Mornin' Glories. We are having a most glorious morning here today. It is very cool and clear and would be a good day to call in sick and chill on my back porch. But nah, I won't do that.
We have another DIT - Ryan asked his girlfriend, Mindy, to join him/us on the Duck cruise and she said Yes. Yippee!! She was here for a few days and came by last night for dinner, chatting, picking up stuff for Ryan, and then heading to visit her parents in W. VA and then back out to the rigs. She is a geologist as well, but works a couple of hours away from where Ryan is now.
Anyway - I got to fill her in briefly about the cruise and being a DIT, showed her pictures of our cabins and deck plan, this Thread, and some duck stuff we are taking. She said she'll start looking for duck stuff, too. Good girl.
I told her we'd meet them in San Francisco and have Fun!!!
Ryan and Mindy are both very excited to be going on this cruise with all of you and us and being a DIT...they work so hard, 12 hour shifts, and you are on a job straight for 20, 30, 40 + days. Ryan has been working since May 21st - straight - I know it is tiring - and those hours leave no time to go do Anything! Plus, there is just no where to go, that is the bad thing about it.
Anyhoo - sorry for the History...I now need to get ready for work and get the heck out of here.
Ta-ta and have a marvy day!! :daisy