Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Just got back from the Eye Dr appt. (Stopped for lunch on the way home too)
This screen is jumping up and down and I won't last long on here. They Dilated my eyes again to check them. Very through on this whole procedure. I'm impressed.

PH: Sorry that Dennis is sick now. Hopefully, you two will be okay on the cruise. One thing in your favor is you might have the "Lowest Booze Bill" on this cruise. :)

SAN: You all okay over your way??

PQ: Forgot if you had to work today or not??

Later......the screen is still jumping. Chilly here, but at lease the sun is peaking out more each hour. Suppose to be nice the rest of the weekend.


PQ is working 8 hours today.....just like she said at the beginning of the week.

You guys missed it.....but yesterday, I successfully got PH to lurk on the Bunny Thread:D

Hope you guys are up to snuff for your cruise PH. Bon Voyage....also, have a good trip.

It's like you're on drugs, huh K2?


I "lurked" only to see who you were talking about(and assuming it was me)......and it isnt...........

Took the dogs to puppy prison.....I always feel bad.......

Dennis is resting now so I'll pack when he gets up.........

I am thinking NO BAR BILL this time,K2.......we'll have a bottle of wine waiting in our cabin that we might just bring home..


SAN: I didn't miss that you got PH to "lurk" on the Bunny Board. I was just discrete about NOT SAYING ANYTHING!! :girly
And PH: It isn't a CRIME or anything to go and READ what is said on the BUNNY BOARD and NOT POST. Geez, girl I know when I get ticked off I still go on and read the Bunny Board. It's in our blood to do it, so just do what you want.
Not a big deal at all.

You just do whatever you feel like doing. After all it's your call. And just to make sure you don't come back at me for bugging you ..........I nowhere in this sentence "asked you" to come back. You told me in no certain words NOT TO DO THAT and I'm trying my best to follow your wishes. ;) Ya gotta do what you gotta do. Not to say that it's right, but I won't go there.:cool:

The EYES are still dancing while looking at this screen. Art just looked at them and said I look like a DRUGie!! I don't feel anything like I'm on drugs THANK GOODNESS. The light just really bugs me.

Have a great cruise and for heavens sake DON'T drink the WINE, bring it home. I could just imagine how your stomach and system would pay you back if you had some of that!! ::eek:

PQ: Have a nice 3 days off kiddo. What will you be up to? Sticking around the house or visiting?? We're staying home and then meeting up with the kids on Friday Night for fireworks.

It's "Sunny and Chilly" here right now. I might put my dark glasses on and go for a walk around the neighborhood. Art's biking tonight.........but then when is NOT biking!! Hee Hee. By the way I tracked the rowing machine and it's in Mass right now and due here on Tuesday!!


Hi all.....

I know its not a crime,but to tell you the truth,I dont lurk.........I swear...........

anyway, hope everyone has a great and safe Fourth,whatever you do...............


It's slowly WARMING up over here tonight. I started out down the driveway with a jacket on and by the time I got 2 house away from ours I had to bring it back. The weather man says it's going to be a GREAT 4th of July here tomorrow temp wise.

Have a good 4th everyone. PH & Dennis try and get some REST on your cruise. Just chill out and relax. Dennis should get a massage after all those miles he's been putting in lately.



Good Moring all, and Happy 4th of July.....

It is raining here this morning, so think this will be a very slow day.... Lots of reading and using an ice pack.......

Have a good one, and a safe one.......


[large]Good Morning Marcia............and the rest of the gang.

I just LOST a really nice entry here. Oh well, just wanted to tell you all to have a GREAT 4th of July.
Marcia: Sorry for the bad weather that's what we had Wed and Thursday. Must have finally got down to
your area. Sorry. Take care of your back kiddo. If you can do some stretch exercises to stretch those tight
back musles it might help, but then again it might not. Feel bad for you. Sore feet and back pain are 2 of the
worse things to deal with.

PQ: Hope you and your gang are planning a fun day. Enjoy your time off from work.

SAN: NO FIREWORKS in your area please!! Your state has enough sparklers going off with all the fires going on everywhere. REally ashame that BIG SUR is getting hit so hard right now.

PH & Dennis: Have a RELAXING cruise. Soak in the sunshine and do nothing!! Maybe Dennis should get a back massage to relieve all those muscles he sits on in the truck for so long.

We're meeting up with Jill and her family later today to celebrate. Hope it WARMS UP a little by mid-afternoon. At least the rain has stopped and it's SUNNY!!

Happy 4th of July America!!


Hope everyone has a great 4th. I took yesterday off, so that I could take my family to St. Augustine...Gary also took the day off, as he wanted to go scalloping with a couple of guys from work, opening day was July 1. St. Augustine was beautiful...we (my mom, sister and niece from Tennesse and my niece from Washington) got to the beach around 9 and stayed until 12, went to lunch at Chilis, then went and walked around town for a couple of hours. We had no storms, it was great. Gary wasn't so lucky..it stormed like heck out on the gulf, they tried fishing in the inlet after attempting to go out once, but by 11 they gave up; they had been there since 8.
Today, Danny and Tracy are taking the girls out to the lake for a couple of hours. The adults are getting the BBQ and pool ready for today...Ribs, chicken, coleslaw, corn muffins, corn on the cob, and baked beans. Tomorrow the girls will hang out around the pool, while we go to the Coke Zero 400...the race is at 7 and rain delay of the start is expected. We plan to go around 11 and tailgate, do a little Nascar shopping at the concessions, eat again and then go to the race. Whew...they Sunday, they all head back to mom's house and we're on our own.

