Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, fellow wabbits! Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the wound doctor we go!! Need to head out in a little while. Only thing I am looking forward to is possibly a stop at True Blue Winery for a glass of Crazy Good!!

Kathie - That sure was a fast trip to the dermatologist. Bert's appointment lasted a bit longer on Wednesday. He's had so man spots on his head burned that you could probably play connect the dots on his head!!

Dave - Have fun shopping today. I know what you mean about those weeks when you suddenly need so much stuff. I love the weeks where a lot of what we need is a BOGO. And then, of course, Bert always adds more stuff that he wants. I'm afraid that when I figure out what we need, it's going to be a long list with lots of BOGOs.

Lee - I can't believe you had snow already! At least it melted right away. Just too early for that kind of weather.

We've got our ballots already and we keep getting messages about filling them out and mailing them in. We'll fill them out and then just bring them to the drop off box at the board of elections. Then at least we know for sure that our votes will get counted. We need

Time to head out of here, so that's it for me this morning. Be good and play nice while I'm gone!:33:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I came to play nice Pat but none of the others kids are here. Crazy Good. That would sure hit the spot! How’d you do at the doc’s?
It sounds like our temps started out similar Dave. It was chilly early on but we’re at 64F and it’s nice and bright. Your tune got me wondering if The Isley Brothers were brothers. Indeed they are. From Cincinnati none the less.
Any particular reason that plant is nicknamed “Mother In Law’s Tongue” Kathie? We are drywalling the ceiling. Your thought on leaving the factory or industrial look to that area would certainly save time but Lu-Ann would like it drywalled. To be honest so do I.
I headed to Mr. Lube after walking the pups the morning. They check the synthetic oil half way between the required oil changes and give you another sticker for the windshield. Then to the Home Hardware in town to pick up the lumber and drywall corners for the basement. The lumber there is way superior in quality to Home Depot and only about 5 cents per piece more.
I’m thinkin’ pizza for dinner is sounding pretty good only because we don’t have any veg to slice and put on burgers.
Be good folks and have a fantastic rest of your day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Wound doctor visit went fine and ended with the doctor's usual comment - See you in 2 weeks!
Then we got to the good part of our day ... True Blue Winery! They were so glad to see us so soon after opening. They had a lot of damage and limbs to clean up after Ian. Their house is right by the winery and they own 10 acres of land. Fatima said she is so glad they have that 10 acres because right down from them they are just preping for another subdivision and they don't want to look at a wall next to their house. Lee - They told me to say hello to you and Lu-Ann and they're looking forward to your visit come winter.

Kathie - That plant is also called a snake plant. We have a couple of big pots of it on our lanai. When the pots get too full, I just give the plants away to get rid of them. The other name for this plant, Mother in law's tongue is to remind people how sharp a mother in law's tongue can be towards whoever her child marries. So now you know.

Tonight's menu is going to be salmon with fettucine alfredo. A nice easy dinner. Time now for a glass of wine before I fix dinner. Have a great evening, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
breaking news GIF
We are taking off to Chicago in the morning (SAT) to visit
my brother. The weather is good from Detroit to Chicago and we thought we better get over to see him and my SILaw before the SNOW FLY's!
It's going to be his 85th Birthday at the end of the month and it's will be nice to bring him the gifts I bought and see him open them.

SO, my Wrabbit friends you better be on your BEST behavior and keep the HUTCH CLEAN for the next few days.

Lee: I think the Drywall ceiling will look very nice and finished. The nice thing about spray painting the ceiling is that you can see where all the pipes and wires are if you need to get at them. It's a personal choice. Just watch your back when you lift those drywall boards! :eek: :oops:

I'll try and sneak in and say hello or at least read along.

BB: I could use 2 glasses of that Crazy Good WINE! Glad the owners didn't have too much damage around their property.

Sleepy Good Night GIF by Fuzzballs


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies!

I'm not going to get too long winded since there was an upgrade on this thing. Not that there'd ever be a problem, after one of those.

Another song for you, BB.

It's a good thing for the owners AND you that the hurricane didn't take out the True Blue Winery. After every 6th visit to the Wound-Doctor do you get a free visit?

