Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer

Good morning! It's another beautiful morning after an evening of lots of lightening and light rain. Definitely not as much as we really need, but at least it was something and they are calling f or the same today.

Dave - A beautiful butterfly for sure in that picture. Surprisingly, we don't see all that many butterflies here, unless you have a butterfly garden, which we don't. But now for the question of the day - no real post yesterday and now today only a picture, which I'm sure you didn't post (thanks Kathi!), but no morning humor to get us going at a very early hour. What's going on????

Karen - We have a whole wall of those metal shelves filled with stuff, plus some additional shelves in the middle of the garage filled with Bert "stuff" that I haven't a clue about. He has a thing for plastic storage bins and has them all over the house with stuff he's organized. Right now he's in the process of organizing all the medical bandages and salves that the nurse ordered over the past couple of months that aren't in use. Thus another plastic bin!! He's just too organized and the direct opposite of me. Those are cute chip clips. Bert's idea of a chip clip is a paper clip! He keeps a supply handy in the kitchen. LOL

Kathie - Glad you got the approval on your meds. That's such a pain when you're running low and might not make it to the next appointment, isn't it?

Dave & Kathie - Stay away from Wendy's right now with that e-coli outbreak in your states linked to their lettuce.

Off to the wound doctor today. I'll be curious to hear what he has to say about my legs. He was away last week, so I'm sure he will be surprised to see how they have improved. I'm sure he'll still want that ridiculous compressions stocking on from my toes to my knee. UGH!!

Time to wake Bert up and get the day started around here. Have a good one, gang, and stay safe.


Wacky Wabbit
Its Friday Yes GIF by Denyse®
Like it really makes a difference to this group! Ha Ha.

Dave: Love that Butterfly pic! We have a few Monarchs in the yard, but not as many as last year.
Lee…is it time to go see the Monarchs getting ready to take their long flight to Mexico from Point Peelee? I’ll have to check on that. We did that one year and it was amazing how many thousands of Butterflies were there. I think it’s still too early.

BB: Hope you get a good report on those wounds on your legs. Just amazing how long it's taken to get them to heal completely.

What I thought was Choc Banana Bread loaf that my brother brought us, was really CHOC. ZUCCHINI BREAD! I wondered why I couldn’t taste any banana flavor. Ha ha. It sure was moist.

Negc: Cheapest gas price around here is $3.52. We have a long way to go to get to your low prices.
Before we know it they’ll be “changing over to Winter Formula” and prices will go up again. You just can’t win when it comes to fuel prices.

Jill gave me a book to read the other day. Since it’s cloudy and looks like rain today might be a good day to try and get into it. Only PROBLEM is I may go blind because the PRINT is so tiny! :eek: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! Wow…7 husbands… is more than enough for me! :rolleyes:

Karen: How has scooter been lately? Meant to ask you the other day. Glad you got some POOL time in. Take care with all your weeding.

Later gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Friday morning!
I love the new picture Karen. Heck, we were in Ayr for 20 years and still hadn’t gotten completely organized.
Great pic of The Monarch Dave.
It will soon be time for The Monarch’s to pass through this area on their journey Kathie. Last year we had hundreds, if not thousands, in the trees in The Navy Yard. It truly is quite a sight. Good on getting the script ordered.
I scored fuel here the other day at $1.55 a litre. I think that’s about $4.48 USD for a US gallon.
Pat, I wish I was as organized as Bert seems to be! A place for everything and everything in its place. Let’s hope that the doc reduces how much you need to have the compression stockings on each day.
As long as the fella doesn’t keep score of the bowling things should be OK Bill!
You’ll be in AK in no time Nancy! Good for Bruce sticking with the sleep appointment.
Best get my butt in gear. It’s threatening showers so I’m gonna hit the bike and treadmill to mix things up a little. I want to try the treadmill with a 5 pound weight in each hand today.
Everyone stay safe and sound.


Chief Security Officer
Have to remember to check my replies before hitting post reply. Gas prices here are just below $4 a gallon, not $3, so your price is actually better than anything I have noted around here, K2.
All that rain has had a bit of a positive effect and our lawns now show a bit more green than brown, though still not green as they should be at this time of the year. Lawn guys are here today and the grass does need cutting for a change.
Have to pick up a few prescriptions
today and hope that they will be sufficient to get us through the two weeks we will be on our cruises in September.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. In a bit I leave to go to Palm City to pick up a couple of ladies and take them to Miami International Airport. Bruce does work for the one and the ride they had fell threw so I am taking them. Charlotte will pay me.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good News 80S GIF
Our friend that had the colon surgery this

week and it was cancerous found out today that the surgeon GOT IT ALL! All the lymph nodes were clear and all the ‘edges’ were free of any cells. She basically cancer free and will not have to do chemo or radiation as far as she knows today. We are all so relieved. Life is good for her right now.

