Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A nice day here too.
The gang met at our Waterfront Ice Cream Shop in town last evening for a scoop. Then we wandered The Navy Yard and watched the sun set. This morning after our walk we I picked up and replaced the cabin and engine air filters in the van. Then we headed to Costco. Being Monday, it’s games day.
Glad to hear that you had a good night Nancy. Always fun paring down the cruise wear!
Your crepes sound mighty tasty Kathie. Hmmm. Crepes, creeps, crept and crap. Use all of those in a sentence. Do you and Art dress like the folks in American Gothic to head out to the potato patch?

You’re like us Karen. Get a jump on projects first thing in the morning if you can. Good luck with the cabinet painting.
Hopefully your trip to the eye doc will be an uneventful and positive one Pat. Maybe a little tweak of the prescription of the lenses.
Blame Dave. And try to get this tune out of your head…

Have a great Monday folks.



2nd Officer
First day of painting went well, got the top cabinet doors off this morning, I painted the cabinet frames while Miss Wilma painted the doors, got the 1st coat of primer on by 11:30. Then went back this afternoon around 4:30 and put the first coat of cabinet paint on. Wilma is a happy camper, it looks brighter already. But boy is she a fan of white! Every wall in her house is painted white & now her cabinets are too. She mentioned she had been thinking about painting the cabinets green like she'd seen on tv & then decided not to. I asked her if she didn't think maybe she'd like to paint the kitchen green now, so she's going to think about it. It's a tiny little kitchen 1 qt. of paint would be plenty.
On the I must be nuts page, my next door neighbor had told me yesterday her husband was having heart surgery tomorrow. This evening she came over & told me they have to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning & they just got a new dog, a little girl Chihuahua and she needs me to take care of it for them tomorrow, but she didn't want to bring her over that early, so instead she's bringing her tonite to spend the night...yep, I must be Crazy! Oh well, I just hope she sleeps thru the night.
I'm off to take a shower & call it a night


Wacky Wabbit
Just dug up this years crop of POTATOES! Not a bad haul for such a small area. Next year we will plant more closer together!
Off to market to sell and make some BIG BUCKS!


Wacky Wabbit
Well, do you think the pictures are BIG ENOUGH? Ha Ha. What a hoot!

We managed to keep buys today in the yard. It was just a PERFECT PURE MICHIGAN day. Suppose to be like this ALL WEEK.
Lee: Enjoy the milder temps. We all know that Indian Summer hits this area in Sept sooner or later.

Art got the call back from the Dermatologist and that one spot the Doc sliced and sent off to have analyzed came back Sarcomas. Which is SKIN CANCER in plain english. He'll be getting the MOHS treatment Sept 7th. They'll dig it out and do slides right in the office and if it shows they didn't have CLEAR EDGES, they'll dig some more! He's had this done before. The spot that is in question HEALED really nicely from the initial testing. ALWAYS SOMETHING.

We had some really meaty nice fish tonight from the Fish Mkt. Expensive, but really good. The guy was nice and asked if I wanted the Fish Head removed. Well....YEH! Ha Ha. I put slice marks on the outside skin on both sides and seasoned it and did it on the grill. Tender and yummy.

Karen: Good going for the 1st day of cabinet painting. Not so good on watching the puppy. I would have told the NICE NEIGHBOR, it would be fine to bring the pup over at 5:30 a.m. At least you would get a good nights sleep after all your hard work.

Try and convince the lady you're helping with the cabinets to paint the kitchen that really neat SOFT GREEN that Martha Stewart shows all the time.

I went over to one neighbor 3 houses down to ask how his Cukes and Tomatoes were doing this year. He said the Cukes weren't as good as last year. He said he picked about 100 so far. DUH. And I got 3 golf ball size abnormal looking cukes. Ha Ha. He gave me 3 different varieties tomato's. One was PINK. He said it's great on sandwiches. The other neighbor gave me 5-6 small pears. I need to go out and say hello to these folks more often. Ha Ha.

Later gang.

DAVE: In your honor I'm having a crepe tonight filled with vanilla ice cream and Hot fudge on top. You started all this ICE CREAM TALK. Silly man.


2nd Officer
BREAKING NEWS! The escaped kangaroo has evaded capture and remains on the loose in our county. And according to one news station, there are actually two escapees. We'll keep you updated with any further developments. And now, back to our regular programming.

Yes, yes, yes I do remember the Captain Kangaroo theme song, Lee. I haven't heard that jingle for years and years.

BB; I do hope that a simple new prescription on your glasses solves any eyesight problems you're having.

Speaking of something with eyes....... "This spud is for you, K2." As to eating that fish; Does it creep you out having your dinner look at you while you are eating it? When you walk around your neighborhood asking your neighbors about their gardens, by chance do you pull a wagon behind you?

