Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
That is a great picture of you 4. I'm glad you got a chance to get together. Thanks for the picture. Did the pup take the picture????? I hope you had an enjoyable trip today Lee.
K2, the way my tomatoes grow I don't think netting would do any good. I use to spray with mint and that kept them away. We will also pick them a little early and that helps. I have been having 2 or 3 grape/cherry tomatoes every evening.
Dave, the day slipped by me before I got a chance to look for Martin. I will look for him Saturday
My nephew and his adorable wife fron Fl./ Buffalo are stopping tomorrow AM on their way to Buffalo, stopping here for w while on there way to Canton Oh. to see their grandson play baseball. The;y will go on to Buffalo,
good night,


2nd Officer
HOW COOL that Art & K2 and Lu-Ann & Lee were able to get together yesterday. And it looks like a beautiful, sunny, summer day. I'm sure that through your conversations, solutions to all our countries' problems have been found. :)

I think you are right Mike, The pup DID take the picture

Funny, on my screen Marvin is still there.

That was one fantastic opening ceremony to the summer Olympics. Those boats going down the river. Sooo many countries I've never heard of.

Not else much else to gab about this morning.

In a bit were off to a University Hospital in Cleveland to figure out where it is and we're I need to go in the big complex next week. Not looking forward to 5 hours of testing on that day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Right you are, as usual, Dave. Seeing Kathie and Art was beyond cool. And the world’s problems have been solved. ;) The one thing we chatted about but didn’t resolve was getting the rest of the gang together. Something for all of us to think about. Oddly enough Marvin IS back this morning. Really good idea to figure out where you have to be and travel time, parking etc. for your tests.
So have you all ever, like me, wondered what Kathie’s Nut Rolls taste like. Well, I wonder no longer. Thank you Kathie for bringing (smuggling across the border?) one of your amazing creations.
So far that’s all I have.
You all have a fantastic day.


Chief Security Officer
Today was the first in many that didn't have a visit from a visiting nurse on my schedule, so I luxuriated in bed a little longer than normal and it felt real good.
Late yesterday afternoon we decided to go to one of our favorite eating places. We had barely driven away from the house than it began to sprinkle and then quickly became such a torrential downpour that it was almost impossible to see where we were going and Rita had to pull over until it let up. Fortunately the rain let up after just a few minutes and by the time we got to the restaurant it had stopped. Today is back to being bright and sunny instead of gray and gloomy.
Doing my exercises and alternating between the walker and the cane as I become more comfortable with the latter. The doctor will be taking out the stitches (or staples) on Wednesday, so I will be getting a progress report then but all signs so far have been very positive.

Olympic coverage begins tonight. Look forward to seeing some of the sights of Paris the we enjoyed during our brief times there.


Chief Security Officer
Not sure why, but once again, I wrote something (the message above) but apparently failed to hit the post reply button.
Have no idea why but the past two mornings I have awakened with a strong pain in my left heel that only goes away when I get out of bed and once I am up for the day it disappears totally.
Watched the prime time telecast of the opening ceremonies and was impressed by the laser show and the lighting at the Eiffel Tower and, more
especially, by Celine Dion's remarkably strong performance. Not especially enthusiastic about the way the torch was delivered to the Olympic site and I thought that NBC's commentary was less than great. Looking forward to the various events that begin today


Wacky Wabbit
Team Go GIF by Bare Tree Media
Let the GAMES START! All the BEST to our USA Teams!

Good Morning Wrabbits! Bright and Sunny and going to be a nice REPEAT of yesterday! Bring it on!

Lee: I'm glad you both liked the Nut Roll. I declared it at the border and the agent didn't say a word. Just had me roll down my back window.
Seems like the rates for crossing into Canada are going up every time we go there. It was $7.50 to get into Canada and $5.50 to get out of Canada. :eek: But well worth it to pay a visit to Lee & Lu-Ann. Thanks again for the cool beverages and visit.

Bill: Good to hear you're progressing with our hip operation. Wonder what's the "heal pain" is all about? You'll have to be sure to remember to ask the doctor about that. Bummer on all that rain. Now you know what they felt like in Paris. ;)

The Opening Ceremony at the Olympics was different and a lot of work was put into it for sure. I was so proud of ALL the athletics for standing on those boats in that rain. It wasn't just a 'light' rain..... it was really coming down hard. I think Switzerland had the best rain jackets on for protection.

