Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
BB: You sound like you made out really good at that bakery! I haven’t baked anything since the start of the remodel. Amazing how you can learn to get along without sweets and coffee for the most part. I did have a cup of Java after going through crazy rush hour traffic earlier. Saw 2 fender-benders on the same road. Crazy, since traffic was basically stand still. :rolleyes:

Here’s a picture of the empty old drawers. They get to go out on Fri morning! Twice as heavy as the new drawers.
They don’t make them like they did 30 yrs ago! :eek:

I’m sitting outside enjoying the beautiful evening! Watered my plants and just chilling.

Karen what are you up to girl? Hey toy showed up. Busy as usual. Glad you don’t have Covid. Good luck with the neighbors cabinets. Glad you could see the pics I posted. Slow but sure we’re getting this job done. Now to start cleaning the rest of the house. Yuk.

Notice the pic of a Bunny in my neighbors yard. Ha ha.
Dave, U know you like pictures, so I went around and took some of the flowers.

Nite all!


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2nd Officer
Good evening. Well Max's first day of high school was very good. He has 8 classes of which one is Guitar and at least one is college level. He likes that he only has to take one bus so is home by 4 since school is 8:30 to 3:30.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hey Nancy, thank you for the explanation on the magnet school. I guess my tongue in cheek answer wasn’t too far from the truth! Nice that the new hearing aids are a perfect fit!
That bakery is only about an hour from our place in Kissimmee Pat. It might just be worth the drive!
It would seem I forgot to hit “post” for the above a bit ago. ARGHHH!
You are busy as always Karen. I hope you get your cooler weather. Friends of ours painted their cabinets. “The Dutch Girls”, Kim and Marilyn, are sisters from yes, Holland. They are very good at “crafty” projects. Funny how a sniffle or body ache has us jamming swabs up our noses, isn’t it?
Lots of good pics Kathie! You and Art have beautiful landscaping.
See you tomorrow. Peachy is coming about 11:00 and will be here for a couple of days. Like most Greyhounds, we’ll hardly know she’s here.
G’nite my friends.


2nd Officer
Good Thursday morning Bunnies!

Just a check-in morning for me.

Nothing planned and nothing to yak about.

Sounds a bit like the Buffoon yesterday when he kept taking the 5th.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I would suggest Dave that you open your cupboard and pull out the fifth. The fifth of your favourite adult beverage.
The guy I listen to on Sirius in the mornings was talking about the upcoming Woodward Dream Cruise Kathie.
Better hit the exercise stuff before Miss P gets here.
Enjoy this fine Thursday. See you all later on.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning!
Geez DAVE.......NOTHING for us today! Wow! You need a trip to Wally-World to pick up some news. Always something going on in that zoo.
Have a nice day. Get outside and just enjoy reading one of your books in your beautiful yard.

Lee: Yup, the famous Woodward Dream Cruise is coming up. You should try and come over for it. Just COME EARLY. It's crowded as all get out and usually a HOT SUNNY DAY. Art with his horrible 'back' still plans on going. He carries a small triangle type folding seat to be able to walk around MUSTANG ALLEY for a few hours. He takes a break sitting on that chair. He also makes sure to get to that area EARLY to get the T-Shirt they hand out. The man loves his souvenir Mustang T-Shirt. :clap002:

Not sure what I'll be up to today. I have paperwork to
shred, but it's nice outside I might go for a drive to the lake cottage. The papers can wait for a rainy day. And the DUST in the family room and the rest of the house will be there too on another day.

Lee have fun with Peachy. Like you said.... she most likely won't do much more than go out to do her business and eat and sleep. :)
Indy Hound GIF by University of Indianapolis

So sick of hearing the buffoon rattle on and on about his "home" being raided. I only wish he was there when it happened. I'm sure he wishes he was too. It would have made for more dramatic stories from him. I just wish the idiot would go away.

You all have a good day. Stay safe and wear your masks.... Covid and Monkey are still out there.


2nd Officer
Good morning if I get this posted in the next 20 mins, Good Afternoon if I don't.:D

Kathie, take a break & go for that drive, you've earned it! And like you said it's not like anyone is going to sneak in & shred your papers or dust while you are gone.

Lee, Yeah those rowdy greyhounds, sure hope you have plenty of adult beverages on hand to handle all the ruckus.

Dave, some days are like that, can't be full of news & chatter all the time.

Hot & muggy here today, grey & overcast to, but no rain in the forecast. I need to get out & water my plants in the back patio.
Got my poor truck vacuumed out this morning, it needed it soooo bad! Needs to go thru the car wash too but as sure as I do it will rain. Got a few more projects on my to-do list for today & then I'm taking the rest of the day off. Have a good one all!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. This morning I had to go to BJ's to exchange a pair of pants I bought for Bruce, got the wrong size but taken care of. I just had to take out the new hearing aids as for some reason they did not charge last night so the old ones are in awhile the new ones charge.

It looks hazy out and it is the Sahara Dust hanging around and it is hot, so inside I stay.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Insanity rules with Katie, Ava and Peachy in the house. It’s not easy to step over three sleeping pups.
Other than that there’s not much going on here.


2nd Officer
Yesterday I didn't have diddley to talk about. Today I'll mention random thoughts that come into my head.

When I get up in the morning or after I get up from a BEloved nap, what goes into my pie-hole first is ice cream and then some coffee.

I have 2 go-to flavors of ice cream, which I usually stick with. Bryer's mint chocolate chip and just plain Breyer's chocolate. But when at the grocery store the other day, I spotted containers of Breyer's Rocky Road. So I put the chocolate back in their freezer and snatched up the Rocky Road.

It is sooo tasty. Chocolate ice cream with swirls of marshmallow and almonds. Yum, yum, yummy to the tummy.

I got such a kick yesterday when Merrick Garland called the bluff of the Buffoon. Orange-Man has been going on and on about how the search at Mar a Lago was just a witch hunt. Garland asked the Buffoon to make public the search warrant and the inventory of what stolen papers the FBI recovered. To show the reasoning behind the search and what stolen items were recovered would stop this witch hunt talk.

Did you hear about the fella who attacked an FBI office in Ohio yesterday? I just wonder who advised him on what weapons to take. A contractor? This Bozo showed up with an AR 15 and a nail gun. A nail gun???

Atta boys to Art for getting that 3 legged, fold up seat. That's a great idea. And thanks K2 for the pictures.

You should be so proud of yourself KC for helping so many of your neighbors, not to mention your relatives, with their projects.

Lee; How's about shipping me some of the calmness your greyhounds have. Jack needs a major infusion of that stuff.

Although I must thank him for driving me to drink.



Chief Security Officer
Thoughts during last night's Patriots-Giants football game, while watching the Gillette commercial for their newest razor which boasts a 'lifetime guarantee' for its handle: "Never realized that America had such a serious problem with broken razor handles."
Rita and I went to a casino that is relatively close to home and after a significant win when we first arrived and playing the slots for
approximately four hours, I emerged about $4 to the good which translates into success as far as I am concerned.
Red Sox actually beat the Orioles last night but I suspect that with the Patriots preseason game on TV at the same time, the only ones to see the victory were the fans actually in Fenway Park. Pats lost (23-21) but many of their veteran players including Mac Jones, their QB, were on the sidelines.
Other than a haircut this afternoon, nothing special on the agenda. Yesterday was cloudy with periods of much needed light rain, but today is sunny with moderate temperatures.
Dave I expect that the gun nuts will be claiming that the
Constitution protects his right to carry a nail gun (for personal protection, naturall. And if the claim that included among the items seized (recovered) by the FBI were documents related to the Nuclear Codes is true, I can't wait for the Trumpers to air their justification for Trump's removing them from the White House much less failing to return them to the National Archives earlier.
BB- I saw a news report predicting which college football teams will be among the top 25 in the country. Looked real hard but failed to find Florida in the list, so I guess your new coach has his work cut out for him.
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Quiet morning around here for sure. Where is everyone? Nothing planned around here today - no doctor visits and no home health. Don't know what I'm going to do with all this time!! LOL

Dave - That ice cream sounds delicious. I would like to try Blue Bunny ice cream swirl cones. The look so good in the commercials on TV. Unfortunately, Publix rarely gets in Blue Bunny ice cream. I'll have Bert keep searching for it for me though.

