Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
KAREN: Thanks for the heads up on the code scam. I asked where the guy lived and looked him up on Facebook before I gave out my address. If it wasn't so heavy I would have met him someplace with Art with me. I hate having anybody even in my garage.

Sorry this paint job was such a huge project. Glad it's your LAST. Just don't tell your sisters how good it turned out or you'll be doing it again. :eek: :oops:

Good Nite all.
HAIR CUT DAY tomorrow morning.


2nd Officer
Good Thursday morning Bunnies!

So sorry to hear K2 that Jill and Ashley have tested positive for Covid. Just hoping that their symptoms stay mild. No telling who you are around is spewing that disease from their unmasked face.

But congratulations on finding a buyer for that microwave.

Thanks again KC for being so helpful to your friends and family.

Since we went grocery shopping at the big store yesterday, I got to have more fun snooping. I have fun just looking at things. It's amazing to me how many different products our average grocery stores have. I spend more time looking at stuff than actually shopping.

Gesh, just on that chocolate that people drip on their ice cream, there were 6 different kinds. And it's that time of year again; Pumpkin Spice flavoring in everything. Kathi was guilty of buying 3 products with that flavor. One of which is Oreo's.

Somebody had mentioned those new Blue-Bunny swirl cones. Saw those, but didn't get any. I already had 2 boxes of the Blue-Bunny chocolate mini cones on our list. Maybe next time, they looked good.

Speaking of ice cream; Just after we finished checking out our full cart of stuff, an older lady came in line behind us. The only thing she came to the grocery store for was 1 container of ice cream.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Was not feeling very good yesterday afternoon to the point that I went to bed very early. Things went better as to the hearing aids, they are ordering new wires as I really think they need to be longer. Am having a hard time getting the ends in the ears and am sure partly due to the wires not being long enough. I also got tips for my old aids, so I am set with them. And they will go in my carryon for the Alaska cruise. I know I will use them when we go on the whale watching excursion and probably a couple others.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Just a quick post from me to let you all know I am still alive. I've been having issues with the internet once again. Will be back after my doctor's appointment.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well, there you have it. Yesterday’s breakfast. Pancakes topped with caramelized apples, cinnamon and home made granola. Believe it or not that was Lu-Ann’s selection. We brought half home and had it for lunch. In our effort to not overdo it, we didn’t eat the dollops of whipped cream.
I sure hope that Jill and Ash have only a mild visit from Mr. Covid Kathie. Good for you selling the microwave. We too hate having people come to our home if we’re selling something. How did the hair cut go?
I see that the wallaby is still on the loose Dave. With any luck it will be tracked down and captured safe and sound. Whenever we travel to grocery stores so of “the 49th” we love to poke up and down the aisles. Who’d think that products could be so different from here to there!
Karen, knowing what a good person you are I’m guessing that you’d still be there to help a friend or neighbour with their cabinets. Has Victoria managed to settle back in at home?
Did all go well at The Doc’s Pat? We certainly are slaves to our internet connections, aren’t we. I imagine Missy got her tenacity from you? Good for her getting classes straightened around.
Seems the past couple of years our teams have met later in the season Bill. I’m guessing Josh will be rested for the playoffs in the second meeting. LOL! You may need to launch an official challenge to the whole cribbage season.
I‘m always amazed when a specialty business, like for your hearing aides, seems to have so much trouble getting things right Nancy. It’s not like you got them cheap at Costco, did you? :oops:
I have a whack of corn on the cob to husk and get ready for the grille. I’ll make a corn and tomato salsa with what‘s left. We got 12 cobs, along with some peppers, tomatoes a cucumber and onions at Carls Veggie Stand yesterday for $15!
You all stay safe, stay well and we’ll see you tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good evening. No I got the hearing aids at an ENT place and she really thought that she was ordering the correct size wire, oh well.

I have not felt very good the last day and now today I developed hives, on the bottom of my feet, they hurt, burn and itch. The only time they feel half way okay is when I am laying down.

SIL Mike is in the hospital, went to the ER last Friday/Saturday. He has Diverticulosis and it flared very bad. At first they thought he would be in for a couple of days but now tomorrow is the earliest he will go home, Jennifer posted a photo from this evening and he was eating some regular food, so that is good. Jennifer and Max go every evening to see him.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Hair cut was great. I looked much better walking out than when I walked in the salon! :clap002: :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Nancy: Sorry abut your SiL Mike and the diverticulosis. My hubby had that and it's a HORRIBLE PAIN. After he got over the first stay in the hospital and flair up the doctor told him "You're going to get better and NOT WANT THE SURGERY.... but you BETTER GET IT DONE". He got the surgery done and stayed in the hospital for over 7 days. He had pain like he never had before. He's been fine ever since he finally healed. Took out 18 inches of his intestines. Hope your SIL gets the surgery done to fix the weak spot.

