MAASDAM 10/30/04



We've had a number of ideas bandied about for sailaway, but I'm not sure whether we came to a final decision yet. I know we discussed Lido pool at 3:30. Is that it?

Anonymous User

Meeting at 3:30 by the lido pool sounds good to me. As well as 5:00 for sailaway wherever the festivities are held. I was told actual sailway is held at the aft pool or crows nest, depends on what mother nature decides to do.


I did some research to see how crowded or empty the ports will be for our cruise.

Monday Nov 1 Half Moon Cay
Maasdam 11 - 7 1266 passengers
Oosterdam 8 - 4 1848 passengers

Wednesday Nov 3 St. Thomas
Maasdam 10 -8
Mariner of the Seas 7 - 6 3114 passengers
Disney Magic 8 - 4:30 2900 passengers
Zaandam 7 - 6 1440 passengers
Star Princess 8 - 6 2590 passengers

Thursday Nov. 4 Antigua
Maasdam 8 - 11
No one to share with. YEA!!!!

Friday Nov 5 St. Maarten
Maasdam 7 - 7
Adventure of the Seas 8 - 5:30 3114 passengers
Golden Princess 8 - 6 2600 passengers

Saturday Nov. 6 San Juan
Maasdam 7 - 1
Serenade of the Seas 8:30 - 10 2501 passengers

The Constellation will also be in San Juan, but it is embarking at 11 PM for the start of it's cruise.

Formatted this list real nice to have the columns line up, but C@ didn't keep it that way. :(

red stripe

thanks for doing the work.. and yep.. c@ has it's own mindset when it comes to posting....

So Suer... about that costume... are you going to be.. "first seating".."or second seating"? :lol

I think I have already got a costume.. as I went nuts and just gave myself a home perm..... somehow the words to.. "On the good ship lolipop" keep running through my head.... it sure took well.. I am covered with tiny curls :grin
If they have a competition to see what dog you resemble......I will win in the poodle competition. ROTFLMAO

Anonymous User

"lido", with these boys, who knows what end they will be talking out of...... I'm going dressed as fresh air :lol

red, take the gong, hang it off the ringlets and in no time they will be straightened out.

Orcrone, thanks for the info


I was going to come in on my knees with shoes strapped to them. But now I can't be red, cause she got a perm and I dont have enough follicles.........................

Anonymous User

Maw my modem hiccuped too tonight. It just came back on. Hope it stays this way. Dealing with reality s&*(s


red, why do I always get the feeling you are baiting me when you use the words "big" or "little" ???????


Apologies to everyone.

I'm still kinda down, I was looking forward to doing this little getaway. Guess I have to wait til the next time you guys sail again.

But I'm getting over it day by day. It's a good thing my boss let me know before I made final payment. You folks seem like a great bunch,
and I would love to sail with you if the opportunity arises.

So it looks like I have to wait 2 more months before I set foot on a ship. Wanted to do this cruise to 'tide me over' til Dec, so I'm confident that the weeks will fly by.

So, lets stay in touch, and maybe we can knock our heads together and organize another sailing. i'm joining a friend on the Oosterdam in Feb
to Mexico. And considering Iberia in late summer of '05.
Just recieved my ordered brochure from P&O, and there are a few itineraries that catch my fancy.

I'll be popping in every so often til everyone sails.
Have a great weekend, and catch up with all of you later.


red stripe

Vic, sorry that you will not be on this cruise. :( that is the pits...
John......because you are so astute? :grin


Monday and even Paw is talking abt how many days clothes he will need so it must be time to think abt Packing . Doing laundry from the weekend. Sure do hope Paw gets his dress shoes in. He ended up at the reunion with his blazer and slacks and his suit but no other shoes than his beige suede ones. Don't think anyone noticed or if they did just thought another of"his" antics. The main entertainment from the dias at the banquet seemed to be tales of what he and his buddies did in highschool. His best friend kept saying "never mind" . sssh His wife and I both worried if we should let the two of them be alone for any period of time for fear they would generate excitement.
Two weeks from in the morning we will start out on the trek to Norfolk and meeting you all.