PH - hope you both feel better...a relaxing cruise is just what you and Dennis need to get back on track

K2 - any big cooking plans for you today.

San - hope everything is going well at home...You need the rain we've been getting...it really looks bad. Enjoy your BBQ

Marcia - Hope you and your family have a great 4th...try to keep the Energizer Bunny to a slow run.


[size=medium]PQ: No real plans for cooking here today. Going over Jill's (Dghtrs) house later. But I may take a detour and come EAT at your place. Nice menu lady. I love the idea of Corn Muffins. I make them in the mini-muffin pans and they just pop into your mouth!! Have a great day and enjoy your family.

I so much want to get to see Augustine someday. We almost stayed at a Bed and Breakfast their one year, but the weather got bad and we cancelled. This was when we didn't have my daughters family with us on Longboat Key.

Later all............


PQ, believe me, the Energizer Bunny needs some replacement batteries. I'm down to a slow shuffle right now.

Still damp and no sun around here.....


When PH see's who is now posting elsewhere, she never will go back over there..... On second thought, maybe she should.......


[large]Marcia: Did the Dr give you anything to take for your back pain? You only have 2 months until your "Big Cruise" ........you best be taking REAL GOOD CARE of yourself. And start thinking about LESS is BEST in the wardrobe dept. Have you given any thought about going to a Chiropractor?? ::eek: I know scarey thought. But there must be some good ones out there somewhere!!

I don't have a problem with Dave posting on the Bunny board. It's a open Thread.

The FIRECRACKERS and BIG LOUD M-80's have been going off every so often over here. Tonight should be CRAZY.

The people with the in ground pool right across from us are having their Annual BBQ. They'll put on a fireworks show for sure in the street. And then a guy 2 doors down has been prepping his Outdoor Fireplace with wood so you know we'll have FRESH BURNING WOOD SMELLS till all ours of the morning. His group of buddies usually take a cooler down towards the creek by the fire and sit and drink and chat until they must pass out!! :lol :help

Hopefully, we'll miss most of it while we're at Jills watching their community fireworks.

Be safe tonight everyone!! California hardly needs any "fireworks tonight". They've a head start on them for months. Sad.[/large]


Good Morning all,

K-2, you are not reading again. I have posted somewhere that I did go to a Chiropractor and had x-rays and treatment. Been there twice and go again on Monday. That is how I know where the problem is.....
And yes, the boards are open to all. But after the things he said to me, I deleated several of his posts, and then the e-mails just got worse. I have no use for him at all. We all pick our friends. So I have deleated him from appearing on my computer.....


I won't be responding to Dave either. He did a lot of damage on the thread and I'm not sure why he is back.

Good luck with the pain marcia. Hope the chiropractor fixes it for you....it has to help.

Our bbq was kind of mixed up yesterday. John and I went to Watsonville early to do matthew's yardwork.....we did a good job.... Angelia called John in the afternoon to say that she was having complications, so he went home. nancy was to go down with A&A, but stayed in Gilroy to help J&A out. Anyway, I think they now will have to start over.


[large]Marcia.........I'm so sorry. I knew you went to get X-Rays. I must have not read which type of Dr you went to. Sorry.

And as far as Dave goes........how do you get his posts to NOT appear. I might try that too. I didn't like the SEXIST Beer joke already.

San: I posted elsewhere about J & A.. So sorry, but we all know it's for the best when things like that happen this early. Your family SUPPORT TEAM will be her best comfort now.


Marcia: Just disregard any of my posts on the other thread regarding your BACK. SORRY.[/large]


San - So sorry for what's happening to J&A. Both of my girls had the same thing happen early on. If something is going to go wrong, this is the time for it to happen. Nature has a way of taking care of things when all's not right. It's hard on everyone, but we know the McKenna clan will be there for them.

I think it's time to call a friend and go chill at the Grill for an hour or so.:)-D


John and Angelia seem to be doing better today. Yesterday was hard for them......now they're starting to look ahead to the future. They want to go out to dinner tomorrow night, so that's a good sign.


Good to know J & A are accepting things and moving on. Was she able to get in to see her Dr?

I'm off to ride my bike around for awhile. It's just too NICE NOT to tonight. Need to get my circulation
moving around in my ankles. They didn't like all the "SALTY" stuff I had the past 2 days and are letting me
know by being swollen. Just hate that. If I could get new LEGS and FEET I swear I'd do it in a heartbeat!

Nite all............


Good Morning all,

San, so sorry about the problems for J & A...... Please give A a big hug from me.......

Heading out to Church.

K-2, go to one of FD posts and click on his name and then his profile. Somewhere there is a place to "ignore this poster" click on that and then I think there is a done you click on. His posts do not show up after that on your screen.....
Let me know if you need anything more info.

Back later....
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