Lee: That's one fantastic looking breakfast. Good going on not eating the Whip Cream! Like it would have made a big difference. Ha Ha.

Karen: How you doing tonight? Hope you think twice or three times before volunteering to do a job like painting cabinets again. Take care kiddo. :emoticon 0152 heart:

Dave: I love your grocery shopping stories. Good for you holding out on buying those new Blue-Bunny swirl cones!
And I don't think I've ever saw SO MUCH PUMPKIN stuff in stores so early. And Halloween stuff too. They even opened up one of those Costume warehouse stores in one of the strip malls by us. Crazy.

I asked Jill how she and Ash are doing and she said they feel fine. They plan on
testing Friday afternoon.

BB: That sure was a QUICK visit from Wesley. Did you drive all the way back to Texas or was he going elsewhere? I'm thinking that Grandpa or Grandma slipped him some FOLDING CASH before he left!
Cash Money GIF
:clap002::emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
And a good morning to each of you Bunnies.

It should be sunny and in the lower 80's here today in 99.5 percent Pure Ohio.

By this time tomorrow I'll have tried a coffee you've talked about for years, Lee. It'll be a first for me. Tim Hortons.

I've been experimenting with different coffees that I can just buy at the grocery store. The last one was McDonald's. Not bad, but way too expensive to drink on a daily basis. A full size can of Maxwell house is usually around 8 bucks. McDonald's is $18.

Neat picture of the breakfast, Lee. My first thought was, "That thing is probably loaded with calories". And my second thought was, "Ain't no way I could eat the whole thing".

I stand corrected on saying that the kangaroo is still loose around here. Seems that the critter is actually a Wallaby. Which is the smaller, economy version of a kangaroo. Hope it's still OK. It hasn't been sighted for a couple of days.

It was interesting to see the Buffoon's CFO of his businesses plead guilty in court yesterday. He'd better start ratting out the orange-guy or he'll get a lot of jail time. And at his age, even a short sentence could be a life sentence.

Looks like Cleveland's disgraced new quarterback, Deshaun Watson, is going to have to sit out most games this year, (11), and pay a 5 million dollar fine for trying to get frisky with his masseuses. Even to a dummy like me, that guy is nothing but trouble.

Watching Friday night, high school football will be done in shorts around here. That just doesn't seem right.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Figured I better post early and while I still have an internet connection. I don't know what or where the problem is. I'll lose the internet, but Bert will still have it. Crazy, huh?

Lee - Loved that breakfast picture. I'd be lucky if I could eat 1/4 of it!!

Dave - I thought I saw Tom Horton coffee advertised in one of the stores here the other day. So let us know what you think of it? I just had Bert buy some BOGO Klondike ice cream bars. After they're gone, I'll get him to look for the blue bunny swirl ones. I drool every time I see the commercial on TV.

Karen - So how much more is there to do on the cabinet painting? Don't volunteer for anything for a while, hard as that is for you to do. You need to take a break.

Kathie - Good to hear that Jill & Ashley are feeling better. We didn't get a chance to give Wesley any money before he started for home. Can't send him anything either, as we don't have his address. He is considering moving back to Florida, which I hope he does.

Nancy - Glad the hearing aid place is ordering new wires for you. I wonder how it's going to work now that you can get hearing aids almost anywhere.

Now for my weekly doctor report ... Vascular surgeon was Wednesday. Everything is healed and he doesn't want to see me for 6 weeks in the hope that the wounds on my legs will be healed by then. Yesterday was the wound doctor. Both legs are healing nicely. Best part was that regular doctor is on vacation this week, so he had a sub. He spent way more time with me and removed a lot of dried scabs that regular doctor never touched. It was a good visit. Today I have home visits from 2 different guys from home health. One of them really pushes me to go above and beyond what I normally can.

That's about all I've got for this morning. Have a wonderful Friday and stay safe!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Am feeling a bit better today but will stay low.

K2, Mike has a surgeon lined up but the Surgeon is so booked and wanted something before doing the surgery. Maybe now he will move it up. Am sure his surgery will look more like Max's than Michael's, they both had/have Hirschsprung disease is a birth defect in which some nerve cells are missing in the large intestine, so a child's intestine can't move stool and becomes blocked. Michaels it took a year or so to figure it out and he had his first surgery at 8 months and his 4th and final at 4 years. And from the surgeries he has a pretty big scar on his belly. Max's was discovered a week or so after birth and his surgery was at 3 months done orthoscopic so only 3 small scars.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Its Friday GIF by Chippy the Dog
Happy FRIDAY all you Wrabbit folks. It's going to be just PERFECT here in Michigan!

