Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
It was pretty cool this AM and has not warmed up that much. It is supposed to get warmer tomorrow. Fay had two Dr. appts today and I have one tomorrow. That makes 6 Dr. appts for this week. Yes Dave, we need a fresher picture of your pooches. Lee, I hope Lu-Ann is feeling much better. It;s nice that everyone got their grass cut. Our lawn man cut our grass Monday. (did I mention that) Fay has some hibiscus in the back and I have to make sure they aren't cut. Nancy, glad Beckys back is a little better. How many lawns do you mow Karen???? You should set up a lawn mowing shop. I hope the Dr. visit went well Dave. Bill, I had to do all of the Dr. visits when I had my back surgery. Better safe than sorry. Does the sound bar improve the sound or does it just make it louder. I turn up my volume but I still can't understand what is being said. K2, did you get the soundbar yet??? If so how do you like it???? A lot of the Barbers and othe type of customer services close on Monday to get a two day week end off. here also. I haven't had a good piece of Baklava since I went to a Greek restuarent years ago. I hope yours turned out good.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I got another shot in my right foot. He thought trying another one is the way to go right now. An right not the foot is hurting a lot, with the freeze spray the shot itself did not really hurt.

Becky has therapy for her back starting Monday. The therapist will be coming to the house.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: How did the OGC group do today. Sure turned out nicer in the afternoon. And good for Lu-Ann pushing forward with her hair drying. Not easy having to compensate for a bad right wrist. Hope the doctors appt helped let her know that she's on the mend. Just takes time. And at our age we want it BETTER ASAP.

Mike: I DID NOT buy a Sound BAR yet. I'm not sure how much CLEARER the Sound Bar makes a program. You just can't fix JIBERISH. Ha Ha.
I must say that the Baklava turned out perfect and I'm hard on my own baking big time. Art and I are enjoying the end corners and some other pieces that just don't make a full TRIANGLE cut. I think cutting it was ALMOST harder than putting it together. You have to figure out just where to start to make the triangles end up looking good.

Art has a biking friend that suggested some CBD/H.. suave for his shoulder aches. So I went to this "Dispensary" that sells legal "WEED" and holy cow that place was jumping with customers. WALLS FULL of ALL kinds of STUFF! Thousands of different pkgs of Gummies, and glass jars full of "Buds of Marijuana"! Unreal experience. I didn't end up finding what Art's biking friend suggested. They had something that might have been it, but at $35 for a small jar of suave I'll wait until he sends us a picture of the jar.
You had to give them your drivers license when walked into the lobby and so now I'm on the books for going into a licensed dispensary! Lord help me.

Off to watch a LITTLE of all the crowds in Downtown Detroit. Sure hope it's a SAFE EVENT for the City of Detroit.
Lee can you hear all the noise over on your side of the RIVER?? Ha Ha

Karen.... hope you had a good day girl.

Nite for now.


2nd Officer
Good evening, has anyone seen my day stretcher??? I'm sure I have one around here somewhere!!!

Mike, I only cut 1 yard, my sister's. Which is kind of funny, I moved into a 55+ community with lawn service & then drive 10 miles to mow Jane's grass. But she pay's me for it every month, feeds me breakfast & sometimes lunch so it's a pretty good gig for a retired lady.

Kathie, if there are no pics of the Baklava did it really exsist? :emoticon 0100 smile: If you find out about that CBD cream let me know. My right shoulder is really acting up lately & I'm trying to avoid going to the orthopedic Dr.

Lee, you have quite a resume of occupations going on OGC, Hairdresser, Lawn Maintenance etc. Sorry to hear LuAnn wasn't up for the girls outing.

Dave, hope you got a good report from the Dr.! And yes, pup pictures please!

Bill, glad you were able to get a new tv & get it up & running so quickly. If you do end up getting a sound bar I'd love to hear a review on it. My tv isn't that far from where I sit, but it's getting harder & harder to understand the programs sometimes.

Got Jane's front yard mowed & trimmed this morning while it was still relativly cool. Then came home & did some house cleaning.
Choir practice tonight & I got asked if I could try singing with our lone Alto so I said I'd try. I'm more of a 2nd soprano so the notes weren't to terribly low for me, I just get nervous singing a part I don't know & being only 1 of 2 people singing that part. Luckily Mary is a strong Alto and doesn't mind helping out an amateur like me.
Pot luck dinner last night at the clubhouse, I hadn't gone to one since Oct. so I decided I'd better try & make this one. Had a nice turn out & LOTS of good food too!
Other than that not a whole lot going on in Beautiful downtown Belleview!


2nd Officer
Sorry K2, but I found it humorous thinking about you walking around in a legal store selling marijuana products. Worrying about running into someone you knew. And what people thought about this retired lady shopping in there. I'd bet you were one of the oldest people in there. It would have been hilarious if you wore a tie dyed shirt. :)

All went well at my doctor's visit yesterday. I even showed a profit from the visit. While there the doctor gave me a month and a half's worth of samples for one of my expensive prescriptions. That saved me over $450.

