Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Christmas Santa GIF by Super Simple
Enjoy your families and friends on Christmas Day!

To my extended family..... Art and I want to wish you all much good Health and Happiness in the coming year. Lord knows we can all use a lot of that!
Be Safe and remember why we celebrate!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas. I hope your day is filled with laughter, family, friends and food. And presents. Lots and lots of presents.
charlie brown GIF by Peanuts


2nd Officer

And Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you Bunnies.

May everyone find what you've been looking forward to on this sacred yearly celebration.



2nd Officer
Ginger & Scooter want to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! They were actually interested in checking out their stockings this year to see what Santa Paws had left for them!


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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bert & I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and as they say don't forget the reason for the season! May you have a wonderful day with family and friends. Love you guys! :emoticon 0152 heart::emoticon 0152 heart::emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer

Good afternoon.

Everyone was up and we were unwrapping gifts by about 8:30 or so. And it took us at least an hour an half, the length of time for the movie Christmas Story to run. Had our normal breakfast of Cinnamon rolls and then late had bacon and eggs. The Prime Rib is sitting out getting to room temp. The Focaccia is doing a second rise and will be baking shortly. Max is one real happy person, officially got his electric guitar and amp and then there was a very large box with his name and when he opened the box there was another box with the gift from his Dad a PlayStation 5 , he thought he was getting a game made for the PlayStation 5 but now for PC so he was thrilled. I do think everyone is happy with all they got.

Later for dinner Clara's sister and her husband will be here.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
It was a fantastic day! Good laughs, food, games and family celebrating together.

I appreciated all the help in the kitchen today! I still tired!

Here’s a YouTube of our choirs Christmas album. Lots of voices now singing in heaven. We were a STRONG sounding choir years ago.
“Carol of the Bells” is still my favorite. We did that really well.

Still trying to post the YouTube link on here.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: I just saw the pictures of Scooter and Ginger! Adorable. I especially lime Scooters wrinkled forehead look. Too funny.


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning all you furry Wabbits! Yes, a normal day has returned.

And, and our blizzard has pretty much passed through this area. Less wind and a temperature into the teens later today.

We were quite fortunate during the below zero days with winds gusting above 50 miles an hour. I'm thankful and counting my lucky stars.

With the ice and snow we never ventured out of the house, so no accidents or getting stuck.

Surprisingly we never lost our heat or electricity.

And only had one thing damaged. The gate to our back white vinyl fence. Not unexpected because of the constant winds. The latch on the gate couldn't take all that pressure on it, and it was yanked right out of the post.

Since we didn't go out on Christmas, because of the weather and some sick grandkids, I must admit that it was the calmest and most stress free Christmas morning I can remember.



Wacky Wabbit
Morning Glory GIF
We have a Heat Wave going on up here in Detroit, Michigan area. 16 F. Ha

Yesterday went well. Like Dave mentioned, very stress free. Since it was just Jill, Mark the kids and Manny we didn’t have to rush through opening presents and then cleaning up for the rest of the family to show up. Less STRESS BIG TIME.
Only down side is that I have to do appetizers and dinner all over again on Saturday! But it will be fine. Sometimes change is good.

Best gift was a Mattress Topper from Ashley! We put it on the bed last night and it helped soften the area that was bugging my hip. Felt like I was Climbing Up to get onto the bed. Only bad thingnis that I don’t have enough DEEP POCKET SHEETS. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Ashley also gave us a unique Together gift certificate. It was paint chips all lined up in columns. It said that the Gift Cert was good for one BASEMENT WALL PAINTING JOB! Hanha. The girl must have listened when I mentioned that I‘d love to paint the walls in the basement. She had mentioned back then that she would love to paint our walls. Heck, it’s a basement and why not let her at it. We just have to pay for the paint!
I need to close this and come back later. I almost lost this post 2 times.

Enjoy your day. I saw a Rabbit out by the bird feeder early this morning. Did one of you Wrabbits get lost? :eek:


Wacky Wabbit
Make sure to go back and listen to my choir sing Carol of the Bells! The recording is one of our best ACCOMPLISHMENTS when we has some great STRONG VOICES with us. We recorded all the songs inside the church. Best acoustics ever!


Wacky Wabbit
Dave / Lee: You’ll appreciate this Manny video. PLAYING IN THE SNOW.
THE PUP must have a HUSKY GENE in him. He loves the snow!
I’ll keep trying to post the video.


Wacky Wabbit

Our Nephew on the Anderson family side had to be taken to the Hosp last night by EMS. He passed out when he stood up and did it two times. They kept him overnight. Today more Ultra Sound tests of heart. Seems he was “overheated” and with too much food and drinks etc, etc. Hoping he will be able to go home after the tests. ALWAYS SOMETHING.


