Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! How's everyone doing this beautiful morning?

Kathie - WOW! That is some watermain break! That definitely is going to take a little while to fix. Definitely get rid of any ice cubes being made now and for the next few days. Just buy a bag of ice, if you need it. You can never have too many bottles of water. We always have at least a case on hand. With the heat here, most people drink bottles of water during the day to help cool off.
We are very fortunate in that Cappy is a very healthy cat. He's strictly a house cat and rarely even goes out on the lanai for a few minutes.

Lee - I see you just popped in. Our shopping trip yesterday was a success. I wanted a pair of Skechers for when I want to have something other than sandals on. We also stopped for a slice of pizza at the place so many people were raving about. Our verdict - YUCK!!! The sauce was very blah and the crust was hard enough to hammer in nails. Definitely NOT New York style pizza by any stretch of the imagination. Heck, Pizza hut is even much better than this place!

Karen - Sorry you've got the blahs today. Here's a (((HUG))) from me too. That woman sounds like a real pain in the butt. I hate people who think they are above the rules.

Sort of like a certain someone who thinks he's above the law. I love how his comment is always the same in that it's a "witch hunt". I doubt that he will ever testify if and when any of these cases go to trial. He wouldn't be able to keep his stories straight! Then there's the comments of other repubs running for president and some already saying they'd make all thhe charges disappear. What a fine upstanding bunch ... NOT!!

I better plan on getting off here. Bert's gone to pick up Nathan and Jennifer to help do some trimming of our robalini palms. They need it. Of course, the kids will be earning some money for doing this job, so they should be happy. In the meantime, I should bake them some kind of a snack for later.

Have a terrific hump day, everyone, or at least what's left of it!!


Chief Security Officer
We leave for Aruba two weeks from Wednesday, BB.
No indication that my cousin had any damage from the
tornado, so I am hoping that no news is good news. Strangely enough when I was watching news coverage of the effects of the storm, the local TV station interviewed a resident of the town where the tornado touched down and his name was Frank Gallagher (no relation). Sorry, Lee. Saw your request just now and had already purchased our mega millions loser. Once again we had only one number and that doesn't pay a thing. Haven't heard yet whether there finally has been a winner. I guess that if there was, few will be buying a ticket for the next drawing since the payoff will be so puny. Who wants a few hundred thousand enough to invest two bucks?
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2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Am feeling better but not completely. I think I know what has caused my problem the pain medication I got after my hand surgery, so I won't be using that again.

As to trump, I think the best possible prison sentence is the Ga case. I sure hope at least one of the cases ends in conviction and prison time.

Tomorrow I get the stitches out and then in the afternoon I get the last test injections on my neck, the left side and only need one round before the insurance will pay for the nerve burning.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
So, here is my next question. If any of you fine folks are out and going to purchase a Mega Millions ticket for Friday's draw could you pick one up for Lu-Ann and I too? We'll gladly e-transfer or mail the money for the ticket. Just let us know by email how much it is and what the numbers are. Yes, if the big numbers hit we'll make sure that you are taken care of. Be forewarned though, we're going to take the $62,000,000 plus up front.
Lee, I will gladly pick you up a Mega Millions ticket for Friday, no need to send the money, you can pay me back out of your winnings or buy my coffee next year in Mt. Dora.

Thanks for the hugs & kind words guys, it helped a lot being able to vent. Church was good too, there were only 6 of us which is about standard for the Feast day services, but it's a nice bunch & I really did feel better after I left, even though I didn't get to light a candle. Usually on Sundays there are already candles lit, but I'm not sure how you are supposed to light them when you are the first person there.
The biggest issue with the lady in the community is she refuses to fill out the approval forms BEFORE making any changes to the front of her house. The color she picked for the new gutters isn't the same as the trim color, BUT would have been approved if she'd just done the proper paperwork first. This is not the first time she's done this so the board decided to cite her this time & tell her to either paint them the proper trim color or ask the appeals committee to review her complaint, then she bailed on the appeals committee. This has been going on since June

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well thank you Karen. We really don’t mind at all sending the ticket money to you. One thing we have all learned here is that we all have good shoulders and ears if someone needs to vent.
Thanks anyway Bill. But, if I do win the big one and buy Aruba I’ll let you and Rita stay an extra week for free. :thumb:
You wanted Sketchers and the pizza place sounds “sketchy“ Pat. I’m sensing a theme here. Hang on now. The kids get paid for trimming AND a special home made snack? Put down the shears. I can be there tomorrow! ;)
It sure sounds like you’re looking forward to a fun filled Thursday Nancy.
My fear, as an outsider trying to understand this whole presidential debacle, is that The USA COULD actually be run from prison by a convict? Sorry kids, that is just wrong.
Better get going. We want to feed Ava and get a bite ourselves before we head out.
Have a great evening everyone.


