Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
Lee- do you think that someone will now propose banning nail guns that hold more than 10 nails?
Gas prices (while still obscenely high) have dropped considerably around here with a few stations posting prices below $4/gallon. Our favorite station, which was charging $4.24 a week of so ago, was $4.09 yesterday.
Of course our bet on the Pats/Bills matchups are still on, Lee. I need to recoup last year's losses and I'm betting that with another season under his belt, Mac Jones will demonstrate our wisdom in drafting him.
The weather for the
next several days, perhaps the entire week, looks very good. Moderate temperature and low humidity. Right now I am looking at powder blue skies dotted with puffy white clouds and 74 degrees. Perfect day to sit outside and read or do absolutely nothing. It is tax-free weekend in Massachusetts so the stores will likely to be packed. I never cease to be amazed at how excited people get when the sales tax is suspended for a few days, yet few would rush out to the store that advertised a sale offering a discount of 6.25%. Guess the thrill of beating the state out of any amount of revenue, even one so small, is impossible to resist.
Don't worry about how much Trump is paying his lawyers, K2, because, based on past experience, he probably won't pay them or, if they do get paid, it will be from the funds he conned and continues to con from his cult of supporters.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon all!

Lee, nice pic of all the mayhem going on around your place. I think the biggest concern for you & LuAnn is not to trip over any sleeping dogs!

Kathie, nice that Art was able to rescue a few of the cabinets from going to the landfill. I had a chance to get some cabinets for my garage a while back, but I really don't need them & if I had them I'd just put junk in them that I don't really need either, trying to focus on "less is more".

Dave, have you ever had the Tillamook ice cream? Publix had it on sale here last week buy 1 get 1 free. I got the old fashioned vanilla & the waffle cone swirl. Not a fan of the vanilla, it's to sweet, but the waffle cone is good & I think you'd like it. It's half vanilla & half choc with choc. chunks, waffle cone chunks & caramel swirl. The choc part is really rich & good too!

Pat, a day without doctors or visiting health care workers is surely a cause for celebration, hopefully some wine & a good book was included.

Bill, I had heard reports that we were going to be getting a cold front move in this weekend but apparently "they" were wrong, as I was sure sweating profusely this morning mowing Jane's front yard again. Nice that you've found another friendly casino too!

Nancy, I haven't seen the Publix flyer for this week yet, which sub was on sale? I do like a good Publix sub for sure!

Had a relaxing couple of days the last 2 days, resting up for my painting project next week. Mowed Jane's front yard this morning & re-potted some of her plants. The yard is finally slowing down on growing a bit, I could have skipped mowing today, but I knew by next Sat. it would look over grown so I did it any way. Hard to believe that not only is it August already, but August is nearly half over. Sure wish I knew where the time goes so fast. On a brighter note, I have 99% of my Christmas shopping done now. Mainly have to buy a few stocking stuffers for my sisters & gifts for Amanda & her family. This may be the year Amanda & Leon get cash/gift cards instead of presents, this way they can get what they really want or need. Ally will still get gifts for a few more years anyhow, once they hit the teen years though it's hard to buy what they like. Think I'm going to go chill on the back porch for a bit maybe even read some...later gang!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Hurray! The board is working again. Unfortunately, now I have things to do, so I can't spend too much time on here.

Lee - All that activity has got to be tiring for the dogs! That picture is too cute.

Dave - So have you finished off your ice cream yet?

Kathie - Your dinner sounds great. We ended up going to the Grille with friends. M&J were also there. They had entertainment last night, but not to our liking - not a single word of any song was in English. :mad: I guess we have to give equal time to others once in a while. After we left the Grille, M&J came back to our house where we all enjoyed a glass of Fuzzy Azz moonshine with a frozen peach slice. Yum! It was so good. Our friends down the block gave us this bottle when they were here last week.

Tonight we are taking G&E out for dinner for their anniversary. M&J will also be at the same restaurant with Jimmy's fishing buddy & his wife, but will not be sitting with us. Seems like the friend's wife is a total trumper and they don't want to get Gary riled up with what she says. I'll tell Gary why they aren't sitting with us after we're finished dinner. Don't want to get banned from our favorite restaurant!

