it was really good.
Also, made a batch of Tomatillo Salsa. (It's green in case you've never heard of it) Really good.

My back is killing me from standing for so long in basically one spot.
cartoon network sleep GIF

Have a good evening friends. Out of here for now.
Good Night Sleeping GIF by Chippy the Dog


2nd Officer
Just stopping by to say good night from Belleview. I got Shirley's flower beds all weeded last night & her sister's too. Went back this morning with my weed killer spray to get some of the smaller stubborn weeds I couldn't get all pulled out.
Tonight was the community dinner at the clubhouse, Italian was the theme & there was plenty of food to choose from. Not as many people came as last time & for the 3rd month in a row it rained before, during & after the dinner, Not super hard, just enough to discourage people from coming out I think.
Time for an Aleve & sleepy time

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
We didn’t decide to go over until about this morning 8:30 Kathie. We reckoned that, according to Apple Maps, we could get to Kroger’s and Trader Joe’s on Kerchival Ave, have lunch at Panera and get back. I have to say we passed through a couple of “sketchy” areas on Cadieux and Jefferson but the village and homes in Grosse Pointe were beautiful!
We crossed into The US at The Ambassador Bridge. There was one car ahead at the booth. The US agent asked how Lu-Ann and I knew each other. Looking at our passports he then asked me Lu-Ann’s middle name. Then he asked her my birthday. When she said ”September 11, 1953“ he said “Ohhh”. I told him I celebrate my birthday for those we lost who can’t celebrate. He looked at me and said “Thank You for that”. He seemed genuinely touched by my response.
Coming home we went through The Tunnel. Again, one car ahead at Canadian Customs. I filled out the ArriveCan app this morning. Because our vaccination info was saved from when we came home from FL it was just a matter of putting in todays date and approximate arrival time. Our CBSA agent didn’t seem concerned at all that I had put The Bridge as our point of entry but we were at The Tunnel.
Now we’ve “dipped our toes in the water” we will have someone pop over to let the pups out so we can spend a little longer and meet up. On September 10 we have Doug and Brenda checking in on the pups because we are going to The Henry Hotel in Dearborn for a Team Fox Detroit Parkinson’s Seminar. Lu-Ann will finally get to meet Donna!

You just popped in Karen. Bummer about the rain again on your dinner night. Now put your feet up and have a nice glass of vino. Purely in keeping with the Italian themed evening. ;)
‘Nite folks.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Of course Kathie, you and Art would be more than welcome to pop across to see our little corner of the world.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Nice to know that ARRIVE CAN works. We'll definitively have to give it a try SOON.
Good that Lu-Ann and you are driving over for the Team Fox Detroit Seminar on PK. Donna is one FANTASTIC person. I just know Donna will be equally as thrilled to meet you both. And "The Henry Ford" is such a nice venue to have that seminar at. Wish I could go to the
October Masquerade Fund Raiser, but it's a tad out of my price range this year. Maybe, next year.
We'll have to make a sincere effort to meet up SOON with you folks. Promise.

Karen: You are one Special Neighbor going over and finishing up that weeding for the ladies. Bless you girl. Bummer that the rain kept some folks from the community dinner. Do they give out TAKE OUT BAGS when there's food leftover? ;)

I just took a Tylenol and hope it will take the edge off the sore back.

Goodness, that T-man is sure doing his best to TICK-OFF a lot of judges and officials with all his covering up of the 700 pcs of documents at his Mar-A-Lago home. The man just doesn't give a care on HOW he gets into the NEWS.... he just wants to make sure everyone 'remembers his name'! JERK.

Night ..... again! ;)


2nd Officer
Good Wednesday morning Bunnies!

Are you ladies having a food fight? FOOD FIGHT! FOOD FIGHT!

Sometimes I just don't pay attention as much as I should. So tell me Lee when did you changed the picture of you and your bride? I just noticed it yesterday.

Those pictures are so small that we can't often tell what's in the background. So what is it, and where is it?

Nothing much else to gab about. I've got a visit with my vascular surgeon this morning following a test on my circulation. I just love the way this guy does it. No having to come back later to find out what the results are. He's also the guy that cleared out a carotid artery in my neck, a while ago.

Sunny and lower 80's here today.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Yesterday I took 4 bags our of the suitcases and redid them and put them in a smaller third suitcase so not all three are under 50 pounds, Still have to put a pair of shoes in Bruce's and of course our toiletry bags. But we are set.

Just got a call the new wires for the hearing aids are in so will go get today.

All have a great day.