Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
Lee, I think your light fixture is very nice. Did you pick it by yourself or did Lu-Ann help you? My son would love it.
Dave, I always enjoyed palindromes, especially with dates. I would mss them until someone mentioned it. Thinks for bringing it to my attention.
Kc, did summer ever leave you????
A dark blue gets my vote K2.
Glad getting your stitches out went well Nancy.
Our son and our two daughters went to an ELO cover band concert last night. Our son may stops on his way home to hook up our out side hoses enjoy the rest of the day .


Chief Security Officer
Actually, Lee, a Powerball ticket only costs $2, but until the top prize approaches the billion dollar figure, most of us don't seem it is a worthy investment- as though we can't be bothered figuring out how to spend a couple of million. :)
A good cup of coffee seems like the best way to celebrate the construction of that gazebo.

The Mohegans must have missed me quite a bit as they were more than generous during our overnight visit. No jackpots that required a hand pay, but enough that I came home with more than I had when I arrived. Found a few very friendly slot machines and had some good food and a good night's sleep on a comfortable bed. We drove down in a sometimes heavy downpour of rain but during the ride home the sun was shining and there were only a few puffy white clouds in the blue sky.
I see that my comments about the absence of any sense in creating a TV series for Elsbeth didn't stop the CBS executives from renewing the show for a second season. I guess I should give it another chance but, while I
enjoyed shows like Columbo and Monk, I still don't think there is a great need for another quirky detective show, especially considering how few shows of any real merit are currently available on any given night.
Glad to hear that summer seems to have finally arrived in Florida, Karen. We had a few signs of it during our final two weeks in Vero, but for the most part we didn't see the kind of weather this year that we were used to in the past.

The fishing group that I have been a part of for a number of decades is holding a fundraiser for local charities tonight. (A Left,Right Center tournament) so it will be good to see a lot of the fellows again. My issues have made it too difficult to attend the annual fishing trip but Kevin and the sons of several of the original members of the group have carried on our tradition.


2nd Officer
Good evening, 16 ladies at the retreat today, so a fairly nice turn out. Lot's of good food & conversation made the day go by fast. Also lot's of emotion which makes it a great experience, but also very tiring when it's all over. Catch up with you all tomorrow after church.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well both races today were good races and both had first time winners, both very young.

Cooked the ham and it came out real good, cooked a sweet potato with it. Had Bruce take it out of the over for me since I can't lift anything heavier than a coffee cup with my left hand. I did manage to get slices off and then after dinner got it in a 2 gal baggie and in the fridge. I hope that Monday I can make scalloped potatoes with ham for dinner it will take me awhile to get all cut up but I will get it done.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Nice chatter on here Wrabbits!

Bill: Nice you and Rita got away and managed to bring a few bucks home. Hope Kevin enjoys the annual fishing trip. I know you’ll miss being there, but hopefully next year your hip will allow you to go.

Karen: Sounds like a nice retreat. Did they like your dessert?

Lee: How’s your girls wrist doing? Is her right hand or left?

I did a little of NOTHING most of the day.
Later I did mix up a batch of dough to make some loaves of bread. I just took them out of the oven at 8:30 pm. Smells so good in the house!

It’s going to be a COLD night around here. Good sleeping weather.

You all have a good night and SUNDAY!


2nd Officer

Pretty much random thoughts from me this morning.

Since I'm definitely not a whiz on how electronics or streaming works, maybe one of you Bunnies can have an answer for me about something I've been wondering about.

We've probably all heard about Taylor Swift releasing a new double album the other day and it instantly became a big hit. So I've been wondering what these Swifties had to pay to stream it? Or download it, or whatever you call it.

Lots of frost around this area overnight. I've got a feeling that a lot of people who bought posies this early are going to have to replace them if they didn't cover them, or still have them still sitting in their garage waiting to be planted.

White is a "boring" color for a car, then why would you want another one?

Anybody else get dizzy looking at that "funky" new light?