2nd Officer
Good morning.

Not sure what today will bring. Will contact my brother in a bit and may go there for a bit.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Sounds like everyone had a very nice Christmas, I know we did! We ended up with so many gifts that I had to leave mine at Jane's last night because with Barb & all her gifts there wasn't room in the truck! We could have put them in the bed of the truck but it was dark & I didn't want to take a chance of anything blowing out & getting lost. Sometime this year I hope to get one of those covers that fit over the bed of the truck.

Kathie, your choir did a beautiful job on the carol of the bells! Nice of Ashley to volunteer to paint the basement walls, would she like to come to Florida for a visit? I have a few walls I wouldn't mind having painted.

Dave, sometimes it's nice to just have a quiet relaxing Christmas for a change. Somehow that never happens in our family, with all the phone calls & video calls going on

Lee, hope you were able to go back to sleep & stay in bed for a while longer today!

Pat, so are there any leftovers for you & Bert to snack on this week or did the family do their usual fine job of devouring everything in one sitting? How did the cup game go? Sounds like a cool idea!

Nothing much else on the agenda for today, I went to Jane's this morning to pick up my gifts & now have all the presents & boxes put away. My sister's went together & bought me a rotating compost bin that I had wanted, I need to put it together but will wait till it warms up a bit to do that. Enjoy the rest of your Monday all, and remember there is no mail service or banks open today

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone. Looks like we all survived our day yesterday.
Missy brought the meat over to be put in the oven around 11. The gang started arriving by 12 and once they were all here, it was the typical Duttlinger family madhouse with lots of laughs and family fun. Out of the $120. in lottery tickets, we got a return of about $50. Definitely not a very good investment!! The kids loved the money under solo cups game. Missy took a video of it, but has not posted it for everyone to see.
Our girls were a big help in the kitchen getting dinner ready and placed on the buffet table. We had tables in various places and everyone sat wherever they wanted. The best part is that there is still plenty of food left, so M&J will be coming back tonight to help consume some more food. Gary had brought a honey baked ham, so that's going to be on my sandwich for lunch once I get off the computer.
I think our kids believe that we are starving in this house. Between a huge tower of goodies from G&E and a Swiss Colony tray, we have more goodies, cheese & sausage than we will be able to eat in the next month! M&J gave me an air fryer, which I have been wanting, so I'm a happy camper. Now I have to get Bert to take it out of the box so I can check it out.
Today is going to be a total down time day for us. Not planning to leave the house at all! I will probably start a list of what I'll need for NYE and New Year's Day when the whole gang, including the NC part of the family will all be here.

Kathie - Sounds like you and the family had a great time yesterday. Nice that Manny came too. Your choir sounded great. Really beautiful! I too could use the services of Ashley to do some painting around here!!

Lee -
Good morning. Time to go back to bed. Hmm ... Too much eggnog yesterday? LOL

Dave - Having a quiet holiday would be a good thing once in a while. Good idea not going out in that ice & snow yesterday. How much snow did you actually get?

Nancy - Sounds like you and the family had a wonderful Christmas.

Karen - I see you posted while I've been typing. Sounds like all of you got lots of presents. But was there any food leftover?? I'm sure there was knowing your family's love for having lots of food.

Bert is making those aforementioned ham sandwiches, so I guess it's time to get off here. Have a super day, everyone, and stay warm!


Chief Security Officer
Glad to see that everyone survived another Christmas and enjoyed time with their families. We had similar lottery ticket success here, BB - about $80 from $120 worth of tickets. Lisa had one that paid $50 and I scratched one that resulted in a payout of $15 so any remaining winners were for smaller amounts.
Kevin was able to join us for dinner but had to go back to work. He was doing two shifts so I imagine he spent a good part of today sleeping. Need him to get a good rest in advance of his drive south later this week. It was nice to have both our kids, their spouses and their kids all together for the holiday. Next year, we will be celebrating Christmas onboard the Adventure of the Seas and we are due to be in the Dominican Republic that day. Not sure what, if anything, will be open there that day, but know for sure it will be a lot warmer there than it was here yesterday. By the end of this week, the temperatures are supposed to be a bit warmer and much warmer in Vero Beach when we arrive.
Got a number of restaurant gift cards in our stockings so we will likely be eating out quite a lot while we are In Florida.
We have friends who live in Buffalo who pretty much spent their Christmas at home due to the Christmas gift of three feet of snow the storm left them. All I can say is "better them than me". Here's hoping that the coming days' weather
doesn't put a crimp in our flight plans and we can celebrate the New Year in our new digs in Florida.


2nd Officer
Pat, You are right worries about running out of food with our gang! Barb & I each took home a plate of leftovers, plus we all swapped cookies & candy so I have enough sweets in the freezer to last me until Easter.