3 Things To Keep In Mind When On A Cruise In SE Asia

Southeast Asia is one of the most popular regions in the world when it comes to luxury cruises. This is unsurprising considering the gorgeous islands, interesting cultures, and low costs of living. There is a huge wealth of possible routes, with thousands of islands to explore.

Those are all factors in why people spend long trips on various islands there. Visit these luxurious villas in Phuket Thailand if you do want to stay for a while. But whether or not you are staying, there are certain things to keep in mind when traveling in Southeast Asia.

Be aware of the following 3 things.

Avoid Most Street Food

It is amazing going to a new place and trying their local cuisines. There is something incredibly satisfying about buying a cheap meal on the side of the road that tastes better than food you would get in a fancy restaurant. However, there are risks involved.

There is far too high a chance that you will get food poisoning when eating at street food outlets (or cheap buffets, for that matter). People who eat from them daily are far more immune to the conditions in which the food is made. I’m not saying that the food is unhealthy, but someone who only ever eats food made in a sanitized kitchen is all too likely to have a bad reaction.

I do recommend trying local dishes, but it is best if you do so at a restaurant.

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Hire a Driver

If you’ve got a lot of free time in a particular place, it is a good idea to hire a driver to take you around. You’ll be able to find drivers at really cheap prices in Southeast Asian countries. Then, rather than stressing about getting to a certain place on time, or the possibility that you won’t find your way back, you’ll always have your driver waiting for you.

Drivers also know a lot about the place, and will make excellent recommendations. Since they live there, they have a far more extensive experience of the place than a Western blogger who puts together a top 10 list.

Ask the organizers of your cruise if they can put you in touch with a driver – they’ll help you find someone who won’t try to take advantage of you.

Speak to Locals

Not all locals will speak English. In some places, very few will be able to understand you. But when you are around English-speaking locals, such as a driver or waiter, spend some time chatting with them. This is the best way to learn about the culture. You’ll feel a lot more fulfilled than if you only speak to fellow foreigners.

Don’t be too concerned about “bothering” them, either, if they’re in the service industry, in any case. English-speaking locals often want to practice their English, and they may well be proud of their home and its accomplishments. The worst that can happen is that they shrug you off, so you might as well give it a go!

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John Shallo
John Shallohttp://www.cruiseaddicts.com
John Shallo is the founder and editor of Cruise Addicts. Since 1999 it has been a leading destination for cruise travelers and self professed Cruise Addicts looking for the latest news, ship reviews and travel tips.

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