Kathie - So what did you end up doing yesterday? Driving to the lake cottage or shredding papers? Inquiring minds need to know!

Bill - We really aren't expecting much from the Gators this year. This is going to be a rebuilding year with our new coach after the terrible last couple of years. It still will be fun to watch some Gator football again. Life without football is a real bummer!!

Nancy - That Sahara dust is a real pain. The windshield of the car is covered with it in the morning with streaks from the overnight dampness. Just a mess!

I can't wait to hear if they are going to unseal the search warrant today. Love that there's a "mole" at Mir-a-Lago. Only way to get the info needed to justify the search of the house. Saw this morning that lil t has hired the "billion dollar lawyer" to defend him against the charges coming in Georgia for trying to mess with the election vote count.

Time for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. Have a fantastic day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.

Ice Cream for breakfast. WOW.... who would have thought of that other than DAVE. Rocky Road is a good choice.
Has Jack been FIXED yet? I think the word is that they CALM DOWN a tad after the pups get fixed. Good luck with that!

BB: You can go out on your lovely Lanai and read one of your books. Just RELAX and enjoy your FREE TIME girl.
I DID NOT end up going to the Lake. Saving that for the weekend if it doesn't rain. I called and my nephew and his aunt weren't going to be out there and it's no fun when you're all by yourself. I know they'll be there for the weekend.
I went from store to store looking for an area rug for under the kitchen table. Looks like I will be ordering something from a carpet store and having it bound on the edges. That way I'll get the exact color I want and even be able to get some type of texture too. Downside is it will most likely take about 8-10 weeks. Oh well, I've waited this long for this project..... what's a few more weeks. :rolleyes:

Karen: Hope the "cabinet painting" project works out for your neighbor. We have a really neat place that '
refinishes furniture items' and the nice lady is having a painting clinic this month. $65 bucks and you bring in a piece of furniture or some piece of wood that you can carry into the shop and she supplies the paint and brushes, etc needed to show you how to do a job. Thank goodness I don't have anything that needs that kind of attention. I'd love to go and learn, but it's better that I don't have another craft project. I have DUST TO CLEAN in the rest of this silly house next week.

Necg: Good for you and Rita getting over to the casino and NOT leaving them any of your money. You were able to have a good time and walked away with $4 buck too!
Our sports teams in Detroit are pitiful. I think if they were playing against a
kindergarten team, they would all loose. I can't wait for College Football to start. At least they make the games interesting.

Lee: How much longer do you get to watch Peaches? Does she get to go to Navy Park for walks? You and Lu-Ann should be able to find some good Veggie Stands in and around the country-side over by you. I know that the huge Tomato trucks will soon be rolling up and down the roads loaded with ripe tomatoes that go to make ketchup, etc.

So, the BUFFOON has until 3:00 pm to decide if he wants to release the papers telling just what the FBI was looking for. Art and I both said he's NOT going to allow that. The good thing is that our Attorney General called his bluff and his followers can't say we didn't offer to let the "country" know just what was in those papers!
And as for him paying a
Billion-dollar lawyer to get him through the Georgia investigation.... I hope they got the money UP FRONT. Ha Ha. The man is a cheat and liar, and they'll never see any payment from him.

You all have a good day and come back and let us know what you were up to!

Happy Its Friday GIF by Chippy the Dog


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. It is going to be a quiet day here. Later will go to Publix for subs for dinner, I will get each of us a sub and that will be 2 meals for each of us. They have our favorite on sale.

