Good morning! Yes, PH, as a matter of fact I was

hone. Had a final payment due today.
Sorry you're so busy, Rita, but as PH said, that's good too. Means people are still cruising. And I'm sure with you working so hard Bill is doing all the cooking and cleaning, right? I didn't think so!
So now, ladies, pull up a chair, grab your popcorn and listen to my tale of yesterday ...
First of all you need to know that the company Bert worked for in NJ owes him a teamster's pension. He spent weeks trying to track down someone who could help him find out what's going on. He finally received the necessary paperwork to get things going. One of the things needed is a
copy of my social security card. Huh? I haven't had the card for years. So off we went to the SS office here in Kissimmee only to be told they don't issue cards there and that we would have to go to Orlando. Well after this ride through no man's land, we finally arrive at the Orlando office and find there are like 50 people ahead of me!:

And so we sat, and sat, and sat. Finally got called and was finished in less than 5 minutes.
By the time we got home we decided we deserved a beer, so you know where we headed to. After about an hour the skies started looking threatening and the winds picked up like crazy, so we figured it was time to head home. As we walked out of the Grill's screen enclosure, the wind hit full force. They always talk about the east coast sea breeze colliding with the west coast sea breeze and the severe weather it causes. I'm sure the collision took place right over Bellalago! Walking back to the car the winds were close to hurricane strength and the rain was pelting us from all angles. Oh, and I forgot to mention the thunder and lightening. A great way to end a fun filled afternoon, huh? And now you know why I was tired last night.:lol
And now that my tale is finished, it's time for some lunch.