Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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I am sure they will be sued,K2.......in this day and age,everyone sues......and they were at fault and it was a major accident......

Yea PQ..you're not the lurker....you post.......they dont..........but this is nothing new..........happened before,happening now.......anyway, can you blame them?? hahaha anyway, We are both feeling much better......thanks for asking..

Went to bed at 10 last night..........Dennis got up early to get 3 new batteries for the truck.........Im glad we decided just to fix the things we can as we can afford to..............the truck is really in good shape and I really dont want a $1100+ truck payment if we dont have to.......

K2-you're probably building muscle with all that bike riding.......thats why you wont drop so many pounds.........but you'll notice your clothes fitting better...

Well, better get going.............Happy Tuesday morning to all.................


Morning all,

Carl is waiting for me to get on the stick and head out to run errends...... Just wanted to say Hi. Back later....


Hi ya'll! Posted on CC, so now I figured I'd stop by here too. Wasn't that nice of me?:girly Actually I needed a place to vent and I figured I could do that here. Right now I am so pi$$ed. This is the second day in a row that Jimmy has not shown up to do our new curbing. Bert and Gary busted their butts over the weekend moving 2 palms, so the curbing could get done. Now Jimmy isn't even answering his cell phone! He also never did any work last Thursday like he was supposed to. Bert already said that if Jimmy was an employee, he would have been fired weeks ago. He's gotten so lax about doing the work and doesn't seem to care anymore. In the meantime, we can't finish up the new landscaping, so the yard looks like crap!!:X UPDATE: Just heard from Jimmy. They'll be here in a few minutes ... Just in time for the t-storms to move in!!! Grrrr ...

Vent #2 - Yesterday my friend & I went to the Grill for a Mich Ultra and were told that as of today, they will no longer be open Monday - Thursday. Seems like the company running the Grill are on a downward spiral. A week ago they stopped serving food, except for hot dogs and pulled pork sandwiches. Receipts went down, of course. People have been calling the big wig at our HOA to complain. I guess he made a phone call to the owner of the company running the place about the complaints. Their answer was to just shut the place down doring the week!:X As far as we're concerned now, that company needs to just close up shop and let us get someone else in who will deliver on what we were promised. In the meantime, we're back to happy hours at each other's house.

Rant over. Hope I didn't bore you all to death. I'm just mad, mad mad today. Sorry ...


Quick post from work...I knew I wasn't the "lurker", just that I do lurk around. Sometimes I only have time to read quickly and then try to answer at night. Of course, by the time I get home, do dinner, play with the kittens, my posting time is down to null.

BB - Sorry the grill is closing during the week...I know going there was the highlight of your afternoon.

San - CA might as well fall off into the ocean to put out those fires. Just unbelievable. Can't believe the damage that is being done. When the rainy season starts in November, the mountains are just going to be full of mudslides.

K2 - Before we know it, you'll be doing those 40 mile rides with Art.

Hi Marcia :wave have an energizer day.

I owe, I owe, so back to work I go.....


Hey BB...i see a new business venture in your future...........I bet you could really do wonders with the Grill.......


And my venting continues ... Jimmy got here at 12. Now we are having a t-storm and they are wrapping up for the day!:X

And by best venting is that I got an email that the Grill is permanently closed until they can find a new vendor to run it.:X And NO, PH, I am not looking into a new career option!


PQ, you're certainly not a lurker in my book......you always join in as time permits......and you share just as much as the rest of us do. I hadn't yet thought about the mud slides, but you're right.

Sorry about the Grill BB. Is there enough business there all week to allow any one to make a profit? Is the grill subsidized by the HOA?

Is Jimmy Missy's husband? Is that why he's slacking off?

K2, you need to learn some trickery so that you can beat Eric in a race.......you're not going to do it playing fair.

So Marcia, when Carl tells you to get on the stick, is he really telling you to get on your broom?:D

Glad that you're making headway with the truck PH.....good to save some money for a while Huh?


