Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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[large]I just saw the YouTube that was posted by PH and it's too cute. Yup, that's our SAN for sure.
I missed what you were referring to the first time, but finally saw the YouTube site and saw it.

BB: You sure do attract a lot of MOOCHERS over at your house. But I can see why they come over. I think I'd be at that pool on hot days if I were them.

SAN: I think I saw that you all were having some HOT days over your way. How nice for a change. It's 52 degrees here today and Sunny. Suppose to get to 68-70 by mid-week. The buds on the trees are just about ready to burst open. Feel sorry for the people with Allergies when that happens. ::eek:

Marcia: So I think I missed something on the other board. (now that's not unusual for me) Did Lee and LuAnn drive all the way from Ary to come down to shop at Coldcreek?? I take it they stayed with you and Carl??? Straighten me out on that one please!! Good to know that you all had a good time. I'd like to take a drive to meet up with them in Toronto one day. Haven't been there in years.

I'm off to check out the other boards. I have a load of laundry ready to put in the dryer and then I'm done with UNPACKING and Cleaning up from the vacation.



You still havent finished your vacation laundry?? ::eek:

Lee and LuAnn stayed at a hotel Friday and Saturday nights..


Good one on the video PH......I'm much more perfect than that old guy though.

OK BB, I will be doing it on the Ultimate Alaska Cruise on SR, September 19, 2009.

Glad that you're back safely K2.


PH: I just put the laundry in the washer this morning kiddo. Seems fast enough for me. I'm not in any rush and certainly can't use those summer type clothes here right now!! :girly

SAN: How many days is your Alaska cruise that's coming up?? Who's going with you from your family gang?
Have you got that backyard all approved and done now? Try and find a camera one of these days and show some of us what the place looks like. Can't look that bad that you don't want to share!! :thumb


Guess Im just a laundry freak..............Im always doing wash..........my suitcase is unpacked and all the clothes washed before I go to bed that first night Im home.......


Well yea....if you don't have to do an inconvenient thing like FLY HOME!


[large]Well, aren't we just an exciting talkative group today!! :daisy :wave[/large]


Hey San.....we have a smoking thread on here too if you want to start trouble..........see WILL THEY FOLLOW...


morning hope everyone has a great day.. I am home in bed,,,, I was trying to keep it on the downlow but over soring break i had a bit of a set back so yesterday i had surgery to move my box to a different spot and drain a seroma that had formed all better now just have to stay still again tillit scars up again,,,,,
Ph i am gonna get on today and do a deposit for the SOS will i be likned up with yo guys after??? AM i being a bad mom for not bringing the kids.... anyone else gonna be on the mini suite deck???? we havea an up grade coming to us and we may even splurge for the next one up from the mini suite anyone staye din it?? is there any difference at all?
bit chilly here today ok gonna get back in bed wish i could go back to sleep O am gonna watch american idol and DWTS smile its wednesday.....


Hi all.......

Well Patti...............I wont answer you on here since I talked to you earlier on the phone..............glad you're coming.........hope you recoperate FAST!!haha.jsut read the smoking thread....you two are bound to rile some people up.. ::eek:


I've been outside working in the flower beds. Taking off mulch from the roses, etc, etc. Pain in the neck job. Art has done a lot of raking of WiLLOW branches and leaves and cedar from under our shrubs. So far he has 13 bags filled in the past 2 days. He took a break to go to a Retiree's meeting at the Union Hall. Oh, he also did his FIRST fertilizing job on the grass. Said he's glad we stopped having the company do it now that he has the time. We still are having "ED" cut the grass. That would take up way too much of his BIKING TIME to do that! Hee Hee.

Later all........enjoy your day. Suppose to get up to 70 here. I've already come in and changed into shorts.


Good afternoon. For some reason, I was awake all night....now I'm tired.

Since you asked, Patti, I think you are a bad mommy for going on a cruise without the boys:cool:

No I don't really think that....you need a break from the boys every once in a while.......and I'm sure that they especially need a break from their mom:D Hope that you heal quickly and get back to normal.

No bites on that thread PH.


Not yet.................Im tired too..............been outside reading and the sun lulled me to sleep UNTIL the dogs went crazy....pest control guy came...........waiting for him to finish so I can go continue readin(ummmmm......napping really)=sleep


How come they call those pest guys Pest Control? Funny name for them.....they're hardened killers with no heart!
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