Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
You've got some explaining to do, K2. Just why are the walls in the small bathroom of the hutch all sticky this morning???

You sure are getting an early start to your day. The sooner over the better.

It's nice to hear Lee that this time you are just plugged into a monitor, and not the kind in the back of an ambulance or in the ICU. It must have been an interesting life with a name like Sunshine. I bet she got tired of talking about it a long time ago.

BB; Did you get a medal or at least a T-shirt for finishing the trifecta? As for you and Bert's new glasses, did you get them at a place that has it's own lab to grind the lenses so you could get them the same day?

My new line-free bifocal lenses won't be ready for a week since they send out the prescriptions. For now I'm wearing a pair of glasses that I had about 15 years ago. Making it a pain to read the "crawl" at the bottom of some TV channel screens. It doesn't help that I sit in a chair that's exactly 20 feet from the TV. (It's only a 50 inch TV.)

Yes Bill, all this technology has made life more difficult in many ways.

Smaller store grocery shopping for us this morning.

Oh yea, Jack sure didn't get the memo that he had surgery on Monday. Just as energetic as he always is. We're just hoping he doesn't strain something that shouldn't be strained.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Did not get a very good nights sleep so am a bit tired today. Will go gas up the SUV so we will be ready next week.

Well Jennifer and family will not be going to North GA while we are in Alaska, Mike has to have surgery and it will be sometime mid September. But the SUV will be there if they need.

Found out that as of tomorrow MSC no longer requires those that are vaccinated to get Covid testing so am working on canceling the tests we have scheduled. Not as easy as I had hoped. Oh well at least the cruise is just over a month away.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Boring GIF
TEST went well. Nice to get in early and out early too. I had "4" small
polyps this time around. Guess that's what happens after 12 years from the last Colonoscopy. Procedure went like clockwork. The STAFF couldn't have been any nicer. The Propofol was, as usual, dreamy. You could feel yourself drifting to sleep. :sleep2: Took 25 mins and I was done. I got released at the time I was originally supposed to show up. So nice to have the time changed to 7:30 am. Results of biopsy comes in the mail in 2 weeks. Will be having one more of these in about 3-5 years depending on what the biopsy says. Oh well, it is what it is. Better safe than sorry.
We went to the Pancake Factory and had a yummy breakfast. And now I'm off to the bedroom to take a nap. I was up at 2:00 a.m.

Dave: I called the cleaning service to have the HUTCH bathroom cleaned up earlier this morning. Should be all nice a shiny by now. :)

Bummer you have to use your old glasses until the new ones show up Dave. Good time to give your eyes a rest.

Negc: The book I'm reading is good so far. Seems more like a "ladies' book" but moves along. I'm on chapter 18. They are short chapters. I'll let you know if it stays interesting.

Out of here for now. Going to try my best to get a nap right now. I'm NOT good at that, but hopefully some of that drug is still floating around in me and I'll get to rest for
a while.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie - Glad your procedure is over and done with. I bet you woofed down breakfast at the Pancake Factory. I hope you get some sleep after being awake so early. Nice to know that none of that damage from the storm happened by you.

Lee - Good to hear that the monitor you're hooked up to is a small one. I'm sure you can put up with it for the 3 days and I hope it shows excellent results.

Nancy - I didn't get a great night's sleep either. You sure do preplan things in advance with gassing up the SUV already. Good luck canceling that Covid test before your MSC cruise.

Karen - Good job continuing to straighten out the things in your garage, but isn't it too hot in there right now? Bert has been avoiding doing anything in the garage right now as it's just too darn hot in there.

Dave - Happy shopping! We have to wait 2 weeks to get our glasses. Mine will take me a bit to get used to. First because I have not needed to wear any glasses for over 9 years and second, these have a progressive lens. Never wore anything like that before.

Bill - Good luck with your quest to find a place here in Florida for the winter. I do know of one place that is very friendly and does not charge very high rates. They are used to having guests for up to 6 months at a time. References are required though! ;)

No medal for completing the trifector yesterday and as a matter of fact, another one is coming today.

Our corned beef & cabbage dinner last night was delicious and we have just enough for another meal, maybe tomorrow night. Tonight M&J and coming for dinner. Bert picked up 10 lbs of mussels yesterday, so that will be dinner tonight with lots of bread to sop up the gravy (sauce). This is one of Nathan's favorite meals. While they're here, Missy & I will coordinate who's making what for Saturday's BBQ. She doesn't want me to have to do anything, but I already told her that I intend to make the salads and a key lime pie.. Might also make an angel food/pineapple cake. That one is super easy.

Time for some coffee and to read the newspaper before Bert decides to grace me with his presence. Have a happy hump day!!


