Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good LORD.... where the heck did the morning and most of the AFTERNOON GO?
I've been a good little Bunny cleaning up X-mas. (yes, I just couldn't keep it up until Serbian Christmas) I need to pack up one more plastic container. Whew! Actually feels good to get things cleaned up here.
I even made time to strip the bedding and throw it in the wash and then dryer.
Don't ask me where I found the energy, but I take full advantage while I have it. :clap002:

Lee: Good to know everything and then some will fit in the the new auto. I'd love to be able to listen for the FOG HORNS on the ships passing on the Detroit River. Lucky you. I like that sound and sound of train whistles! When we stay at certain places on the way down to Florida we have been near a railroad track and got to hear the train whistling. Loved it.
No Pavolva left. My next attempt will be when fresh fruit is available. I'll make one big base of that meringue with sides on it and fill it with the fruit. I saw it in a magazine and it looked yummy.

Negc: It was nice that you got to have your kids down there with you for a few days. Always, hard to see them leave. Take care driving to Orlando. Will you be making a stop at Pat/Berts?

Dave: Yippee for the new TOOTH GLUE for Kathi. Just tell her not to bite into a corn on the cob anytime soon or an apple!

BB: I'll take your 81 degrees anytime. I must say TODAY we are at 51 degrees. The fog is gone for now, but the rain and then snow is still on it's way.

I for the life of me can't believe that BERT won't use the FoodSaver Vacuum on your freezer foods. Good thing I don't live close to you guys. I'd be over there doing DEMO's to show him just how easy it is. Crazy man. And just how is that new AIR FRYER doing?? I'll put money down that it's still in the box in a corner someplace. Clean-off an area in that kitchen and use it girl.

Karen: How did lunch with Wendy and your sisters go? I think it's great that you all keep in touch with each other. She's lost so many family members so fast that you girls are filling a big void for her. Kudo's to you all.
Sure hope you and Lee & Lu-Ann can figure out a way to meet up this year. We did it once on the way down or way back up (can't remember) and it was great.

Out of here for now. I want to get that last plastic container downstairs and put away.

By the way. I took off all the ornaments and those Gnomes I made off the tree and put plastic bags over the 3 sections and then put them back together and it now stands in the corner of the basement out of the way. I just didn't want all the SNOW to come off that nice looking Pencil Tree by trying to stuff it in the original box. WORKS for ME and Art didn't object! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Take care all. And you Florida folks can SEND UP SOME SUNSHINE and HEAT anytime you feel like it!
Happy Day GIF by Prezzybox
Snowboarding Winter Olympics GIF by Team USA


2nd Officer
Good evening. Fixed Dirty Rice and the Carnival Spinach salad for dinner. This time the dressing for the salad can out real good. They did not say in the instructions to drizzle the oil, which both Michael and Clara said to do. So much better. Only had a hunk of the blue cheese, so I grated it and it was fine.

Never got back to working in the bedroom so will have to so some work before going to bed.

All have a good night.


Chief Security Officer
Dropped Kevin and Jamie off at the airport around sunset and headed directly back to Vero. Thought we would stop along the way to get dinner before getting to the house but the line outside the restaurant we were going to stop at discouraged us and since we didn't want to be on 95 in the dark any longer than necessary, we decided to wait until we were in Vero Beach and go to CJ Cannon's restaurant at the airport where we had ended up on New Year's Eve. When we were seated I decided to have baby back ribs since the Ocean Grille was out of them when I wanted to order them the other night. Another good decision that more than made up for that other night's disappointment. They were excellent and a half rack was still so much that I brought some home for tomorrow.
Got an email from USPS that a package that was scheduled to be delivered on December 24th, finally made it to East Bridgewater today. Called Lisa and she went and picked it up and will ship it to me.


2nd Officer
Morning, Morning!

It got to 60 degrees yesterday. But as K2 mentioned, we're going into a cool down. 40's today, and only 30's on Friday and Saturday.

Speaking of the cold coming, our dentist usually has humorous comment on the sign in front of his office. When Kathi was there it said;
"Let it snow,
Let it snow,
Somewhere else."

Got your Mega-Millions ticket for Friday yet? Nobody won it on Tuesday, so it'll be 940 million bucks.

You've got to train Bert better BB. Like using modern useful gadgets. Does he have you still using a butter churner?