San - The crew that were running the Grill were very inconsistent in what they did - Bad chefs/servers/bartenders. Owners were never there to oversee things, so some bartenders were keeping some of the money. Since they opened a year and a half ago, there were so many changes, a lot of people stoppped going there. Some of us tried to keep supporting it, but we could only do so much. Oh well, it may take them another year to find a replacement, so I see a lot more house parties over the weekends. The best part of the Grill was that it became the social network. That's where you got to meet new people.

Jimmy is Missy's ESTRANGED husband and Bert's partner in the curbing company. It really is awkward to say the least. They're still here and the rain has stopped. Let's see if they do any more work today.


SAN POSTED: Funny that you mentioned that SAN. Today when Eric and I went biking around our big block he was beating me again. So I told him "Let's go around one more time and see who get's back first". He like that idea and took off like lighting. I followed behind him until he turned the first corner and then I doubled back and was sitting on my bike when he finally made it around the whole block. He looked at me, and you just had to be here to listen to this kid tell me "You don't play fair"!! :)D.......

PQ: If I get up to 10 miles of biking at one time this season I'll be a Happy Camper!

We got our Rowing Machine delivered today. It's so neat. I have to watch the CD to learn how to do things correctly. And then I need to have Art help me find figure out my resting heart beat and some other stuff to put in the computer. I just hope I can do it with my "so so knee's"!! My knees make this CRUNCHING SOUND when I try to lift them while laying down on the couch!! Scarey!! They don't hurt when I walk, but that sound is weird.
Here's a picture of the Rowing Machine. http://www.concept2.com/us/indoorrowers/d_home.asp

BB: AW SHUCKS..........NO MORE GRILL .......that really sucks big time. That building is just too nice to let go. You would think in this day and age SOMEONE would want to make some money. All they had to do was SERVE YOU ALL GOOD FOOD and DRINKS. Of course, GOOD "help" would be nice too. :cool: But you have to consider what state you live in and go from there.

Sorry about Jimmy and the lack of finishing up his job. I'd just have Bert tell him that he won't be "fronting" anymore cash for new jobs if he's going to act like that. But then I guess you don't want to make things any harder on Missy and the boys. He could become a real "dick" over all of this. Ooops.......did I really say that?? :girly

Okay, I've overdone my stay again. Later.[/size]


Such potty mouth K2......hahahah

I know how much you enjoy the Grill,BB...............hope something works out and they salvage it..............

Yea San.we might be sinking some money in the truck now,but no payment outweighs any monthly payment.......we just put new shocks on it so that will make a world of difference(had the turbo checked and its good)..............he had the tires balanced today...........little things,but as long it holds up, we're ok.......if anything MAJOR happens,we'll sell it for parts...........not gonna sink 20K into it..........does need a new hood though....thats about 3K,I think........but we'll put money aside for that.......................and needs the 5th wheel rebuilt......had its last adjustment this weekend.......thats about 500.....thats doable.......


It's gonna be interesting to see how you guys resolve the business relationship with Jimmy.....especially now that he's turning out to be flakey. I think you should come down hard on Missy and put her to work....afterall, she picked him, so she's automatically responsible for fixing the issue:D!

You know BB, I heard that Burger King sometimes goes into establishments and runs the food concessions.......they do it for the army in Iraq....give it a try.

Is the hood made out of fiberglass....and is it splitting, PH?

Good for you on cheating on your favorite grandson K2.....hope you can sleep tonight.....the poor guy is never ever going to trust you again....ya just destroyed his innocense. Heh, heh, heh


It is made of fiberglass............seems like when a company driver had the truck,he must have hit it.......cracking it some and tried to repair the cracks in the 2 corners(with Bondo?).........but as time went on and Dennis took possession,the cracks got worse.......the hood is a 3 piece hood and he has tried fixing it himself with bolts.........sorta worked on one side,but the other side is still off wack..................he wants to buy a 1 piece hood to replace it............


Oh yeah, that's not the original 2000 Freightliner that he had, right? Didn't the freight company buy that one. from him....then he drove the company truck for a while....then took another truck over?