Just wanted to share this with somebody. :clap002:



2nd Officer
A very early good morning. Can not get to sleep so I have been doing a few odds and ends and now on the computer.

The trip to Miami was not too bad until we got in Miami and then for a 4 or so mile stretch it took us over half an hour. Was in the Express Lanes and there had been a bad accident that blocked both lanes so when we got to it had to go thru the rubber poles to the regular part of I95 and around the wreck, once around went back thru the poles so I could easily get off where I needed. Had to make one go around of the terminals because we did not see the sign for the airline until I was passing it but it only took a couple of minutes. It took almost 3 hours because there were a few times when traffic was just extremely slow. Coming home there was only one time when traffic slowed down so it only took 2 hours, and I was traveling farther. Charlotte was very generous in what she gave me to take them. Since we don't have drink package on our cruise I will put the money on our account so drinks that we will have will be paid for.

It was a good thing that yesterday I filled the gas tank as today I put almost 300 miles on so have a bit under half a tank of gas.

Will be back later in the day.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies!

There is now a hot-dog with mustard flavored Popsicle. Your prayers have been answered. Oh to be alive at this historical time.

And so, for the rest of his miserable life the Buffoon will be known as.......Defendant. Talk about job security for the justice department, and the orange man's lousy bunch of lawyers.

Nothing going on around here BB. Just haven't had much to yak about, and feeling more tired than usual. Tell Bert that having gobs of stuff in plastic containers doesn't take away from the fact that he's still a hoarder. Just an organized one.

I sure hope you gassed up while in the States, Lee. With your gas prices in Canada, I'm curious if there is much interest in electric cars.

Not too shabby on your gas prices, Bill.

You're not the only one who hates small print in books, K2. The smaller the print, the higher you need the lighting. Have you got much read in that new book of yours?

Yes KC, my circulation test at the doctor's went fine. The treadmill or stationary-bike usage most every day likely helped. Circulation in the legs has shown to be marginally better since last year. Both carotid arteries are in fine shape, and clear.

Kathi's bone density test went south. She's got osteoporosis. So now she's taking a pill once a month to counteract it.

Are you finally done buying more stuff to take on your cruise, Nancy? You sure don't cut back on packing like I'd expect someone with about 3 dozen cruises under your belt. Lee usually throws in 3 purdy pink panties, and he's good to go.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone! Where did the morning go? I blinked and it was gone and I can't think of anything I did!!

Dave - Sorry to hear that Kathi has osteoporosis. Unfortunately, that's a curse of getting older. Glad the doctor gave her some meds to slow it down. Glad your circulation test went well. I saw that mustard flaored popsicle story this morning. That sounds absolutely disgusting! :emoticon 0119 puke:

Cleaning lady and her son are here for the monthly cleaning of the house. The rest of the time Bert manages to handle evrything that needs to be done.

Speaking of Bert, today is his big day. G&E are taking us to the Italian restaurant for dinner to celebrate his birthday. We were going to go to our favorite steakhouse (Manny's) but realized that there would be no way to manipulate a wheelchair through there on a Saturday evening, so we changed plans. G&E live about as far east of the Italian restaurant as we live west of it. We hit more traffic than them though, so it takes longer for us to get there.

Got nothing else right now, so I'm going to get out of here for now. Football comes back this weekend, so we have a life again!!!

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, no matter what you are doing. Behave yourselves and stay safe!


Wacky Wabbit
michigan GIF
I wish I was wherever this picture is! :)

Took a ride to meet up with the family at a coffee shop in Lake Orion that Art, Jill, Mark and Ash meet up at. Coffee was good, but pricey. They had an outdoor fair going on. Nothing but a lot of homemade jewelry that I have no interest in. It was nice to see the family.

It's just SO BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE today. The people next door are getting their backyard ready for a Surprise 40th Anniv for one of their family members. LOTS of work going into this gig. Thank goodness they will have good weather. I just hope they sprayed the backyard for "mosquitos"! Come dusk they come out big time.

Hope you're all enjoying your Sat.

Nancy, so glad you made it to and from the airport. Nice you got some future "drink money" for doing the drive.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Cleaning lady & her son just left. There was a slight language miscommunication. According to her, Bert told her that only our bedroom, master bath, living room and kitchen needed to be done. With her son, they did that in less than 2 hours and were charging $100.! $50./hour to clean? He!! NO! I don't think so! I told her as she was heading out the door that I wanted the other 2 bedrooms and bathrooms done also, even if needing only a fast dusting/mopping of the floors and surfaces dusted on wiped off. I made sure she did all that before they headed out the door.