I've no clue what we'll be doing today.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Dang. Dave beat me on here this morning.
It looks like a messy weather mix today after hitting a tad over 50F yesterday.
Ava’s been enjoying her walks back at The Navy Yard. The downside is seeing so many friends and having to tell them we lost Katie. Now, for the most part we don’t know these folks by name but see them and chat most days. Oddly enough, if they have a pup we know their names.
Winnie, Stella and Ava. Sounds like a casting call for a Golden Girls reboot!
A trip to the pharmacy to pick up all the meds we need to see us through the next 10 weeks. We head out a week today.
You fine folks all have a fantastic Thursday!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by ircha_gram
Help yourself to some fresh coffee!

Dave & Lee …..Early Bird gets the worm! You two amaze me getting up so EARLY. :rolleyes:

Arts going to try and get YET ONE MORE BIKE RIDE IN this morning before the rain starts. Too bad the temps have dropped to 36F

Lee: I wonder how people handle 2 -3 months worth of meds when flying to a Winter vacation area? I’d hate to have to bring my basket full of pill bottles. Do you put them in your check on luggage or carry with you on the plane? Having them in the auto doesn’t seem to present a problem. Wonder about taking pills in zip-lock bags through Detroit -Windsor customs.

Okay, I’m rambling on! It’s early and the mind is still sleeping!

My plan of the day is to call and get a free RADON KIT from the health dept. Jan is Radon prevention month! We just installed a new Carbon Monoxide reader in one of our bedroom wall switches.

Later gang. Have a good day!


2nd Officer
Not feeling to chatty this morning, my brother called yesterday & my Sil is back in a hospice facility. Her abdomen had swollen again & they thought it was fluid around her liver again, after they did an ultrasound they told them it wasn't fluid but tumors. Being in the facility again they will be able to monitor better & keep her comfortable. Prayers for the family please, my brother has been married to her for over 42 yrs and caring for her has been his way of life. This is really starting to hit him hard.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well today I plan on finishing up picking out shoes to go and what will stay.

Also this afternoon I will be fixing scalloped potatoes with ham, it is a favorite of ours.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Pretty outside right now, but that will be changing shortly. The rains are coming and with their arrival our temps will be going down fast. Our mid 80s temps are now going to be a distant memory. Tomorrow will be our coolest day (70), but will start to rebound to our normal January temps in the high 70s. I can live with that.

Kathie - Good for you to have all the Christmas stuff down and away. We had planned to do it yesterday, but due to all the meat that had to be cut and put in bags, we never got the job started. Today will be it though. First down will be the Christmas tree and then start filling large totes with the rest of the stuff. It's going to look so dull once everything is down. :emoticon 0107 sweating:
And for your information, the air fryer has been on the counter since 2 days after Christmas and has been used already. Bert ordered a cookbook with air fryer recipes for me, but not sure I like it. The recipes use a lot of things I don't have in my pantry and I don't want to have to start buying a lot of new stuff. Besides, there's no room in the pantry for anything else.

Karen - Sending lots of prayers for your sister-in-law. Being married that long, I am sure this is all very hard on your brother. Bert would be the same way. Please keep us posted. This is not an easy time for any of you.

Dave - Haven't gotten our tickets yet for Friday's drawing. I did get the power ball number the other day, but haven't turned the ticket in yet. That will happen today when Bert goes to Publix for a few things.

Lee - I'm sure it was hard going to the Navy Yard and have to tell people about Katie. That had to be hard for both you and Lu-Ann. I bet you're getting antsy to get on the road and head for warmer weather. We'll try to order some for you like we did for Bill & Rita. What date will you arrive, so I can fix the weather for you?

Bll - Glad you finally got those baby back ribs. They're a favorite of ours around here too. Sometimes if we have a few family members bere, I will make 3 whole racks of ribs and the come out fall off the bone tender. Even Gary, who always hated ribs loves then the way I make them. If you play your cards right and come visit us for a few days, I promise to make some for you!

Time to get to work getting these decorations down and put away. Have a great afternoon, gang!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Sending my best thought your way regarding your Sister-in-law. My heart goes out to your brother. Just doesn’t seem fair they have to go through this. Keeping them in my prayers. Take care.