No you are not crazy, KC. Just a very nice person who volunteers to help others when they are in need. That, and maybe just a little nuts.
Sure hope that Chihuahua wasn't one of those hyper ones.

Got a call from the office of the doctor who takes care of my enlarged prostate yesterday, saying I'd have to reschedule my appointment for this morning since he was doing an emergency surgery this morning. So I understand. But this is the 3rd time I've had to reschedule this visit. It was December when I first set up an office visit with him. It's been so long, I can't remember what it is I'm seeing him about.


2nd Officer
Victoria is NOT a happy camper, she won't let me near her without growling, so needless to say I can't take her outside. I can't really blame her, they haven't had her very long and she doesn't know me at all, she's terrified. Just glad I have tile floors and the accidents will clean up. Getting ready to head to Wilma's for day 2 of painting. I've already taken my Aleve for the day



2nd Officer
Good morning. Did not get a great nights sleep but I did get sleep.

Found one problem with the new hearing aids. The cord that goes from the aid to the ear piece is s bit too short. When I put on my eye glasses and take them off and put them back on they move the aids and so they twist and the piece comes out of the ear and they push into my head. I go back tomorrow so will say something about it. And if they have to go back to be corrected so be it. And if I only have the old ones for the cruise, oh well.

Karen the dog does seem afraid, hope it goes well.

We got just over half an inch of rain last night.

For dinner last night I decided to go easy and made Chicken salad, on a bed of lettuce and tomato slices, easy and good. Tonight will be cut up sirloin with mushrooms over noodles with gravy, another easy meal.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone!

Karen - You are unbelievable when it comes to helping others, whether it's painting cabinets or dog sitting, you certainly do it all. So happy to have you as a friend! Thanks for the picture of poor little Victoria. You can see how afraid she is.

Kathie - Now about that cruising the neighborhood collecting produce - sounds like you got a good haul. You and your neighbors should organize a private produce stand just to exchange veggies or fruit that anyone has too much of. Your potato crop looks good. We used to grow potatoes in Ocala. It was always so much fun to dig up the crop and see what you got for that year. Now around here it's just easier to go to the store and buy a bag of potatoes. I do believe they all taste the same!!

Dave - Thanks for keeping us up to date on the kangaroo caper. I bet it makes everyone more observant of their surroundings too. Haven't seen any in our community, but I know just a few miles away they have had problems with bears. I sure hope I never see one of them out my window. Sorry your appointment got changed again.

Lee - I too remember that song well. Thanks for stirring up a memory for all of us! Sounds like you and your friends had a nice time having ice cream and just walking around. That is so neat that you do things like that where you live now.

Nancy - Sorry you're still having problems with the new hearing aids. Hopefully, it will be a quick fix and you'll have them for your cruise.

So now for my eye doctor tale ... It's been 3 years since I saw the eye doctor and 9 years since I had the cataract surgery. I knew my vision was not as sharp as it was right after the surgery, so that's what made me decide to pay they eye doctor a visit. Seems like I have early macular degeneration which can be treated with a certain vitamin the doctor recommended. Also I was correct in that my vision was not as good as it had been. Since the surgery I did not need to wear glasses and I liked that. Now these old eyes need a bit of extra help, so I will be ordering glasses to use when I need them, like using the computer or trying to read something on the cell phone. I don't need them all the time and thanks to Kathie's & Karen's pictures today, I might not need to waste the money getting glasses. I could see their pictures perfectly!!

Nothing much going on around here today, so it will be another relaxing day. I do need a few things from Publix for dinner tonight, but that's no big deal.

Coffee is calling, so time for me to get off here for a while. Have a great day, everyone, and if you spot a kangaroo running around, let Dave know!!:D


Wacky Wabbit
Good LATE Morning. It was a morning of pampering my feet in a nice soak and massage by ME! Sometimes you just have to take the time to do the little things to make your feet happy!

Karen: Love that picture of the Chihuahua! From the little I know about that breed they are super HYPER and bark and bite (well maybe nip). You are amazing taking on that little pup.

I have nothing for you dear people today.
I'm off to Jill's to return their nice light weight "horses". NO not real HORSES LEE. The kind you use to put a board on or cut things. I used them for some of the old kitchen drawers. Made life easier to not empty all those dumb drawers. The horses helped give me more room to put things on top and under them. Glad that's all over with.

Next up is vacuuming the drapes in the rooms and having the carpets shampooed!

You all have a good day. I'll be back as they say in the movies.

Kangaroo Dundee Australia GIF by Nat Geo Wild
DAVE this ones for you. Don't be messing around with any of those Kangaroos!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - Love the picture!!

