Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Just in case I miss saying this later..... which I most likely will:
Happy New Year Vintage GIF
Merry New Year GIF by Carawrrr

Lee - Lu-Ann: Thinking of you two big time. Hope you can find a few of your friends to be with later today. Take care and BIG HUGS going your way.

DAVE: Good lord. 3 hours and then the crown FALLS OFF. Ask for a refund! Seriously I hope it all works out. Yesterday I paid Art's dental bill. Never in my entire life did I have a dental bill that huge. Oh well, I wanted to get it off my mind and start the New Year fresh..... and broke. :oops:

To all the rest of my extended family..... have a safe and happy New Years Eve.

Love ya, Kathie & Art.

Now to get that Turkey ready to put in the oven. ( the basement oven) Ha Ha.



Wacky Wabbit
Turkey looks like it's taking it's good old time cooking! It has a few more hours and it
better be ready.
I'm on a SELF-IMPOSED BREAK. Getting too old for these type of dinners! I actually put a few things back into the refrigerator. They just don't need that many appetizers~

Later gang.

:emoticon 0152 heart: My heart goes out to you Lee & Lu-Ann. Take care today.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon friends.
Lu-Ann and I would like to thank you all for your thoughts. Many of you met Katie and knew first hand what a sweet temperament she had.
In trying to keep things light Dave, I know all the words to that song. Here they are. You know the tune…

We knew a man who’s name was Lang and he had a neon sign.
And Mr. Lang was very old so we called it “Old Lang’s Sign.”

You’re welcome.
Lyrics courtesy of Alan Sherman.
Enjoy your New Year’s Eve everyone.


2nd Officer
Lee, yep, those are pretty much the lyrics I remember too!

Kathie, good luck with the Christmas turkey, we had a turkey like that one year for Thanksgiving, my Dad had raised him & he was a pretty old bird. He never got done in the oven so my Dad carved him up & Wendy cooked him more in the microwave. Needless to say everybody pretty much ate side dishes that year.

Bill, hopefully you & Rita are in Florida by now, sorry it isn't exactly sunny today, but at least it isn't snowing!

Pat, have you retreated to the bedroom yet with your bottle of wine? Family will do that to a person sometimes, speaking from experience :D

Dave, wow, Kathie just hasn't had any luck with that new crown at all! I think if I were her & the tooth wasn't right up front I'd say to heck with it & have the dang thing pulled!

Got the rest of the indoor Christmas decorations put away, along with the holiday dishes, glasses & mugs. Tree is still up for 1 more day and the lights will be on outside for the last time tonite too. Will probably get them down later next week as Mon/Tues is supposed to be rainy. It's been gloomy & damp here all day, with light rain off & on, but at least the temps are mild.
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!


Chief Security Officer
Apparently you are in the wrong part of Florida, BB and KC. It was indeed overcast when we landed at MCO around 11:30 am and met Kevin and Jamie at the airport, but that is apparently because Vero Beach was hogging all the great weather we came to Florida to enjoy. Blue skies and sun and 88 degrees when we arrived here.
Very impressed with this place which will be our home for the next three months. Very bright and
comfortable and well-equipped with just about anything we might possibly need during our stay. Since we were up by 4 am this morning to catch our early morning flight, I'm not sure that we will be awake to see the ball drop in Times Square at midnight. So for now, good riddance to 2022 and best wishes to everyone for the New Year,

red stripe

Staff Captain
Lee and Lu-Ann

My heart goes out to you.
What you did was so good, even though right now that is far from what you are feeling.
Pulling your beloved pets needs in front of your own takes a lot of love and sacrifice.

I often hear people say that they can never have a pet because it is too hard when they die.
I feel so sorry for them, They never know the years of love. Plus it means that somewhere there is an animal that could have been saved.

Hugs to the both of you.


2nd Officer
Good evening. We just finished dinner and it was very good, if I do say so. I cooked lobster tails, stuffed mushrooms, made the mushroom soup, had tomato/cucumber and onion salad and mac n cheese. I opened one of the bottles I got while on the MSC cruise and it is a pretty good Prosecco, having second glass.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Red Stripe.