Its a 2002.......was a company truck at first.....then Dennis bought it from the company with zero % financing.......was a good deal,but the truck had some issues.....haha

Freight company?? 2000?? Dont remember....hes had a few trucks...........all the same to me........well, except now since this is the 1st one we have paid for and owned outright.......title in hand!!!


[size=medium]SAN: Well, here it is 5:22 A.M. and 2:22 A.M. your time and I can't sleep!! It must be because of the "bike issue with Eric"!! You said it would come back and get me!! :girly
Actually, I had to get up to get the Air Cond to turn on sooner. Just a little too warm in here tonight. I opened the front door and YIKES IT'S STILL HORRIBLY HUMID OUT THERE! (td)

SAN: I hope the fires over by you guys start to get under control pretty soon. Seems like this year they started earlier and are SPREADING MORE than ever. I read about the one guy who on his own started some "back fires" and saved his house and 7 others from burning down. The City didn't take to well to him doing that and his BROTHER is took the blame and got booked for the incident so he could stay back and continue to save his house. He was once a volunteer fireman. The other firemen that came up to see what he had done had to admit he did a EXCELLENT job. I can't blame him for trying to save his house when he knew there weren't enough firemen to help him at the time. I CAN also understand why he shouldn't have been doing it too. Kind of a catch 22 situation. You guys take care and stay inside. That stuff in the air can't be any good for your lungs.

Okay, back to bed!! Have a good day all!! =sleep


K2 - What an ungodly hour to be up and on the computer! Don't make a habit of it, ya hear?

The curbing crew is working, but they're not progressing very fast. I think I need to go out there with a whip, if I ever expect to see this job finished today!

Doing a couple of loads of laundry and trying to decide what to pack for NC. It's going to be a very laid back casual weekend, so I guess shorts and capris are as good as it's going to get.

Better see if I've got anything to fix for lunch just in case Gary shows up with Ethan.


[size=medium] Hello all! Just got back from getting my HAIR CUT......I feel like a new woman!! Well, maybe not that good!! :daisy

BB: I promise I won't be getting up that early everyday. Hope the CURBING job progresses without any needed WHIPPING!! ::eek:

Still very HUMID here today. It's a INSIDE type of day unless your name is "ART". He left at 7:30 a.m. for a long bike ride. He even rode his bike to the meeting spot. The guy definately loves his biking!!

SAN: Saw more horror pictures of the BURNING out your way. It's just unbelievable and so sad. Way too many houses getting burned out. This one lady the showed on TV was taking down pictures off her walls and had a Family Tree History binder in her hands. She said those were UNREPLACEABLE and had to go with her. The house, furniture, etc. she could always buy again. Amazing that she could be able to have it together enough to think like that. But what else can you do.
Try and stay inside and away from the smokey smell and ash that must be in the air.

Tomorrow is my eye surgery date. Just got a call while I was on here typing and it's at 9:30 a.m. Art's going to have to miss playing "Cards" with the guys tomorrow!! Bummer.

PH, PQ, Marcia.........How's it going today for you ladies?? Later all.....



Fine here,K2...........I could use a haircut too...........think I'll go make an appt..........good luck with the eye procedure tomorrow.........I would love to see 20/20...........how much does that go for these days???

Curbing done yet BB?? BTW--how is Missy doing thru all this BS??

Hi to PQ,Marcia and San..........

Back later..


Good luck with your procedure tomorrow, K2. Just be careful ... Once you can see real good again, you might decide you don't like how things look in the house and might want to redecorate!!!:D

PH - They're curbing away out there. They have to do over 300 feet of curbing. They're about 1/3 of the way done with the job.
Missy is hanging in there. I don't get to talk to her too much during the week being she's at work. Last week we got to have a good mother/daughter chat. She's really pi$$ed at a lot of things Jimmy does. He just doesn't get it at all. It's really sad, but she's got to do what she's got to do.

Dryer is calling me ...
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