Give me a stick of butter and hand me one of those loaves of bread.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I have the sudden urge for a big old hunk of fresh bread slathered with butter. Where do these thoughts come from? Looks delicious Kathie. It is, of course, Lu-Ann’s right wrist. She says it’s more inconvenient with the brace than anything. But that’s just her nature to try to take everything in stride.
Don't know about the cost of Taylor Swift’s album Dave but like most other streaming or download things you pop in your credit or gift card number and it’s yours.
Any kind of a retreat filled with conversation, open hearts, honesty and emotion can be very tiring Karen. Another church related experience you seem to have enjoyed.
I remember when one of the guys I worked with won $10K on a $1 “Lottario” draw ticket. Back in around 1975 that was big, no, huge money. Now, as you say, we don’t even buy a ticket until there’s a lot more zeros in the jackpot! For us the trigger is $50 million. Nice of The Mohegan’s to welcome you back.
We both had a hand in choosing the light Mike. It also throws some fun patterns on the walls and ceilings at night. I like to listen to 60’s Gold on Sirius. Their morning guy, Gordon “Phlash” Phelps, is big on fun facts and never forgets to tell listeners about palindromes. Especially when it comes to dates.
Today is Earth Day. I guess that means acting like a kid and eating some dirt.
Have a good one wherever you are.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Sunday GIF
It's COLD here AGAIN! Nothing blessed about our weather!

Dave: Can't help you with your question about how someone goes about streaming or downloading music. I'm OLD SCHOOL and use to go buy a big piece of cardboard with the neat picture of the singer on the front and a vinyl record inside. I have a box full of old Jonny Mathis albums and other artists from that era in the basement. They'll look good in a
Estate Sale one year! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Lee: Good luck with the OGC project this coming week. It's suppose to be windy and RAIN coming in early Tuesday. Keep a eye on the weather reports. Not too mention the temps don't start to climb until Thursday.
Hope ALL the THOUSANDS of fans of the NFL DRAFT DRAWING bring their heavy warm coats to the event. Every year when they show the CROWDS standing hundreds deep outside of a venue I just wonder WHAT'S THE THRILL IN THAT.... UNLESS IT'S YOUR SON GETTING CHOSEN? And then they would be inside. :emoticon 0104 surprised:

Bummer on Lu-Ann's fracture being on her right hand. Hope it heals for her and all will be good again soon. Have her drink some of those 30 gm Protein drinks. They're suppose to be good for healing. The orthopedic surgeon had me drinking them for my knee. Just make sure to eat some "prunes"! (I think you get my drift on that) :emoticon 0136 giggle: Hello's to Lu-Ann.

Skipped church today, so hope our Sister Karen throws in a few extra prayers for all of us.

Going to watch the Final day of the golf tournament down in Hilton Head. That's about exciting as my day gets today! :emoticon 0111 blush:

Later gang.


2nd Officer

Pretty much random thoughts from me this morning.

Since I'm definitely not a whiz on how electronics or streaming works, maybe one of you Bunnies can have an answer for me about something I've been wondering about.

We've probably all heard about Taylor Swift releasing a new double album the other day and it instantly became a big hit. So I've been wondering what these Swifties had to pay to stream it? Or download it, or whatever you call it.

Lots of frost around this area overnight. I've got a feeling that a lot of people who bought posies this early are going to have to replace them if they didn't cover them, or still have them still sitting in their garage waiting to be planted.

White is a "boring" color for a car, then why would you want another one?

Anybody else get dizzy looking at that "funky" new light?