BB: My brother has really good luck putting Salmon filets in the Air Fryer. He just seasons them and they come out moist and quick. You’ll get use to it, just keep trying different things.
How much do you win on the POWER BALL NUMBER ONLY?
Okay out of here for now. I was just passing by in the computer room! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Chief Security Officer
You sure know how to attract a visitor, BB. I was never a fan of ribs until we went to Bahama Breeze with you and Bert a few years ago. Have had them several times in several different places since then with some hits and a few misses. Last night's were definitely in the "hit" category.
Bed was so comfortable last night that I wasn't
keen on getting out of it this morning so it was a late to rise morning today.
We were among those who didn't have the Mega Millions winning ticket on Tuesday so we will try again before Friday.

Rita had a post on her iPad that listed the ten best restaurants in Vero Beach. I am usually suspicious of those 'lists' but since C J Cannon's and the Ocean Grille were number 2 and 4 on this list I believe it actually may reflect reality. We have been to a couple of others on the list and pretty much agree with the rankings.
Sorry to hear the news about your SIL, KC. She will be in our prayers.
Supposed to be 85 degrees today but will drop into the 70s for the rest of the week and the next. Somehow I believe that we will survive this "cold spell"
Other than a trip to Publix I don't
think we have any plans for today. Hey we're on vacation for the next three months so no pressure. Of course we are retired so things aren't really much different those other nine months, right Dave?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
The tequila and worm were gone when I got here so I reckon Dave got it.
Of course our thoughts and prayers are headed out to you and your family Karen.
A week from tonight we should be in Lexington, KY Pat. Smyrna, GA the next night and Kissimmee on Saturday the 14th. There’s lots of good air fryer recipes on this interweb thingy too.
It seems a lot of people have taken “Christmas“ down a little earlier this year Kathie. I believe the rule of thumb when crossing international borders with prescription drugs is to keep them in their original containers. We did have to complete “out of country” forms so the pharmacy could give us other refills before they would normally be required.
It seems Damar Hamlin is improving Bill. Seems he was able to write a note asking who won the Monday night game. I think The Bills are favoured by 7 on the CBS site. They’re going to be playing their hearts out for #3.
You all have a good evening.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Bummer missing out on getting the “worm”.

Our little Manny got “fixed” today. Poor guy! Jill said he did fine and even went outside and did both of his businesses!

Got the Radon Test kit st the Health Dept. I was able to get one for my neighbor too. Just had to give his full name & address. Art set it up and now we just leave it alone for 72 hrs and then mail it to a testing company.

It was good to hear that Damar H was doing better.

Signing off for tonight.


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Bunnies!

It seems that our bladders kick in about the same time every morning, Lee. Maybe tomorrow, you'll get the worm. (Nice and chewy.) I too find it easier to remember a person's dog's name, rather than the name of the person. Has Ava stopped looking for Katie yet?

I feel so sorry for your sister-in-law and brother, KC. But I'm quite sure they'd feel comfortable asking you for any help they might need.

Is Radon a big problem in Michigan, K2? It's something I never heard of 20 years ago. But now when people sell houses around here, it's part of a standard inspection, like looking for termites.

Well BB, getting the air fryer on the counter is a start. Hope for more matching numbers on the Mega-Millions tonight.

Bill; Happy to hear that you've become a convert to ribs.

It was a good day/not so good day for me yesterday. Around noon I got a call from my skin doctor. She let me know that there was NO cancer found in the biopsy she took last week. A few minutes later I happened to notice that my wedding ring was not on my finger. I never take it off. It's only come off just a few times when my hands got cold and my fingers shrank. But this time I didn't know when or where it happened. So I retraced my movements of the last few day. Even going through the trash, taking off the trap in the bathroom sink, tearing apart the bed, and inspecting my car. We still haven't found it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I actually slept until just after 6:00 this morning. For me that’s half the day wasted!
I do hope that you find your wedding band Dave. Is it your original from the day you and Kathi were married? I have my original band from 1980 and the band that we got when we renewed our vows in Hawaii in 2005. Little Ava is still looking for Katie.
OK, coffee me.
See you all later on.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the hands and neck are hurting a lot today. They started yesterday afternoon. Thought I would be taking things to Salvation Army today but there is no way I am driving.

I had ordered a shirt from Guy Harvey in my size but somehow they changed it to a size I no way can wear so it has to go back. I guess I am done ordering shirts from them.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! What a difference a day makes - It was 80 here yesterday and now today it isn't going to make it out of the 60s! At least tomorrow we will make it into the low 70s to start our temperature recovery.