On the way home from there I found out how expensive it can be to get a car washed and cleaned inside and out. (I don't use those fancy car-washes, I go to those places where you insert quarters and do it yourself. But Kathi uses them.)

According to her, most car-washes don't hand dry the outside or vacuum inside your car, wash the inside of your windows, or wipe down the dash and doors anymore. But she found one that does. So we went there. I can't exactly remember right now, but it was either 35 or 40 bucks. Got a feeling she ain't going there very often.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Kathie, I hope you wore dark glasses and a hat pulled down low in that cannabis shop! I do know how you felt because I used to pick up CBD drops for our old Bear. The vet said that could help with his fear of thunder and the noise from fireworks.
My gosh Karen. You think I have a long resume! Between watching out for family, friends, church groups, pets and so many other things you pack a bunch into an unstretched day!
We have a sound bar Mike. It does improve the sound slightly over the built in speakers. Again, the brand of the tv, soundbar or both do make a difference. Sometimes a big difference.
Whatever it is that we take Dave, I don’t ever recall getting samples from our doctors. That’s a nice bonus for you. Not to mention the visit was a good one.
As was Lu-Ann’s trip to the doctor. Our family Doctor was pleased with what she could see on Lu-Ann’s wrist X-ray. Now she’s been referred for an MRI on her ongoing bothersome knee.

We’ll finish the roof on the gazebo today. We worked on it for about 4 hours yesterday and shouldn’t take long to complete the job today.
Have a great Friday everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. No plans for me today , probably will be putting the foot up as it still hurts and you can see where the needle went in.

Yesterday I did something that I have never done in 40 cruises, I changed our cabin. I had not looked at what was above the cabin I choose and found we were under part of a small galley. Even though I had booked online I had booked with BJ's so I called and even though it took a bit we are now on the same deck but forward and now under another cabin. And no price change.

Also yesterday I sent Bruce and email with a new Kindle and cover for Mother's Day as my current one every other time I charge I end up having to do it twice as the first really is not charging. Well after looking at it he said get a Fire so this morning I emailed him the fire, a cover and stylus. With the price being about the same as the Paperwhite.

As of today I don't have to keep a bandage on my hand and will say the areas look pretty good. Will start putting the scar cream on in a bit.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.
Took me forever to catch up on reading this morning! LOVE IT!

Busy Hutch group.

Lee: Hope Lu-Ann gets some good advice on the knee issue. With her having PD I’m sure she has to stay on top of these kind of things. If she needs to have her knee replaced she’ll be surprised how much better it is walking around without a grocery cart to hold on to! I’m glad I got my knee done. I stayed clear from the Opioid meds, but should have used a sleeping pill sooner. I am NOT a back sleeper and that was the most annoying discomfort aside from getting onto the tall bed! Ha ha. All the BEST to our Lu-Ann!

I have an Ice machine she can use if she does need the surgery!

Karen : I hood today is a REST DAY for you. Ha ha.

I’ off to pick up my new Leased Car this morning.
WHITE AGAIN——sorry gang!
Wheels and it’s peppier than my current lease!

This is how Mr Manny spends his day when his Mom has a day off from work! “Reading with Mom”! Too cute. IMG_9511.jpeg


Wacky Wabbit
And for our political section….,

Just had to pass this on. I try will never happen, but it’s fun to have hope.
If he wins the election our lives as we knew them will be TOAST!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen….here’s the proof! Ha ha
Actually looks darker on top in real life. Missing corners are what Art and I TASTE TESTED! Ha ha. These will be put in waxed paper holders I buy from the baking supply store close by our house!


Chief Security Officer
Temperatures have been dropping over the past few days with frosty mornings and temperatures only rising into the 50s. Next week we may actually find temps in the low to mid-60s. Think we came back from Florida too soon, once again. The electric fireplace that Rita picked out the other day, was delivered yesterday morning and we actually put it to use yesterday. Refrigerator is due sometime during the second week in May.
Shocked to see that our federal tax refund actually made it to our bank today. Have never seen the state and federal revenue departments work so quickly but appreciate it.
That baklava looks good K2. It should be a popular item at your event.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I see Jill and Manny, a political satire cartoon, baklava but NO NEW CAR pictures! Hopefully everything, except PD of course, will sort itself Kathie. We have a couple of gels packs that freeze and refreeze and shape to all different body parts. Hopefully we’re a LONG way from surgery for anything!
It is a beautiful day here Bill. Sunny and 61F. Warmer still the next few days but rainy. Our taxes are due on April 30. I guess I should start them this weekend.
Hard top gazebo is up. Another fine job by the local OGC’s.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the bandage is off the incisions on the left hand and I have put scar cream on twice and will do again in a bit. My right foot is hurting top and bottom o walking is not fun and standing is bad, so I ordered pizza for dinner.

