PH - if you put the turkey (wrapped) in a bucket/pot of cold water, it should defrost by tomorrow. Every couple of hours empty the water and add fresh cold water. By tonight, it should be defrosted...I think it's 30-45 minutes per pound for defrosting.
Received our dining certificate for Outback; will probably save it for a couple of weeks. Going to Ipamena's tonight, brazilian bbq, and looking forward to it. Gary's working today, but should be home by 4.
Did my best impression of Marcia today...after WW went to Beall's and dropped off my bill, shopping list in hand, went to Albertson's, Publix and Walmart for groceries...capitalize on the buy one get one stuff. Then to the vets to pick up Brandy's thyroid pill and tell them about Clarence. His annual appointment was coming up, and we didn't want to get a postcard reminding us. Came home put away the groceries, folded laundry and now just relaxing.