Sea Princess Ducks and DITs!!!



Quack Quack fellow Ducks , ducklings and DiT's--start of another week and another week closer to Alaska. Hate to admit my suitcases are almost ready to close-Brenda came by and think she was anxious as I was to pack-we really did get everything in one 26 inch suitcase--will pack a roll on as is easier to find things in Seattle without opening big suitcase. Talkd with Niecie and Jan over week end and discussed what we are doing where. We all have some pre tour reservations may not be same thing but bet we still hve lots of time together sharing this cruise. Anyone want us to particularly check out something for next year? Wish a few more who are signed u would start posting maybe they don't k,now where to find us. If they joined us we could probbly make 10,000 by cruise time.


Howdy Ducks and DITS. It's a rainy morning here in VA too. Judy, sorry to hear you lost a dear friend....never easy.

Yes, Alaska is all I can think about these days....I am getting real antsy, LOL.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Sis and Mal - I already expressed my condolences privately, but I do so again here. Losing a close, personal friend is almost as bad as losing a family member. And sometimes the friend can be closer than family. {{{HUGS}}}

I guess this may be the "doom and gloom" series of posts. Jeff is in Hospice, and is worse each day. Their kids are returning home a day early (tomorrow instead of Wednesday) - IF their Dad is still alive, I pity their reaction when they see him. He looks like a cadaver. :(

I have to drive to California for a wedding (now leaving Thursday, returning Sunday instead of next Wednesday). Originally, I was going to go visit Clients in La Jolla afterwards, then on to San Diego to meet up with a C@ friend. I've cancelled everything except the wedding. My friend Jean has come to the rescue once again and will watch Pucci for me so that poor Melinda doesn't have yet one more task on her hands. I really don't think Jeff will be alive even when I leave.

Somehow, Pucci managed to scratch his left eyelid yesterday - his eye was all bloodied. Returned from the Vet a few minutes ago - thankfully, his cornea isn't scratched but his eyelid looks miserable.

On a happier note, more [size=x-large]DUCK CREW[/size] supplies have arrived. :grin

[size=x-large]QUACK QUACK QUACK WOOF[/size] everyone!

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Judi - I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone so close to you. (((HUGS)))

And Shipmaven - I am sorry that poor Jeff, his family and friends are having to endure this. It is certainly not fair that so many are ill. I will keep them in my thoughts.

And on a brighter note, or it is depending on the way you look at it, we no longer have duckie weather. We have a bright sunshiny sky and low humidity. Yee-haw!!

Plus, I finally get to go back to yoga tonight. I haven't been since I hurt my back on June 19th. I am just today ready to face exercise. I will take care of my lower back though and will not do anything to cause inflammation.

Shipmaven - speaking of are your knees that you fell on?


Good evening Ducks. It's been a long busy day but I thought that I'd check in and see what's going on in here.

Judi, I am so sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend. Please accept my condolences. =hugs

Mary Ann, I am also sorry to hear about your friend Jeff. It isn't sounding good. My thoughts and prayers are with
him and his family as well as with you. =hugs

Tomorrow morning I will be getting up early as Max, the bichon needs to be at the vet by 8 am to get his teeth cleaned.
It seems like it is always something with the pups :lol

Hope everyone has a good day on Tuesday.


Good morning Ducks and DITS. Oh Mary Ann....I am so sorry to hear that the end is at hand for Jeff....I pray that his time will be peaceful and my prayers are with his family and friends. And sorry to hear about Pucci's boo boo...hope his eye heals quickly.

Not much happening here....hope everyone has a good day.


Poor Pucci! Gosh, Mary Ann, your luck this week is not good, but I hope it gets better. I did one of the hardest things yesterday I have ever had to do. A co-worker was admitted to the hospital over the weekend with what they thought was a cyst in her liver, but we weren't that lucky. I had to do the testing on the specimen and send the news to her doctor that the liver cyst is actually Pancreatic Cancer that had spread to her liver. Her prognosis is not good at all, and unless we have a miracle, she has only months to live. It reminded me so much of your friend Jeff's battle with this horrible demon we call Cancer. She is understandably devastated, but told me that at least she has a bit of time to do the things she needs to do instead of being hit by a drunken driver and having to leave things un-done. That's the spirit of Linda, so if any of you Duckies have a few spare prayers, please visit The Safe Harbor and send them her way.


Jacquie - I'm so sorry for your friend. I did visit Safe Harbour during the night and replied. Sadly, I posted that Jeff passed away. :(

Well, my dear Duck Crew, Mama Duck will be MIA for a few days until Monday. Although my heart is breaking about Jeff, I have a lovely wedding to attend in CA and shall be driving there tomorrow. Haven't broken the news yet to Pucci.

I'd like to see a lot of interesting [size=large]DUCKY[/size] antics in the interim.