K-2 yes whom ever he decided to hire they better get the money up front.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I have this strange urge to have a big bowl of Rocky Road ice cream.
An absolutely perfect day here in The Berg! No
humidity, bright sun. Hard to beat.
Sales on any food these days is a good thing Nancy!
We have Peachy until mid afternoon tomorrow Kathie. Her Mom and Dad have gone to a Friday wedding the other side of Toronto. "P" wouldn't settle down in the van so we only took them all to the close by park. Then we took Ava to The Navy Yard. We have lots of fine veggie stands along the road towards Leamington and Point Pelee. One of our favourite and best priced is Carl's Farm Market. He's about 35 minutes away. With the increase in Monkey Pox and Covid we may just stay away from crowds like those expected at The Dream Cruise a tad longer. The deadline for "t" ticks closer... and passes by...
A day without doctors is like a day without, well, doctors Pat. Enjoy it! I hope that you got that cup of coffee.
I agree Bill. You cannot really tell anything from pre season NFL games. I imagine our yearly Buffalo / Patriots wager is still on? Broken razor handles. Just another epidemic we have to content with.
Which carries the greater penalty Dave? Assault with an assault rifle or a nail gun? I suppose it comes down to how many nails can be fired without reloading. I'd love to ship you some "calm" but I fear that, as a controlled substance, it would be turned back at the border.
Friends of ours are headed on a back to back to back to, oh I don't know how many "backs" cruise in April of 2023. 50+ nights on Ovation of The Seas. They sail around Australia, New Zealand, The South Pacific to Hawaii and on up to Alaska. It's quite the itinerary. And price tag. Good for them I say!
As the action ramps up here (Katie just lifted her head) I better try to calm things down.



Wacky Wabbit
Nice chatter on here! Love it.

DAVE: I’m thinking you ate too much Rocky Road and are having Brain Freeze Fog going on. :D

Lee: Itcwas so nice that we had dinner on the deck. Perfect night. BLT’s w/soup. Used our OWN Tomatoes. Did the bacon on foil over the grill. Not going to mess up my new stovetop! Ha ha.

I can’t believe the Baboon actually gave his OKAY to release the search warrant papers. Hope he’s not paying his stupid lawyers too much money. Total jerk.

I’m still cracking up over the idiot that brought the NAIL GUN to the Cincinnati FBI office. Dude didn’t think that one over very well. Ended up dying. And I bet the T man could care less.
Wonder how many top secret papers were buried with Ivana! :eek:

Art managed to get 2 old kitchen cabinets hung in the garage. He’s going to paint them white. I got to help hold one end when he fastened them with the power drill.


2nd Officer
I don't know about you guys but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it being August already.

I was having difficulty with this board last night. When I read all the way to the bottom of the page, to that spot where you write a new post, instead of my Marvin the Martian picture next to that space it had Lee and his bride's picture.

And it no longer showed Lee's post where he mentioned Rocky Road ice cream. Nor K2's pictures of the garage cabinet. (The magic of electronics.) At first neither showed this morning. But now I can see them. ???

Hey, just in time for Christmas.......Did you see that around that time postage prices are going up again?

Had a new book come in the mail from Amazon. So far it's looking promising. It's called "The Terminal List" By Jack Carr. It had made it onto the best seller list. The main character of the book is a Navy Seal. What's interesting is that the author was a Navy Seal.

Since I'm not sure this post is going to show up on the board, I'll say BYE for now.


2nd Officer
A very late good morning. Have been trying to post since about 7 this morning but there was a problem and the last post that I saw was mine from the afternoon.

K2, am sure he thinks that will showing the search warrant and what they took will prove he did nothing wrong. He is delusional. And of course he could not answer any questions on Monday as am sure the lawyers all told him that if he did then for sure there would be charges. Of course none of it has helped him. I really hope that he is charged and convicted.

Our subs that I bought for dinner last night were very good and then again a bit ago for lunch. So nice to get two meals for $5.99 for each of us.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yep Dave, lots of oddities going on with seeing posts and trying to post on here as well. I kept getting some sort of security warning.
Same issue here until just now Nancy. It took me a second to realize that you were talking about “little t” being delusional. Not Dave or I. :oops:
Old cabinets never go to waste Kathie! Your sandwiches sound fantastic.
I’ll try to post this picture of the mayhem with three Greyhound dogs in the house…
Looks like it worked! That’s our Katie with her bunny in front, then Ava and Peachy in the bed at the back. Maybe you could show this picture to Jack and explain “calm” to him Dave.
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