Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
I got the MEGA Ball number and one regular number on last nights drawing. = $4 bucks.
So. I’m ahead 2 bucks! Wow.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
And with that, we’re here. A small shop done to get us through tonight and tomorrow morning then we’ll do a real shop.
Shortly after arriving, just for you Dave, I donned my Mountie uniform and declared this outpost under the jurisdiction of The RCMP. That’s wine in the cup. Why yes, all Canadians travel with their Mountie uniforms.
Coffee Sipping GIF by Hallmark Channel

We do find the SunPass worth it Kathie. We get the little $5.00 one that sticks to the windshield. Today alone we saved $4.00 vs the billed by plate option. Plus we don’t have to stop to pay cash or worry if the booth is manned or not. Congrats on that big win!
The Subie won’t let us lock the keys in either Bill. A nice feature. Seems odd that we had to put the heat on here too Bill. We stopped at the FL Welcome Center and chuckled at the mix of attire!
Poor Lisa and her family. Lu-Ann’s Dad hated it when folks lingered. He was always worried about that persons quality of life the drain on those who were “standing vigil”.
Right now we’re pretty open with dates Pat. So, if you have a couple of days in mind please let us know. I think even I’d find it chilly sitting out today.
I like dessert Nancy. Just sayin’. You know, for next year. :minion cake:

We didn’t stop to get our access card reactivated. It was pretty busy because 4:00 is checkin. I’ll wander down in a bit. Then we can come and go through the “pass” lane.
Have a good night everyone.


2nd Officer
Good evening. We did go to lunch and it was good. After went to BJ's for just a couple of things. After getting home Bruce brought out a small ceramic heater and it is a few feet from me so I am staying warmer. If I get cold I GET COLD and if I get hot I GET HOT. With this cold weather two of my fingers feel like they could come off they hurt so bad.

Just fixed me a nice hot Cocoa with the ground Cocoa I bought last year and it is good.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I bet you'll have all those WIDOW'S chasing you if you walk Ava with that Mountie uniform on in the morning!! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: Nice that it still fits! Ha Ha. Now rest up and get all your grocery shopping done on Sunday. Weather is suppose to get better by Wednesday!
Does the POOL have a layer of ICE on the TOP? :oops:

If it makes you feel any better it's 25F at 9:00 pm Sat here in Pure COLD Michigan.

Okay folks, I'm checking out for tonight.

Karen: Still have Lisa and family in my prayers.

Tired Good Night GIF by Chippy the Dog


2nd Officer
Congratulations on making it all safe and sound to Florida, Lee. Of course all Canadians travel with their Mountie uniforms....Everyone knows that.
And remember that no matter what temperature you woke up to this morning, it's 20 degrees here at the moment.

Now don't be trying to do everything in the first week.

And the trophy goes to K2, for the biggest winnings in the Mega drawing for any of us Bunnies. As is quite common, I matched zero of the balls.

Kathi and the granddaughter finished that dress yesterday. Looks good.

I'm nosy guys, how do these cars keep you from locking your keys inside? Neither of our cars has that feature.

Figures BB, you finally get the relatives out of your house, and now you get an invasion of Wabbits. As for wings, hot & spicy is always my favorite.

Grocery shopping day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by ircha_gram
Here in Pure Michigan it's 24F right now. I know it could be worse, but it's still cold looking outside. The GAS company is making out big time these last few days.

DAVE: How neat that the DRESS MAKING CLASS was a success. Could you ask Kathi to post a picture for us to see it! Thanks. Happy Grocery Shopping.

Art just told me it's 41F in Kiss-may-A---. Brrr. Stay warm you Floridians. Just NOT right at all.

I have nothing else for you right now. Enjoy your Sunday folks. I think I may make a batch of Oatmeal/Choc Chip cookies later to warm up the kitchen area. :emoticon 0100 smile:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's now 43 degrees. We're having a heatwave!!!

Lee & Lu-Ann - Welcome to Florida! Hopefully a few days from now you will be experiencing our NORMAL winter weather that you snowbirds all pay big bucks for.
We'll give you a few days to settle in before we decide when to get together. How does that sound?

Had another really good night's sleep and now I'm sitting here in the kitchen feeling all toasty and warm with the sun shining in. Looks like a beautiful day outside, except for how cold it is, There's not a cloud in the sky.