Happy New Year Celebration GIF by iPlace

Wishing each and every one of you a very happy, healthy 2023.


Wacky Wabbit
Lost a good post! Ha ha.

Dave your TEAM LOST AT THE peach Bowl with seconds to go with a MISSED KICK. FEEL SO BAD FOR THAT KICKER!
Happy New Year Vintage GIF
New Year Vintage GIF

Happy New Year Wrabbits.

Red Stripe that goes for you too. Nice words from you to Lee & Lu-Ann.

Nite all.


2nd Officer
Happy New Year Bunnies and "Red Stripe"! Isn't Red Stripe the name of a beer?

I watched The Ohio State play Georgia last night. How they showed it, I never hope to see again. Some knucklehead decided to divide the normal screen into quarters, shrinking the players on each separate quarter-screen. The two at the bottom usually showed the 2 head coaches. One of the 2 quarters at the top showed the actual game, while the other one flipped from shots of the crowd to cheerleaders to other stuff. Since I normally sit 20 feet away from the TV, these 4 small screens were a pain in the patoot to watch.

FINALLY, just before 1/2 time I found another ESPN channel that showed a full-screen of the game.

It was an edge-of-your-seat game right to the very end. Congratulations Georgia.

Lee; I think I like your lyrics to "Auld Lang Syne" better. Much easier to remember.

Anyone have too much "medicine" last night? Some doctor on the news said last week that to help reduce hangovers you should avoid any booze that has a dark color. Never heard of that before. Good thing I like my vodka & diet 7-Up. Kathi was drinking a health-drink last night. Mimosas....strictly for the orange juice, of course. A lady who works at our booze store swears by cranberry juice in her Mimosas.

The fixins for the sauerkraut lunch are in the crock-pot, and before noon we'll be chowing down.

Ya'll have a dandy first day of 2023.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Now we don't only have to try to remember what DAY it is, for the next few weeks we'll be struggling to remember what YEAR it is too!
Foggy start to the day but hopefully it will burn off soon & be a beautiful day. Heading to the new church I went to on Christmas Eve in a little bit. They are having a breakfast this morning to welcome in the new year, you know what they say, feed them & they will come.
Check back with you all later today

red stripe

Staff Captain
Happy New Year to all of you bunnies.
You are a great bunch of bunnies, and I wish all of you the very best.

"Red Stripe"! Isn't Red Stripe the name of a beer?.... yep!:beercheers:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Foggy start to 2023 here in The Burg as well.
Sauerkraut is an acquired taste. A taste that I have acquired.
Two weeks from today, God willing, we’ll be waking up in sunny Florida.
Hope you all have a great start to this new year.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Last night we did not have fireworks near the house rather firecrackers and very loud ones at that. At least they were over by 9pm. The rest of the night only heard a couple a few blocks away.

Today I will fix ham, hopping john, sweet potato, tomato/cucumber & onion for dinner.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
As I predicted, we were fast asleep by the time the ball dropped in Times Square and didn't get up again until a little after 9 am. When we arrived at the restaurant that would only take reservations for parties of five or more but would take walk-ins, we found that there would be a wait of at least an hour and a half. So we decided to try a restaurant that we know and like which is at the Vero Beach Airport. We arrived and were able to be seated immediately (the banquet rooms were filled with private parties but the main restaurant was almost empty. Our waitress was wonderful as was the food and, while we took our time and enjoyed our meals, we were still done and on our way home before we would have been served our meal had we waited at the original restaurant.
Today we will continue to settle in to our new temporary digs, watch the Pats-Dolphins game, and generally enjoy the warm weather,
Happy New Year everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer

Taking a break for a little while from all the action around here. It's been so hectic, but at the same time so much fun! Family get togethers are great!!

Dave - Poor Kathi to have that crown fall off so quickly. That dentist better be ready to take her in asap on Tuesday.

Lee - We will never forget how sweet precious Katie was. Love the words to your version of "Old Lang's Sign" Too funny! Reminds me of one version of our National Anthem - Instead of "oh say can you see" the new version starts " Jose, can you see?"

