Hot,hot, hot...can you say hot?
San, 17% humidity...that's a joke...the humidity in Florida was the hardest thing to get use to. We were used to 90+ degrees in the bay area, but you had the natural breezes to help cool. House didn't even have a/c. I thought, oh, we'll never have to use the a/c in the house or car, we're used to the temps...Wrong...humidity adds a whole new diminision to summer heat.
Been busy around the house...Mom came up this weekend to celebrate Gary's she is going out of town and we won't see her until the beginning of July. Called in sick today, so will start the 10-hour days tomorrow.
Kittens are doing fine...Lucky had his first appt and shots, he's just shy of 2 lbs...Lucy and Lucky play together well.
Well, just checking in (and checking up on you guys) since I've been MIA for a while.