Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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[size=medium]Got a "Little Cooler here tonight, but still humid . Can't open the Windows yet. Needless to say the A/C is still on.

I'm off to BED...........!! Have a fun week all!! :wave


95 degrees here in Gilroy today.....but only 60 in Monterey. Took the Corvette down there for a drive....then stopped at Mimi's on the way home.....still 87 degrees outside now.


Just checking in to say hi............same hot weather...........heard the other day on the Orlando TV station, they get 100 days of 90 plus temps a year...........MAMMA MIA!!


I just checked, it's 97 degrees and 17 percent humidity. Too damn warm outside.


Hot,hot, hot...can you say hot?
San, 17% humidity...that's a joke...the humidity in Florida was the hardest thing to get use to. We were used to 90+ degrees in the bay area, but you had the natural breezes to help cool. House didn't even have a/c. I thought, oh, we'll never have to use the a/c in the house or car, we're used to the temps...Wrong...humidity adds a whole new diminision to summer heat.

Been busy around the house...Mom came up this weekend to celebrate Gary's birthday...plus she is going out of town and we won't see her until the beginning of July. Called in sick today, so will start the 10-hour days tomorrow.

Kittens are doing fine...Lucky had his first appt and shots, he's just shy of 2 lbs...Lucy and Lucky play together well.

Well, just checking in (and checking up on you guys) since I've been MIA for a while.


PQ: When you work 10 hour days is that from Monday to Thursday to make 40 hours?? I know it's long days, but at least that way you'd get 3 days off in a row.

It's nice here today. The humidity is all but gone and the sun is in and out because of clouds. Temps must be down 20 degrees from yesterday. More NORMAL now.

SAN: Do you have the vehicles ready for your Thurs trip??

We have a township that is 4 miles from our house and they were out of electricity yesterday and one of the homeowners had a GENERATOR on and in the middle of the night he pulled it closer to the garage opening because of the rain that had started. Well, one of his neighbors was up around 3 a.m. and looking out and saw flames in their house. She ran over and banged on all the windows in the back and got 3 people out of the house before the fire took over. It was a Million dollar home and it's TOAST today. The generator was too close to the gas that they had in the garage to keep it running and the fire dept thinks that might be the reason for the fire. Or they plugged TOO MANY THINGS into the generator and it blew up or sparked the fire.
The guy who owns the house has his own SUNSCREEN PORCH Business that is huge here. Hence, the million dollar house!! So sad. It would have been better for the family to check into a hotel/motel to stay comfortable and not to have worried about the refrig and freezer than to loose your whole house and EVERYTHING in it. They're lucky they're alive.

Okay, that's my story for the day!! :wave


Well, that's the second house fire with our group.....where's the third one going to be? Hope nowhere!

Vehicles are all ready K2....just need to fuel them. Will do the grocery shopping on the way......somewhere along Interstate five up by Redding


Ohoh.things happen in 3s...............be careful all............

Speaking of houses, what do you all think about Ed McMahon and his TV show circuit talking about his foreclosure?? I think he could just live somewhere smaller.................so many people are in the same situation and they wont get people sending money like Im sure they will for poor old Ed.


It sounds like Ed is upside down in his mortgage......so even if he sells at a lower price, he may have a very heavy debt and can't afford anything else. Those guys tend to over extend themselves to keep up appearances.


Well,you're in good company with this group of ours........we may not be rich,but we're happy...


[size=medium]Geez guys.............I was keeping it a BIG SECRET that I am from Royalty and have been holding back on just how RICH I am!! Trouble is that the money is from the Serbian side of the family and since there isn't a Serbia anymore it's lost somewhere in Europe!! Anyone want to go on a Road Trip to help me find it all?? Hmmm, I didn't think so!!

I'm happy the way I am too. Wouldn't mind winning a decent Lottery, but it wouldn't change too much as far as you guys being my friends!! :daisy

Hot and Muggy today. Clouds coming in and out like it's going to rain, but I don't think that's really going to happen.

Later........I'm going to go see how my flowers are doing around the house!! Dahlia's are just about ready to open up. I have purple and blue ones.


Are you a Duchess or something even more important? Nice to know you.


[large]Actually, I'm just little ole me!! Nothing special at all.

Off to ride my bike for awhile.[/large]


K2-if you wint the Lottery,Im gonna be your BEST friend.......(tu)

Riding a bike now?? Gonna be joining Art soon on one of his trips??


Hey K2, I'll be your best friend now.....just in case you do come into some money.....no fair weather friend here.
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