Sea Princess Ducks and DITs!!!



[size=large]QUACK QUACK QUACK[/size] Duck Crew. My duck collection grew today when this beautiful family arrived in the mail.

Some VERY thoughtful and kind DITs saw them and thought they were meant for Mama Duck. I've already thanked them upon receipt, but had to share these cuties with the rest of the Crew.

Hope you're all having a nice day!


Message to Pucci from Bandit and Cocoa: Maybe you should let her get up to let you outside, or do you have a "furry little boy" door like we have? Be sure she gets you a goodie while she's up. Hope your Mom feels better soon! WOOF WOOF WOOF, but we're not quite sure about this QUACK thing.


Good morning, Duck Crew.

Serious note from Mama Duck - my main computer is "sick" (no power), so I'm working temporarily off of my laptop. Please bear with me if I'm slow to answer e-mail or anything of importance.

[size=large]Quack Quack[/size]


Quack everyone !!!! Keep those tail feathers cool over the next few days. Thankfully we are getting a breeze here so those hot temps arent that bad.

What a cute duck collection. Too bad we arent :lol

JacquieP I was thinking the same thing. We dont need momma Duck slipping on that.

What is going on with your computer? Did you hit the power button?


( ( ( ( ( Mary Ann) ) ) ) ) Sorry to hear you had to cancel your NZ/OZ cruise but glad the damage wasn't worse...please get well soon! And Buck and Georgie want to give Pucci an :thumb "Atta Boy" for the good job at making his Momma feel better WOOF WOOF

We had a nice weekend in NJ...good to visit with family we haven't seen in awhile....and a nice party to boot. Weather has been HOT and will continue so for the next couple days. Thankfully my office was nice and cool when I got in this a.m.....the past couple weeks it's been on the warm side so they must have fixed something finally. We went from a cool spring right into July like weather. Since we were gone all weekend and didn't get home till late afternoon yesterday I now have to play catch up on the laundry after work that will keep me out of trouble, LOL.

Georgie came home a yellow dog from DD's yesterday as usual...he plays hard with his cousins while he is over there. I am going to make him an appointment at the groomers for Wednesday. He will get a nice short "summer cut" aka mostly shaved except his head, ears and tail...maybe I'll have them leave pompoms around his ankles....he will really look like a foo foo French Poodle dog :lol

That's about all new here......


Mary Ann, I am so sorry that you had to cancel your OZ cruise but I am thankful that you did not break anything else! I hope that the PT helps.

I love your new duck collection! Someone has very good taste!

Speaking of taste, we just started the dogs on a new dog food duck and potato =eek We are trying it out for allergy
puposes. We will see how it goes.


Quack Quack back from DIT training. If it keeps raining like it has been everyone will be wishing for web feet. Found one excursion want to be sure and do on cruise next fall to Alaska. The glacier gardens in Juneau . They real sounded interesting and beautiful. Would do them this year but have already booked a salmon b ake and the two over lap.

Wonder what the ducks are up to DIT's some of them are extremely quiet. Stay cool all.


Maw, I know what you mean with the water! I am so SICK of it already. It looks like we will
be getting some sun tomorrow afternoon. Yeah! No rain until Thursday evening, Oh boy! :(

Well, it looks like the foster dog Juan Moe is one more foster dog who will be out of here soon!!!!
He started a fight with my bichon, Max twice today =eek Both times all Max was doing was
trying to get by the foster dog :( The second time the foster dog actually got a small clump of
fur from Max and had it sticking out of his mouth =eek The dog looked up at me like "what did
I do" Needless to say the foster dog is in a wire kennel and will be there until he gets adopted or
until he can be put with someone else. The foster dog was being picky on what he was eating,
only eating food that was softened with water. Last night I stopped moistening the food as he was
eating hard treats so I knew that he was just spoiled. He would not eat dinner or breakfast this
morning. I put his food in his kennel this afternoon..... all gone :D He is starting to whine a bit to
get out so if he starts to bark a lot he is going to go fast! :lol Ahhhhhhh, the joys of fostering!