Give me a stick of butter and hand me one of those loaves of bread.
Dave here is the breakdown for Taylor's new album:
Here are all the choices:

  • The basic version: The cheapest way to get The Tortured Poets Department is to order the standard digital album. It costs $12 and includes the 16 basic tracks and no bonus tracks at all.
  • Editions with The Manuscript bonus track: If you do buy the basic version, you'll be missing out on a Swift bonus track called The Manuscript. Want that? You'll need to buy the album on cassette, CD or vinyl to get it. Those editions all remain available to preorder for delivery on April 19. The CD version is $13, cassette is $29 and the vinyl album is $35.
  • The Albatross version: There were also two versions of the album that contained the 16 tracks and bonus songs of their own but didn't have The Manuscript bonus track. One edition, featuring a bonus track called The Albatross, was available for presale until 11 a.m. PT on Feb. 26. So if you've missed that deadline, well, you might be out of luck.
  • The Bolter version: The Albatross and The Manuscript weren't the only bonus tracks. Entertainment Weekly reported that on Feb. 16, Swift announced yet another special edition of the album with a bonus song called The Bolter. Like The Albatross edition, it had a limited preorder time and doesn't appear to be available anymore.
So if you want the whole 30+ songs better buy the cassette, CD or vinyl.


2nd Officer
Good morning. right now letting my scars air out, will put a new bandage on in about 30 minutes.

We will be going to lunch today, not sure where yet. Then will be watching the Cup race.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Kathie, that is some fine looking bread there, what kind did you bake? And no worries, I said an extra prayer or two for all my hutch mates!

Mike, summer did leave us for about 6 weeks this winter, it wasn't freezing cold but just cold & damp for longer than we were happy with. If winter lasts longer than 2 weeks here we tend to get grump(ier) :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee, that is a unique looking light fixture for your dining room, it looks like it goes well with the kitchen light too. LuAnn is a trooper for sure, if I broke my right wrist I'd be doing a lot more grumbling than she is's ok, just not at the top of my list for fav. singers

Dave, no clue on how the "swifties" are able to download her newest alblum nor do I understand why they would want to. She's ok, just not at the top of my list for favorite singers.

Bill, nice that the indians were so generous to you on this last visit. Hope last nights fundraiser was a huge sucess!

Church this morning was good, pews were a little empty so you can tell the snowbirds have started to make their way back north.
Our Alto made it this morning so we had all four parts for our anthem today.

Tonight is our Spanish service & during the service a couple is getting married. He only speaks Spanish & she only speaks English, should be a long & Happy Marriage.

We did get some sad news at the retreat yesterday, one of the men who works on the ground crew had a massive heart attack last week & is in hospice at his daughter's house. Rev. Lisa has given him last rites & they expect him to pass at any time now. He was just at the last work day a week ago & seemed fine. Goes to show you just never know, he was a sweet & kind man who will be missed

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer

Just for you and your cardboard collection Kathie. My audiophile friends tell me that vinyl is making a comeback. OOPS…The NFL Draft is next weekend but lots of streets in Detroit are already closed or restricted. I’ll pass the drink info along to my Sweetie.
That’s a shame about the gentleman who suffered the heart attack Karen. Sometimes life can be so fragile and unfair. That should be some interesting pair who are exchanging vows this evening. I’m not by any stretch of the imagination a “Swiftie”. I think it was Mike that mentioned a while back that he, and I, enjoyed her early more country tunes.


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks for the prayers Karen.
I took one of those quick no knead recipes for white bread and added a egg, some more milk and flour and some butter when I was folding it into itself. Let rise and then folded it inward a few times and let it rise again. Then I made the 3 braided loaf and the smaller ones. I froze most of it so if we have Spaghetti I can heat slices up for garlic bread. If I left it on the counter it would go stale.

Lee: I went to a lot of Johnny's concerts when he came to Pine Knob back in the day. Thanks for the memory song. :emoticon 0111 blush:

Cleaned the house earlier, changed out the bedding, mopped that darn kitchen floor and the bathrooms and hallway too. Don't ask me where I got the energy, but I'm glad it's done.

SUNNY here, but only 52F. So basically it's cold outside.

Time for a OLD FASHION break now. I think of our PAT and her WINE breaks when I make a drink like that in the middle of the afternoon! Miss that gal big time. :emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer
Lee, yes vinyl is making a big comeback. It turns out the best sound is on vinyl over any other form. Even on an inexpensive player.


