Ughhhh I hate grass we have asprinkler system spent a fortune in laying out new st augustime grass and our grass is still dead I think we are on a part of the island that is suppose to be sand becasue thats waht keeps returning no matter what we do..
yetsreday was very busy started with friends coming over fro the boys both arrived around 9:30 then a trip to Publix for me (last week richard going was a diastaster tehy had b1get 1get 1 free on lots of stuff we use and rather than by 1 02 2 to make 2 or 4 he bought 10!!! ao we know have 20 boxes of microwave pocorn, and 20 bags of lipton fettucinee noodles and other assorted noodles!!!) after publix it was a back home then kids and mommie to blockbuster to get the new wii gane smashbrothers we lucked out they had one left for rent and we have the game pass so i did not have to be tempted to buy...
then home and lunch then my dad promised them airplane rides so we were off to the airport (not that far away luckily) and then we all went for a swim casue we were hot, by then it was 4 so it was back home to play wii till freinds got picked up then around 6 outside for a bike ride tp 711 for slurpees (hey its saturday night who cares if they ar sugared up) then home to watch top gun with the boys they got a kick out of it especially when there uncle called right in the middle of it and told them all oubout the real school and that the school in the movioe really does exhist but is very different then they way it was portrayed. Micheal of course asked if they had one for chopper pilots.......that was when he finally was informed that he had to learn amall planes then trainer jets then jets then and only then if he was good enough and wanted to he could do choppers. Of course my dad had high hopes both boys would one day be flying the chopper he was designing and ha dbuilt and flown but that got cut (he still hopes they will get it together he sayseveryday they really could use that chopper over there and they had 5 fully functioning ones built and ready to go...... so sad... oh well there is still a few more around that dad had a hand in if they are not obsolete by the time the boys are old enough......
ok well i gotta go the boys are cleaning and i am suppose to take it easy.... richard and alex are doing yard wokr and gararge rearanging and michale man is vacumming the whole house he is not bad he fihured out hte attachements and he gets on his tummy and crawls under desks, beds, etc.. my mom says she is gonna pay him to vaccum her house,,,,, he is really a fanatic i love it I have made my kids a bit neaurotic about floors but hey thats the first thg they see.. so now i am off to bed they want me to stay in bed all day so my tummy does not swell up and my box does not popout like yetsreday i have a whole marathon of ncis's to keep me there well in between supervising my family....
ok so here goes...
K2 hope the will come out and you will have a nice melty day....
marcia you need to say an extra good prayer for me today I was a bad bad girl last night richard never swears and always says LAnguage whenever i just say somehting like DA%% it and last nigth my youngest said half of the f word when i cought him so i pumished him and sent him to bed then we got in huge argument and I actually swore so bad (hey i was raised a navy brat I can make ny brithers blush) I actually had to leave to calm don i even told the boys who were listening if yoru gonna swear this is how you do it!!!!) I know I know but i have told them before adults can do things kids can;t period!
Christine I think about your kitty every day not knowing is so hard i know,,,,,
Ph don;t overdue it too much,, I bet after all yoru work in this hot weather a jump int he pool will feel good.....
we have our pool tunred down and covered it was 84 I swam for a minute but that is all the boys enjoyed itafter a few complaints their friends were in heaven having solar pools themselevs and theirs being too cold to swim in just still
Oh and easter is coming quick yikes plus passover oh boy......gotta dig out my sedar books......
ok this is way too long and i have floors to mop now and sweaty boys who need a shower and new clothes.. maybe ui can get the floors while they are showering so they will not make marks,.,..
have agreat sunday....