Celene gave her BEST EVER performance with her singing. WOW. For a woman who has been through so much lately with her neurologic muscle issues she did a FANTASTIC JOB. So very proud of her. She looked and sounded beautiful.

DAVE: Hope you find the place for the next weeks testing without any trouble. Good move taking the time to scope it out. And I hope the tests are without any pain and they find something to help you with your issues. ALWAYS SOMETHING. Take care buddy.
Lee set up the camera on a window ledge and from his WATCH he was able to tap a switch and we could see a bright light and then knew we had 3 seconds to "SMILE" before the picture was taken. Amazing moder technology.

Mike: Enjoy your company. Always nice to have folks stop by for a visit. Take lots of pictures for future memories.

Karen: What's going on in your next of the woods? How are the 2-guys that live close by you doing lately? Haven't heard you post much about them. Hope they're okay. They seem to stay to themselves. Do they ever venture out to the Pool House for a swim? Have a good day kiddo.

Art is off biking this morning on this fantastic day.
I'm thinking of driving to the Lake cottage. My only hesitation is that the price of GAS has skyrocketed to $3.99 at our Kroger's and I'm not sure what they want at Costco. Not sure why the price spiked so high from the $3.23 it was a few days ago. o_O In the end, I'm sure I won't let the gas prices ruin my thoughts of relaxing by the water. Life's too short to be counting pennies at my age! Ha Ha.

Good Morning Cat GIF by The3Flamingos


Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader

Well I typed a letter in here, paused for a whil, hit the comma key and everything disappeared. Hope all is well with everyone and don't hit the comma keyl


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Mike, nothing worse than having a long interesting post wiped out by than Dang comma key! Hopefully your tomato plants will produce enough for you, Fay And the squirrel to enjoy.

Kathie, how cool to make a special delivery to Canada of one of your famous nut rolls, awesome pic of all of you too!
You asked about Tom & Grant, they are still around. I actually saw them at the pool last weekend. Sadly the old "poolies" group don't get together much anymore, several people have moved away & everyone seems to be busy doing their own thing

Dave, Marvin is still showing on my computer as well & has been since last week. I'm more a fan of red "pop" than orange soda, I guess cause growing up it was a special treat to have red pop floats!

Lee, isn't technology grand, back in the day you either had to get a passer by to take a group photo, use a tripod or take turns being in the picture. Now a button on your watch takes care of everything.

Bill, glad to hear you are moving around better & better, that is an odd sounding heal pain though.

Got Jane's back yard mowed Thurs & in response to the cord questions, it's a 75 or 100 ft cord, I forget which, and is still the same length as when we bought it. We don't have a problem with miss placing it as it gets rolled up on a large orange cord reel after each mow & sets on top of the mower in the garage. It does have quite a few electrical tape patches from when it would get caught on Jane's metal driveway culvert. I have since managed to cover the culver with dirt & mulch so it doesn't catch the cord anymore.

Amanda & Allie made it home safely EARLY tues morning, there flight was delayed an hour from Orlando due to weather, then had to wait an hour in Baltimore to get an open gate. They were due to arrive at 10:30 and ended up not getting on the road for home till close to 2 and poor Leon had to be to work on Tues at 6 am. I have a feeling they just stayed awake until it was time for Amanda to take him to work
Nothing much exciting going on around here, last Tues I had a spot cut off my back that had tested as basal cell, it's a bit sore still so I'm going to have my sister take a look at it tomorrow to make sure it's not infected.
Still HOT and MUGGY here, but we've been getting rain nearly every day now, so that's a good thing. Have a great evening all!
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Wacky Wabbit
WOW…it sure was a beautiful day here in PURE MICHIGAN!

Hi there Karen. Hope your back is okay when Jane or Barb checks it out for you.
It’s a bummer when old friendships dwindle because people move away or find other interests, etc. Just have to wait until the heat slows down and the rain too. You take care down there.

We went over to Jill’s this evening and I got to take Manny for a walk. Chatted a bit outside and then we were on our way back home.

Have a good Sunday everyone! Sleep good too.
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2nd Officer
Come to think about it, it was just a week ago when Biden decided not to run in this Presidential election. It seems a long time ago when you think of all that has happened this past week since then.

