Dave, sending big hugs to Fuzzbutt on her dental cleaning. And congrats on another Buckeye win, I too always thought whoever won the Rose Bowl game was the "big" winner, sucks they have to play more games after that.
kathie, cute pic of Mr Manny, our Hansel does not like the cold at all, but he won't let us touch his feet to put his sweater on so he just has to deal with being cold. Glad the livestream worked for you, it was acting up when I went to watch it
Lee, glad you had a nice visit with your friends. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the fact lawyers are involved doesn't contribute to the delay. Snow always looks prettier when viewed from Florida.
Hi Mike, stay warm, my cherry tomatoes are still hanging in there after the cold weather
Sat. was work day at church so I got my flowers planted then. Also put down 12 bags of rubber mulch, working on replacing all the old wood mulch with rubber cause it lasts longer.
Cool & grey here today so giving strong consideration to staying in my soft cozy jammies & just chilling!