Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
TGIF. whatever that means. Ask some workin-folk.

No dog-napping K2 when you are babysitting adorable Manny. How long do you watch that furball?

Maybe today is the day the decision will be made on your new glasses, BB. I know you want something that just works.

Lee; I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that doesn't want anything pumpkin-spice.

A sunny warm summery day here yesterday. Today 20 degrees cooler, cloudy, and only in the 50's. I've been wearing long pants a bit too much lately.

Kathi whipped up a bunch of chili yesterday. (You bet it's spicy.) Besides one container for use now, there's another 8 now in the garage freezer.

While making that chili, she needed to make a quick trip to the grocery store for more hamburger and beans. But while there, she also picked up 2 more containers of that lemon ice cream.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I do think that everything is packed for tomorrow. Bruce just needs to check the nuts for where I put the arm rests back on the wheelchair.

The other day I got a new charger for the cell phone, it is the Christmas lights, I have loved it since it first came out, of course then it was only for I Phones but not they have it for Androids. Since the price was good I had to get one. It is not a quick charge but that is okay.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning. Once again, this is going to be a short post, as we're off to the wound doctor today. Good thing some of the flooding in the area has gone down. Otherwise we would not have been able to get to that area just a few days ago.

Kathie - I should keep my mouth shut, but I don't get any ads on here. I guess for once the internet gods are smiling on me!

Nancy - In case I don't catch you again, you and Bruce have a wonderful cruise. At least this time it will be a lot warmer than Alaska.

Dave - That sure is a lot of chili that Kathi made yesterday. And good for her getting more of that lemon ice cream. No, I haven't heard anything further on the glasses yet.

Bye for now ...


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Its Friday GIF by Chippy the Dog
Like Dave said it's a TAD cooler here in the NORTH! Don't like it one bit.

Glad I got 7 bags of flowers pulled yesterday when it was nice and warm outside. Hated to pull perfectly good looking flowers, but I'm not one that likes to do that job when it's bitter cold and windy.

Nancy: If I miss you. Have a safe and fun cruise. Sounds like you don't have to take as much with you this time. Try and be safe in crowds. You can still get the COVID again and again. Take take a few of those free test kits with you and test if you feel symptoms. Have fun! :emoticon 0111 blush:

DAVE: Good for Kathi doing some BATCH Chili cooking and freezing. It's so nice when you can just grab a PKG and have lunch or dinner made in a snap. I need to replenish my freezer of a few meals that freeze well. I have a HUGE CABBAGE that I bought waiting for me to make Stuffed Cabbages and freeze. Might do that tomorrow. Need to buy some ground meat. (a
nother thing that is expensive these days. But then isn't everything)
To answer your question on how long we will be watching the new puppy.... 3 days! They'll be home sometime by the 3rd day.

BB: Just saw your post. Lucky you for not getting the HUGE AD's when getting onto this Cruise addict site. Oh well, it's free for us to use this site and I just try to ignore them.

So, is it getting harder to walk close to the water since the temps dropped so much this morning? Are there less folks walking themselves and their pets lately?

Sending a SHOUT-OUT to say GOOD AFTERNOON to our KAREN! Hope you have a nice day. Stop by and give us a "Hello"! :emoticon 0115 inlove: (not bugging you.... just missing you)

NEGC: When do you board the OASIS for this latest Cruise? Hope the seas are calm and the temps are HOT for you both. Have fun.

The carpet I ordered from Georgia got delivered by Fed-X yesterday. It got cut to the size we needed and sent out to get bound. Looks good. Today I will go buy a pad to set under it to protect the wood flooring. We opened it up enough in the garage yesterday to see how it looked and I think it will work out just fine. Much better than the Oriental looking red carpet that is in there now. Although, I really still like that rug. Just doesn't match up with the new room. Soon I'll have pictures for you guys.



Wacky Wabbit
Still getting a picture of a Shih Tzu dog all over Dave's post. Takes up the entire page.
Then it starts up with another AD right after that. Then I get it on the side of my monitor screen.
HATE THIS BIG TIME. I've tried to reach out to BOB, but not sure he gets my messages. Does anybody else know how to reach him?
It's not the end of the world, but it does get OLD FAST.

Angry Chicken GIF by happydog


2nd Officer
Still getting a picture of a Shih Tzu dog all over Dave's post. Takes up the entire page.
Then it starts up with another AD right after that. Then I get it on the side of my monitor screen.
HATE THIS BIG TIME. I've tried to reach out to BOB, but not sure he gets my messages. Does anybody else know how to reach him?
It's not the end of the world, but it does get OLD FAST.