A week ago I ordered a Lego that is a gift with purchase, there is a site that people sell Legos and of course some people order more than enough things so the end up getting a few of the gifts, this one guy had it at a good price so I ordered and it came in today. I put it together and it looks real nice.

Yesterday when I was putting some stuff in the recycle bin I was pushing things down and the lid came down and hit my just above my left eye.. Well the black and blue is now down to mid way on the eye lid.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
I can’t believe how big companies are cutting back on PAPER INFORMATION BOOKLETS! This car makes you use the “Touch screen” monitor to look up instructions on how to set various things on the car! And if you don’t type in the correct terminology you are out of luck. Crazy.
It took me forever to find the section on how to program the garage door opener button.
Thank goodness our nice salesman took care of setting up my iPhone to the system! He did a few other things too!
I’m getting too old for all these TECH TYPE ISSUES! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Big difference on this car is the BLACK WHEELS and BLACK GRILL and Black door trim.
Same White color, so it won’t be hard to remember what to look for in a parking lot.
Enough about this! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Lee: Bravo on another successful completed project
It looks great! Like the mosquito screens! You boys did good!

Karen: Art had me put some of that THC/CBD cream on his spine and he said he could feel some relief. He wasn’t sure if it was his mind just thinking things were better or if really worked. Has to do it again when he’s really hurting!

Okay folks….I’ve bored you enough with my useless chatter AGAIN!
Have a good Saturday. We’re suppose to get some Rain!


2nd Officer
Good morning and welcome to a weekend. Around here, today begins a warm up through Monday and a touch of summer. Mid 70's today with lower 80's for Sunday and Monday.

Lee; You have to ask for drug samples at the doctors. But the worst they can say is they don't have any. Although I don't know how drugs are regulated in Canada. But I do know that a lot of people living in the U.S. go to Canada since they are so much cheaper there. Gazebo looks nice. Any parts left over? :)

Thanks for all the pictures K2. My favorite is the one of Mr Manny and your daughter reading. Is he reading to her, or is she reading to him? How vanilla of you....another WHITE car. But it is sharp looking. I know the frustration you feel about the lack of car manuals in the glove box.

Happy to hear that you got a tax refund, Bill. Gotta pay off that new frig. And those babies aren't cheap. Hopefully there's someone from the store you bought it from to get it in place, level, and put the door on the proper side for your kitchen.

A busy weekend for you at the church, KC? Most seem to be.

I thought of you yesterday Mike when we were grocery shopping. Out front of the store they were selling roses. Ones that you had talked about at one time. The name of those roses was short and snappy, but for the life of me I can't think of it right now.

I hear a stationary bike calling my name.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thunder and lightening as I pop in to say good morning so I won’t stay long for now.
A great tune Dave as I look at pics of Kathie’s sharp looking new wheels. And the rest of the car too. ;)
Have a great day and be kind. To yourself and others.


2nd Officer
Good morning, a cool start to the day, so this will be short as I want to re-pot my bougainvillea before it gets to hot & sunny on the patio

Dave, other than 9:15 & 10:30 mass not to busy of a weekend at church for me. I had a chat with Rev. Lisa on Wednesday about all my activities and she strongly advised I drop a few groups, since I'm well over her 3 ministry rule

Kathie, new car looks nice, but it would look even better in Red, just saying :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: what is the CBD oil Art is using? I'm also thinking about trying the Bee Venom, but I don't think it would do that much for my shoulder.

Lee, that Gazebo looks amazing! I don't think I've ever seen one with a solid roof like that. I think when Jane's current sun sail bites the dust we will look into one of those for her patio area.

Spent most of the day at Barb's yesterday, she needed me to bring her some cash to pay our handyman nephew who was redoing her fiberglass steps into her mobile home. She fed us all lunch & then we had to stay inside while he did the epoxy & waited for it to dry. All this time we've been looking for a handyman & it turns out our nephew is trying to get his business going. He's had a bit of a rough life, got involved in drugs & spent some time in jail, but he seems to have gotten his act together. We are going to start out slow, with small projects and if he keeps doing a good job the 3 of us will have no problem keeping him busy! So far he has patched Barb's roof & seal coated it & totally rebuilt her steps & re- fiber glassed them all for a very reasonable price AND he's shown up when he said he would! Tuesday he is supposed to come by Jane's while I'm there mowing & see about replacing her water valves for her washing machine.
Now I best get a move on before it gets any warmer here!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Not much happening here today. I plan on watching NASCAR and that is it.

K2 nice looking car.

Last weekend Jennifer leased a Mazda CX5. It is the first time she has leased. Her last car she bought in 2012 and up until a couple years ago it has been great. But this year alone she has spent $3000 on repairs. She did keep it so if she is not around then Mike and Max will have a way to get places. And of course Max now has the learner license so he wants to drive as much as possible. She said she has to sit in it and start to learn everything about the car. One thing she wants is to put the GPS on but was having a problem with the Bluetooth but does have her phone on it at least.

All have a great day.

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