Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That stove top and kitchen floor you mention Katie…I imagine you mean YOUR stove and floor? ;) The Blue Jays do put on a show for and with their peanuts!
Hard to believe Dave that only a few days ago that same picture had freshly trimmed shrubs and cut grass!


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: The stove I was talking about is ours….the one with the burners on top!
Took a little longer than I thought it would, but it looks like new now.
I told Art we need to EAT OUT for a week to keep it clean! Ha ha.
The floor will have to wait. I don’t get paid enough to OVERWORK myself!


Wacky Wabbit
Instagram Emoji GIF by Minto Inc.
11:00 pm Sat and NO SNOW…..yet! :emoticon 0104 surprised: Nite-Nite!


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning Bunnies!

Checking in, with no major plans for the day.

Heat wave rolling in.......We may even hit 30 degrees today :) But no more snow in the forecast till tomorrow.

You all be good. If not, post pictures.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Happy Sunday to you all.
We had a nice visit with friends yesterday. They moved from Edmonton, Alberta last November. Well, kind of. Pam is a US citizen. Steve Canadian. They followed all of the regulations and were advised by the immigration lawyers that Steve’s status would be settled in November. Then around this time of year. Now it could be another 10 - 12 months. So every six months they have to return to their northern home and come back down again. They are financially stable from the sale of their acreage in Edmonton, have bought a home for cash in a Del Webb community here in Davenport and the lawyers simply have no idea why there is a delay. Anyway, we did have a nice visit and they have a beautiful home.
Today’s plans? To try to be a good person.
Enjoy you day folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Sunday GIF

Karen your church Live Feed is working. They need to show the choir more! :D

Snow flurries here ON and OFF all morning. Not amounting to much of anything.

Lee: Thanks for the good read about your friends and how long it takes to settle paperwork. You wonder whose desk the papers are buried on to hold things up like this.

We have been tracking some of our Serbian friends in California and so far they are safe. One family, originally from our church had to evacuate and we’re driving back yesterday to see if their home is still there. Haven’t heard back from them.

I can’t imagine what the folks that lost everything, except their lives, are doing today.
Were they able to gather important papers like passports, marriage licenses, medical papers, medicines, valuables etc, etc.
We should all have portable fire lock boxes with thing like that in them and if you have a garage put the box in there. Easier to find if your entire house goes up in flames.
We have one of those heavy portable boxes, but it’s buried in the back of our closet. It would be hard to find!
Really should be outside of the house so that even if there was a burglary the crooks most likely wouldn’t look in the garage for it!

Okay, that’s my story for today.
You all be safe and have a nice day.

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Wacky Wabbit
GOODNESS..... I can't understand WHY or HOW that picture turned out so HUGE of Manny. Oops!

Flurries have stopped and it's 32F here right now. Bright outside, but not Sunny.

Time to watch the Mich State Univ Basketball game. Not much else on and I still DON'T feel like washing that dumb kitchen floor! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
Forgot to post what I wrote yesterday. You all didn't miss much,
K2, that picture of Manny is the definition of cute
I buried our safe in the garden.
Nice that you had a visit with friends Lee. I always enjoyed visits with old friends, My niece once removed called this morining, She is the only relative that I have that I keep contact with.
Dave, you should move to sunny Fairfield, it got up to 39 today.
Hi Karen


2nd Officer
Morning Bunnies, and morning Mister Mandy....the doggy.

Miss Fuzzbutt isn't going to have a great day. At 8 this morning she's going to the Vet's to have her yearly deep tooth cleaning. Where they knock her out. Plus while out they'll be removing a mole on her shoulder.

Another day where we get close to freezing. Tomorrow on the other hand, it'll only be in the lower teens.

It seems that most, or all, of us have a small fire proof safe.

Mike; You mentioned how much you liked Green Mountain coffee. So I looked for it the last time we went grocery shopping. They only had it in those fancy little cups for specific coffee machines. That doesn't help me since I only have a "Mister Coffee" coffee maker. So I ordered a bag of it on Amazon.

It showed up yesterday. So in the next few days I'll be trying that coffee.

So Wabbits, have a cup of coffee, and face a new week.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A late check in from warm and sunny cool and overcast Kissimmee.
Should we start a go fund me page for Miss Fuzzbutt’s vet visit today? As much as we miss out three Greyhounds we don’t miss the cost of the vet care. Hopefully all goes well.
We met Pam and Steve here in this community Mike. That’s got to be 8 years ago. We’re all dog
people so had an instant “bond”. All of those dogs are gone but we’ve kept in touch.
I think I see a trip to Trader Joe’s on the cards for today.
You fine folks all have a grand day.


2nd Officer

Dave, sending big hugs to Fuzzbutt on her dental cleaning. And congrats on another Buckeye win, I too always thought whoever won the Rose Bowl game was the "big" winner, sucks they have to play more games after that.

kathie, cute pic of Mr Manny, our Hansel does not like the cold at all, but he won't let us touch his feet to put his sweater on so he just has to deal with being cold. Glad the livestream worked for you, it was acting up when I went to watch it
Lee, glad you had a nice visit with your friends. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the fact lawyers are involved doesn't contribute to the delay. Snow always looks prettier when viewed from Florida.
Hi Mike, stay warm, my cherry tomatoes are still hanging in there after the cold weather

Sat. was work day at church so I got my flowers planted then. Also put down 12 bags of rubber mulch, working on replacing all the old wood mulch with rubber cause it lasts longer.
Cool & grey here today so giving strong consideration to staying in my soft cozy jammies & just chilling!


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon Wrabbits.

Dave: All the best for Fuzzbutts day at the Vet! Hope it all worked out just fine.

WINDY and cold here, but at least the snow is holding off.