You made me smarter Lee. I didn't know that the Isley Brothers are from Cincinnati. The price around here for wood, drywall, and other building supplies has dropped considerably from what it was a year ago. I'm hoping that the pricing in your area went the same direction.

Wishing you safe travels, K2.

This morning we're off to Walley-World for 3 prescriptions, Then off to Brewster to find the church where Kathi will be working on election day. And the day before. Hey, this is the midwest where even a small town like Brewster has a bunch of churches.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! For some reason I've got wine on my mind this morning. Not sure why, but maybe Dave's musical memory has something to do with it!!:winkhn:

We're having one of those perfect type of days here today - low 80s with low humidity. Now if we only had someplace to go to take advantage of such a nice day. Oh well, there's always the lanai.

Kathie - Have a safe and fun trip to see your brother. Stay safe and behave yourself!! LOL

I'm hoping the eyeglass place is open today. They have my new lenses in and I want to see how they are. Never made the salmon last night, so that's on the menu today with a nice bottle of white wine from South Africa. See - there's that thing with wine on my mind again this morning.

I will be so glad when this election cycle is over. The TV ads are so horrible. The Dems are too radical, want to drop teachers' salaries, giving free educations to illegals, etc. After bad mouthing a candidate with all their lies, they tell you who the Repub running against them is and how he or she is **PERFECT** in every way and is ready for sainthood. Absolutely disgusting. Just on how negative their campaign is, I wouldn't vote for any of them, even if I wanted to!!

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. Have a great Saturday, everyone!


2nd Officer
Thanks to The Little Rat, I'm up at this hour.

Hot-diggety-dog, it'll be another sunny and warm day in the 70's. As it will be again tomorrow.

If nothing else my Hawaiian shirts are conversation starters. While at Walley World yesterday an older fella came up to me at the pharmacy and mentioned that I won't be wearing it long because of the colder weather coming in on Tuesday. (He doesn't know me.) Then proceeds to tell me he's originally from Michigan where it's colder than Ohio. And his wife is from Wisconsin and she thinks Ohio's weather isn't all that cold at all.

Then later at the check-out for other stuff the cashier mentions my tropical shirt. Then proceeded to tell me that she and her family all came here from Hawaii during the pandemic because they all lost all their jobs because of all the protections in the state, causing tourists to stay away. (She did have the features of a native Hawaiian.) Although much cooler here, they just can't get used to the prices of groceries and housing. It's 4 times as much in Hawaii. Said she'd go for visits, but not to live there again.

If other customers hadn't come up behind us to check-out, I think she'd still be talking to us.

We did find the church in the metropolis of Brewster where Kathi will be working on election day.

You have an 85 year old brother, K2? Just don't tell me he's your younger brother.

Those TV political adds do drive us all nuts, BB. And every day for the next couple of weeks there'll be even more of them. So, did you pick up your new glasses? And more important, are they right this time? Speaking of wine, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.

Lee; I too would have gone for drywall on the ceiling.

Hi ya Bill & KC!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Got a decent nights sleep. I know we are going to BJ's today and not sure if we will go to lunch or not.

Have to do another load of laundry at some point today.

We had some problems on the cruise but none really affected it. The first was when we checked in they had given both of us new Voyagers numbers so we were bot the lowest level. I did get it fixed pretty easy, me Diamond and Bruce Gold, so we got all the perks I was due.

The worst was as we were departing they said Bruce owed money, it seems that it did not take when I added him to my credit card. It only took about 2 minutes to add him and we were off. One thing that is nice with having a wheelchair is the escort off the ship all the way out to where we wait for our ride.

We got off all but one port on the first week, did not get off in Ocho Rios. And again in Cozumel we went to the MEGA store and being in a wheelchair I was given one of their auto chairs with a basket, so that was nice. Of course we bought a few bottles of booze. Second week we got off all but the private island. In Puerta Plata, we got off an did not stay off very long as while the sidewalks were okay at each intersection I had to get out of the chair because they have a ditch that runs along the road and sidewalk but no crossover and it was SO HOT with really not much breeze.

