The Duck Crew - 18 Apr 2013 - We Take on Hawai'i - QUACK!

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Trivia Specialist
Mary Ann...The Feast at Lele was something we had intended to do the last time we visited Maui. Unfortunately time ran it has a habit of doing! It will go to the top part of the list for our next visit (whenever that might be).

I love all the music of Hawaii...from traditional chants right through to hapa haole songs. Have you ever had the opportunity to see 'Ulalena while you were on Maui. It is the story of Hawaii and her people told through chants and dance and seeing it was one of the magic moments of my life. It was extraordinary....but to really enjoy it you do have to know some of the legend and history of the Hawaiian people. If anyone that you know is planning to attend be sure to give them a brief history ahead of time so they will understand what is going on. There is nothing in English to explain it all. It's been a long time since I've seen the production and I wonder if they have ever bothered to put explanations it their programmes.

If any of you are interested here is the link to their information...

The Maui Theatre - Lahaina, HI | Featuring 'Ulalena The Story of Hawaii's People


Forever Remembered
Beryl - although I'm familiar with 'Ulalena', I haven't attended a performance - YET. I've attended The Old Lahaina Luau at its original venue, and Feast at Lele. The former is more historic/traditional Hawai'iana, the latter is more contemporary and includes other islands as well as the Hawai'ian Islands.

For those who might be interested in exploring...

Old Lahaina Luau
Maui Luaus, Old Lahaina Maui Luau | Official Website

Feast at Lele


Forever Remembered
Nohili e - YouTube

60 Weeks
until we sail for
Paradise in the Pacific,
our Circle Hawai'i
cruise aboard HAL Zaandam.





Big Island



Welcome aboard HAL Zaandam's
17-night Circle Hawai'i cruise
departing Vancouver 18 April 2013.

Aloha nui loa,
Mele Ana
(Mary Ann in Hawai'ian)



Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Always on the look-out for stuff to do in Vancouver. Came across this little gem:

Wanna race up 48 floors? Stairclimb for Clean Air, this Sunday Feb 26

by Remy Scalzain Events on February 23, 2012

The Sheraton Wall Centre is one of Vancouver’s iconic skyscrapers. A futuristic spire of dark glass, it towers 48 stories above downtown. If you were to walk up from the bottom floor all the way to the top, you’d be climbing 739 steps.
But why walk when you can run?

This Sunday is the 11th installment of the Stairclimb for Clean Air. A fundraiser for the BC Lung Association, the annual competition tests the mettle of some 500 participants, who try to race up those 739 steps in the fastest time possible. Last year’s winner did it in 4 minutes and 23 seconds (nice job Shaun Stephens-Whale from Roberts Creek). Think you can top that?

To participate, you need to register and raise $125 in pledges. And there’s one other little twist. You’ll be competing against BC’s bravest. Also racing up those 48 stories will be firefighters from throughout the Lower Mainland. Only they have it a little bit tougher than the rest of us. Firefighters are required to compete in full gear: boots, pants, coat (with liners), helmet and gloves. They also have to lug along a breathing apparatus including an oxygen tank for the entire climb.

Can you imagine that? That’s roughly 60-70 pounds of extra equipment – hauled at full speed to the tippy top of a skyscraper. It makes the Stairmaster at the gym look like a joke (If you’re curious, last year’s top firefighter time was 6 minutes 39 seconds by Mark Bertoia of the Surrey Fire Department).

In the end, all the huffing and puffing is for a good cause. An estimated 6 million Canadians are affected by lung disease. The Stairclimb for Clean Air raises money for lung research, clean air initiatives and lung health programs.

To find out more about the Stairclimb for Clean Air, which starts this Sunday at 8:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Wall Centre, check out their website.

:doubleup:If this is typical, I have no doubt that we will find much to see, do and enjoy during our pre- and post-kruise stays in Vancouver! :doubleup:



Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Found another neat site. "What's Your Traveler Type?" A 20 question quiz to determine your interests in travel and tourism, with an eye toward sending you Tourism info for the Canada. What the heck. Give it a try. How many other "Free Spirits" are out there?
EQ |

They determined that Calgon is:

Free Spirit

In the world of explorers, Calgon is a Free Spirit. Something of a thrill-seeking hedonist, travel satisfies his insatiable need for the exciting and the exotic. He likes the best of everything and wants to be surrounded by others who feel the same way. He has a lot of energy and wants to see and do everything. It all adds to the fun! Young-at-heart, he travels for the thrill and emotional charge of doing things. He just can’t stay at home.

Calgon is:
* open-minded
* ambitious
* enthusiastic
* fun-loving
* adventurous
* curious
* social

Most likely to be seen at
* luxury hotel
* tourism hot spot
* top restaurant
* night club
* group tour

Travel values
* sample travel – like to see and experience a bit of everything
* constant exploration – always plan for the next trip
* companion experiences – prefer traveling with like-minded people
* indulgence – seek the best he can afford
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Captain Weather
Well, I for one know I'm not all there! Insane? Not on most days. But not all there? Definitely!



Trivia Specialist

Or so says Calgon's "Traveler Type" quiz link. I've just returned from a six night stay in the Los Angeles area and from what we did on our full 5 days there I don't think the "typing" is that far off! Here's what we did each day...

Day 1.....The LaBrea Tar Pits followed by a visit to the Fairfax Farmer's Market
Day 2.....The Getty Center followed by a visit to the Hollywood Bowl Overlook on Mulholland Drive for photo op of the Hollywood sign
Day 3.....The Huntington Library....Please dear Lord let me be able to visit this place again sometime soon!
Day 4.....Disneyland...well if you're here I guess it just must be done! Give me DisneyWorld every time if Mickey is a must!
Day 5.....The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

The rest went something like this...

Beryl Is...

Open minded

Most Likely to be Seen at...

heritage sites
dining with locals

Travel values

learning travel – seek to learn everything about a place, time, or culture
hobbies – pursue personal interests when travelling
history – like to understand past cultures and their present context
solitary travel – prefer to visit places alone or in small groups
Hawaii is such a wonderful bit of this lovely planet and I know you will have a wonderful visit there. I love the people, history and culture of the Hawaiian Islands and I strongly urge all of you to do a bit of homework prior to your trip. You will reap rich rewards if you do! If you haven't already read James Michener's Hawaii it is a good place to start...and, it is a painless way to garner a bit of the history of the islands.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Since Mary Ann is obviously occupied elsewhere I will carry this forward for her.

59 weeks to go!

Nohili e - YouTube

60 Weeks
until we sail for
Paradise in the Pacific,
our Circle Hawai'i
cruise aboard HAL Zaandam.





Big Island



Welcome aboard HAL Zaandam's
17-night Circle Hawai'i cruise
departing Vancouver 18 April 2013.

Aloha nui loa,
Mele Ana
(Mary Ann in Hawai'ian)

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