Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Forgot to post this video of Jon Stewart drilling a GOP candidate. Note the meaning of HYPOCRITES on the lower screen in the video!
Jon should really run for President.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Last day of the month. I am not feeling real good this morning, but I will survive. I am trying to figure out what to have for dinner. At least I have lunch figured out.

K2, it was great that you got to talk with your brother and to see the house you grew up in.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Readin', lookin' and thinkin' but not a lot to add. I guess I can always empty the dishwasher.
So very cool that you got to see your childhood home Kathie. Mine is a condo now.
I'll try to get back later and do some further catchin' up with you all.
In the meanwhile make the most of this day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Same old, same old weather planned for today. Maybe this time we will actually get some rain. Lately, everything has been going right around us. I swear Lake Toho has something to do with it.

Kathie - That is so great that first you got to talk to your brother and then got to see your childhood home, outside & inside. I can understand why that made you cry. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't go see my childhood home. What was once a beautiful area has been taken over by undesirables. Lots of drug deals and way too many shootings happen there. oh yeah, we're also the wrong color to show up in that neighborhood these days. Glad you at least get to check that off on your bucket list.
That is one heck of a truck Jimmy got. He'll be using it as his work truck as he grows his new business.
Love the Jon Stewart clip. Talk about speaking out of both sides of your mouth! What a hypocrite!!!

Dave - Glad the heat is giving you a break right now. It's still hot as he!! here with feels like temps 100+. We don't even think about going out on the lanai until 4 or 5 once the sun is off the area. Then at least it's doable. Your daughter has to be made of some hardy stuff to have to deal with the temps they've been continuously having in Arizona.
The main thing M&J are still dealing with on their house is that they need the family room ceiling totally redone. There was a small leak and the contractors tried to patch it. That patch sticks out like a sore thumb and until they replac that whole ceiling, M&J will not sign off on it.

Lee - So did you get that dishwasher emptied? Would you believe ours hasn't been used in months? I can't convince Bert to use it. Just like he won't use that seal a meal system to freeze meats. He is so old school and these are things he does his way and nothing will change that.

The kids came over for dinner last night. As Missy put it, we were getting Nate, Jennifer and "the garbage can". That's Wesley. Man can he ever eat! I thought I had enough leftovers for another night or two. WRONG!! What little was left, Wes took home to eat either late last night or today. So having no leftovers, we will be having braised pork chops tonight. That's a favorite of Bert's.

After a stay at home weekend, after lunch we will be off again. I'm still trying to find bridal shower wrapping paper. Heck, at this point, I'll take any solid color wrapping paper and make that work. First stop will be Target and if that's a bust, we'll have to hit the dreaded Wally World.

But before we do anything, it will be time for some lunch. That will be my quest shortly. In the meantime, y'all take care and have a wonderful day!


Chief Security Officer
Guess we were quite lucky on Saturday when the storm swept through providing us with little but some lightning and rain, because only a few towns west of us there was a confirmed tornado. One of my cousins, the one who was the primary organizer of our recent family reunion, lives in the town where the tornado set down so I am waiting to hear if she and her family suffered any damage. So far the news reports only mention trees being down but nothing about any personal injuries.
Today is another pleasant one with blue skies and moderate temperatures. Went out to my breakfast place and then stopped to buy a Megamillions ticket. Have yet to have more than one number on any of our tickets but I'm feeling lucky today. (probably a sure sign of impending


2nd Officer
Good afternoon, another busy Monday here in sunny Belleview!

Kathie, How super cool that you got to see inside your childhood home, I would love to be able to go back & visit some of the houses my grandparents used to live in. Talking to your brother was really the icing on a super day!

Dave, No worries, when I lit Kathie's candle I made sure the wind was blowing to the south. Wow, I can't imagine a hail storm strong enough to bust multiple sky lights, that's downright scary!