On the Saturday of turnaround we got off and then waited and waited to get back on, turn out they has some people that did not want to get off so they actually had to escort they off so we had to wait two hours, but as soon as we got back on we did get to the special lunch.

This ship has the elevators where you press the number of the floor you want and it tells you which elevator, which most times was a very long wait. Not a fan of.

Our cabin was a Handicap Ocean View one so we had no problem where we put the wheelchair but the closet is too small, but we managed.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Anybody else see my mind? I seem to have lost it. Again. I clearly remember reading about everyone's plans yesterday, thought I'd posted something but it seems I didn't.
So, safe travels Kathie! Enjoy your visit with your OLDER brother George. How many pounds of your wonderful baked goods are you taking for him?
The Irish Rovers had their own TV show here in, I'm guessing, the early 70's? Talking about brothers who are and aren't I think that most of them were brothers Dave. Why wouldn't people move from Hawaii to, oh, California or another warmer state? Nothing like a good Aloha shirt to start a conversation though! We never found, back in the day, food to be THAT expensive in The Aloha State. Housing yes. But even then most of the Hawaiian people we chatted with had a couple of jobs to make ends meet.
Nice that you said "Hi" to Fatima and Howard for us Pat. We're looking forward to a wee glass, OK, a big bottle of Crazy Good with you and Bert.

Oh well, there's always the lanai.
You say that like it's a bad thing there Momma Bunny. South Africa makes some darned nice wines. Pairing a white with salmon has my taste buds all revved up!
Welcome home Nancy.
We're off to play a little Pickleball this afternoon. temps tar hovering around 70F and there's not many more days like that in the forecast. Tomorrow we start the second semester of music lessons. I find it's getting harder as Bethany adds more notes on the four strings and chords.
Happy Birthday Elvis GIF

So, there ya have it.
Everyone be good, safe and have a great Sunday.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! I came to this thread more times already today and everytime I was about to start typing, something or someone came along and distracted me.

Nancy - Welcome home! Sounds like a fun trip, even with a few stumbles along the way. So when is your next cruise? I think you are trying to compete with Bill & Rita!!

Lee - We already have the 2 bottles of wine used to make Crazy Good in our wine cooler. Just haven't mixed them because that would mean Bert & I would have to drink both bottles in a very short time. I'm not sure Bert would be up to that!!
A couple of months ago I found this great place to order wine from at very reasonable prices. For example, right now they have a special going on 15 bottles for $80.25 with free shipping!! That's $5.35 a bottle!! Wines come from Spain, South Africa & Australia usually. You can get all red, all white or a mixed case. Bert is even into these wines and gets to pick out what bottle we have once in a while with dinner. The name of the company is Splash Wines. I've recommended this company to a number of people, including J&J, and they too love these wines.

Dave - Yes, I got the new lenses in my glasses. They are strictly meant for use on the computer. It's weird if while wearing them I look elsewhere. Then everything goes out of focus. It will definitely take a bit for me to get used to them after so many years of not having to wear glasses.

I hope Kathie is enjoying her visit with her brother.

Now if we could only get Karen to drop by (HINT!HINT!!)

Ya know that salmon we were going to have last night? Well it once again didn't happen. Missy called to ask if we would like some cheeseburgers and I said ok. Didn't exactly work as I thought it would. Seems like yesterday was family day at Amazon. First time they've done it since Covid and limited to immediate family only. They arrived late (as usual) and shortly afterwards it was time to wrap up the days festivities, including giving away the rest of the food. M&J collected over 30 Red Robin cheeseburgers and 192 snack size bags of potato chips. They took the potato chips home with them and put the cheeseburgers in our "magical" freezer, where they always find room to put things. That's fine, except Bert told me today that we're not going to have any room to put a turkey or two when they go on sale at Restaurant Depot!! That's not good. They better consume these cheeseburgers fast to get them out of the freezer, as well as a huge brisket that Jimmy wants to smoke. Then we'd have room for turkey.

So guess what's for dinner tonight? Yep, and that bottle of wine too!!

Enjoy the rest of your day, gang!!