Wacky Wabbit
By the way I like watching Taylor Swift when it’s on TV or You Tube. I like all her costumes and dances, but as far as her singing to me it’s more like TALKING and telling a story of her old boyfriends. Gets ‘old’ after awhile. I have no interest in downloading any of her songs or anybody else’s for that matter. Just too old for that. I listen on my car radio.


Chief Security Officer
The fundraiser was a tremendous success and a fun evening. It was pretty much SRO and it was great to see so many folks that we see so infrequently. I was one of two winners at my table in the first two rounds of the LCR. Winning a round gets the winner his or her entry fee back and entry into the final round where the winner gets $500. Thirty people played in the final round and in that round I had the good fortune to be seated next to the young woman who eventually won and who shared a portion of her winnings with me as she claimed I was her good luck charm.
Since we arrived home our old living room TV has been acting up, so today Kevin, Jamie and Taylor took me to look for a
replacement. It was a quick and easy trip and we now have a brand new 50" TV to replace the old 40". Anything large would be too big for our living room.
Bruins and Celtics are off to a good start in the playoffs and the Red Sox seem to play well everywhere except at Fenway so they did well in Pittsburgh this weekend.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: You sure you weren’t FLIRTING with that young lady to have her share her winnings with you! Hope Rita approved of your new admirer! :emoticon 0115 inlove: Ha Ha.

Now you told us what a LCR ( (A Left,Right Center tournament) was, but what’s SRO?? Sounds like you had good time.
Like the size of your New TV. And I like that you didn’t mess with trying to fix the old one and just went out and got a new one. These days TV’s are pretty reasonable.
Time to hit the sack… a busy Monday!


2nd Officer
Thanks so much for that Johnny Mathis video, Lee. One of the greatest singers. I so like that Lu-Ann's nature is to take everything in stride. Whiners drive me nuts. It's good that she's able to work through, go around, or just deal with any problem that comes along.

K2; Hope those Mathis records and their cardboard sleeves are in good shape. Those are collectibles worth keeping. (Unlike most of the junk we keep around the house.)

In my never to be humble opinion, the best tasting 30g protein drink is Ensure's Cafe Mocha. I now get mine from Amazon since our smaller grocery store doesn't sell that flavor.

KC; It never dawned on me that your church attendance is effected by "snowbirds".) Sucks that your church member, who seemed fine a week ago, had a heart attack. Ya never know when you'll be called "home".

"It was pretty much SRO and .... I was one of two winners at my table in the first two rounds of the LCR." SPEAK ENGLISH LAD! I don't speak in codes, Spanish or French either. A 50 inch TV seems to be the perfect size for most people. Who would have thought that 25 years ago?

It's interesting that I no longer look at Mondays in the same way I did when I was part of the working-folk.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Another cold start to this April morning.
Nice sized TV Bill. I remember back in the day when we bought a 27” and were so impressed with the size and quality of the picture. Now that’s not even big enough for most kids games!
Lu-Ann is an inspiration to me and I hope others who may not even be aware that she handles life’s ”hiccups” with such grace and positivity. Well, except for real hiccups. She hates those when she gets them.
I do tend to prefer the singers and songwriters whose words and lyrics I can understand Dave.
We saw Jimmy Buffett at Pine Knob a couple of times Kathie. That venue was really nice and the sound was great!
On tap for me today…learning how to wash and blow dry Lu-Ann’s hair.
Everyone enjoy their Monday.


2nd Officer
Quick good morning check in, Jane has an appt. here at 9:30 with her insurance agent to pick out a medicare advantage plan

I'm not Bill, but I think I can translate for him LCR, a game called Left, Center Right & SRO, Standing Room Only. I've heard of the game but never played it before, I think it's a dice game or tile game like dominos

Catch up with you all later, after the insurance guy leaves I'm going to head over to Jane's & mow her front yard, it's cool & cloudy today so it will be a good day to get it done

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