Dave - Sorry about your missing wedding band. Say a prayer to St Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. I've called on him any number of times with mostly good results. Glad your skin biopsy came back negative. That's always a good thing.

Kathie - Poor Manny but definitely the best thing to do. He'll be fine in a few days, but in the meantime, does he have on a collar of shame?
Is there a lot of radon in your area that made you get the test? I've never heard of anywhere needing it in our area. It's not required when you sell a house here either.

Lee - Bummer! You are going to be bringing some cold weather with you! Temps will be in the 60s that weekend, but by Monday it will be back in the 70s.
You asked how much my power ball number was worth. It was a whopping $2.00! Barely enough to buy another ticket.

Karen - Any update on your SIL? Still sending more prayers.

Going to be a busy day around here getting down and putting away the rest of the Christmas decorations. Then lucky me has a CT Scan scheduled for 6:00. Being it will still be rush hour, we have to leave an hour and a half earlier to make sure we get to Celebration Hospital on time.

Right now it's time for a cup of coffee to pump up my energy to get this work done. Have a fantastic day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-day Wrabbits.

Gloomy outside and 37F over here in Pure Michigan. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Dave: What a bummer on losing your Wedding Ring. It will DRIVE YOU CRAZY looking all over for it. Hope it turns up. Look in the corners of the furniture you sit on and under it too. Vacuum the house and lower area where you do your treadmill walking and then check the contents. It might just show up in there. All the best.
Art lost his ring about 40 plus years ago while we were in Canada at Thanksgiving time. He made a snowball and threw it way over the road into a field and the ring went with the snowball. He never replaced it because he always took it off when going to work since he was a Electrician.

BB: Don’t go spending that HUGE WIN from the Powerball all in one place! Ha Ha.
I thought you’d win at least $5 bucks.
Hope you don’t get tied up in RUSH HOUR traffic going to Celebration Hosp.

Not sure about the RADON being a issue here in our area or Michigan. I think the County got some funds from the State of Michigan and had to spend it or lose it. I just happen to hear about it on a newscast and figured I’d pick up the kit. Hopefully it will be a NEGATIVE result.

Karen: Still keeping your SIL and brother in my thoughts and prayers.
I was watching the Weather Channel and it’s UNREAL how the rain storms in California is flooding communities. YIKES, amazing how much damage and mud slides are happening. Hope McKenna’s are okay and all my Serb friends.

Today is our Christmas Eve. Church services tonight and of course tomorrow on Christmas Day. So far, at least the weather isn’t going to cause too much traveling issues.

Lee: The clock is ticking down for your departure to Florida. Just NOT fast enough.

Negc: Is there a community pool and or activity center where you are staying?
I saw on the news that Damin Hamlin did a FaceTime message to his team members. A good sign that he is getting better. Hopefully, he’ll start physical rehab to get his legs moving after being in bed so long. He just has to get those lungs stronger.

Okay Wrabbits I’m out of here for now.
Wonder what old orange Dumpster is doing today on the Anniversary of Jan 6th??

Manny has a SOFT collar on him. He‘s doing good so far. Looks so sad. E0F02C55-7643-4390-A893-215808EE817A.jpeg


Chief Security Officer
There is a pool and a community clubhouse here, K2, but apparently the pool was closed for the month of December for some sort of repairs and reopened earlier this week, only to close again the other day, apparently for more repairs. Not sure when it will finally reopen. When my parents bought their home here in the 70's I remember that there was only a big hole in the ground where the pool was finally located and residents had to go a mile or two down the highway to use the pool at another park managed by the same company.
Had the misfortune to watch Celebrity Jeopardy last night and have to wonder if they even give the so-called celebrities any kind of test to qualify their participation. Two of the three had little or no clues to the answers for most of the questions.
Should have spent more time watching the Celtics demolish the Mavericks, but at least caught most of the last quarter of the game.
Temperatures here are somewhat better than what BB and KC are experiencing although they will be in the mid to high 70s for most of the next few weeks.


Wacky Wabbit
Dave: I went to Christmas Eve church services and wanted you to know I stared at the Altar and holy pics and prayed for you to find your RING.
Karen: I said a special prayer for your SIL and brother.



Full pews. Can you tell that the TWICE a YEAR folks showed up! Ha ha. :)

Lee: I also asked for you & Lu-Ann’s safe travels as you soon hit the road!

Out of here for now!

More CHURCH & SINGING on Christmas Morning!