Nancy - We are not fans of pub subs. We'd much rather have Jersey Mike's subs. They cost more, but are bigger and much more flavorful in our opinion. We've never had a pub sub that we liked very much.

Bill - Nice that you found a close casino that treated you nicely for a change. I saw one of those storefront places with slots the other day and thought of you. They're not legal in our county.

Time now to get back to work. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone!


I'm on Island Time
Staff member
Hi Bunnies, Sorry to keep breaking the board. We have been changing some settings that caused things to break again. Thank you for your patience again and please help us grow by sharing our site with your friends.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon all!

Lee, nice pic of all the mayhem going on around your place. I think the biggest concern for you & LuAnn is not to trip over any sleeping dogs!

Kathie, nice that Art was able to rescue a few of the cabinets from going to the landfill. I had a chance to get some cabinets for my garage a while back, but I really don't need them & if I had them I'd just put junk in them that I don't really need either, trying to focus on "less is more".

Dave, have you ever had the Tillamook ice cream? Publix had it on sale here last week buy 1 get 1 free. I got the old fashioned vanilla & the waffle cone swirl. Not a fan of the vanilla, it's to sweet, but the waffle cone is good & I think you'd like it. It's half vanilla & half choc with choc. chunks, waffle cone chunks & caramel swirl. The choc part is really rich & good too!

Pat, a day without doctors or visiting health care workers is surely a cause for celebration, hopefully some wine & a good book was included.

Bill, I had heard reports that we were going to be getting a cold front move in this weekend but apparently "they" were wrong, as I was sure sweating profusely this morning mowing Jane's front yard again. Nice that you've found another friendly casino too!

Nancy, I haven't seen the Publix flyer for this week yet, which sub was on sale? I do like a good Publix sub for sure!

Had a relaxing couple of days the last 2 days, resting up for my painting project next week. Mowed Jane's front yard this morning & re-potted some of her plants. The yard is finally slowing down on growing a bit, I could have skipped mowing today, but I knew by next Sat. it would look over grown so I did it any way. Hard to believe that not only is it August already, but August is nearly half over. Sure wish I knew where the time goes so fast. On a brighter note, I have 99% of my Christmas shopping done now. Mainly have to buy a few stocking stuffers for my sisters & gifts for Amanda & her family. This may be the year Amanda & Leon get cash/gift cards instead of presents, this way they can get what they really want or need. Ally will still get gifts for a few more years anyhow, once they hit the teen years though it's hard to buy what they like. Think I'm going to go chill on the back porch for a bit maybe even read some...later gang!
The Publix Ultimate Sub her for $5.99


Wacky Wabbit
Were Back GIF by MUTTS Canine Cantina
Nice of John to fix everything for us. THANK YOU BIG TIME JOHN!

Dave: It's already 8-13-22 . That's like 1/2 way through AUGUST. Where have you been buddy?

After looking at the old cabinets now hanging in the garage, they will STAY THE SAME COLOR. Why mess with them. They have a nice finish on them, and it saves Artie a LOT of work sanding and painting. I was the one who said.... just keep leave them like they are! It's a GARAGE... not a museum! Ha Ha.
Karen: We had a wire shelf on that same wall and now with these cabinets up at least you won't see the boxes for garbage bags, leaf bags, a shelf with garden gloves and small hand shovels and faucet heads. It's a good time to PITCH stuff we just don't use. At least things will be behind the doors and out of site. And the cabinets, like you said, are being saved from the land-fill. :clap002:

It wants to rain outside, but so far we got all of 10 drops. The day was really nice. Not a lot of sun, but still in the 80's and no wind.

We are under a BOIL WATER WATCH since about Noon today. A MAIN water supply about 2 hours from us broke and it covers a HUGE AREA. About 15 townships. I boiled water in a big pot and it's on the stove for when we need to make coffee.
I happen to be at Costco when Jill sent me a message about the ALERT. So, I picked up 2 cases of bottled water. (that was the limit) It was nice that they put a limit on the water so more folks could get a few cases. Who knows how long this will take to fix. It is a WEEKEND after all.