Pat, it's a shame that contractor's here in Fl. just don't take any pride at all in their work. They just throw a house together & move on to the next one. Good luck on the wrapping paper search!

Bill, I'm sure that should you be successful in winning that mega millions jack pot all of us bunnies can expect an invite to a giant bunny reunion cruise right?

lee, it's Monday, you checked in & some day's that's about the best any of us can do.

Ended up taking Scooter back to the vet this morning, she just didn't seem to be eating well & was smelling really BAD. I was concerned she had an infection in her mouth from the extractions. Vet said No infection there, her mouth looked great. But she has an upper respiratory infection. They gave her an antibiotic shot, fluids & another shot for nausea. They also took a couple chest x-rays & said her lungs were slightly inflamed but nothing she was concerned about right now. Then she mentioned a spot on her rib that looked odd & asked if I wanted to send the x-rays out to a radiologist to be read. I told her at this point in time no. She also gave me another bottle of eye drops for her eyes, so today's bill came to $152. Always something!
As I'm walking in the door the phone is ringing & it's the Hoa president calling to tell me they've had to close the pool at the clubhouse due to filter problems. They have a company they want to use for maintenance but they haven't turned in all their insurance & license info yet, so we can't hire them. I'm about ready to pack up the kitty's & move to a deserted island somewhere.
Rumbling pretty good here now so I think I'm going to shut down this computer for now.


Wacky Wabbit
WOW.... that's one pretty looking "Hi biscus"!! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
I still remember them on our pillows everyday when we were on our honeymoon in the Bahamas! That was a big deal going there for honeymoons back in the 60's. Now the rich and famous newly weds go to Belize. :smiley25:

77F here and looking cloudy right now. Sure looks like we might get a shower soon.
Rain Storm GIF by Lazy Corgi

Karen: I don't envy your Vet bills lately. Hope Scooter doesn't need anymore visits. Try having her gargle with Scoop for that bad breath! (just kidding)

Nite all.


2nd Officer
It was one beautiful summer day here yesterday. Sunshine, blue skies, only in the upper 70's, and low humidity.

If you like to "moon", this is your month. Yes, I'm looking right at you Lee. Two full moons. One tonight and the other right at the end of the month.

I too enjoy the observations of Jon Stewart, K2. I was so sad when he gave up his late night TV show.

Purdy looking posies, Lee.

See what happens when you move out of a neighborhood, BB? No sheriff left to protect the place.

Any new word on damage to your cousin's place, Bill?

KC; Poor little Miss Scooter just can't stay well for very long. Good thing you are around. I too would pay to see her gargle.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.

Hmmm, this was started at 6:30 this morning but wouldn’t post. A glitch in the system somewhere I guess. Who’s on the Hutch Owners Association (HOA) that I can contact?

I think, that like many of our friends here, the extreme heat of the past week and a bit has just plain knocked my get up and go out of me. I guess it just got up and went! As I said, many of our friends are saying the same thing.

Who’s that? Oh, good morning Dave. I wondered about the moon because last night’s was almost full!
It’s hard to believe those hibiscus plants were literally just little sticks a year ago Kathie.

Karen, you need to put a sign on your door that says “gone away”. Don’t answer your phone. Wear a disguise around you community. Residents simply don’t get that stuff happens but they feel the need to blame somebody…like the HOA. Poor little Scooter.
Contractors are the same here Pat. We were lucky with our place but their work is so poor that they don’t even come out to effect repairs. They put a dollar value on the deficiencies and write people cheques. It really is sad when our old neighbourhoods aren‘t anything like the places we enjoyed as kids.

We never got into Parks and Rec Bill. Not sure why because I’m sure we would have tried an episode or two. Same for, dare I say, Schitt$ Creek.

How you doin’ today Nancy.

Time for Ava’s breakfast and being August 1, her heart worm medication.
Everyone behave


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, fellow bunnies!

Karen - Scooter sure is turning into your million dollar kitty! I hope what the vet gave her does away with the infection. I couldn't imagine Cappy being still long enough to take an
x-ray of any part of him. I don't blame you for waiting on doing anything with that spot. You spent enough yesterday.

Lee - I thought you Canadian were made of stronger stuff than to let a little summer heat drain you all! Just kidding. If you're not used to it, it really can wear you out. Your hibiscus look beautiful. Bert had Wesley take out 3 hibiscus plants that were at least 4 feet high. They now reside in M&J's back yard.

Bill - Good to see that you're getting to use all those gift cards from your family to have breakfast at your favorite place. By the way, when do you leave for Aruba? We're coming up on time to make final payment for our cruise.

Dave - Glad you're getting pleasant weather right now. Have you gotten your mega millions ticket for tonight? Bert bought 5 tickets and I want to get 5 while we're out today.

Yes, that's right. We are going out shopping again today. We did manage to find wrapping paper at Target yesterday, so that part of the quest was successful. I wanted to go to Kohl's to buy a few things, but on the way there the heavens opened up with thunder and lightening all around us and lots of dime size hail. We got to the Loop and did a u-turn and headed home. It actually did rain here too for a change, but not enough to start filling up the lake.
So now today we will give Kohl's another shot and while we're there I want to go to the pizza place there that everyone raves about. I need to see if it's really NY style pizza or another place that doesn't have a clue how to make REAL pizza. Time will tell. Now we just have to hope the rains hold off until after we get back home.

Other than that, there's not much planned for today. We have leftovers from dinner last night, so I don't even have to cook tonight. Time for a cup of coffee and a glance at the newspaper before we head out for our adventure. Have a great day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Seth Meyers News GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
A MAJOR WATER MAIN BROKE THIS MORNING! It's about 5 miles from us right on 24 Mile Rd. (we live off of 24 Mile Rd) :eek: o_O
So we are now on a BOIL WATER ALERT! Faucet water is at a slow drizzle. :oops:
I went over to our local Kroger store and bought 6 cases of water and some jugs of water too. Who knows how long this water break will last! The pictures didn't look promising at all. Huge floods. 5 communities are affected.
If you shower don't get the water in your eyes, nose or mouth. Wonder about washing my hair??? :confused:
Always Something... right!

BB: When you run around to all these stores do you use your scooter or stay in the car and let Bert go inside. Just wondering. Nice you found some wrapping paper. I get most of my paper or those nice bags at the Dollar (1.25) Store. Also, buy all my get well cards, birthday cards, etc, etc there. Hallmarks is just way out of line with prices for cards and paper. How was the PIZZA?

Ice Cream Summer GIF by Maria Johnsen
Hope we all have a fantastic AUGUST. Yikes.... where did Summer go?


2nd Officer
A late good morning. last evening we got 2.47 inches of rain. 2.22 inches in less than an hour, the rest over the next two hours.

Lee very pretty Hibiscus.

Still not feeling great but a bit better.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Nah Pat, we can handle the cold. But the heat melts our igloos. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
I find it generally good to keep shower water out of my eyes, nose and mouth Kathie. Any word on when it may be repaired yet?
Yes Pat. Which pizza place did you visit at the loop? And how was it?
That’s about it from here for today folks.


Wacky Wabbit
HA HA ….. History was made this afternoon. Only in America!

It’s a good day! Perhaps “T” should get a punch card and after 10 Indictments he could get a CELL UPGRADE!


2nd Officer
Once again there was joy in my heart yesterday when the Buffoon was indicted again. YES! Loved your comment K2 on him getting a cell upgrade after so many indictments.

That is quite some water main break K2. Lots of luck on taking a shower and not getting some of that yucky water in your eyes, mouth, or nose. And I'd bet that most stores in your area are running out of bottled water. Don't forget to turn off your ice-maker and dump the cubes in the tray.

Lee; Hope the energy, that the recent heat has taken away from you, is on the return.

Are you one of the big winners in last night's Mega Millions, BB? I sure wasn't. Good thing Bert is feeling much, much better. I wasn't sure either of you would survive without your daily shopping.

My only shopping today is a quick run into Walley-World to pick up this month's supply of drugs. It's always so cute when I ask for mine, and they get this nervous look on their face when asking me if I know the total will be over 300 bucks.


2nd Officer
Good morning, not much to say this morning woke up to a gray gloomy looking day outside & my mood kind of matches it.
Scooter does seem to be doing better after her last Vet visit

Had 2 emails this morning regarding the lady in our community who is not happy with the board's decision on her new gutter install. She had requested a meeting with the appeals committee which was granted & scheduled, but when they tried to point out to her what the core issue of the decision & her disagreement was she didn't want to hear about it & cancelled her meeting. I won't be at all surprised to be getting a letter from her lawyer next.
Going to church later this morning & think I will light a candle for me today!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. We’re getting some more of the Smog from the traveling smoke. Not sure if it’s still from Canada anymore!
It’s going to be a HOT NICE day today. :clap002:

Dave: Thanks for the tip on the Ice Cubes in the refrig. I know I will need to let the WATER RUN for a while once the township tells us the boil water is over. (that should be on Thurs). I do think I over-bought on the bottled water! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Karen: Glad you can go to church and try and shake those demons this morning.
Just what is the issue with the ladies Gutters? Did she get some too big or a weird color? Does she have to remove them? :eek:
Good to hear that Scooter is holding her own. Here’s hoping she continues to stay healthy.

BB: You and Bert are so lucky that Cappi is so healthy. I don’t think I remember you guys having to go to a Vet with him. (I think it’s a him?)

Art is at the dentist right now and I’m going to take advantage of this and wash the kitchen floor.

The rest of you Wrabbits behave yourselves. Back you later.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
All of us have had our walks this morning. First Ava and I at 5:30. Then Lu-Ann and I at 6:45, then all of us at The Navy Yard at about 9:00. Still, we've only covered about 3 3/4 miles.
Geez Dave, good call on the ice cubes. I never would have thought of that. Especially with all of the ice boxes having automatic ice cube makers. We had an automatic ice cube maker even when I was a kid. Yep, fill the tray with ice, put the separator / cracker in the tray, put it in the spot in the freezer and just like that, it automatically after a few hours made ice.
I hope that you aren't too worn out after yesterday's shopping adventures Pat! We couldn't believe it the last time we were out to The Loop. So much construction everywhere except widening or adding roads!
Lu-Ann is off to a Cosmo night with the rest of the Grey Girls. It's an event at our local distillery with proceeds to charities. Admission is a couple of non perishable food items. I suggested Twinkies 'cause they never go bad.
Anyway, I was looking forward to a quiet night until the rest of "The Muppets" decided that if the girls were out the guys should get together. Now, that's all well and good except these guys are hard core baseball and hockey fans. NFL when it's in season. I'm OK with the NFL but really don't follow or care about MLB or NHL. I know they don't have the first clue about Formula One racing. Heck they don't even know there's a difference between F1 and Indy Cars. It's gonna be a LONG evening.
Hugs for (((Karen))). 'Cause it sounds like you need one of my big old hugs today. Why do people have to be so stupid. Oh, wait. There's this trump guy that thinks he's above the law too.
I loved the punch card idea Kathie. Kinda like a Federal Prison Loyalty Card. If convicted on all counts after 12:00 noon on a Wednesday they could offer a 25% reduction on prison time too!
So, here is my next question. If any of you fine folks are out and going to purchase a Mega Millions ticket for Friday's draw could you pick one up for Lu-Ann and I too? We'll gladly e-transfer or mail the money for the ticket. Just let us know by email how much it is and what the numbers are. Yes, if the big numbers hit we'll make sure that you are taken care of. Be forewarned though, we're going to take the $62,000,000 plus up front.
How's tricks today Nancy?