2nd Officer
In the last hour learned of the death of a high school classmate. Did not know Lynne very well while if school but in the past few years have gotten to know her a lot. A few years ago she had cancer and it was cured, then 3 months ago she learned she had pancreatic cancer, she went thru 3 times of chem but her body could not handle it. She leaves her son, daughter-in-law and 2 young grandchildren. Our high school class made a scholarship for students of the high school and she worked very hard at making sure there were funds available. So about 4 months ago the reunion group proposed renaming it in her honor, I am sure that know that will happen.


Wacky Wabbit
Nancy: So sorry to hear about your high school classmate. May she RIP.

I took the family room Comast Box back to the Xfinity Store on Hall Rd (Lee knows that road well) and got a new one. So far the Pixel lines have not been ruining the screen/picture. I programed the new remote that came with the equipment. Now we have 3 REMOTES that work that one TV. Yippee. One for the couch area, one for the lounger chair area and one for the kitchen table. Can you even believe that! Too funny.

Problem occurred when I went to click on the SMALL Kitchen TV with it's OWN REMOTE it would work. DUH!! Win some Loose some. After calling Comcast and doing a TEXT CHAT I now have a Saturday appt for a LIVE TECH to come out and see what the issue is. All I can say is there better not be a CHARGE for this call. The last time they tired to charge me $100 bucks and after me calling them they issued a credit to the account. Always Something!

BB: Nothing worse than BAD PIZZA. Especially when you really want it to be good. Bummer.
Hope the little grandkids get the job done on the robalini palms! I have to look them up to see what they look like.

Karen: So glad you came away from church better than when you went in. How far is this church from our house?

I spent over 1/2 hour looking for a piece of paper with a person's phone number on it. Hate when that happens. I did finally find it. Whew.

Art came back from the Dentist with a temporary Crown. Goes back in a few weeks for the permanent one. This is going to PRICEY.... he met his MAX for this year for dental coverage. Oh is what it is.
Next he needs new brakes and rotors and before Winter a set of new tires. The guy is starting to cost me money! Ha Ha.

He did replace a light switch in one of the bathrooms, so I guess I'll still keep him.

Later all. Enjoy your evening. Out of here to make us dinner.

Lee: I'll buy you a Mega Ticket for Friday's draw too. Heck, if you win and pay me back with 5 Million dollars we'll call it even. That's in US FUNDS please. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Musicvideo Palace GIF by Red Bull Records

Mega Millions jackpot at $1.25 billion, fourth-largest in history: This Friday's draw. Could go higher.​



2nd Officer
Kathie, I hit the jackpot with this church, it's less than 5 mins. from my house. People there are amazing I'm so glad I found it!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sorry to hear about the loss of your classmate and friend Nancy.
OK Kathie, thank you. Still, we’ll want to send you the foldin’ money for the ticket too. I suspect you mean Art’s vehicle needs all those parts. Not Art. ;)
All kidding aside my friends, postage is a lot less expensive than $16.00 for the tunnel!
Geez, better get goin’ here.
See you all tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: FANTASTIC that you are so close to the church. Glad you shopped around as much as you did and finally found a good group of people to be with at church. :clap002: :clap002:

Ha Ha.... yes LEE ... it is Art's CAR that needs the brakes and tires. But I bet if I could find a new full Vertebrae for Art's crumbling back he would take the replacement! :wink2:

And if I get you a Mega Ball Lotto ticket you better NOT try to send me any money. Or I'll never talk to you again. Lordy, what the heck are the chances of any of us actually winning?? And I know if you did, you would more than take care of the cost of a silly ticket! :smiley25::girly::crazy01:

(regarding That Kitchen TV Remote ) I posted it WOULD work and it should have been WOULDN'T work. Just wanted to clear that up.