Chief Security Officer
Last night went well and we ended up in 4th place and got back about half of the money we paid to play, as our share of the winnings, so those 15 night's out were pretty inexpensive. Pizza was actually pretty good and of course so was the company.
Road work is beginning this morning and our street should be done and we should be able to drive on it by late afternoon. In the meantime one of our cars is parked at Rich and Dianne's house since their street is due to be worked on tomorrow or Friday and we will be able to use it until our street is finished.
Thanks for your comments on your book. I pretty much thought, as you concluded, it was more of a "ladies" book, but wanted confirmation before adding it to my reading list. Several of my favorite authors have books coming out in September so I may just wait on them.
Nancy, glad that MSC has dropped the testing requirement but you might still need to be tested before you enter Vancouver. Check out the ArriveCan app to see what you need to do.
Hope no one mistakes you for a "Mad Bomber" with that box glued to your chest, Lee, but also hope that the results are positive and you don't have to wear it too long.
Hard to believe September is almost here and our cruises are only about two weeks away. Have to make a list of what we need to put on pause for the period we will be away. I think that it is just the cable TV, and the daily newspaper. Speaking of which, I may have mentioned my frustration that the senior citizen who delivers our paper has been delivering it rather late (10 am or later) and recently has been leaving it on the walkway between the driveway and our porch rather than on the porch. On Sunday I was going to go out and complain when she arrived but she came in her car and was back out and on her way before I could get to the door. I went out and picked up the paper and brought it inside and found a note in it where she apologized for the fact that she was not delivering the paper to the door but explained that she is having serious mobility problems and pain and is seeing a doctor. It served as a reminder to me not to be so quick to complain or to criticize someone before you know all the facts.
BB, Not sure that our references would pass the muster for that establishment.;-)


2nd Officer
Lee, this is what I have found for going to Canada: Arrival testing if selected — Pre-entry tests are not required for fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada by land, air or water. You must still use ... and of course we are fully vaccinated and have received 2 booster shots. We do need to get tested prior to the cruise so that is set for Saturday.

Have received a refund for Bruce's testing for October but not mine so I will give it a day then request again.

Pat, I normally gas up the SUV when the gage shows 1/4 tank and that is where it was this morning. And I figure we will only put about 50 to 75 miles on before heading to Tampa, so that is good.


Wacky Wabbit
It worked. :clap002: :clap002:

I had a fantastic LONG, LONG sleep. Can't call it a nap when you sleep for 4 hours. I must have needed it. Hope I sleep good tonight! ;)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Nancy (and Bill), above is the link to the ArriveCan app. You MUST complete the app prior to any arrival in Canada. You can have the app retain the vaccination info so you only need to change the date / approx time / and port of entry. We have used it twice with NO issues.
That young lady certainly did have a great way of showing off her pumpkins. RECIPES. Thank you Kathie. A good sleep would certainly help get the anesthetic out of your system.
Geez Bill. I never thought about it but the monitor could be interesting at the border! I am, after all, a shady looking character. Good finish at cribbage!
I would like to vouch for Bill and Rita Pat. I have always found them to be reliable and Bill always pays his M&M’s in a timely manner. Always a good thing when there’s enough food for a second delicious meal.
Once Jack is snipped he’ll settle down. How often have we dog owners heard that line Dave?
For everyone seeing the eye guys…

Have to go talk to a young lady in town about ukulele lessons. Really.
Take care my friends.


2nd Officer
I have the ArriveCan app on my phone and a note on my laptop to fill it out on Sept 6th and also have to fill out forms for United Airline on the 6th.

I get a haircut tomorrow morning.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Just checking in to say Goodnight from Belleview. Glad to see all of our testing Bunnies made it thru & hopefully all will get a passing grade!
I am ready for Pumpkin Everything!!


2nd Officer
Ukulele lessons???

Planning a trip to Hawaii, Lee? There's a story here.

Sure wish I could see clearly now. Everything will be a bit fuzzy till next Wednesday when my new glasses come in.

Speaking of next Wednesday; My Virginia daughter will be picking up her new puppy then. A totally black Cockapoo named Dolly. One catch, it'll be a 10 hour drive to Alabama to get it.

4 hours. Now THAT is a nap, K2. Neat video on pumpkin stuff. Kathi mentioned yesterday that even Dairy Queen will soon have Pumpkin Spice Blizzards. I'm looking at you, KC.

BB; I'm still waiting on you to have a lit up sign on your front porch saying Vacancy/No Vacancy.
By "progressive lenses" are you talking about glasses that turn into sunglasses?

Our nephew/contractor stopped over yesterday to make us a small set of steps out of the back door. Came out better than the one I made about 20 years ago. He always does great work. I'll see if Kathi will post a picture of it.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Thursday Morning Wrabbits.
LEE: Ukulele Lessons? Are you OFF your MEDS again? Or is that monitor messing with your brain cells? Tell us more!

