Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
CAN'T WAIT to cross the bridge, Lee. We need to set it up so all 4 of us MEET at the CENTER!
PROUD MOMENT INDEED! It was nice to watch on TV today.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Kathie, I think that would be a fantastic idea. Something we could all look forward to. If I understood correctly you will be able to walk over this bridge. We could park on either side and meet in the middle for a “historic” handshake and photo! :canada::usa1:We’ll bring the Timmie’s.


Wacky Wabbit


Wacky Wabbit
The Gordie Howe bridge is 1.5 Miles long!
So 3/4 of a mile to the middle!
That's very doable! Need to start my training program! Ha Ha.
I've got until Sept of 2025! Hope I live that long! :wink2:
I would hate to miss out on such a huge event! We could bring gifts from each
others countries to exchange! ;)


2nd Officer
Good Morning Bunnies!

I watched Biden's speech last night. They said it was going to be short, and they weren't wrong. I'd say it was less than 15 minutes long.

If only more politicians could keep their speeches that short.

How cool that the bridge's deck is complete. Will that have much effect in your normal travels, Lee? Like your runs to Florida. Your mention of your early morning walk reminded me of my working-days. They started at 5 AM. Every day I'd see the town wake up. From a ghost town with hardly any cars on the streets, to the hustle and bustle of people racing to get to work at 8.

K2; Hot dog chili should NOT sound like soup when it's still in the can. Speaking of canned chili, at our grocery store they sell Wendy's chili. But it's 6 bucks a can. I think it's cheaper than that at an actual Wendy's.

It's nice to remember our many relatives and friends who've passed on before us. But too much time spent doing that can be depressing and put us in a funk.

Loved the tomato gardening story.

Place your bets boys & girls on who Kamala Harris will pick as her vice president. I understand that she's got to make her pick within 2 weeks.

I've got 2 I'm rooting for. The Governor of Pennsylvania, And that Senator for Arizona who used to be an astronaut.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’d like to type my note to say good morning but Kathie, your video has me laughing out loud. I’m hoping I didn’t wake Lu-Ann! I know, God willing, that distance is easily walkable at this point for us. Timmie’s WAS our gift from Canada. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
I loved your description of your town coming alive in the early morning hours Dave.
We tuned in to see what President Biden had to say. I wished I had recorded all four networks to see what kind of spin they put on it in their after speech wrap. I think my choice for a running mate is Senator Mark Kelly from AZ. A former astronaut, Gabby Giffords husband…But I understand there is some hesitation that giving up his senate seat would lead to a by election that has the Democrats concerned. No matter who Kamala chooses, my vote is to keep t-rump OUT of The White House. Except for one thing. I can’t cast a ballot in the upcoming election.
Hoping to see a check in from Bill, Karen and Mike today.
Have a great day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning GIF
Good morning Wrabbits!
It's suppose to be warm here all the way through next week! Time to really enjoy Summer.

I too loved thinking about Fr Dave driving around his town watching folks start their day.
It's just as nice reading about Lee walking Ava at the Navy Park early each morning.

MIKE....... KAREN......BILL........ you guys are going to be in BIG Do-Do Trouble if you don't show up soon! :wink2: Hope all is good with all of you.

I have nothing more for this morning. Need to get a fresh cup of coffee and sit out on the deck and watch the DEW DRY and the birds fly in to get some seed and peanuts!

Later gang. Those last 4 Nut Rolls need to get rolled and into the oven too. :loveya:


Wacky Wabbit
cutting never ending GIF by MOOT
Karen... good to hear from you girl! Good luck with that lawn cutting! Be glad that Jane doesn't own acres of property that you would have to cut!


Chief Security Officer
With all the post-op visits from the various VNA folks(physical therapists, occupational therapists and a phlebotomist, so far) I haven't had much time to check in so I will post this while I have some time. All the reports I am getting about the looks of my repaired hip have been positive and I am also sleeping a bit better though still not as well as I would like. I am moving around better and trying to make more use of the cane than the walker. I did manage to go to the local CVS yesterday (Rita drove) and walk around the store and pick up a few things that I needed, so life is beginning to return to something that resembles normal.
Cribbage on Tuesday evening didn't go as well as we would have liked and only won 2 of the 5 matches while our opponents who are currently in first place took the other 3, one by a skunk. Next week will be better, he said confidently! The season ends in late August and we will all celebrate with a group dinner at a restaurant tbd.
Olympics coverage will begin Friday so we will be spared all of the reruns for a while anyway. I see that CBS at least will not start its new season until sometime in October. Guess
they are making fewer episodes of our favorite shows so the season starts later and ends earlier than I would like.
The past few days have started out gray and gloomy but by mid-afternoon the sun has been shining. Still quite humid tough.
I'm not sure which candidate I would hope Kamala chooses but Mark Kelly and the Governor of Pennsylvania would seem to be good choices.
Take care.

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
I am having a slice of nutroll before bed tonig;ht K2. Fay used to make them but now buy them from The butter maid baker;y. The;y are good but not as good as yours or what Fay used to make. Fay's kiffles were very good also. My Mother used to make both then Fay learned how. she is the last person in my family to make them.
I think the Gov. of Penn or Mich. would be a good bet. Both or well liked the people in their state and will have a lot of electorial votes.
Glad you are still improving Bill.
Just call Vinny for me. I saw a squirre with a large grape tomato in it's mouth running along the top of our fence. There were 4 or 5 large grape tomatoes on the lower part of a plant and they are gone.
Got your mowing done Karen?
I agree with you Lee. The big thing is to keep Trump out. I think people are listening ot Harris.
Dave, your town sounds like what mine used to be. Wheeling Wv many years ago. A steel making coal mining city. I looked every where for your Marvin but could not find him. I think I have him somewhere in my computer.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I will indeed sleep well tonight. Not because of getting my exercise and cutting both the front and back yards. But because everyone checked in and is doing well.
Goodnight my friends.