For all that he has accomplished in the past 3 1/2 years, we all owe him a lot of gratitude. And for staying a nice and kind person.

For accepting smuggled baked goods across the border, are you legally liable Lee?

That must have been one heck of a rainstorm for Rita to pull over to the side of the road till it passed, Bill.

K2; Hope you got to see a rerun of of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. That was the best opening ceremony I've ever seen. They'll have to go quite some lengths to make a more interesting one, showing all the joy and pageantry of the event.

Now you've got me nervous about using the comma key, Mike.

KC; Glad that you and others are back to seeing Marvin. I didn't fix it, it just fixed itself. Never heard of it, what is "red pop"?

We found the University Hospital, and the door of where we're suppose to go into next week. What a massive complex. Took an hour and a half to get there. Lots of road construction projects to get through.

Now I wonder how long it'll take to make that trip on a "work day".

Every day is a new adventure. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy! That’s the name of the event taking over the downtown around The Navy Yard and stretching over to Fort Malden. Not as big as Kathie’s Woodward show but still a darned good event. We’re meeting the gang downtown and then we’ll wander for a bit.
It was really nice to read all of the posts from yesterday. A good and fashioned catch up from everyone. Thanks for that.
Groups of folks, like The Poolies, the weather, receiving smuggled goods and the times are constantly changing. It’s how we all deal with it that keeps life interesting.
I’ll pop back later on. Maybe with a couple of photos from today’s event.
All of you have a wonderful and safe Sunday!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A beautiful day for a car show!
There’s a picture here for Art Kathie. The ‘66 Mustang has a little “mini me“ ‘66 Mustang on the air cleaner.


Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
Lee, Hamilton,Fairfield held their car show yesteday, suposed to be t he oldest in the USA. I even took moy Merc;ury in. We forgot about it. I used to hav a ford thunderbird t;hat I bought used. Please post some pictures.
Dave glad you found t he complex and not driving around now trying to find if.
K2, I hope they have a rerun of the opening ceremonies, we forgot all about it.
Kc I think I may have had a finger on the enter button and with my tremors, the post might be ten feet down. I did it today but caught it.
The weather channel forcast for today is mid 80s and rain, I was going to sit out side for a while.
Do you still have your heel pain Bill?


Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
Lee, Fay and I would love to get together with everyone, The group being so scattered it ma y be difficult to do. If it is on a daiy that one of my kids can take us we would be sure to try to make it.


Chief Security Officer
Dave, when they talk about torrential downpours that is what we experienced and the windshield wipes couldn't keep up with it. It lasted but a few minutes but it would not have been safe to continue driving.
The pain in my heel only happens when I have been lying in bed for hours and disappears after I get up and walk around for a bit. No
sign of it for the rest of the day. Will mention it to the doctor during my visit.
Red Sox lost a wild, wild game to the Yankees yesterday. At the end of the first inning the score was already 3 to 3 and by the end of the game (which when extra innings) I had lost count of how many home runs had been hit. Every time a team would tie it up, the other team would score again but eventually the Sox ended up losing the game.


Wacky Wabbit
I had a day that should go down in the history books.

Read on if you don't mind my ramblings!

I got a call at 7:10 A.M. (yes, in the morning) from a life long friend from church. We grew up on the same street!
He was in the hospital last week because he fell. Firemen suggested he get checked out at the local hospital, so they took him there. He got a total check up and was fine. Nothing broken, heart okay, etc, etc. BUT they wanted him to go to rehab since he spent 4 days in the hospital.
He and his sister live together and she's starting to get forgetful. So, he made plans for her to stay at the rehab in a separate room so he wouldn't have to worry about her. (yes, he has enough money to pay for this). Well, there is NO REHAB THERAPY on weekends. So, he decided to check himself out of the place and call for home therapy on Monday.
The reason he called me was he need to get his sister home since she couldn't ride in the ambulance when he was to leave.
Okay, no problem.
Art and I had breakfast and I drive over to the Rehab facility and of course they are trying to talk him into staying until Monday when they could start rehab. (MONEY WAS THEIR MAIN REASON I'm sure) Nope he wasn't having any of that. I called an ambulance and they said since it wasn't an emergency it would be 2-3 hours. OKAY! I made sure his cell phone was going to be hooked up to charge, since it was on 1) got his sister loaded up and off we went to the house. I got her inside and all the luggage and I noticed her cell phone was on 2 bars left of power. Hooked that up and then got a watering can and watered all the hanging plants etc since they were all but dying.
Then I left.