2nd Officer
Belle, our next cruise is Dec 3rd for 8 nights. Then nothing.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Salmon and the wine was delicious. Got enough salmon for tomorrow night. Unfortunately, the bottle of wine didn't have any leftovers, so we have to start from scratch again. Oh, darn it!!! :winkhn:

Nancy - I am so jealous of all your cruises. You definitely are trying to keep up with Bill & Rita.
By the way, instead of calling me Belle, you should call me Pat like the rest of the group does or else call me BB like Dave does.

Off to watch some TV. Bert's favorite shows are pm CBS tonight starting with the Equalizer. See ya all tomorrow ...


Wacky Wabbit
Home Sweet Home GIF by TeaCosyFolk
Just a quick HELLO to let you all know "We're back" safe and sound!
Trip was really good. My OLDER brother was happy to see us, as was his wife. He's about the same as the last time we were there. I brought him birthday gifts and wine & beer and YES lots of homemade bake goods. He was very grateful.

The weather was MORE than perfect. And the FALL COLOR
S were FANTASTIC. Best we have seen in years. The weather was exceptional. 81F and SUNNY both ways. We sure lucked out big time with this last-minute trip. I NEVER saw so many ORANGE construction barrels in my entire driving life. Detours of lanes, left and right, huge semi's, but everyone was cool!

I'll try and make this short. It's FUNNY & SAD at the same time.
My brother knew we were coming.

I told him we would be there around 12:30PM - 1:00 PM
We went to bed early knowing we would be getting up around 6:00 A.M.
Well, the Cell phone started to ring at 1:00 A.M. and it was George asking how far along we were!
I told him, "George".... we haven't left yet. It's the middle of the morning. Go back to sleep.
Cell Phone rings again at 2:00 A.M. Told him the same thing. We're sleeping.
HOME " " " at 3:00 A.M. And that's when I lost it. I told him PLEASE DO NOT CALL AGAIN....we have to get some sleep. Lordy a mind is a sad thing to lose. He said that he thought I told him we were coming at 1:00 A.M. DUH!

Welcome back Nancy. Glad it all worked out for you.

Nite all.


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning, Bunnies! At this time next week our local trick or treating will be all over and done with. Sunday, between 3 and 5 PM. (Where's a good thunderstorm when you need one?

I'll never fully understand all the rules of properly using the English language. Yesterday we filled out our absentee ballots. On the ballots it lists each candidate as being either a Democrat or Republican. So why after each name does it say "Republican" or "Democratic" and not Democrat?

I was wondering BB if you'd ever get around to eating that salmon. Glad you got your new glasses. As you describe it, it sounds like they are strictly reading glasses. Something tells me that you will be handing out bags of potato chips during trick or treat. We do. Kids think it's neat.

You're a good sister to your brother, K2. His calls must have been driving you nuts, but you could tell that he was really looking forward to your visit.

In answer to your question Lee;
" Why wouldn't people move from Hawaii to, oh, California or another warmer state?" That native Hawaiian lady covered that in her story. (I was curious too.) It seems they have relatives living here, who offered to get them a house if they did move to Massillon. Now I'm curious why the relatives moved here. I've got a question for you that concerns a ukulele and Jimmy Buffet. We were listening to the "Margaritaville" radio channel and the announcer was going on and on about Buffet's song where he plays a ukulele. But she never played the song or gave its' name. Do you know which song she was talking about?

Sunny and warm here again today, I hope it's the same for all you guys.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Another beautiful day here in the hood. Good day to take a drive to the Board of Elections and drop off our ballots. We could just mail them in, but I don't trust the mails. I'd rather take the ballots and drop them into the drop box by the curb. Then at least we'll know they will count our votes.

Kathie - Welcome home! I'm glad you had a good visit with your brother & SIL. Nice that you brought lots of goodies with you, including that wine & beer. Those middle of the night phone calls really were a pain, but it just shows how much George was looking forward to seeing you.

Dave - We did have the salmon last night and the good news is that we still have enough for tonight's dinner. Yippy! I don't have to cook!! My glasses are not for reading. They are strictly for when I'm on the computer. I don't even need to use them all the time. Like right now I don't have them on, as I can see perfectly well. But if I'm reading something with very small print on the computer, the glasses makes things sharp.

