How To Save On Car Rentals

Getting the best deal on car rentals might seem difficult for most people. This is because most people don’t know the tips and tricks that will get you these deals. It is ridiculously easy to get a cheap rental deal when booking your rentals if you know what to ask for. Below are some important tips that you should always employ when you are booking your rentals;

  1.    Discounts

Cruise CompeteAlways ask your rental company if they offer any discount on the booking service you are on. Various associations get a discount for their members with car rental brands. If you don’t ask about the discount at the counter, you might not find out if you belong to an association that enjoys some form of discount. The discounts offered by car rental companies vary. It could range from reduction in the cost of renting price to getting free mileage on the car you rent.

  1.    Price Comparison

To save on rentals, you have to consider the price requested for booking the car by the rental company. Most of the time, the rent price of a car usually varies with the type of car, duration of rental, date of the booking, and drop-off location. After considering these factors when renting the car for your trip, you have to compare the prices requested by the various rental companies that you can find.  You can compare the prices of many car rental brands on websites like EasyRentCars

Moreover, if you attempt to book your rentals well ahead of the trip, this will save you more money. It is easier to even compare prices from different rental brands earlier as you have time to monitor any change in cost or get the most of any additional benefits or bonus that might pop up in that period.

  1.    Coupons

Top car rental brands offer coupons for their services at a point or the other. Coupons are a great way to cut down on cost. If you are a regular renter, getting your hands on a coupon might not be so hard. All you have to do is ask your rental company about their coupons and you might get some positive response. If you are just renting the car from the car rental company for the first time, you may find out that some rental companies offer their first-timer great coupons as a means of making them comfortable. Save big on your next trip by searching around for that coupon that has been lying around.

  1.    Prepayment

One way that car rental companies make a lot of money is from customers that pay on the spot. Most rental companies usually offer two different rates of payment for their services. The first one is for prepaid customers. This rate is the cheaper of the two and is usually advisable as it helps you avoid unnecessary expenses. Once you are sure about the destination for your trip, make that decision and prepay. The second rate is for customers that are paying on the spot. This rate is higher as customers are allowed to pay as they are picking up the car.

  1. Renting Location

Saving up on rentals necessitate that you take this factor into consideration. It is a well-known fact the location where you rent your car directly affects the price of renting the car. One location that is inadvisable to rent from is the airport. It is understandable that a lot of people might want book their rentals from the rental service centers at the airport due to the stress of the flight, unwillingness to book the rentals beforehand, and being new in a strange city. However, getting a cheap rental means avoiding this trap. The cost of renting a car at an airport is always more expensive because of the higher demand for rentals at that location. So it might be frugal and more economical to take a taxi to town and rent your car at a cheaper rate from there.

  1. Avoiding Unnecessary Insurance

It is the custom of most rental companies to suggest you buy insurance that you need and the ones you don’t. After all, it is good for their business. It is up to you to decide which insurance policies are unnecessary and the ones that you can’t do without. Insurance policies like personal effect coverage and loss damage waivers might not be really important if you have your own personal car insurance. However, do not avoid these insurance policies if you are not covered as it can attract you more charges and penalties. You should also find out more about your credit card policy before you fork out extra money on additional insurance. This is because some credit cards offer free rental car insurance if you use the card to foot the bill for the rentals.

The above-stated factors are some of the tips necessary to get cheap car rentals.

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John Shallo
John Shallo
John Shallo is the founder and editor of Cruise Addicts. Since 1999 it has been a leading destination for cruise travelers and self professed Cruise Addicts looking for the latest news, ship reviews and travel tips.

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