Rains are once again getting ready to move in. G&E are on their way over to pick up more of their stuff before we head out for dinner. They requested a charcuterie board and a glass of wine to snack on before heading for dinner. Better start that now.

Have a great evening, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
I think I've managed to find a carpet for the kitchen dining room area. I had a sample at the house from a local carpet store the past few days. Meanwhile, I got on the internet and found the same carpet, color, style, everything at a carpet store in Georgia. (the carpet capital of the South) It was cheaper even with a shipping charge on it. I'm saving over $125.00. That's enough for me to order from Georgia. Took back the sample board to the local place.

Stopped at Kentucy Fried Chicken and got a 10 pc bucket of chicken for our dinner. This is the second time we've gotten that bucket and they don't seem to add "Chicken Wings" in the mix. Just nice drum sticks and thighs. Works for me.

The party next door doesn't seem as BIG as I thought it would be. For all the prep work they were doing around the yard, I thought for sure there would be more people. Anyways, they seem to be having fun. :clap002: :clap002:

Dave: I haven't started the book as of yet. Have to make sure I'm wide awake to be able to see the small print. Ha Ha.

So, tomorrow..... Sunday.... I will be going to church for the first time in a LONG, LONG time. Only going because we're going to practice the Wedding music songs after the service for next Saturday's wedding of former members 'grandson' that is getting married. This is a volunteer pick-up group that will be singing. Our choir usually only sings for current members of the choir. But, since this is being advertised as STRICKLY VOLUNTEER, and this family has given the choir Boo-COO money all the time most of us are going to show up and sing. (not to mention the grandpa is barely hanging on these days and it would be a good thing to sing)

Okay gang hope you all are having as good a day as we are here in Pure Michigan! :)

Blue welcome to pure michigan sign on a stone wall A welcome sign at the Michigan state line. Michigan Stock Photo

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Pretty in pink I like to think Dave. Now get that image out of your mind. Not the news you and Kathi were hoping to get.
A disappointing day here in The Burg. The sign said “Art in the Park” at Fort Malden. We got there early and not only didn’t we see Art, we didn’t see Kathie either. But it sure was a fantastic day for an outdoor show!
I always hate when a crash disrupts a usually easy drive Nancy. It pays to leave extra time. Especially when there’s a flight involved.
Please wish Bert a VERY Happy Birthday from Lu-Ann and I Pat. Italian is always a good alternative to Manny’s! Seems to be a “convenient” misunderstanding by the cleaning lady…
The only grass I need to cut is between the houses where it’s nicely shaded Bill. Everything here is still so dry.
I certainly hope that there’s an award for outstanding neighbour Karen.
Not much else from this neck of the woods folks. Have a good evening.


2nd Officer
Just checking in to say goodnight from Belleview! Spent most of the day painting my guest bathroom. When I had it remodeled a couple years ago the paint color turned out a lot darker tan than I wanted, but I decided to live with it for a while. After 4 years I decided I'd lived with it long enough but couldn't make up my mind what color to paint it, so since it would need a good primer to cover the dark tan color I just went with Antique White. The cabinet & tile are dark brown so this is a nice contrast without being WHITE white. I can use colorful towels for the "pop" of color. That's my story for now & I'm sticking to it! :D

Dave, what medicine is Kathi on that she only has to take if once a month? I'm on Fosomax & have to take it every week, which means really take it a couple times a month cause I always forget! I have to take it first thing in the morning before I eat or drink anything.

Pat, give Bert my wishes for a Very Happy Birthday also! Dang, $50 an hour for cleaning house, I'm going to quit the weeding business & start cleaning houses instead! It would pay better & be a whole lot cooler too!!

Lee, now I have the State Farm jingle in my head, like a good neighbor, Karen is there. Just trying to put a little good back out into the universe.

Kathie, sounds like a nice meet up with the family. Now I'm going to have to pick up a bucket of KFC, I'm pretty sure our store in Belleview counts 2 chicken wings as part of their 10 piece bucket.

Nancy, nice to have a couple rounds of drinks paid for before boarding on a cruise.


2nd Officer
I DON'T want to be reminded that fall is just around the corner.

We made a quick stop at Walley-World last evening for a prescription. At this store they have an outside, fenced in area for garden and plant stuff. As we pulled in the parking lot there wasn't a single plant, flower or bush in that area. Geesh! But they sure had a crap-load of Halloween stuff inside the store.

Happy belated birthday wishes for Bert, BB. I'm nosey, how many rings are on his trunk?

Yea! The last preseason game was on last night for the Cleveland Browns. I too am ready for games that count. 50 bucks an hour for house-cleaning doesn't sound too shabby if you're good at it. Beats asking everybody, "Would you like fries with that?".

