Mike Elias
Chief Security Officer
It was pretty cool this AM and has not warmed up that much. It is supposed to get warmer tomorrow. Fay had two Dr. appts today and I have one tomorrow. That makes 6 Dr. appts for this week. Yes Dave, we need a fresher picture of your pooches. Lee, I hope Lu-Ann is feeling much better. It;s nice that everyone got their grass cut. Our lawn man cut our grass Monday. (did I mention that) Fay has some hibiscus in the back and I have to make sure they aren't cut. Nancy, glad Beckys back is a little better. How many lawns do you mow Karen???? You should set up a lawn mowing shop. I hope the Dr. visit went well Dave. Bill, I had to do all of the Dr. visits when I had my back surgery. Better safe than sorry. Does the sound bar improve the sound or does it just make it louder. I turn up my volume but I still can't understand what is being said. K2, did you get the soundbar yet??? If so how do you like it???? A lot of the Barbers and othe type of customer services close on Monday to get a two day week end off. here also. I haven't had a good piece of Baklava since I went to a Greek restuarent years ago. I hope yours turned out good.