Dave: Be real careful getting use to those new steps! Especially with your fuzzy glasses. A picture would be nice.
Any new things going on with your young new neighbors Lately?

I had a really good sleep last night. Bad part was I feel asleep on the couch. Thank goodness it’s a really comfortable couch! Bad part is that I was awakened by Art stirring his Oatmeal that he eats before every bike ride! The smell woke me up! Now I want some oatmeal. Ha ha.

I hope you all have a fun and safe day. I have nothing for you right now!
want to find time to read more chapters of the book.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Not a cloud in the sky this morning, but we all know that will change later when the dark storm clouds move in around 5.

Dave - No signs allowed to be posted in our community, so we can only book by word of mouth!! LOL The steps look great. Definitely a very professional looking job.

Lee - Thanks for the positive reference for Rita & Bill. Management will take that into consideration. Ukulele lessons? They really are fun. Way back in college I had a music course one summer and we all learned to play the ukulele. We had music books with songs like "Michael Row the Boat Ashore" and Kumbaya My Lord" We had to play and sing at the same time! 25 college students who can't sing and couldn't play the uke. Think about it. I bet the teacher put in ear plugs when we weren't looking!!!

Kathie - That was one fine nap you had yesterday afternoon. Glad you slept well last night, even if it was on the couch. Loved that pumpkin pie post. Might just have to give that one a try.

Nancy - You know the cruise is getting close when it's time for that haircut!

Our mussel dinner last night was a big success. I think I told you that is Nathan's favorite. Once again he proved that is true. He ate 65 mussels by himself! Not that much still left, so that might be lunch today or tomorrow.

Bert's off to the doctor this morning. He has what appears to be a contact allergy rash on his left arm. I've been telling him all week to get Benadryl, but would he listen? Of course not. Now the rash has spread and is very itchy. He finally broke down and called the doctor yesterday. Time for some antibiotics and cream to put on the rash.
Once Bert gets home, he's going to Restaurant Depot with Missy. Jimmy wants a brisket to smoke for Saturday. While they're gone, I'll boil the potatoes for the potato salad I'll make tomorrow. It's so much easier to peal the potatoes when they're cold and firm. Also need to make some hard boiled eggs to go in that salad also.

For right now though, I need a cup of coffee to recharge my battery. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Haircut done. Got the refund for my covid test for next month, so that is all done.

Nice looking stairs Dave.

Pat, I always peel and cut my potatoes before cooking for my salad.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
DAVE: That's one fantastic looking STEP JOB. Love the RAILING! Nice job.

BB: You mentioned boiling some eggs. Now I'm off to do the same and make us some Homemade Potato Salad. That and some Brawks for dinner. YUM.

Nancy, I bet your head is spinning with things you want to make sure are all set in place for your cruise. I know I wouldn't do half the planning you have done for this Alaska vacation. Now to hope it all works out.

Speaking of vacations........I am getting real antsy to get out of town and close to some water. Need to work on this with Mr Anderson! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
Beach Day Summer GIF by MSLK Design

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Nancy - I boil the potatoes whole. Then the next day I peal & cut them for the salad.

Kathie - Glad I inspired you to make some potato salad. We're having leftover corned beef & cabbage tonight for dinner. Then there'll be more room in the refrigerator for the stuff I make tomorrow. :emoticon 0137 clapping:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon!
A fine day here in The Burg. Just beautiful down by The River. We have an event at The Bookshop tonight. This one is about Fort Malden. Next week’s is about The Detroit River and it’s importance to communities on both sides of the border. It’s nice these sessions are back!
A few years back Lu-Ann bought me a beginners ukulele. You might say I never “began”. The young lady who took over the music shop in town will do a series of lessons for both of us so, why not. We’ll see if this old dog can after all learn a new trick.
Nice job on the steps Dave. How long have you had a headless dog?
Kathie, as long as “Mr. Anderson” doesn’t drive you out of Macomb to the lake or river, put up a tent and tell you your wish has been granted… Did you get that oatmeal?
SIXTY FIVE mussels Pat? What was this, an all you can eat seafood bar at P&B’s B&B. There’s a lot of uke clubs popping up here now Pat. I guess because it’s a fun instrument and hopefully easy to play. Bethany teaches “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” as our first song. I bet your college band would have been a hoot! Hopefully it’s nothing too nasty with Bert.
Sounds to me like you’re pretty much ready to go to AK Nancy! I have to admit that it is truly one beautiful destination.
Karen, you can have my share of everything pumpkin. I’m not a big fan unless it’s really good “punkin’ pie”.
Time, again, to feed the pups and us.
Have a good evening folks.