Angry Chicken GIF by happydog
boB passed away last September 25th.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Gettin’ cooler, no, colder here since yesterday. Frost in the forecast.
I too find the ads getting larger, more frequent and frankly annoying. I expect to see a pop up for “premium ad free access” for the low monthly fee of “insert amount here”.
Tomorrow is another day.
Be safe and as Covid cases start to rise it may just be time to increase the wearing of masks for our own as well as those around us.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I just looked at the temps here in Macomb and it's "38F" outside right now at 11:12 pm.
Sure glad I pulled all those flowers yesterday! Whew. I'm not ready to wear shoes with socks.

Sleepy Good Night GIF by Fuzzballs

Ditto on wearing Masks. Have a good Saturday all.


Wacky Wabbit
1st time in a few days that I didn't see the Shih Tzu when I opened up this thread! I hope it's gone for good. :emoticon 0111 blush:


2nd Officer
I too get those large adds in between posts and along the side of them. It's become more and more annoying as the increase in the number and size of them skyrockets.

If Bob has passed, then he's got a heck of a wi-fi connection if you get a reply from him, K2.

Let's see here.......If you have Manny for 3 days, will he be better trained at the end of the time, or will Manny have you trained?

Speaking of cooking up food items in quantity and putting them in the freezer for meals down the road, Kathi has been doing her best. She too has a "Food Saver" machine that shrink-wraps around things.

Just in the last week or so she's made a bunch of chili which I had mentioned. But also at least a dozen hamburger Sliders. (The perfect size for a burger.) On them is cheese and bacon. She individually wraps them. Pull one out of the freezer, pop it in to the microwave for 30 seconds and flip it over for another 30 to 40 seconds. A quick snack or lunch.

Also she's made small pizzas with the all the toppings, uncooked. Those you just cook in the oven.

And in the next few days she wants to make and freeze some pumpkin and apple pies. She's got the fix-ins for both. (Those Jonagold apples finally became available.)

Yes Lee, all the indoor activity this time of year results in all sorts of respiratory diseases. Come to think of it, on Monday or Wednesday we'll be getting the most recent Covid booster. That's the 2 days of the week the pharmacy gives Moderna shots.

Hope that all you Bunnies are up to date on your boosters.

Have a sunny day everyone, even if isn't. Time now for you to go watch some more political commercials.



Wacky Wabbit
Fun Dog GIF by Fleischer Studios
34F here in
PURE COLD MICHIGAN. And next Tues & Wed it will be 70F highs. Go figure!

Give my Kudo's to your bride Kathi for all her Prep and Cook and Freezing of meals. We would make FANTASTIC NEIGHBORS!
We're up to date on all the Covid Boosters. Not the latest and greatest one. We need to go this week and get our Flu Shots and then look into the Covid booster. We are Pfizer followers.
I'll have to see if they have a current vaccine out yet or not.

Hope you all have a FANTASTIC Saturday. You Belles in Florida enjoy your warmth. At least it's SUNNY here in Michigan today. That helps.

May the Cruisers enjoy their time away on the floating Petre ships! Ha Ha. Seriously, have a blast.

Off to run some Saturday errands.

Saturday Night Party GIF by myHQ


Chief Security Officer
We leave for NJ a week from today and board Oasis on the following day.
Heard from the lady who is renting us her house in Vero Beach that they escaped the hurricane with no damage and only lost power for a few hours. After our two night cruise on Wonder in early December, we plan to drive from Cape Canaveral to Vero to meet her and see the property.
Guess we can't escape the ads if we don't want to be paying a fee for this forum but it seems that the same ones are tracking me, not only on this website but on Facebook as well.
Fair winds and following seas, Nancy.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I just realized that I never posted here earlier. Spent a few hours watching the Gators win against Mizzu! Go Gators!!!

Beyond that, this has been a relatively quiet day around here. I don't even have to cook! It's a leftover night. I made a dish that I probably haven't made in over 30 years. It's Shrimp Marinara over rice. Only thing I will change the next time I make it will be to have more seasoning and give it a bit of hot sauce to spice it up a bit. Bert loves it just the way I made it, so I'll have to sneak in the flavorings. ;)

Kathie & Dave - Nice that your house is fixing all this food for the winter months ahead. I rarely freeze more than enough for one meal. Bert has that "food Saver" gizmo that he got for last Christmas. Missy showed him how to use it about 2 months ago. It has not been used since then! He'd rather use ziplock bags. Go figure!
You guys watching the OSU vs MSU game? I'm watching the game too.

Bill - So when are we going to get to see you and Rita? I sent Rita an email, but I haven't heard back from her. I guess she's being kept busy, right?