I then drove about 1/2 mile over to my friend Elaines's to drop off the Protein Drinks that I bought at Costco. There is no way that 88 pound Elaine could lift that heavy box from the shelf to the cart to the car to the house. We talked awhile and I left.

I wasn't sure if the Rehab place would feed my friend Paul, so I went to a Subway and bought him a Sub and took it back for him to have. Of course, the place did bring him lunch! Ha Ha. He said thank you a hundred times and kept the sandwich for later.
I left and came home.

It was now 2:10 pm in the afternoon!
If I ever felt a tiny bit like our Karen, it was today! Bless our girl for all she does for others ALL THE TIME!

I called Paul to make sure he got home okay, and he did. Whew!

That's the end of my story. Relax, there WILL NOT be any tests on this essay.

Lee: Nice car show. You really need to come over and see the WOODWARD CRUISE sometime. It's so HUGE that I don't go anymore. Just too many people and it's normally always way too hot in Aug.

Mike: I picked 4 cherry tomatoes and ate all of them today. They were good. I also picked one of the BIG Patio tomatoes to have on a BLT for lunch this week.

DAVE: Glad you made it to see where you'll be driving to for your tests. Just leave early and pack some drinks and snacks in a cooler.
I did get to see the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. Loved the HORSE trotting on the water and Celene was just AMAZING.

Karen: I missed listen to the church service today. I did see that Rev Lisa must still be on vacation. Hope you had a good day.

Bill.......last but not least. I can't wait to hear what your doctor thinks your HEEL PAIN is all about. Really nice that it goes away as you walk on it. Must be something to do with a NERVE that didn't like the surgery! ;)

Watched a lot of Olympics this afternoon. The best was the Fencing. Amazing sport.
The Canadian Women's Soccer game was good too. They get to move on to try and win the Gold.

I'm out of here for now.
Sleepy Good Night GIF by DINOSALLY



2nd Officer
Good Moan-Day Morning, Bunnies!

It is so cool looking at old cars that look like they came out of the showroom yesterday.

What year was that T-Bird, Mike?

Bill; Maybe that heel that is giving you pain is just telling you, "just get your a$$ up and out of bed."

I for one enjoyed your story, K2.

There is goodness in all of us.

Now, I'm going to find some goodness that's found in going back to bed. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
We had a drizzle of rain overnight. But what else would drizzle?
I enjoyed reading about your kindness Kathie.
It seems that, like Karen, friends don’t hesitate to call you if they need help. Why? Because they all know that you both care and will be there for them.
There seems to be a real camaraderie with all of the exhibitors at the car show Mike. I bet you folks enjoyed sitting in lawn chairs, chatting with people and showing off your Merc.
That’s odd about your heel Bill. I do hope the doc has an explanation!
It’s nice Dave, as we’ve discussed before, knowing where you’re headed for any appointment. When is it you go again? I had a chat with The Mustang owner. It IS all original. It had been bought new and the owner suddenly passed away. His wife couldn’t bear to part with it and kept it in climate controlled storage only bringing it out to be serviced. Even though it never turned a wheel!
How are you doing Karen? I really enjoyed your “catch up post” the other day. Thank You.
More showers shortly. It’s supposed to feel like 100F with the humidex. I’m not liking that.
You fine folks all have a terrific day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Hugs GIF
Having a cup of some really good coffee from a roaster in Jill’s small town. Yum!

Watching the Djokovic (Serb)/ Nadal tennis match right now.
14,900 fans in the stadium.

Dave: Time to pick your mind!
A while back I remember buying some “Medi-Honey” sauve for wound/burn control. Did you suggest that to me or did I do the research on that stuff. Can’t remember WHAT I USED IT FOR. I’m thinking you forgot for a burn Kathi had?? Not sure.
Anyways, I’ve been putting it on a NASTY infection Art has on his leg from a biking fall. Seems to be drawing out the YUK! I do remember I had to have the local pharmacy order the sauve for me. Took a few days to find it.
Just can’t remember which one of us used it!

Back to the tennis game. You all have a good day.

I need to go grocery shopping BIG TIME soon. The list is growing. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: