Wow, PH, I don't think I could stand it in FLorida until Monday without the a/c. I didn't have to worry, because our weather turned cool when we got home, so no a/c wasn't much of a problem. It's fixed now, needed a shot of freon (or whatever they're putting in these days) and gave the a/c an overall check, so it's now blowing nice cool air!
We have a NY Pizza in Vero Beach, but not NYPD. The NY Pizza store has the BEST garlic knots......I love them, but you can't get near anyone for hours afterward
I don't think that's the same store Pat is talking about.
I don't think those Mexico deals are any bargain, given that in February and March our tour companies were offering a week at some of the better a/i's for about $1300 per person, including air from Boston, transfers, tips, everything. If you ever think of going, let me know. I can recommend Paradisus and the Moon Palace(MP is all adults), but Paradisus is also great. Same with Secrets and Dreams. Some of the others, I'd have to think about.
Tony, don't let the amenity slide.....when Pat was with us on EN she didn't get a call, either, and they just didn't bother giving her any amenity. I wouldn't let them get away with giving you nothing, so call and order something (we have such a wonderfully large choice, LOL).
One more day of in office work, then I can sleep in. I'm not used to these early mornings.
I got a notice today that Oasis was not going to Falmouth, Jamaica, so I don't know what's going on there, maybe the pier isn't ready, but the dates were all the way up to November 2010. They are going to Costa Maya instead. Hope my clients booked on it aren't unhappy....we'll see.
Time to chill out. Talk with you later.