We too had a BEAUTIFUL day here yesterday, K2. Not too hot, not too humid. But today it'll be around 90. I could sit by that waterfall you posted for hours. I love Kentucky Fried Chicken too. Original recipe, grease and all.

You would be pretty in purple pokey dots too, Lee. An excellently manicured lawn you've got there.......between the houses.

In answer to your question, KC; Kathi is taking a generic form of "Boniva". And like your Fosomax she has to take it 1st thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. And can't lie down for at least an hour. That's to avoid damage to her esophagus. You are doing an excellent job of putting a lot of good back out into the universe, young lady.

Should be a quiet day for us. Nothing demanding our attention.

I hear some hot wings calling my name.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the race did not run last night due to rain so it will run this morning, but I don't think we can watch as they said only on CNBC and we don't get that on Hulu, so this morning also Peacock so will try that.

After lunch we are going to Palm City to Charlotte's so get the fruit and veggies from the fridge as Bruce left them the other day. While there we will also look for one of Charlotte's hearing aids as she could not find it Friday so she had to go with only one.

My hands are swollen so will be putting gel on them in a bit, it is the only thing that makes the swelling go away, also will later take one of the pain pills.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning!

It's a beautiful morning, only 80 degrees, but with 84% humidity, it feels like it is in the 90s. Clouds are already starting to gather with more t-storms expected around 2. We had hours of pouring rain yesterday with T&L accompanying the rain. It was still raining when we left to go to dinner, but thankfully stopped by the time we got home.

Karen - Nice that for once you did something for yourself yesterday when you painted your guest bathroom. Now go shop for some towels to make it POP!!

Kathie - We haven't had KFC in years. To us Publix fried chicken is much better and you always get the wings included in their 80 piece box. The wings are some of my favorite parts of the chicken. I like the white meat and Bert likes the dark, so we both end up with what we want.

Dave - Bert now has 78 rings around his trunk. He doesn't act it though, as he's constantly on the go. He just can't sit still doing nothing, unless it's to watch NCIS (one form or another) FBI (all three) and Blue Bloods. Do you see a pattern here? Oh yeah, throw in Blacklist when it's on. He definitely is ADHD, as well as being OCD!!!

Nancy - Good luck trying to find Charlotte's hearing aid. They are not the easiest thing to find. Bert has had to go on a quest for one of his once in a while and that happens right in our bedroom. I hope you are successful.

Kathie - Nice that you went to church today and that you're volunteering to sing in the choir for the wedding.

Lee - Nice manicured lawn you have there between the houses! So did you buy any art? or kathie??? LOL

I see where next Sunday most movie theaters will only be charging $3.00 a ticket to encourage people to go to the movies. To that I say HE!! NO! That will definitely be a Covid breeding grounds!

Our dinner last night was so good and of course, we have plenty of leftovers for tonight. I got linguine with red clam sauce. It's ok, but I do prefer the white sauce better. I just hadn't had red in a number of years, so I thought I'd give it a try. G&E managed to load their car with most of the stuff they still had here, so Bert's now a happy camper.

I have to start making a list of things we'll need for a BBQ next Saturday with M&J and L&R. L&R are planning to come down from Ocala. First time we'll see our granddaughter since her hip replacement surgery months ago. She'll have the other hip done October 4th. It's been a while since we had a REAL BBQ, so I have to really think this out before Bert thinks I make too much stuff. Time for a cup of coffee and to get that list started.

Have a fabulous day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Preach Praise The Lord GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
Made it to church and the SAINT pictures and Mosaic didn't fall off the walls or ceiling. Service went quickly and we had a 15 min wedding song practice afterwards. All is good.

I even managed to put in a good word for ALL YOU BUNNIES that stayed home today! Ha Ha.

Watching what I eat the next few days. NO RED MEAT. Easy going stuff. Lots of broth. I'm having Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal as my "brunch" right now. I need to weigh myself and see just how much weight I lose by Wednesday morning! :oops:

Still beautiful outside. Love it.

The 40th Anniv party that was next door yesterday lasted until about 1:00 A.M. They had a cool Tiki Bar set up on the lower area with neat lights. Music wasn't loud enough to bother anybody. And at 6:00 a.m. the neighbor had his older son and himself taking down the tents and Tiki Bar and folded up the tables and chairs. They had a flashlight. I'm thinking they never went to sleep! Ha ha. I was passing through the family room when I saw the flashlights in the yard. :)

Okay, I'm out of here for now. Enjoy the day.


Wacky Wabbit
83 degrees here right now at 6:50 pm Sunday evening. LOVING IT big time.

I made 3 batches of JELLO!
Orange, LIME and LEMON! I only really like the ORANGE, but will eating the rest since I don't have much to choose from the next few days.

Checking out for tonight. Hope you all had a good day.