[size=x-large]QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK WOOF[/size] <img src=>

Cruise cutie

:wave such sorry sad news Judi, Jacquie, Mama Duck heart hurts for all of you..hugs..

and today .. I had the day off but at 2PM had a be there or in trouble Charge Nurses meeting..=eek.. so we all showed.. ruined a perfectly good day off to go in , sigh.. the good news is I have 4 more days of work, and then off for 17 days!!!..:dance...

and I am soooo ready.. because after this fun trip we have THREE cruises lined up for one calendar year!!.. the sheer JOY of it all...:grin..

and my ducky stuff we had ordered came in too..:daisy ,and stuff I found in Maine too..:thumb.. it's going to be a bunch of ducky fun....=lolgang...



Our thanks to all for the condolences. Bill, Michael's best Buddie and Son of our dear Friend, Bob, did a phenomenal job of the eulogy. He spoke of Bob's commitment to life and love. He was active in the Elks' Handicapped Children Committee, as well as a charter member of the Fin, Fur and Feather Club, the hunting club where he's belonged forever. It's amazing the number of Children whose lives he touched. He and his departed Wife, Mildred, used to be Mr.and Mrs. Santa Claus for years and years. You may remember the Graduation Party we went to a few weeks ago. Samantha was at the viewing last night because she remembered Bob as Santa Claus when she was much, much younger.

Bill asked Michael and Jim, Michael's Brother, to be Pall Bearers. It was an honor for them. Bob had been in the Navy, so there was a Naval Honor Guard there. There was not a dry eye at the Cemetery when they played Taps.

There will forever be a hole in our lives with Bob being gone, but, by the same token, we're richer for having known such a great person!!!

Rest in peace, Trouble.....from your Brat!

And a special thanks for letting me express my feelings.


Ahoy Duckies. I know I haven't been quacking much the last few days (lucky for you!). Am ready to leave for the wedding in California - I'll be back quacking at you in a few days. In the meantime, stay safe, play nice...and [size=large]QUACK QUACK.[/size]

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Hello from beautiful downtown (?), MUGGY Davenport, Iowa. The humidity finally hit today. Hasn't been bda, but slapped me good today! Training has been informative (Judi I have questions about your ISO registration). Sounds like a daunting task to get that way.

Condolences to those that are sad. I see a couple of sad notices. Hugs to all around. Hope Pucci gets better quick as well.

I will be heading home Saturday, try to catch up at work next week and brief the bosses about this ISO thing. Oh boy! ! ! NOT!

Have a great weekend Ducks, Ducklings, and DITs!


Quack Quack all Ducks, Ducklings and DIT's we are one week closer to our Alaska excusrion. I am so sorry that you have had the loss of such significant people in your lives Judi and Mary Ann. So good you both have some good memories to remember.

I keep looking at the various excursions and am quickly decideing that two years in a row may not be enough to do all the things I am looking forward too in Alaska. Trip to San Francisco is as good as another whole cruise looking forward to being with you all again. Not sure I can board a ship without you Mareen adn Suer course I will have Niecie and Jan so won't be quite as bad. Been enjoying pictures of past cruises this week and remembvering all the good times. Hugs to everyone.


Good morning, Ducks, Ducklings and DITs, from central Joisey where it's a partly sunny 89 degrees.

Maw, I've learned over the years that when you lose a loved one, in the beginning you think of them and cry because they're gone. As time goes on, however, you think of them and smile because you had the pleasure of knowing them!

I spoke with Mama Quack a little while ago. She made it to Los Angeles with no problems. The Rehearsal Dinner is tonight and the Wedding is tomorrow. Hopefully, she'll share a picture or two when she returns.

We've got a busy weekend ahead. We're going out to dinner tonight with several Friends. Tomorrow we have a picnic....please pray that their house is air conditioned so I don't drop over in the heat!! ::eek:

Hope everyone has a nice [size=large]&[/size] safe day! :thumb :thumb

[size=x-large]QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK[/size]


Good afternoon ducks, ducklings and DIT's. It's not that hot here in Atl. 85 degrees.

I am in the final stages of waiting for my newest grandson to be born. My older daughter will be induced a week from today if she doesn't go into labor by herself. She went on Monday of this week and they say the baby was 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 lbs. already :baby

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

[large]QUACK QUACK QUACK[/large]


Mornin' Glories!!!

Ewheelock - can't wait to hear of the new arrival of your grandson. :)

Judi - thanks for letting us know that Mama Duck arrived safely. And I can't wait to see her picks!

And to you'ins getting ready to head to Awesome Alaska....Yippee!! :party

Happy Saturday DDD's!!


Quack Quack--Paw woke me up this morning wearing his aussie bush hat and blowing on a duck call--he never gets excited before a cruise--LOL Think I should clue him in the Duck cruise is still a year. Have a great week end all.