Karen - You are being so prompt with putting Christmas stuff away. I think we'll probably leave everything up until the 6th, Little Christmas.

Kathie - So did the turkey finally get finished? I hope you and the family had a delicious Christmas dinner. I so want to make turkey! Might just pick up a turkey breast next week.

Bill - Our weather was beautiful too. Only problem we're having is fog mornings and nights. It was so foggy here last night, we couldn't see any fireworks over the lake. We could hear plenty being shot off, but couldn't see a darn thing! So frustrating.

Red Stripe - Our group has been chatting and getting together for close to 20 years now. We're supported each other and mourned our lost bunnies. They are the best cyber family imaginable!!

Anyone break their New Year's resolutionsyet?

Time now for be to get back to the festivities! Have a fantastic New Year's Day wabbits!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon & Happy New Year again!

Dave, since sports betting is now legal in Ohio do you plan on supplementing your retirement income with a little "bookie" action?
Never heard that about dark drinks being more hang over producing, I had 2 small glasses of red wine last night with no ill effects today.

Pat, I'm trying to start the year off in a more organized manner, doubt it will last long but I'm trying. How long will Brian be visiting?

Bill, sounds like you had a pretty good back up plan for your NYE dinner. And feel free to send some of that sunshine our way! It started off nice this morning, a bit foggy, but by noon when I got out of church it was bright & sunny, now it's grey & over cast again!

Kathie, soooo, how did the dinner turn out? How many people were you cooking for this time around?

Lee, hoping that some time during your visit this year we'll have a chance to meet up, it's been a few to many years since I last saw you guys!

Red Stripe, ditto what Pat said, this group has been together for a loooong time & have traveled together on occasion or just met up someplace for a meal & a chat.

Church this morning was nice, the breakfast was outstanding! Scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, biscuits & sausage gravy, bagels, coffee & orange juice and all very delicious!
Found out this morning that everytime there is a 5th Sunday in the month they have dinner on the grounds after church, lucky me, this month has 5 Sundays.
Wednesday we are going to take lunch out to Wendy & have our Christmas with her. She was at her daughters in Sarasota for Christmas so we had to postpone our get together.
Got the tree all down & put away. The only thing left are the outside lights & decorations. Will probably take those down Thurs. Now I think I am just going to kick back & chill for a bit!


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits. Just getting on before the 1st day of the New Year Ennds.

Dinner was perfect.
I let the Turkey rest for 20-25 mins and it was Fantastic.
I haven’t done a turkey in decades. My Sister-in-law always does Thanksgiving, so I had no reason to do a whole turkey.
I made a special Pavlova meringue dessert that I assembled right at the table. They all got a good HOOT out of that. I have to see if my niece can send me the pictures to show you. Ha ha.

Negc: So glad you like the place you guys are renting. And nice that the temps are so warm for you. Just PLEASE be careful while driving around.
Glad your dinner worked out.

Karen: How nice you found a new church and that they serve good food! Do parishioners bring in food to share or do they cook it on site?
BB: Have you taken that new air fryer out of the box yet? Do it this week, now that most of the big get togethers are done.

Dave: Tell Kathi that I loved my Mimosa so much from New Years Eve that I opened another bottle Champagne and made myself a HUGE 12 oz glass of it. Yum!
Lee: I can feel your anticipation on getting on the road to Florida soon. A new vehicle will make it all so much more special. Wish we were going with you. Maybe next year.
Art took down the outside lights earlier. I went to the Dollar Store and bought 2 Red Valentine Hearts and put them on the coach lights. I never put up stuff for Valentines Day, but I was determined to get SOMETHING - ANYTHING up to beat my neighbor (we call her Miss Hallmark) becore she puts up her 20+ decorations. She jumps on every holiday ASAP. Ha ha.
I bet Tony is laughing at me big time right now.

Be good Wrabbits and lets all have a fantastic 2023! Healthy too.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Mmmm. Looks darned good.
That would be perfect for a snack when I’m up wandering around before 5:00.
Have a great day. I’ll pop back later.