Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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[size=large]San was here???? And I missed him???? $@%&@*!!!!! Come on back, bro, and say hello to us. We miss you around here ... REALLY:loveya[/size]


San doesn't love us anymore! Waaaahhhhh ...:(:(:( Boo Hoo ,,, Sob sob sob:(:( This is so sad!:(:(


What can I say??? Its a shame,but we cant force him to :loveya us anymore..............

Soooooooooooooooooo.what did you do today?? I floated around the pool and read....my FIL has a stack of Readers Digest condensed books and I borrowed three of them............good stories...........read about 140 pages of one of them today..................

Then the clouds came and the stupid kids behind us climbed their tree to stare into our yard,so I came in...............they are a real PITA! Wish I could build a wall like China!!


Didn't do a heck of a lot. Went to Walgreen's for hair spray ... Woo Hoo!!! Highlight of the day! Spent the afternoon reading and just relaxing. Won an auction last week for about 30 romance novels. They arrived today. Good trashy reading for lazy summer afternoons and on cruises!;)

Did steak and lobster tails for dinner with sweet potatoes.. It was OK, but not the best steak or lobster tail I've ever had. I was disappointed, but I really wasn't that hungry either, so that might have jaded my opinion of dinner. Bert's got leftovers, so he's a happy camper/

Easy to see it's summertime. Things are very quiet on the boards this week.


Steak and lobster??????????? wow......I should had come over..............I had a Publix sub.................

I need to get to Walgreens and buy Crest...its 2 for $5 plus they give you $2 back on my Walgreens card............


last post of the night for me..................waiting on Dennis to get home..........Im kinda sleepy and wish I could go crawl in bed.......but noooooooooo,have to wait to pick him up...........should be soon..............I hope

Talk to ya tomorrow...................


Good morning! Hot and sticky outside, isn't it? I don't know how Bert could go for a 2 mile walk in this weather. Another very unstructured day around here with nothing planned. I could always clean - Nah! I know - do laundry - Nah! Think I'll just curl up with a book and relax - Oh yeah!!!! BINGO ... We have a winner in my "How I'll Spend My Day" contest!!!!:lol And might just head to the Grill for a beer!

I wonder if we'll have another San sighting today. He's very elusive and doesn't like to be seen. One must constantly be on guard, as he pops in and pops out in the blink of an eye. Only way to keep him around is to bait him with something that he might be interested in. Got any ideas? I know, I know ... San - How was the garlic festival? Did you and the family go? Have you ever tried the garlic ice cream? Tell us all about it ... please? Hope that helps.(tu)


WOOHOO>>>>>>>>>>>>>I got a 5000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to the powers that be........ :loveya


Thats exactly what Im gonna do today.....read some more...................should really give my kitchen floor a good cleaning,but my knee still bothers me(good excuse,huh??)

I would like to know about the Garlic festival too...........I bet there is some really good foods..........roasted garlic?/ Yummy............does the town get overrun with visitors?? Maybe you could charge parking in your driveway during the festival....haha.....i know people around here do that for the big festivals nearby............

Well, I should get dressed for the day....got up late(thanks to the new sucky schedule)



:lol:lol:lol That's funny! How the heck did you find that one? Come on, San - You have to laugh at that.

Still no San sightings at this end.:(


Every day I enter a contest on the travel channel website(this month is a trip to Chile for wine tasting).............anyway, other stuff pops up and I saw that one...........thought it was very fitting....................


No, PH, you're not alone. It's been a busy day around here. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Tonight I am soooo tired. Waking up before 5 can do that to you! Think I'm just going to crash on the couch and see how long it takes for me to fall asleep.

See ya in the morning and I'll tell you all about our "fun" filled day. Til then - nighty night!


Night..............Im sure if I lay on the couch,I'll be out too................with getting up at 2 each morning(and then trying to go back to sleep),its getting to me........I WANT THE OLD SCHEDULE BACK(for Dennis)........................

Talk to ya tomorrow.......................


OK you two,you make me feel guilty! I've been crazy busy, I have a lot of groups with final payments due, so I've been busy with them, and I also had lunch today with the folks who are going on the TA with us (I wanted to deliver their documents), and after lunch I had a ton of things to catch up on. Next week I am working in the office every day (I'd much rather work from home at least part of the time) and then again the following Monday and Tuesday. This working for a living really su***.

PH, Thanks for the update on Marcia & Carl, it sounds like this really hit Marcia very hard. Hope they get some good news soon.

Got some interesting info about the new Cruise Air program from RCI. Sounds like they are going to do away with Custom Air, and now you'll be able to use any scheduled airline. Cost will be $15 pp or $25 for international flights, and only thing different is that they will help get you to the ship if the flight is delayed, or they'll help with alternate flights if you miss the ship. You can still buy transfers from them, but only on embarkation and debarkation days. However, if you do this, you have to pay for the airline ticket as soon as you book it, now waiting until final payment............so there is a disadvantage if you have to cancel or change your cruise date, you could be stuck with the airline ticket. Oh, I forgot, you Florida folks don't need airline tickets........lucky you:D

Hye, PH, they have Walgreens cards in Florida. Walgreens is pretty new around here, maybe two or three years, we're more used to CVS. CVS does have cards, as do all our supermarkets, but Walgreens is the one place around here that doesn't have a card. They do have great buys on certain things, even groceries. I usually end up buying raisins or cereal there, as they are less than half the price of the grocery store, if I buy them during one of their sales.

BB, hope your day tomorrow is more fun that today! Hope you got my e-mail.

See you all:D tomorrow




Glad to hear from you Rita and I see you're back on..............

Sounds like you are keeping way too busy............but hey,guess its a good thing business is thriving even with this economy................

Not sure I like that air program..........not with the way i change things around...........(no comments from the peanut gallery).....hahahha

The Walgreens card cost (forget how much) but it also allows us to get more rxs at $4 a month and that is the main reason we got it..................my BP meds and Dennis Cholesterol meds are $12 for 3 months..................I used to pay $65 a month alone.............of coruse,I needed a different prescription,but uts working so Im happy with that

BB--------are you :phone ??


Good morning! Yes, PH, as a matter of fact I was:phone. Had a final payment due today.

Sorry you're so busy, Rita, but as PH said, that's good too. Means people are still cruising. And I'm sure with you working so hard Bill is doing all the cooking and cleaning, right? I didn't think so!:cool:

So now, ladies, pull up a chair, grab your popcorn and listen to my tale of yesterday ...

First of all you need to know that the company Bert worked for in NJ owes him a teamster's pension. He spent weeks trying to track down someone who could help him find out what's going on. He finally received the necessary paperwork to get things going. One of the things needed is a copy of my social security card. Huh? I haven't had the card for years. So off we went to the SS office here in Kissimmee only to be told they don't issue cards there and that we would have to go to Orlando. Well after this ride through no man's land, we finally arrive at the Orlando office and find there are like 50 people ahead of me!::eek: And so we sat, and sat, and sat. Finally got called and was finished in less than 5 minutes.
By the time we got home we decided we deserved a beer, so you know where we headed to. After about an hour the skies started looking threatening and the winds picked up like crazy, so we figured it was time to head home. As we walked out of the Grill's screen enclosure, the wind hit full force. They always talk about the east coast sea breeze colliding with the west coast sea breeze and the severe weather it causes. I'm sure the collision took place right over Bellalago! Walking back to the car the winds were close to hurricane strength and the rain was pelting us from all angles. Oh, and I forgot to mention the thunder and lightening. A great way to end a fun filled afternoon, huh? And now you know why I was tired last night.:lol

And now that my tale is finished, it's time for some lunch.
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