Got a super surprise a little while ago. My front door opened and in walked our grandson Wesley from Texas!! I knew he was coming today, but wasn't sure if he would be coming over today. Seems like his mother is at school right now raising he!! over a change in class for Nate, so he came right here. After driving for 3 days, the first thing he wanted was to take a shower and to change his clothes. Oh yeah, and to have a nice cold beer!!! Heck, that's what grandparents are for, right? LOL

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Heck, that's what grandparents are for, right? LOL
Only the ”cool” Grandparents Pat.
Hey, how are all you fine people doing today?
Karen, you have got the most positive attitude of just about anyone I know. Consider yourself hugged by me for who you are and what you do.
Those were some fine looking ‘taters Kathie. A great idea to use the horses to hold your drawers and not have to be bending over to sort through them. I loved your Kangaroo!
Bad enough there was one escaped kangaroo now there seems to be a roving gang of them in Dave’s neck of the woods. I’m picturing the reaction Dave and Kathi would have had a few years back as the came out of The Moose and saw a couple of ‘Roos bounding down the street. Reaction A) go back in and have another adult beverage, or, Reaction B) quit drinking.
The good news from your eye exam is that it seems that the condition can be easily treated Pat. Are they drops? I’m supposed to put drops in my eyes every night at bed time. By every night they mean when I remember, don’t they? What a great idea for a neighbourhood veggie exchange!
Sorry to read (I was going to say “hear” but decided not to) about the problem with your new hearing aides Nancy. I do hope it’s an easy fix and you have them for your cruise.
Good luck this evening Bill!
I started my day at the oil change place at 8:00 a.m. When I got home we took the pups for their walk and then we took Lu-Ann to look for an area rug for the family room. No luck. Came home and I hit the exercise equipment before checking on all of you folks. And enjoying a glass of wine.
Tomorrow we are going to the town Kingsville, about 30 minutes south of us, to have breakfast at The Beach House Grille. I think it overlooks the lake.
See you all tomorrow!


Chief Security Officer
It may take more than good luck, tonight, Lee, but we will give it the old college try. First we have to question the score keeper who posted last week's results and got most, if not all, of them wrong. According to him we only won three points instead of the nine we actually scored and another team was shortchanged on their points. More egregious was his posting of the score of the team we are playing tonight. According to him they have accumulated three less points through this week than they actually had a week ago. I know that they will definitely not be happy with his performance. Will let you know how things turn out.
Supposed to be a rainy Wednesday and lord knows we need it. Hopefully it won't just run off into the sewer system before it does our trees and lawns some good.
Pretty good looking potatoes. Reminded me that many more than a few years ago I had a backyard vegetable garden. Not sure if anyone remembers the PBS program "Crockett's Victory Garden" but on one segment, Jim Crockett dealt with growing potatoes and I followed his directions and ended up with a pretty good crop by the end of the season.
Hope that Melissa's visit to Nathan's school had a good result BB.


2nd Officer
Well, let's see.......what happened around this neck of the woods yesterday? Not much.

But while at Walley-World to get some prescriptions I noticed that they had a whole isle filled with Halloween items. TOO SOON!

Our nephew/contractor was in this area yesterday and decided to stop in with his 6 year old daughter. She just loved our dogs and continually played with them while here. BUT when she and her Dad left, Jack carried on for about 45 minutes whining because he wanted his new friend to come back.

Sorry that you had a poor night with Victoria, KC. That breed tends to be skittish and fearful. The family that has 7 kids had a Chihuahua for many years that was like that. The way I always handled him was to totally ignore the dog when we arrived at their house. Not so much as making eye contact with it or even attempting to touch it. Dogs are naturally curious. So after a short while he would come over to me. Sniffing, and checking me out to see if I was friend or foe. In a short while he'd always carefully climb up on my lap, be petted, and go to sleep.

Figures Nancy that just when you get a new hearing aid the government is OKing the sale of those gadgets at retail stores. This is for slight hearing loss and moderate loss people. It's suppose to save the public around fourteen hundred dollars per earpiece.

K2; Loved that video of the kangaroo chasing the guy around a bush. They still haven't captured the loose one around here. (Except for that one newscast, every station now says it's a singular kangaroo.) I'm surprised the public hasn't given it a name by now. We surely must have a sorry bunch of hunters in this area, and there's lots of them, since nobody has been able to track down and capture this cute little animal.

Hey Lee, can you get the Mounties involved in this hunt?

A place to shower, some beer, and of course some food. You're a good grandma, BB.

Grocery shopping day. The big store this time.