Karen: Your church grounds sure does get a lot of attention. Nice that members like yourself care enough to keep it looking nice. Kudos to you.

We had a EARLY morning visit from Jill. She drove all the way over to deliver 2 loaves of her Sour Dough bread before she went to work. What a special surprise. it makes the vest toast!
Mike: Sending hello’s to you and Fay. Stay warm.

Lee/ Lu-Ann: It’s not exactly pool weather, but it’s warmer than it is up here.
Ni e that you could meet up with your friends. Are there some Canadians from your home area coming down this year?
Prayers for all those in California. They say the WINDS are going to get bad again today. It’s just unbelievable how wide spread the fires are.

Our subdivision streets are ICY today according to Jill. I called the Road Comm to report it and get some salt out here, but I know that goes on deaf ears.
Out of here for now. Enjoy the day folks.


2nd Officer
Hi Guys!

Not sure I'm ready for a day only in the middle teens. But I'm sure Mother Nature isn't going wait for me to get ready.

At the moment it's only 6 degrees.

Green Mountain coffee is good Mike. Having my first pot this morning.

It was pricey at the Vet's yesterday, around a 1,000 bucks, but Fuzzbutt didn't lose any teeth in the cleaning and the removal of her wart went just fine.

It was interesting that while Fuzzbutt was at the Vet's, Jack kept going to the garage door hoping that his sister would soon come walking in the door.

So what did you get at Trader Joe's, Lee? I've never been in one of their stores, so I have no idea what they sell.

KC; They seem to change the rules and procedures for college and NFL football every year. Playoffs AFTER the Rose Bowl game???

Sour dough bread toast is the best K2. With gobs and gobs of butter.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning friends.
OUCH! Quite the vet bill Dave. The important thing is Fuzzbutt did OK. What sort of reaction did Jack have when his sister finally did come home? We did a small grocery shop at TJ’s. A couple of salmon fillets, a couple of salads, granola, cheese, crackers. BUT, NO “two buck chuck” which is now $4.49 a bottle! Actually, for the price it’s still not a bad wine.
Did the ever vigilant roads commission salt your area Kathie? Sourdough is the best! Right now it’s just us down here. Jim and Gail don’t know if they’re coming yet because Gail’s radiation schedule is just starting. They own a house in Zepherhills. The house Jan and Dave rented in New Port Richey still isn’t ready after it was damaged in one of the storms. The property owner told Jan up front that, based on the speed of FL trades, it may not be ready and offered her another house in Treasure Island. Nope. He’s already pushed back their arrival twice.
Did the church work crew have you bouncing all over with the rubber mulch Karen? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Now that was just a silly comment! You’re so right about seeing nice pictures of snow vs living in it.
If you fancy a cup of Green Mountain coffee Mike, I know a guy who has some. Problem being he’s about 3 1/2 hours, each way, from you.
Today being Tuesday I have no idea at all what’s on the schedule. AccuWeather says 65F and mainly cloudy. Not a bad day for outdoor adventure.
Have a great day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Hello Hutch Mates! Where did the morning run off too??

20F and Real Feel is 16F. NO WIND, so when I went to the bird feeder to put in a good amount raw peanuts for the Blue-Jays it wasn't bad. I didn't even have a coat on. Yup, it was a QUICK DROP OFF for sure.
We had a new bird on the Suet basket. A Northern Flicker. Bigger than the Blue Jays and beautiful. Nice to see it there.

Dave: Good to know that Fuzzbutt didn't have to have any teeth removed. Amazing how much the Vet's charge for their services and they know "insurance" doesn't cover it. You and Kathi are good dog owners and care well for your pups. Kudos.

I just dragged myself out of a fantastic HOT SHOWER. I swear I could stay in that shower until 50 gallons of hot water were gone! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Clean Up Singing GIF by Pudgy Penguins

I have a dentist appt tomorrow to get my front tooth filled. Not my favorite thing to do, but it has to be done since I can see the discoloration in pictures.
Always Something! :rolleyes:

You all be good and come on and let us know how your day is/was! I have a kitchen floor waiting for me right now. I'm doing it and getting it over with. Ha Ha

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
That is a pricey dog bill but I'm sure it is worth it for you and Fuzzbutt. I hope he is good for a while. I'm glad you like your Green Mountain coffee Dave, we have one of those coffee machines that work pretty well if you remember to put the cup in place which I have forgotten to do. That was sort of confusing to me, football after the Rosebowl. I doln't know if I will be able to pick up the championship or not.
Lee, my younger daughter likes Trade Joes, she buys her two buck chuck there. I didn't know it is 4.49 now. It won some wine tasting competition years ago. She buys our wine now but I don't know what kind or where she gets it. It is something that Fay likes. I'm pretty s ure that guy that has some Green Mt. coffee will bring me some, 3 1/2 hour drive one way, what are friends for, I will even offer him a cup of coffee and a donut.
K2, I like my showers hot also. I also turn the temps ups before I get in the shower, needless to say the bathroom is pretty warm when I get out. May we eat off your kitchen floor now????
Do your cherry tomatoes still taste good Karen. Generally ours lose their taste in late summer although they didn't this year. Must be nice to have home grown tomatoes in Jan. W use to wrap some of our larger tomatoes in newspaper then put then in the fridge and get them in Jan. Do balls bounce better on rubber mulch?????
We use to see squirrel and chipmunk track in the snow but don't see them any more, I know the squirrels are no longer here but didn't realize the chipmunks are gone. I wonder if I start feeding the birds again the squirrels will come back.
Patty came over yesterday and stayed the night. She took Fay to the Dr. early this morning for a heart test. I hear a cup of Green Mt. coffee calling me, join me anyone???