Lee: Love the picture of the pups. You guys better not be walking around at night. I see some major tripping going on. They're all so cute.

Out of here for now. :emoticon 0115 inlove:


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: You learned WELL from Tony on how to pick up on some of our posts! ;) He would be proud of you carrying on in his absence!
It never did rain......OUTSIDE or INSIDE! Good thing I gave the flowers some water earlier.

Happy Sunday to you all!
I made a batch of Crepe batter and it's in the refrig waiting to get made on Sunday Morning!
It's the first time in over 8 weeks that I mixed FLOUR, EGGS, SUGAR & Vanilla to make something! Hope it all turns out good tomorrow. :D:clap002:

Frying Pan Cooking GIF
Ha Ha! Nite all.


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning all you cute little Bunnies.

Thank you John for attending to the problems caused by the changes and upgrades to the Cruise Addicts board. I always cringe when any kind of upgrade is done.

Phooey, it was announced on Stephen Colbert last week that Jon Batiste was no longer going to be the band leader for that show. With all the projects and awards he's been getting I figured it was only a matter of time. I just love this song of his.
You may have to close the closed/caption at the bottom right of the screen.

Thought of you yesterday, Lee. (It actually wasn't all that scary.) Watched a news story about pickle ball. Showing people playing it. It seems it's the fastest growing sport in the world.

Bill; It still boggles my mind how so many people blindly follow the Buffoon, no matter what he does or says. Reminds me of other cult leaders like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and that Wacko guy in Waco a few years ago. David Koresh.

I'm guessing that "Tillamook" is the brand name for those waffle cones, KC. Not familiar with that brand name, but it sounds good to me.

No BB, I haven't finished off my ice cream yet. I always keep spares in the garage freezer. Even those chocolate mini cones by Blue Bunny.

Excellent choice on not painting those garage cabinets, K2. That would have been a waste of Art's time. Instead of boiling water, you may just want to use bottled water for drinking, cooking and coffee. Hope the city water doesn't turn you green in the shower.
I keep forgetting to answer your question about Jack. He is getting "fixed" toward the end of the month. Now if we could only get the parents of 7 of our grandkids "fixed" we'd be in a happier place.

Here's a hoot, and it's not a joke. On yesterday's news they had a "kangaroo-watch" in a small town near here. It's a community of only a few thousand people surrounded by farmland. We're suppose to notify the police if we see this loose kangaroo.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I have been awake since 12:40 am, got up to go to the bathroom and never able to get back to sleep. Just finished breakfast and later will go to lunch, then BJ's and one other place.

All have a great day.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! It's a beautiful morning outside, but the rains will be coming back early this afternoon.

Nancy - Sorry you had such a bad night's sleep. I hate when that happens. Thankfully last night, my leg wasn't hurting, so I was able to sleep for a change.

Dave - Good to know you keep a reserve supply of ice cream in the garage freezer. Tillamook ice cream, especially their chocolate, is supposed to be some of the best ice cream out there right now. I haven't tried it yet though and will have to look for another sale of it.
Speaking of ice cream, does anyone remember going to a real ice cream parlor and getting a pint or quart of "hand packed" ice cream in a cardboard container. If it was a good place, the container couldn't be closed as they over filled it. The places that closed the container, you never went back to again! Ah, the memories!!!

Kathie - So how did the crepes turn out? Are you going sweet or savory with them? Glad it didn't rain inside or outside by you yesterday. LOL Good luck having to boil water for a period of time. We've gone through that and it's no fun after a while.

Karen - Once again, you sure are keeping yourself busy with all that mowing in the mornings. Getting much use or time at your community pool these days what with the afternoon rains?

We had a delicious dinner last night with G&E and her youngest son. Today is his 14th birthday. I almost didn't recognize him. He has grown so much since they left our house. On the way home we ran into torrential rain. It finally let up as we pulled into our community. Actually, there hadn't been a drop of rain at our house. That is so Florida!

Not a lot planned for today and that's a good thing. Now it's time for a cup of tea for a change and go sit on the lanai before the rains come. Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone, no matter what you have planned.


Wacky Wabbit
Howdy Wrabbits.
Cloudy all day here, but still in the 80's. Nice break from the sun.

Dave: It's just as easy to boil a big pot of water and save the bottled stuff for taking with us when in the car or outside.

BB: I made sweet crepes. I also made the praline sauce to put over the ice cream filled crepes. We're having 4 of our special friends over for "Dessert" tonight. I was going to make Quiche and a salad and then said...NOPE.... dessert and coffee or tea is as far as I'm going right now.

Negc: Gas is holding at $3.69 a gal at our Krogers and $3.53 at Costco. I got it for $3.49 with my fuel points. Thought I'd better fill up before some idiot raises the prices.

I heard the announcement that Jon Batiste was moving on and won't be on Colbert's show anymore. I really liked that guy. He was a COOL DUDE!

Okay, I'm off to feed Art and myself leftovers.

Made a big batch of brewed You All Tea. It's so good. Makes a huge amount. You're supposed to make it SWEET TEA like in the South, but I like it without the sugar.

Lee: I bet the fact that Peaches is gone is DEAFENING in your house! Ha Ha.

Later gang. Hello to Karen & Nancy.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Where did this day go?
Cloudy all day but the predicted and much needed rain never did show up.
Fuel here, like everywhere, is priced like a yo-yo. From a high of over $2.00 per LITRE a couple of weeks back it sat at $1.73 then to $1.58 for a day and back to $1.69 and $1.72. All in the course of the past few days. Again, all prices per litre and there are 3.78 litres in a US gallon.
Tomorrow we study Geography. :eek:
Lu-Ann and I did play a little pickleball this afternoon Dave. There was a tournament on CBS yesterday afternoon. I have to admit the game doesn’t translate well on TV.
We still have a spot about 15 minutes from here that will hand pack a container of ice cream to go Pat. Ure’s has a top notch mini putt, home style restaurant, general store and two gas pumps. The store sells really good ice cream that you can take home. Our favourite flavour is Algonquin Canoe. Vanilla with a hint of maple, chocolate ripples and caramel filled chocolate “canoes”.
Ya Kathie, it’s 30% quieter here today than it was yesterday. I think it was a good decision for Art to leave the cabinets with their original finish.
I may watch the NASCAR race from The Glen next weekend Nancy. Former F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen will be in one of the Trackhouse Racing entries. Hopefully you can grab 40 winks this afternoon.
I will be interested to see if The Bills can build on last year’s momentum Bill. What do you reckon is up with TB?
Hopefully we’ll get some rain and I can enjoy cutting grass again here on a regular basis Karen!
Not much else going on here.
You all have a great evening.


2nd Officer
Good evening, not much to chatter about here either. Woke up way to early this morning & then just dozed off & on till around 7, finally gave up & got out of bed.

Pat, we really haven't been having that much rain here this year. It get's dark & rumbles, but then nothing. We did have some light rain friday night & a nice rain last night. Today we got chased out of the pool by rumbles & dark clouds, but then no rain.

Dave, yes, Tillamook is the brand name of the ice cream, I'd heard great reviews about it but wasn't all that impressed. I really want to try the Jeni's but it's a little to pricey for my budget, especially if I ended up not liking it.

Kathie, your dessert crepes sound really good! I've never tried making crepes, may have to experiment with the dessert ones

Lee, hopefully you & LuAnn will recover quickly from all the greyhound hijinx this past weekend.

Got all my supplies loaded in the truck for taking over to Wilma's for her cabinet project, she isn't a morning person so I can't show up before 9, not my usual way of tackling projects. I like to get an early start.

Hi to everyone else, think I'm going to go out on the porch & read for a while since it's a little cooler out there today


Wacky Wabbit
Dessert with friends was really nice. They loved the crepes, and the praline sauce & ice cream was a hit. Oh, and they really liked the kitchen too. Ha Ha.

Dishes are in the dishwasher and the place is cleaned up. Time for me to put my swollen feet up and then wait for the news to come on and then hit the sack.

Karen: Good for you loading up the truck so it's already in the morning. Be careful lifting or going up and down on a ladder. A mask would be nice if you're sanding! ;)

It's actually still nice outside even if the temp says 67 degree. No WIND.