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning everybody!

Such a joy hearing from you KC, Bill & Mike.

If I remember right KC, you mow at Jane's with her electric mower that has a long cord and not batteries. Any OOPSEs forgetting where the extension cord was? If it were me that cord would be getting shorter and shorter as the summer progressed.

Glad to hear you are moving about much better, Bill. Any pain left that you still have to deal with? You mentioned the Olympics. Every time there is one I'm surprised how many of the events I watch which if they just showed up on some sports show I'd never watch them.

Mike; Smaller towns are the BEST. I'd go nuts living in a big city. Didn't know that you were growing grape tomatoes to feed the squirrels. Come to think of it.......You probably didn't know that either.

Thought of you yesterday K2 when we were at the grocery store. Saw a can of hot dog coney sauce. Didn't know that they sold it in 1/2 cans. Never got anything that wasn't on our grocery list. But something different was on our list this week.
Orange pop. I thought of it over the weekend and how I hadn't had any for years. Glad I did. It's YUMMY!

With this talk and picture of mowing Lee, I'd bet you spend quite a bit of time trimming with a weed-wacker along your fence. When I was still doing the lawn work I would weed-wack on the inside of our fence, where the dogs play. But get by easier using Round-Up on the outside of the fence. Sure you don't have dual citizenship to help us out in the upcoming election?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Uh oh! It looks like Dave’s Marvin the Martian has disappeared again!
It was really nice to read all the notes, no matter how brief, from everyone yesterday. Thank you.
I tend to whipper snip the fence line, edge the gardens and driveway Dave. I have to get a company who uses natural ingredients to spray for weed control. The front needs a LOT of help this year because the neighbours either side don’t use anything. The back isn’t too bad though.
While everyone was making nut rolls we made a pan of brownies. We did have friends pop over to help us eat a few. The rest went in the freezer.
One of our other friends popped by with some of his tomatoes And purple string beans. My gosh, nothing beats the taste of a fresh tomato.
Today we’re headed to Lisa’s to water, then one of the wineries maybe for lunch and then to the town of Essex so my Sweetie can look in one of her ladies stores. Without stops the round trip is about an hour. Should be a nice day for it.
I do believe a coffee on the porch is in order shortly. I think you should all join me.
Have a wonderful day!


Wacky Wabbit
Summer Olympics Paris GIF by Sealed With A GIF

Lovely to see that the HUTCH's lawn is all cut and in order. Good that we have so many GRASS CUTTERS in the group!

DAVE: Stop using that ROUND-UP stuff. Haven't you read or heard about all the LAWSUITS against that company for people ending up with Cancer from that stuff. :eek: Be safe and hopefully you wear a mask and long pants and shirt and old shoes that you don't bring anywhere near the inside of the house if you're using that stuff.

Lee: Sounds like a nice day you have planned. WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE WINERY? Does it have a fancy French name?

Olympics opening ceremony should be on at 1:30 or 2:00 pm. Forgot exactly. But there will be RE-PEATS tonight after the news. I just hope they have the Swimming and Diving on LIVE at a decent hour. There are a few others that I like to watch too. Rowing comes to mind.

Mike: Do you have any TREE NETTING you could wrap around the Cherry Tomatoes. Damn Squirrels get the best of our gardens at times. I remember taking a picture of a Ground Hog up on our deck helping himself to our Deck Tomatoes one year. He would take one bite out of a good-looking tomato and then move on. I took the picture and then got a pot and spoon out and opened the door and banged on the pot to scare it aware. This season we've been lucky and we only get the ducks and baby bunnies around below the Finch feeder.

Karen: Hope the lawn cutting worked out for you.
I was wondering too about that electric cord and if it's still as LONG as it was a few years ago when it was new? Art has had to fix one of the longer extension cords that I use when trimming the shrubs in front and back. Every so often I SNAP it and cut it enough that it needs help. I'd love to have a battery powered one, but they're just too heavy to hold.

Bill: Keep up the good work. I saw a video about HIP Surgery online yesterday and the doctor said the best thing you can do for yourself is Exercise and keep mobile. Push through any discomfort and things get better much quicker. Just do what as much as they tell you to.

DAVE: I like a 6 pk of Orange sota every so often. It has to be carbonated and really COLD for me to enjoy it. I find that if you put ICE over most sota's they go FLAT way too fast.

Okay gang, I'm out of here for now. Too nice of a day to do housework, so it will have to wait. (aww another good excuse) Ha ha.

Good Morning Friday GIF


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hmmm. There is a certain anticipation in the air here right now…

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
…Because Kathie and Art were in the neighbourhood and dropped by for a cool beverage! It was SOOOO good to welcome them both into our home. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day trip to stop by.


Wacky Wabbit
ALWAYS good to reunite with old 'family' friends! You would never know they had a pup in that house. Ava warmed up to us enough to pet her and then she went her merry way! :doggy:
Thanks for welcoming us on such short notice! But heck sometimes that's the best way to do things! :loveya: :thumbs up:

We got to see the Gordie Howe Bridge up close. WOW, can't wait to ride or walk over that bridge.

Long day and need to see if I can catch repeats of the Opening Olympic Ceremony.

Sleep well tonight everyone!