What's the weather like today where you live??


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
60F today. Sunshine and rain (at the same time).


Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
It actually rained here this morning--about 1/10th of an inch!


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Yesterday we only had 57F and partly cloudy with some showers.
It's not fun to go to the beach anymore. :(

Currently 102F, sunny, and we've more than had it with this heat!!

Mary Ann,

You still have hot weather in Arizona! :hot:
How can you manage the garden, is the grass still green?
After 2-3 weeks with hot and sunny weather here in Sweden (and "hot" here is from 80F!) the grass will get yellow and partly brown.



Forever Remembered
Yesterday we only had 57F and partly cloudy with some showers.
It's not fun to go to the beach anymore. :(

Mary Ann,

You still have hot weather in Arizona! :hot:
How can you manage the garden, is the grass still green?
After 2-3 weeks with hot and sunny weather here in Sweden (and "hot" here is from 80F!) the grass will get yellow and partly brown.


Erik - oh yes, we still have hot weather. The thermometer in my car read 107F/41,7C this afternoon. The weather forecasters keep promising cooler weather, but... It is past 10:00pm here and still 89F/31,7C.

We have automatic sprinkler systems for our grass, but the grass can still burn. Our average yearly rainfall in the Phoenix area is only slightly more than 8 inches/20,3cm. Some years, we have far less than that! We have had quite a bit of rain this year, but still haven't reached the yearly average. :(

Mary Ann

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
We got very little rain yesterday morning and we need it badly.

Last evenings storms went north and south of us.


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
The temperature almost reached 60F today. Partly cloudy until one hour before it was time to leave the office for the weekend, then it started to rain.

Erik - oh yes, we still have hot weather. The thermometer in my car read 107F/41,7C this afternoon. The weather forecasters keep promising cooler weather, but... It is past 10:00pm here and still 89F/31,7C.

We have automatic sprinkler systems for our grass, but the grass can still burn. Our average yearly rainfall in the Phoenix area is only slightly more than 8 inches/20,3cm. Some years, we have far less than that! We have had quite a bit of rain this year, but still haven't reached the yearly average. :(

Mary Ann

Mary Ann,

Usually we never need to water the grass even if it is sunny and no rain for 3-4 weeks as it will be green again after a couple of days rain, but then we don't have temperatures near what you have in Phoenix.

Our average rainfall (or precipitation (?) as it will come as snow during the winter) is about 20-25 inches in the southern part of Sweden.



Forever Remembered
We've had 3 days in a row of record-breaking heat, and are supposed to make it 4 days in a row today. It was an incredible 111F on Sunday - not only a record for that date, but the latest we've ever had such heat in September. We also set the record for the highest low temperature - 89F - this late in the year.


Staff Captain
Cool overnight but a Chamber of Commerce morning with brilliant sunshine and no wind and is now 11oC at 11AM.



Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Lowest temperature today was 45F and "hottest" 56F. Grey and rain most of the day. Well, it's only a couple of months until next summer... :biggrin:
