Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well my knee is killing me and my right shoulder is too.

I am sure that tomorrow after we get home from my surgery I will be using Bruce's electric recliner for a day or two.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: YES... we got some really good WIND and RAIN earlier before dinner. The power went out for 1-2 mins and came right back on. Just enough time for me to re-set clocks and computer.

Now it's just a "normal" rain out there at 10:32 pm.
Hope you didn't get any wind damage over your way.

Dave: Did the rain hit OHIO?

USA Ladies soccer just tied up the score with Netherlands. It's been 12 yrs since they've ever been behind in this game. :eek:

Good night folks. Everyone take care in this heat and rain, etc.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Ava and I are back from our walk. The air is so damp. There seems to have been, according to photos on our weather channel, a lot of trees around the county downed by the wind and rain last evening and up to midnight.
Our power stayed on Kathie but Ma Bell kept going out just long enough that we had to wait for the tv and internet to reboot. About 4:00 pm we had a public alert warning of possible tornadoes so the three of us headed to the rec room until that threat passed.
OK, time to try to nod off on the couch for a bit before the day gets fully underway.
Everyone have a fantastic day. Be good ‘cause I’m gonna check on you all later on.


2nd Officer
Coming soon; Mustard flavored Skittles. Correction, French's mustard flavored Skittles. No joke. Isn't it a great time to be alive? (Excuse me while I gag.)

Thanks so much for Kermit's Rainbow Connection, Lee. That put a smile on all our faces. I see you're up and attem. Lots of candles in your basement, too?

K2 & Lee; Down here in Ahiya, we didn't get any thunderstorms till early this morning.

Glad to hear Bert's doctor's visit went well, BB. I forgot to mention that the "Grandma's" brand not only puts out coleslaw, but also potato salad, macaroni salad and others. Nothing better than having a kid in need of money when you need some jobs taken care of.

Morning KC & Bill!



2nd Officer
Morning, my day is getting off to an early start to drop Scooter off at the vet's for her dental appt. then over to Jane's to drop off a couple things she left at my house yesterday. She spent the night Tues. after the potluck & our pool swim. Both were nice, but we'd had some rain that afternoon & the pool & outside air temp was on the cool side. Catch up with you all later


2nd Officer
Hello again bunnies!

Dave, mustard flavored Skittles is just so wrong! Yuk! Who ever came up with that idea needs to be dealt with severely!

Pat, good to hear Bert's Dr. visit was successful! You are so lucky to have young strong grandkids who are willing to do some manual labor for a little spending money. Now it's your turn to post pics of these new plantings!

Lee, sounds like some scary storms in your area, glad you all made it thru safely! Those are some cool looking coffee mugs, I may have to take a look around the world wide web & see if I can find some like that!

Kathie, sorry to hear the mosquitos are still doing a number on you! Have fun dog sitting Mr. Manny! Are you going to be staying a Jill's or is he coming to sleep over at your house?

Well, Miss Scooter is at the vet's for her dental procedure, not sure if it will just be a cleaning or if she will need to have any pulled. They won't know until they take the x-rays, so I signed the form agreeing to let them do extractions if needed. They called shortly after I dropped her off to say the vet had re-checked her eyes & want's to keep her on the eye drops & asked if I needed more, I still have half the bottle so I told them no for now. I do want to talk with the vet & see if her eyes are still improving & if maybe we can cut back to once a day & see how that does. They are supposed to call me around 2:30 to let me know how she did & then I pick her up at 5, going to be a long day for both of us.
Have a good one gang!


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Day Off GIF by Pudgy Penguins
Where has this week gone already! Geez, I'll be getting out Winter Coats before I know it. :eek::rolleyes:

Dave: I can't even imagine trying those French's Skittles. Saw the ad on TV news last night and just shook my head. I thought I saw something about a MUSTARD EATING CONTEST way back sometime? That would just be GROSS.

We didn't get any Tornado warnings over this way. The 4:00'ish rain and wind were the worst and then the rest of the night it was just a steady light rain. Now it's overcast outside and 74F and the humidity isn't as bad as yesterday. If that SUNSHINE comes out later we'll be in a Sauna State around here.
Can't be too bad.... Art went on his Thursday Bike Ride.

Karen: Hope Scooter gets a good report on the teeth cleaning. I can imagine how much that bill will come to. Speaking of Vet bills...........
I have a friend in Las Angeles that had to take her Terrier Pup for leg surgery. She calls her the $7,000 dog now. Part of that cost was $1100 just to be examined by the specialist. These people are by no means "wealthy" and have no children. They have 2 other pups right now and have had more in the past. She is a rescue dog lover and some of her rescues have cost a few bucks to get to the WELL STAGE. They have made a agreement to NOT TAKE ON ANYMORE DOGS. They both just turned 60 and said it's not fair to them or the dogs to do that. One of her current pups is 16 years old. Seems like they take really good care of their pets.

We have a friend at church that got tragic news yesterday. Her daughter passed away unexpectedly at the age 62. She was fine and even was a chairperson of a local festival in recent weeks and just wasn't feeling all that good this past Sunday and went to the local ER and they ran blood work and found she had a blood Cancer (one of these) Lymphoma/Leukemia Cancer that was attacking her body. She died yesterday. Just unbelievable. She leaves behind 3 sons in their 20's, a husband and of course her Mother. She was her Mom's only child and she helped her through the past few years of illnesses. That poor Mom is going to slip backwards fast after this. You just never know what is going to happen from day to day.
Enjoy your days here on this CRAZY EARTH, we never know what tomorrow will bring.

And with that sad news I'm off of here to get a fresh cup of coffee.
I couldn't sleep last night and got all my laundry washed, dried and folded. Just need to put it way now. Enjoy your day folks.

I see somebody has come on since I started this post. It's KAREN! Yikes poor Scooter might have some teeth pulled. Sure hope that doesn't have to happen.
We will be staying at Jill's in Mid August when watching MANNY. They have everything there and it will be so much easier on the PUP and US! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme::emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good morning. About 12:30 I head to my first appt and right after that I walk next door for my surgery.

Right now the knee is not feeling too bad but the right hand is swollen some.

A lady Bruce did some work for yesterday called last evening, as one circuit breaker tripped. Bruce told her how to check it and they were on the phone for about 30 minutes. He ended up telling her he would be over today after bringing me home after the surgery. Well she called this morning that she had called someone else and he said he would be over sometime today, so Bruce does not need to come. She has always been a pain so he decided that he will no longer go to do any work for her.

We have had a bit of rain this morning and are supposed to get more during the day

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Kind of grim here right now with light rain coming down. Of course, t-storms are due later in the day.

Karen - I sure hope Scooter doesn't need any teeth pulled at what vets charge these days. They've gotten as expensive as human doctors!! It was nice having Wes here doing most of the work, but my husband just couldn't keep out of the act. I caught him shoveling around some of the plants and trying to help pull out the roots from those that were getting pulled. I gave him holy he!! over that as he's not supposed to do any of that stuff for months.

Kathie - Sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. We just don't know when our time is up. I just found out yesterday that Missy's godmother passed away. She too was a teacher and spent her entire teaching career at the same school! That's really unheard of, especially what happened to that area of Jersey City. she was an amazing lady.

Dave - Mustard skittles? YUCK!!! We're not getting any commercials here about it. Might be getting rolled out in your area as the test market. I can't imagine anyone liking that. Sort of reminds me of the jelly beans from the Harry Potter movies that you can buy. They can be anywhere from totally delicious or absolutely awful, Mustard skittles would fit right in there.

Lee - Sorry you had to hightail it to the basement yesterday due to possible tornados. At least you have a basement to go to. We just have an internal room to hide in and pray for the best. Actually, there are no good internal rooms in this house, so we really have to pray for the best! I hope you got to catch a few winks on the couch this morning.

Nancy - Good lock with your surgery.

We have friends coming over this afternoon for some snacks & drinks. I'm really not making or fixing very much. Biggest deal will be jalapeno poppers, which I need to start fixing soon, if we want them this afternoon. So off I go to be creative. Have a great day, gang, no matter what you are planning to do!


Chief Security Officer
We must be blessed, because our area seems to have been spared the horrendous storms and the airing of mustard Skittles commercials that have been inflicted on some of you. Aside from some brief rain the other day and the high temperatures of late, things have been pretty peaceful and pleasant. May that continue.
Thanks for the Kermit clip, Lee. Not sure how long it has been since I last heard the whole song and having the whole audience singing along made it even more special.
Hope your surgery goes well, Nancy.


2nd Officer
Never got the call at 2:30 from the vet's off, so around 3:30 I called them. Scooter came thru just fine, but did end up having 3 teeth pulled, I'm not overly surprised, I knew for a while she was having issues. Ka-ching, Ka-ching, at least I get 1-1/2% cash back & I have a 0% interest card till next August.


2nd Officer
had my surgery on my right thumb and index finger and now almost the whole hand is numb. whole right hand is wrapped and it has to stay wrapped until Sunday morning. as soon as the numbness wears off I have to bend the fingers as closed as possible then straighten every hour I am awake. can't lift anything heavier than a coffee cup.
the surgery cut the sleeve that the ligament for each finger, this will get rid of the trigger finger. the time to do both was about 6 minutes. I get the stitches out next Thursday morning,


2nd Officer
Morning Wabbits!

Not sure if this post is going to post. Good old AOL had an update yesterday, and things are all screwed up. The usual buttons are moved around the screen and say different things, like "WRITE" is now "COMPOSE". And will occasionally flip back to the old AOL.

If nothing else, it proves that we are old farts because we still use AOL.

Feel sorry for Miss Scooter, KC on losing 3 teeth. But there had to be something wrong with them to get pulled. And in a few days will probably feel better than she did before the extractions.

Yes K2, I do like mustard, but NOT in candy. So sad to hear that your friend's daughter passed.

That sucks BB that you don't have an internal room to go to during a tornado or hurricane. It may be time to harden up a large closet.

Lee; Sounds like you got the roughest weather of all of us.

Are you still in the grasp of this heat-wave, Bill? Today we're forecast to be in the middle to upper 90s.

Time to greet the day.......From inside the house, of course.


2nd Officer
Good morning, & TGIF!!

Kathie, so sorry to hear about your friends daughter passing, another sad reminder we need to make the most of whatever time we have here.

Bill, we too have been spared the Mustard Skittles commercials, now if we could just get a pass on the political ad's too that would really be a win/win!!

Pat, why am I not surprised to hear Bert was outside doing more than "supervising" the planting of the new bushes?!

Unfortunately not only did Scooter have 3 teeth pulled they "recommend" having 2 more on the bottom pulled as well AND those would need to be done at a specialist. Going to have to get a little more info on why before I even consider doing that.

Lee, that must have been some nod off on the couch yesterday, I noticed you never made it back on. Hope you were off doing all kinds of fun things!

Dave, I totally HATE computer upgrades of any kind, they always end up messing up something else.

Finally got outside this morning to spray the weeds in the patio area, it needs a couple hours drying time to be rain safe & so far it looks like it will happen.
Miss Scooter is still feeling a little off today, spending a good bit of time under the bed. But she's eating good, I puree her wet cat food into a thick soup & she's eaten 1 can of that already. No dry food for her until at least Monday.
Other than that not a whole lot going on in Belleview today. The problems with the HOA & residents continues and I'm about to the point of turning in my resignation. We have another lady threatening legal action against the board because we are "harassing" her. No lady, fill out your forms & get approval before you make changes to the exterior of your home. I have enough going on in my life I really don't need this nonsense for another 5 months.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good late morning! So far, so good with our weather. It's beautiful outside, but, of course, the rain will be coming.

Nancy - Glad your surgery went well. Now the healing begins.

Karen -Don't you just love HOA stuff? Both Bert & I are so over volunteering for any committees now. We've done our time and it was thankless. There are now so many new people in the community, it's time for them to take up the slack while us old folks just sit back and watch how they do things.
Poor Scooter having to get those teeth pulled. Now she would need a specialist to remove the remaining teeth that need to come out. Wow! How old is Scooter? You have to ask yourself if it is worth putting her through more extractions. Hard decision to make.

Dave - About the best room in this house incase of a tornado is the laundry room. The house we had in Ocala had 4 safe rooms to go to. Just don't build them like that around here.

Bill - Glad you've been getting spared all that terrible rain we've been seeing pictures of. By the way, I've been meaning to ask - Any of you kids planning their annual trip to Florida this summer? They usually come down in August, if I remember correctly and you and Rita join them. Is that going to happen this year?

Had a great visit with friends yesterday. Time sure flies when you're in good company. Strongest thing they drank was water!! At least they didn't bring their own this time! LOL

Tonight we have M&J and company coming for dinner. When I get off here I want to bake a pineapple/angel food cake for dessert. Nice & easy and everyone loves it, especially when I top it with home grown pineapple.

Time for another cup of coffee before I get to work. Might just enjoy it on the lanai before the rains come. Have a good one, gang!


Chief Security Officer
It is 87 degrees here now and is supposed to reach 90 in the next few hours. If that happens we will officially be experiencing our first heat wave in a couple of years. Aside from a couple of claps of thunder and about thirty minutes of steady, but not especially heavy rain around 7 last night we pretty much escaped the brunt of the storms that rolled across MA and NH yesterday.
No August trip to FL this year BB. Instead we are joining Rita's sister and some of her family in Aruba for a week. DeSantis will have to get by without our financial assistance for a bit longer.
This is the first week in I can't remember how long that I haven't had a doctor's appointment or a PT session and frankly I kinda miss having a special reason to get out of the house. Of course not having to suffer the high temperatures of the past few days does have its good points.
Sorry to hear of Scooter's dental issues. If they take any more teeth, the poor thing will have to be gumming his food.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon.
Yesterday slipped away, again. We popped over to give Lisa a hand to move some stuff around, unpack a little more tuff and breakdown and bundle cardboard boxes for today's recycle day.
That cake sounds great Pat. Add me to the list of those who aren't surprised that Bert was helping Wes dig out stuff.

Always good to hear that any pet is back on their food after dental work Karen. Especially when they are tiny like Scooter. I don't blame you for getting fed up with the HOA. People can be such, well, "knobs" comes to mind.
I am trying to compose myself as I write about the mustard Skittles Dave. Last summer we had Ketchup popsicles. OK, I didn't have them but they were met with real mixed reviews. I suspect more "nay" votes than "yea" votes seeing as they're not on offer this year.
It's another extremely warm and likely stormy day here again Bill. It seems that the two Canadian guys behind "Choir, Choir, Choir" have really hit on a fun way to bring people together. They have a number of songs on YouTube. They are also on a big European tour! Hi Bill. You just popped in.

My gosh Kathie you certainly have had more than your fair share of bad news and loss over the past few weeks. You mention your friends pact to not bring any more pups into their home because of their ages. Cudos to them for thinking like that. Lu-Ann and I had the same chat when we lost our Katie.
Hope you are feeling better now that your surgery has had a chance to settle down a tad Nancy. About Bruce's problem customer...raise the price so she either goes elsewhere or it's worth it to put up with her.
Lu-Ann had a lab test this morning in Kingsville. It, along with Harrow, was one of the towns near us that got hit so very badly by the storm the other evening. Both are under half an hour away. The damage along the way into both towns was quite evident. So sad to see huge trees ripped out of the ground and in some cases tumbling on stately old homes. We popped in to Starbucks and a little place called "JOE" for coffee and a quick breakfast. Both places had no food because they had lost power during the storm and had to discard all of their food. Starbucks of course had to wait until their supplier could make a delivery. As an independent shop Joe was able to go to the grocery and at least start getting some things prepped until their delivery came in.
Everyone have a great Friday.


Wacky Wabbit
It's been HOT, HOT, HOT here all day and just now the weather lady said we will get Severe Storms around 8:00 pm tonight. Hard to believe when you look outside and it's BRIGHT & SUNNY.
Lee: We've been to Kingsville. Nice little town, but then aren't they all in Canada. Bummer they had so much damage from the storm.

Today was basically a nothing day for me.
I tried a new recipe for Blueberry Muffins and it turned out really good. A keeper. I'll be wrapping most of them up and they'll go in the freezer for a quick breakfast goodie with coffee as needed.

You all have a good evening and LEE.....I hope the storm misses you and Lu-Ann this time around.

Nice to hear from you Bill. I always liked going to Aruba. I bet the hotels we stayed at decades ago have been torn down and replaced by now. Ha Ha.
Nuskin Nu Skin Aruba Vacation Vacacion Libertad Pto Paidtimeoff Vacay GIF by Nu Skin
I do remember those trees that are tilting from the constant "life-saving breezes".


Wacky Wabbit
Here’s the picture of my latest baking spree! Thank goodness for Air/Cond.

Just got a message from my niece in Chicago area. Hospice said our brother George is failing. Could be a short 2 weeks. Glad he is looked at by Hospice everyday. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:


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2nd Officer
So sad to hear your brother's health is failing, K2. But you knew that when you saw him recently. Hospice does an excellent job caring for folks, and making them comfortable, and pretty much pain free in their last days. That picture of Aruba and the tilting tree reminds me of other tropical islands where we see tilting palm trees along the beaches.

More tooth extractions for Scooter by a specialist may be needed, but it's going to be a dandy extraction from your wallet.

That's odd BB that houses in your neighborhood, with the cost of them, don't have "safe rooms". They should be a standard for new-builds in Florida.

Yes Bill, you are in the grip of another heat wave. We lucked out yesterday thanks to all the cloud cover. It never made it into the 90's. But crazy with humidity.

Lee; Did you take any of those large cardboard boxes home to make a fort?
Can't say I ever heard of those ketchup popsicles. Don't think I could gut those either. As I was reading your post, I thought to myself, "A place called Joe had better sell coffee.

Time now for another cup of Joe.