Nite all......
Sleepy Good Night GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals


2nd Officer
Monday begins another week and another news cycle. Let's see.......Last week the big story was the FBI recovering stolen government documents from the Buffoon's residence. The week before it was that boob, who claimed a school shooting was a hoax, and getting sued by one family who's kid was killed. I wonder what this week's top story will be.

Unless it's been captured overnight our area's big news is that the kangaroo on the loose has still alluded the authorities. Some sightings and even videos of it, but it's still on the loose. Hey, that's all this bumpkin wants as BREAKING NEWS.

An occasional farmer likes to raise unusual animals. Usually llamas, miniature ponies, or buffalo. First time I've heard of one raising Kangaroos. It should be easy to find the owner.....just look for a guy that goes by the name "Captain".

I like the way you operate on your projects, KC. Start early and have all your supplies ready to go.

Most gas prices in Massillon are charging $3.35 a gallon. One Sunoco station is showing off with only charging $3.30. The only Sunoco in town.

Gee, reading you guy's posts is making me hungry for ice cream.

Sweeten up Bunnies, and have some today. You can bet your sweet bippy I will.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Off to do something different today ... I get to see the eye doctor. This is the same office I had the cataract surgery performed through, but won't be seeing the same doctor. He only does surgery and has his underlings follow up with patients over the years. I haven't been to the office in over 2 years due to health issues and Covid. Time will tell what shape my eyes are in at this point. I do know reading the computer screen at times can be difficult, so we shall see.

Yesterday was a real quiet one around here. How quiet was it, you may ask? It was so quiet that the highlight of the day was taking a ride to Home Depot to buy sugar ant killer! Now that was exciting!!! LOL Those little buggers are all over this year and are very hard to destroy. They are so tiny and difficult to see, but the stuff to kill them really draws them out. It just takes a long time to get rid of them. Never had them in Ocala, but here everyone complains about them.

Nancy - I saw on the news that Kevin Harvick won for the second week in a row! Good for him.

Kathie - Glad your crepes turned out well and your friends like your new kitchen. I've never done crepes, but really do like them. You can buy read made ones at Publix, but I doubt they would taste the same as homemade ones.

Lee - Nice that quiet has returned to your house now that the trouble maker has gone home!!

Karen - Good for you being ready to tackle the cabinet job at your friend's house. Loading the truck yesterday, is a good start. Sorry the thunder has been driving you away from the pool. Welcome to August in Florida!

After the eye doctor, we need to make a stop at Sam's to pick up a few things. At the top of Bert's list is WINE! He's learning!!!

Eye doctor's office is over an hour away, so I better make sure Bert is up and getting his act together. Have a super Monday, gang. I'll try to stop back later, if I can see anything after getting my pupils dilated.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Summer GIF by Yevbel
Looks nice outside. Sunny, no wind and temps climbing.... and no humidity to speak of. Good on all fronts.

Dave: I had some scoops of ICE CREAM inside the crepe last night and then pour a spoonful of the praline sauce over it all. YUM. We don't keep ice cream in the house on a regular basis. Only because, yours truly.... ME, would eat too much of it. :rolleyes:

I have a box on the front porch for some lady to pick-up. It's full of GLASSES. Yup, my first GIVE AWAY that someone actually responded to. Now if I could only get somebody to BUY that nice LG microwave oven. Seems folks want everything for FREE these days. Even the good stuff.

I have nothing for you Wrabbits this morning.

OH WAIT.........I take that back. We're going to dig up the POTATOES from the garden today. Can't wait to see how many we get this year. I'll take some pics to post here for sure.

Enjoy your day. Hope Karen doesn't over-due her cabinet job. Bless that woman for all she does for others. :clap002:

Well look who creeped in and posted right before me. Hey there BB! Good luck at the eye doctors.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Got a real good nights sleep last night. Have a load of laundry going and am going to see about pulling some of my clothes for the Alaska cruise. Got to see if I can get the weight of the suitcases down.

Yesterday Bruce ordered new tires for his van, BJ's has a very good price but you have to order the size needed, so have an appt for Wednesday to have them put on.

All have a great day.