Mary Ann, hope you and your computer feel better soon :D =hugs


Howdy Mama Duck, Ducks, Duckies and DITS. :) Checking in before I go hit the hay, I have to leave here at 4:45 am tomorrow morning for a flight to Charlotte, and then back on Wed.

Shipmaven - I hope you are moving a bit better today. You new duck collection is Awesome and I know you will enjoy it for many years to come.

Sorry for all of you who are getting so much rain. We are supposed to maybe get some tomorrow. We are already getting dry here and it is only the beginning of June.

JK - I would say adios to Juan Moe too. One does not start fights with the original occupant of the house. :lol

Take care DDD's and I will check in maybe Wednesday night.



I think Juan Moe is about to become Juan Less. It was worth a try, but behavior like that won't work anywhere, and that's a real shame. My dad's poodle that we inherited tried it once, but learned fast after an attitude adjustment. It's just not wise to take on two Silkie Terriers who are minding their own business.


Good old Juan Less has learned a lesson I think as he has been a gentleman this morning. Maybe it was because
he spent the day and most of the night in his kennel. He started crying at 3 am and I need my sleep so I let him out.
I know that that was a big no no but he was waking everyone :( Today he and the Bichon went outside this morning
(with my supervision for most of the time) and just followed each other around =huh Max came in wanting to play but
Juan still didn't want to but this time didn't growl :) I still don't trust him and feel that he belongs in a home in a one
dog home. My Max is not too smart :cool: Juan Less is in his kennel now sleeping :)

It's a beautiful day here today and for once no rain!!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!


[size=x-large]QUACK QUACK QUACK WOOF WOOF[/size] Duck Crew. I've been a bit quiet (how lucky for you :grin ). Had a lot to catch up with after my computer was discharged from sick bay. Doctor Frack diagnosed its illness properly long distance (power supply went dead) - thank you, bOB.

I hope all of you in "Misery Land", with all the storms, are surviving. I've been worried about you with all the tornadic activity. Pucci and I picked up my friend, Jean, from the airport yesterday evening - she flew in from Milwaukee (good flight, arrived on time). That airport had been shut down for hours two days in a row because of flooding. She was describing the horrible storms they've had.

Maw - keep up the good DIT training! You'll outdo all of us by the time the cruise waddles around! :thumb

My thanks to ALL of you for your good wishes. Having to cancel the "Down Under" cruise was a real heartbreak, especially because of JillB and her family. My knees are pretty achy today, and more bruise marks in the most unlikely places are showing up. :dizzy Pucci continues to hover around me more than ever. I guess he realizes his Mommy can be a klutz and he had better keep a close eye on me!

I love reading about what all of you are doing, even if I don't always comment on each and every post. JK - sorry about Juan Moe, aka Bandit, aka Juan Less. Unfortunately, the little guy doesn't sound like a good match in your home - hopefully, a suitable home can be found for the Little Terror.

Now...back to work.

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Hello, all of you D, D and D's! ! ! Just thought I'd drop a quick [large]QUACK! ! ![/large]

Glad you are back up and running (so to speak) Mary Ann. Enjoy your visit with Jean. Looked into getting tickets to a ball game when the Cubs were in town playing the Diamondbacks, but twas not to be.

We are all done with the train loading now. Will not see this equipment until late next year when the soldiers return. Then its going to be "fun" downloading all of it in cooler weather.

Have a great day everyone!

Mal D. Olive

[size=medium]Good Morning crew!

Thought we might need something to get all the DUCK STUFF on the ship so I reserved a small truck!



Quack Quack all no rain here this morning but I am waddling off to the pool for my Dit training. I have got to learn how not t be starved when I come home from pool. Course Paw don't help he keeps picking up tempting snacks at Wally World. Hope all are feeling god and dreaming of the Duck cruise. Hope those knees ease off for you Mary Ann. Glad Pucci is taking good care of you. Scritches and hugs.


I can just picture you now....relaxing in the hot tub...

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[size=large]QUACK QUACK QUACK[/size] Duck Drew.