Nancy - We had hot cocoa last night too, but ours also contained vanilla vodka and Bailey's with whipped cream on top. YUMMY! Probably why I slept so well last night too. LOL

Kathie & Dave - Please keep your cold up by you, We've already had our normal dose of winter here. I'm ready for spring!

Not much planned for today. Bert has to go with Jimmy to pick up a new BBQ. Our old one's insides rotted away, so I thought I'd be nice and buy him a new one for our anniversary. I have ulterior motives though - Bert can't grill steaks with out a grill, right? Problem solved.
Think we'll have some ribs tonight. Baking them low and slow in the oven will help to keep this place warm and cozy once the evening is approaching.

Now it's time for a nice hot cup of coffee and to read the newspaper while things are quiet. Have a good day and everyone, stay warm!!


2nd Officer
Good morning. It was low 40's when I woke and now up to 55. Not sure how high the temp will get today.

No idea what today will bring.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning, 39 degrees here in Sunny Belleview!

Lee, welcome to "South Canada", hope you packed long johns with that mountie suit you may need them the next couple nights. At least we can promise you that you won't need to shovel any snow while you're here, so that's a plus!

Pat, oven roasted ribs sound YUM! I prepped a pan of lasagna last night & will pop it in the oven later on for lunch. I need to pick me up another bottle of Baileys, it's my fav in hot chocolate!

Dave, Happy grocery shopping day! Hopefully you'll get there early & beat the after church crowd. Can't wait to see a pic of the dress Kathi & the grand daughter made.

Kathie, sounds like most of us have the same idea, bake something tasty to help warm up the house! My furnace is cranking away here and I just know Duke energy is doing the happy dance as my meter spins around. Oh well, even with long pants, socks, heavy slippers, long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt on it was just to cold in here not to turn the heat on.

Haven't talked to my brother lately, but I know the waiting is taking a toll on everyone.

I skipped church today because it was just to cold to go out today & even on a normal day the church seems cold to me so I would have needed a blanket today for sure. I may check out the live stream later just to see what I missed. For now I think I'll be making another pot of coffee to try & warm up some more. The oatmeal I had for breakfast helped.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning, 39 degrees here in Sunny Belleview!

Lee, welcome to "South Canada", hope you packed long johns with that mountie suit you may need them the next couple nights. At least we can promise you that you won't need to shovel any snow while you're here, so that's a plus!

Pat, oven roasted ribs sound YUM! I prepped a pan of lasagna last night & will pop it in the oven later on for lunch. I need to pick me up another bottle of Baileys, it's my fav in hot chocolate!

Dave, Happy grocery shopping day! Hopefully you'll get there early & beat the after church crowd. Can't wait to see a pic of the dress Kathi & the grand daughter made.

Kathie, sounds like most of us have the same idea, bake something tasty to help warm up the house! My furnace is cranking away here and I just know Duke energy is doing the happy dance as my meter spins around. Oh well, even with long pants, socks, heavy slippers, long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt on it was just to cold in here not to turn the heat on.

Haven't talked to my brother lately, but I know the waiting is taking a toll on everyone.

I skipped church today because it was just to cold to go out today & even on a normal day the church seems cold to me so I would have needed a blanket today for sure. I may check out the live stream later just to see what I missed. For now I think I'll be making another pot of coffee to try & warm up some more. The oatmeal I had for breakfast helped.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yep, we must be in Florida. We’ve already walked over 4 miles around the community and the Celebration farmers market and it’s not even noon.
I’m always amazed at the temperature differences 1,215 miles away. Yep, that’s from our door to here.
I’m giggling because Bill called it. The Belles are all freezing and us northern folk are in combinations of shorts, jeans and a light sweat shirt.
We’re grocery shopping today too Dave. The couple of items we picked up yesterday shocked us. Same prices as home but 25% more because of the exchange.
Good idea to give the chef the tools he needs Pat. We do have our annual breakfast at The Poly booked for Jan 25.
We waved yesterday about 2:45 as we passed the Belleview exit Karen.
All this talk of baking makes me think we need stuff to bake too!
Here comes Lu-Ann with the groceries.
See you all later.


Chief Security Officer
I think it is the keyless entry feature in our cars that helps us avoid locking our keys in the cars, Dave. As long as the key fob is in my pocket or in my hand I can lock or unlock the car when I approach or as I leave the car and I can start the car without putting the key in the ignition.
Careful with your promise of no snow, KC. Who knows what may have hitched a ride with Lee and LuAnn and I know that, at least some parts of Florida (mostly the Panhandle but sometimes even Jacksonville and St.Augustine) have been visited on a rare occasion by the dreaded white stuff.
Congrats on your big lottery win, K2. Don't spend it all in one place.
Quite a dramatic comeback for Jacksonville in last night's playoff game. I suspect that Bosa is not a very popular player in San Diego today.
Almost time until the Dolphins/Bills Death Match. I don't have a dog in that fight but if push came to shove, I'd root for Buffalo and Josh Allen.
When you see the highway signs on Florida's multitude of toll roads and note the difference between the charge for cars with the Sun Pass and the bill by plate option, getting the Pass makes a lot of sense. Apparently on some of the toll roads, our MA EZ Pass works, so we may be able to avoid getting one. Will have to check to see if it is good on all of the FL toll roads.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Now that was a nail biter of a game Bill.
Yes, with The Subie you have to lock it with the fob. If for some reason we do lock the fob in the vehicle we can unlock it through, you guessed it, the “My Subaru” app. We can also start and find the vehicle with the app. Hey, don’t laugh. Last year our friend Jan forgot where she parked for the Disney 5K. Dave wasn’t paying attention either. They ended up being driven around the parking lots by security pressing the panic button on her fob to find their Rav4.
Oh look at the time. It’s “wine o nine”.


2nd Officer
Good evening. We had such a large lunch that dinner was soup, more than enough.

Dave, the dress and your Grand Daughter are very cute.

My back is hurting a lot so will be going to bed very soon.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lots of great Chatter on here today.

Please pass on my “Congrats” to Elizabeth and Teacher Kathi on such a FANTASTIC JOB making the dress. And not a easy pattern to boot. It looks perfect on Elizabeth. Kudos! :clap002: :clap002:
Elizabeth‘s hair is nice and long. Is she growing it out to donate to the place that makes wigs for children with cancer or does she just want to let it leep,growing. Either way it looks great.

We watched TONS of football today and this evening.
Right now we’re watching PBS Masterpiece’s “Miss Scarlet and the Duke”. A good series if you have the Sub-tiltles on! Hard to understand because of the strong accents and they talk fast.

The Meatloaf was FANTASTIC. (and that comes from a person who usually doesn’t like meatloaf)

Back tomthe movie.
STAY WARM FOLKS. SEEMS WE’re all in the same boat as far as the weather is concerned.
Karen, Hope you brought in or covered your plants really well. Heard you’re going down into the low 30’s tonight.

Night Wrabbits!


2nd Officer
Kathi, you & Elizabeth did a fantastic job on that dress! Thanks so much for posting the pic!

Kathie, my plants have been in their little "cold weather" shelter since Friday, I have old bed sheets tacked up around my grill gazebo on the patio & the plants are all tucked in there. I open up the sheets when it gets warmer so they can get air & sun but they will stay in there until mid march.

Got to watch the rocket launch tonite, it was pretty cool & then got to see the boosters fire up for the return to Cape Canaveral, that was really neat!

Have a good evening all, remember no Mail or Banks tomorrow due to MLK day


2nd Officer
Good morning you furry Wabbits, time to start another week.

Thanks to Kathi and her son you got to see the granddaughter's first attempt at sewing. And Kathi made sure it was a hands on experience for her. From laying out the pattern, cutting the fabric, and doing the sowing. None of just watching Granny do it. She seemed to enjoy it.

Kathi had never taken a picture of the dress so she texted her son if he would and send it to her.

K2; As for the granddaughter's hair, since she's not even a teenager yet I believe she just wants long hair. And with it down close to her waist, I can only imagine the maintenance it must take.

Yes KC, on cold mornings a little Bailey's in your coffee or hot chocolate will put you in a better mood for whatever happens next. (Wink-Wink.) It must be amazing seeing a rocket launch. I was there once to see one, but in the last 10 seconds it was called off.

Thanks guys for explaining that it's the fob that is the secret for not locking your keys in the car. Toward the end of the game, I was wondering if the Bills would win. And the Bengals game was another nail-biter.

BB; Oh the things you'll do to get a grilled steak.

Here's a hoot; Kathi picked up a stuffed gorilla for one of the grandkids who's fascinated with gorillas. He's around 7 years old. And this giant gorilla is about as big as he is. So when we picked it up it was buckled into the backseat of my car. (He loved it by the way.) But I can imagine that anyone in traffic looking over and seeing it probably thought, "That's the ugliest damn kid I've ever seen in my life!"