So, the DREAM CRUISE is going strong on Woodward right now. Eric & Mark are already there this morning meeting up with Mark's old college buddy. They've been going down for 2 days already to see all the cars driving down Woodward.
Art goes tomorrow (Sat) to his beloved MUSTAND ALLEY to see all the hundreds of beautiful Mustangs. As bad as his BACK is when walking he wouldn't miss it unless he had to crawl through the lanes. He'll have his triangle portable seat with him to take breaks on.

BB: Good to read that your legs are healing. This sure has taken a long, long time. Nice you got the Sub Doctor took his time with you. Makes a big difference.

Sorry, Wes got away before you guys could give him some traveling money. Sure was a long drive for such a short visit. Maybe he was scoping the area out for a possible return. Hope it all works out for him.

Not sure what I'm going to be up to today. It's so nice outside I hate to stay INSIDE cleaning up files and
shredding papers. I have a few more small boxes to go through, but they might have to wait until Sunday when it's supposed to rain in the afternoon.

You all behave and wear your MASKS when in crowds or inside tight areas. (Think
grocery stores.)

Later gang.


Wacky Wabbit
I had some guy say that he wanted our 8 x 10 oriental looking rug last night.
Said he'd have his son pick it up today.
I posted that I require CASH ONLY and SMALL BILLS.
He writes back that he really wanted the rug, but his son doesn't have a bank account where he could forward money for him to get to pay me in cash. Yeah right!! Ha Ha.
I write back: "Sorry I only take cash because of way too many SCAMMERS on these sites these days".
Never heard another word from him. Just another reason I don't trust giving out my address to anyone. Next time I will have to add that I would meet up at a local CVS parking lot. It's always busy at our CVS and safer than having someone come to the house. I will never let anyone INSIDE the house.

Okay.........out of here.


Wacky Wabbit
We ended up going for a drive to Lake St Clair by Port Huron.
I'll post a short video & pics later from my cell phone. (doesn't work from this big computer)

LEE: I felt so bad for those 24 wheeler trucks TRYING to go over the Blue Water Bridge. 1 hour wait. They were backed up the entire span of the bridge. :eek: I-94 was backed up big time when we were on our way home. Not a good day to venture to Canada if you didn't have to go there.

I paid, UNWILLINGLY, $1.00 buck each for corn at a roadside veggie farm market on the way home. They're making a KILLING on that darn corn. A whole wooden trailer full to the top of CORN.
my work corn GIF

Lady said they have to add to it at least twice a day and more on weekends. That trailer was like a GOLD MINE! But like everything, it was convenient on the way home and I gave in and bought 2 ears of corn. :(

Antipasto salad and corn on the cob being served at the Anderson Kitchen tonight.

It was nice to be by the water today. It's been way too long since we took that drive.
Stopped by a close friend that is my brother George's age at his lake home and he wasn't home. Got to walk out on the long new deck he had built that goes out on the water about 50 ft. Bummer he wasn't around. Must have been close, his garage door was open and the door facing the lake was open but locked. Might have gone out to the store. Hope to catch him next time we go out.

Later gang. It was 88F today over here. Just perfect. Hope you all had a good day too.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
tim hortons coffee GIF

Hopefully you enjoy your “Timmie’s” Dave. Maybe while you listen to this old Rolf Harris dity…

Way to go Karen. Telling Dave he was ahead of his time. That’ll go to his head. How are you feeling after The Great Cabinet Caper?
Yes my friends, there was enough on that breakfast plate to easily serve two people. Two HUNGRY people. There was a day that I likely could have cleaned that plate on my own. Back when I had a full head of hair!
Good for you sticking to your guns on the rug Kathie. You’re right. Way too many scammers out there. A great weekend for Woodward! Sadly, with the increased Covid and other stuff our gang decided to forego a visit. The same concern we have with a potential trip to The Detroit Auto Show. I do not own a red baseball cap. Just sayin’. You never can tell what the border crossings will be like. The tunnel is usually a pretty safe bet.
Sounds like you had some good news from your doctors Pat. I’m sure that the therapist who pushes you a little harder is doing it for your benefit. I had a couple of those at rehab. (Cardiac rehab. Yes I still like to specify.)
Is there an outside chance that you will have your new hearing devices for your cruise Nancy? I sure hope that Mike is able to get his diverticulitis sorted.
In closing, I’ll say hi to Bill.
You all have a great evening!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Yes, I will have the new aids for the cruise, the new wires have been ordered and who knows when they will get here. But today I found what to me is a problem, I can only adjust the volume up if my cell phone is on and I do not like to have it on when I am home or even when on a cruise. I called them and left a message but did not get a call back, so hopefully will on Monday.

Bruce got a call to set up his second sleep test, when I told him when he got home he said NO WAY. He had such a bad
experience that he does not want to go back. I will say that if I had the same I would not want to go back either.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Okay for those that LOVE pictures and videos here are a few from our ride out to the WATER! It was a nice day for sure.
These are pictures of our friends house on the water in Algonac, MI.


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