2nd Officer
Good morning, day 3 of cabinet painting starts at 9. This project is kicking my butt. Up & down & bending, getting my work out for sure. This morning we'll be putting the top cabinet doors back on & priming the bottom cabinets. I'm thinking some of the top doors may need a 3rd coat, Wilma bless her heart doesn't see so good & I noticed yesterday there were a few streaks & spots, but it will be easy enough to do once they are up & we can see better

My neighbor picked Victoria up around 4:30 last night & the dog was ticked at her & ran away at first, but she finally calmed down & went to her. Sounds like her husband had some pretty serious surgery, so hoping things go well for him

Catch up with you all later


Wacky Wabbit
Wednesday Hump Day GIF by Chippy the Dog
Just like clock-work it's Wednesday again!

Karen: Sounds like you and Wilma are knocking this cabinet paint job off in record time. You'll need a soak in Epsom salt water by tonight.
Good to know that the pup is back home. I see it coming over again soon. Once somebody knows you're up to watching their pup it's curtains for you!

Dave: Happy shopping. I got so depressed on how much the prices have gone up on meat, chicken and BACON. It's BLT time of the season and they want $5.50 - $6 bucks for 12 oz's of bacon. Yup.... look at the pkg's, they're not a POUND anymore and if they are you won't like the price.

Gas still holding at $3.69 at Kroger and $3.53 at Costco around here.

BB: I saw that Nate got to go back into the original classroom. Good for Missy sticking to her guns and staying in the school office for HOURS until she could talk to someone.

And how nice to see Wesley. He looked good in the pictures I saw. The 2 younger siblings looked like they were thrilled to see him.

Negc: Sure hope that SOMEBODY gets the points straightened
out, so things are fair. Just not right to let that go without some corrections.

Lee: I've been looking for an area rug for months now. I did manage to find a new smaller foyer area rug at HOME GOODS store yesterday and bought it. I like it a lot better than the zig-zag lined one we had in there. I even patched together pieces of a rug pad so it has a little cushion when you walk on it. Slow but sure there will be an end to this remodel project. Still waiting on island replacement draws and some wall cabinet doors too. But that's no big deal. I've learned to deal with the incomplete look. :rolleyes:

So today is PAY THE BILLS Day. Lordy I hate doing that more and more. I do feel relieved once it's figured out and in the computer. Thank goodness for BILL-PAY that I use from our bank. Stamps are up to $.59 cents. Crazy.

Our dear daughter, Jill, and Ashley have tested for COVID. :eek: They think that Ashley got it from the gym she goes to for exercise. Runny noses and cough at night. They get to test again on Thursday. Jill has been sleeping on the big couch and Ash stays in her room. I feel bad for both of them. When I went over there yesterday, Jill came out from their backyard deck and had her mask on and said....." MOM.... you can't go inside!" o_O It was nice to know neither of them are suffering too much. I asked if they would be getting the meds some of folks get when they find out they have Covid and Jill said "NO WAY". It's bad for your kidney's. They aren't bad enough for anything but rest and a Tylenol if necessary.
SO FOLKS.....when I tell you that you need to be careful and WEAR THOSE MASKS.... do it. It can happen to any of us just that fast.

Off to do those darn bills. Enjoy the day.


2nd Officer
Good morning. My plans for the day is going to the ear place and then to Walmart for more eggs. I have two eggs, sometimes 3, every morning.

I have read of Kangaroo's getting loose before and if I remember correctly it usually takes at least 2 if not more weeks before they get caught.

I would love to paint our kitchen cabinets but if would be a big project as they are laminate so it would be scrubbing to rough up, then priming and finally paint. Just too much for us.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Think we finally got the scores straightened out but it took a while. Otherwise last night was a disaster for us and we only took one game (2 points) from our opponents. One more week of competition and the season will be over. It has been fun and a reason to get out at least one night a week.
Slept in this morning and moving slowly. We were supposed to get some much needed rain, but, at the moment, it is bright and sunny. Company doing the driveways put off finishing the rest of the development until tomorrow, due to the rain prediction, but it looks like they could have completed the job today had they disregarded the forecast. Just happy that our driveway job was completed yesterday, and we can access the garage again.
One of my cousins, her husband and their daughter have been posting photos of their trip to Alaska and they bring back great memories from our trips there some years ago.


Chief Security Officer
Not sure why the post repeated. It was hardly worth reading the first time but who knows why strange things sometimes happen on this board.
Lee, just looked at the Pats schedule and it appears that they won't meet up against your Bills until December 1st and then again in the last game of the season. That last game will likely be a tune-up game for the post season competition. Neither first string QBs may get much, if any, playing time.
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Kathie, I've had pretty good luck selling things on Marketplace. Just don't fall for the code scam that is going around now, they want your cell phone # to send you a "code" and then want you to send it back to them & they take over your account

Checking out for the night, one more day of painting & then on Friday we will hang the bottom cabinet doors & install the new hardware. This was a project I don't plan on repeating ever again for ANYONE!