Aside from dropping off the ballots, we've got some shopping to do at BJ's and Publix. After that we're free as a bird, but with nowhere to go!!

For right now, I'm going to grab a cup of tea for a change and try to get Bert going, so we can start our adventure. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Dave, I think that if they put a retractable roof over CP it would pretty much ruin the experience of being in a real outdoor park, so I'd rather put up with the elements on those occasions when the weather is less hospitable.
Debarking from the ship yesterday morning was quite quick and easy and our transportation arrived in a timely manner, took us back to the hotel to pick up our car and we were on our way home by 9 am. Traffic, with a bit of a road construction delay in NY, was much quicker than our ride on the way down and we were home and in the house by 1pm. We had turned the thermostat down to 60 before we left, so it was quite chilly when we got home but turning the heat on fixed that pretty quickly.
Now we are back to reality and I see that I have two doctor's appointments later this week. Will check in later and see what, if anything, we missed during our absence.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Spent this morning going thru emails and then the regular mail. Of course most of both were spam so went to either trash or recycle. Doing another load of clothes. It will take a bit but one load a day is enough for me right now as I came home with a cold, tested and it is not covid.

Bruce called Jennifer last night and we found that this year for Thanksgiving we will be going to her house as our niece and family are going to Ohio to see her husband's family, While her Mom was alive they could not go as Barbara could not handle such a trip and they could not leave er home. So I will take over what I need to make my stuffing/dressing.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hello everyone.
Nice that you had a great, albeit brief, trip to Chicago Kathie. did you get a chance to do any "toddlin'" while you were there? Clearly though, George was eager to see you calling you that often. He's a good big brother because he never stops worrying about his baby sister.
Nothing like the reality of being back on land to bring a cruise vacation to an abrupt end. that can be said for both Bill and Nancy.
Anyone else hearing Jennifer pointing at the turkey and telling Nancy to "stuff it!". :eek:
We've seen Jimmy a number of time Dave. Both Lu-Ann and I recall him pulling out the uke for "Come Monday" with Jake Shimabukuro. I believe that he also plays his uke on Mele Kalikimaka. We do little chocolate bars for the kiddos on Halloween. Special bags for the little folks next door on either side. If kids are dressed up they get a couple more. If not - ONE!
Never mind the salmon Pat. How was the wine!
Drunk Happy Hour GIF

Interesting Pats game tonight Bill. I can't imagine its going to be a barn burner!
I better get going. Dinner waits for no-one. Especially when it's me that makes it!
See you all tomorrow my friends.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Have an early appt tomorrow for MRI. Then Wednesday I go and pick up my hearing aid and will be leaving the one for the right ear as it quit during the cruise. Guess these new ones don't like being on a cruise. Of course the old one for the right ear is not working now so have to figure that one out.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits.
Beautiful day here in
PURE MICHIGAN! Wow… the trees are just amazing in full color.
Good to know all the cruisers are safe at home and having to fix their own food and clean up after themselves. :clap002:

Art’s Dr’s appt went well. The Doc read the MRI & CT Scan and said all the hardware in his back is where it should be. No bulging disks. Told him since it is getting better every day he must have STRAINED something. Ya Think!
Told him to take a Aleve with food and wrote a note into his file for a pain shot in his back if it gets worse. Art was RELIEVED he didn’t need surgery. He was told he has a lot of Arthritis in his lower back.

BB: I have to drop our Ballots off tomorrow at the city offices. It’s close by and I don’t trust the mail at all.

I so can’t wait to hear you and Lu-Ann play those “UKEs” for us. What a hoot.

Dave here’s a pic of Manny in a LEAF pile that Ashley gathered for him!
He loved running around in it. And just like a puppy, he crashed when he went inside.

We have one more beautiful day (Tuesday) and then possible rain and temps drop. Oh well, it was great while it lasted.

Feeling really bad for all the babies and toddlers that are in the
hospitals with with respiratory issues. Hospitals are at over 125% capacity with the little ones. They’re being put on vents to breath. So sad to watch on the news tonight. Prayers they’ll all be okay.

Tired Good Night GIF by Muffin & Nuts