It's 5:05. It's officially Happy Hour! Time to get something to drink and go out on the lanai while it's so beautiful outside. 83 is just perfect!!

Have a great night, everyone.


2nd Officer
At least it's not AS cold this morning as it was yesterday. Yesterday morning I woke up to a temperature in the 30s, and this morning it's in the lower 40s. Now what did I do with my shorts?

Hiya KC & Lee!

I think we'll all agree not to talk about yesterday's THE Ohio State and Michigan State game. Congrats on the Gators game BB.

I think it's time for you to take command of that Food-Saver, BB.

With as many cruises that you take Bill, it wouldn't surprise me if you have a Go-Bag in the back of your closet where you could be out the door to the ship in 20 minutes.

K2; I believe that both Pfizer and Moderna have the newest booster for Covid. And both have been improved to help protect against the most recent variances.

I'll have to admit that this Covid pandemic only enhanced my germophobia. Even before this pandemic I was wiping down and sanitizing airplane tray tables.

Pretty much diddley planned around here today. I'm hoping to watch some recorded TV shows from this past week. With the new TV season, recordings are piling up.

It may be "chilly" here today, BUT, it will be sunny all day. Which is a mood changer.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Yet another crummy sleep. No Dave, not crumbs in the bed, just a bad sleep.
Health Canada just approved Pfizer’s booster on Friday. We’ll be headed to the pharmacy for our shot as soon as they are in stock. We should be able to get our flu shot in the other arm. I’ll have to check to see if I’m due for my rabies too. :p
I do admit to looking at those Food Savers whenever we pass by them on the shelf at Costco. I wonder if we would use it or add it to the “seemed like a good idea at the time” shelf. Lu-Ann and I rarely have leftovers (where did that term originate?) If we do we join Bert in the ziplock bag brigade. I like to buy stuff fresh as we need it and prepare small meals for the two of us.
Go ahead Bill. Rub it in. “How ‘bout those Toronto Blue Jays?” Blowing an 8 -1 lead to end their season.
Two years ago I was waking up in Fort Lauderdale to meet Sonja who was bringing Ava and Latte to FLL for their flight to their forever homes. The pups are getting together, we hope, for a meet n greet down at The Navy Yard this afternoon. It should be interesting seeing as Latte isn’t usually real good around other dogs.
As always I hope that everyone is well and, again as always, watch out for the other guy.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! All excited today, as our oldest grandson, Wesley, is moving from Texas to here and will be arriving sometime today. He travels to his own beat, if you understand that, but we love him so much. Nathan & Jennifer can't wait to see their big brother again.

Lee - We too still have to get the latest Covid booster and our flu shots. Publix used to give you a $10. gift card for getting the flu shot, but I don't think they do that any longer.
Guess what our Publix now has - Tim Horton K-cups! They are BOGO this week, so I had Bert buy some. I must say, the coffee tastes really good.
Bert didn't ask for the food saver. M&J gave it to him as a Christmas present. I know what you mean about how much you may use stuff that you just HAD to have. I wanted an immersion blender and it's still in the box. The same goes for a hot pot that Missy gave me along the way. The box still hasn't been opened. I prefer to stick with my tried & true pressure cooker, but I can't tell her that.

Dave - So do you still have any of that lemon ice cream left? We just had a new place open next to Publix. It's called Jeramiah's Ices and soft serve. They look very busy and I told Bert that we need to give them a try. He didn't sound very interested though, so who knows if we'll get there before they go out of business.

Outside of hoping to see Wesley today, we don't have much planned. I haven't heard from Gary recently, so I have no idea how their project is going. We still have never seen the house!

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the Sunday newspaper. Have a wonderful, safe day, everyone.


Chief Security Officer
Would love to be reading the Sunday paper this morning but it hasn't been delivered. Delivery has been rather late for quite a while but never this late and calling the Globe to complain doesn't do much to improve things.
Lee, my team is the Boston Red Sox, so I can hardly give anyone a hard time about the performance of their team. I sometimes think we invented the phrase: Wait Til Next Year.
Like you Dave, I have a lot of TV programs already recorded but haven't taken the time to watch many of them so far. I have watched the first of Ken Burn's "Holocaust" series and find it disturbing when you consider the current immigration situation and some of the political posturing going on.
No "go bag" but we can pretty much pack up what we need quickly when needed.
BC held its own against Clemson for the first half yesterday but the second half was a different story and it was as if the floodgates suddenly opened.
Patriots are down to their third string QB for today's game but Zappe showed something when he was in the game last week and this may be his time to shine and give us more hope for the future.
Manny is quite a cute dog, K2. Reminds me of the Lhasa that we had for years.