Night all! Sleep tight. FANTASTIC MOON outside tonight.
Sweet Dreams GIF


2nd Officer
Now it's getting to be funny, Lee. Do you want a 3rd Mega Millions ticket? It went on our grocery list for today. This one will also have the bonus ball. It'll be OK if 2 is enough, we'll just keep it for ourselves for the Friday night drawing.

Got a case of sticker-shock at the pharmacy yesterday. I'm used to it being around $350 every month, but yesterday it was $550. WHAT!!! One of prescriptions had run out of refills so I asked the doctor's office to have it refilled. Well, they did but it was for a 3 month's supply.

While at Walley-World it became obvious that at that store they have completely eliminated "baby-carts". Not a single one in the parking lot or in the store. I'm guessing that people who used them didn't buy as much.

KC; That lady that's giving you so much troubles isn't used to following the rules. And when called out on it, threatens litigation to get her way. A real loser.......Like some orange guy. Pleased to hear that Miss Scooter is feeling better.

We too are getting hit again with that smokey air, K2. But it's suppose to clear out before this weekend's Hall Of Fame football game. Aren't electronics a joy?

You never did say BB, did you get those Sketchers? If so, what color? Those ones they advertise that you can slip on without bending over sound cool.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh, sure Dave. How much can an extra ticket hurt. Thank you. This is gonna be like “Wagering Against The Master”. I can sit down, stuff dollar bills in envelopes and mail them to FL, MI and OH.
Kathie, I just wouldn’t feel right not sending you the ticket money. You are right though, if the really big numbers were to hit you all would see a little something. Wouldn’t a group cruise on me be a hoot!
Today is supposed to be the start of another run of HOT days. There go our igloos again. It was funny how many of the early morning walkers in the neighbourhood were, like me, even a tad earlier this morning.
Wow, almost time to get Ava her breakfast. Today we have to go pick up some groceries. There are still lots of fresh local blueberries around but local strawberry season is pretty much done.
Anyway everyone, have a wonderful Thursday.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF by DINOSALLY

I have nothing to chat about RIGHT NOW.... but.......

LEE if you send me any cash for the ticket I will just have to send it back and that's a lot of WASTE OF MONEY on STAMPS. Get real already.....we CAN TREAT each other to a silly old lotto ticket once in a blue moon. Now slap yourself and stop thinking you have to fill envelopes. GEEZ! I hate to think that I'd have to send the cash back.

DAVE: YIKES on that drug bill at Walley's! You might think about shopping around for a better prescription plan.

Later gang. Get out and have some fun.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! The sun finally came out this morning. When I came into the kitchen, it looked grim outside. I like this much better.

Nancy - Sorry about the loss of your classmate.

Dave - All right, I'll bite - What is a "baby-cart"? Is that the same thing we call "manatee movers? The pair of Skechers I got are black and while not exactly like the slip ons they advertise on TV, are very close. These are a bit more dressy and that's what I wanted for when we go out somewhere rather than always wearing sandals.

Kathie - You sure have your hands full of TV issues these days. Three remotes for 1 TV? We would have had that too, except we got a universal remote 14 years ago when we bought this TV. The Geek Squad set up our TV and programed the remote. Both work great. Good luck with the cable guy coming out about the kitchen TV.
The kids did a great job helping Bert pick up all the palm frons from the robalinis. They have very sharp stems and hurt when they touch you.

Lee - OK, Bert's on his way to the store to pick up lottery tickets for us, plus 1 for you. Consider this a belated housewarming gift! Now that the heat is returning, turn up the AC on your igloo. Happy grocery shopping!

Karen - You sure are lucky to have your church so close. Surprised it took you that long to find this church, with it being so close.

Not much going on around here today. I'm making chicken cacciatore for dinner tonight. Not sure how it will come out as this is a new recipe I'm trying. Wish me luck!!

Lawn guy is cutting our grass right now. With all the rain we had the other day, it sure needed to be cut. It looks so nice once it's finished. After he cuts, he edges the sidewalk and landscaping. Too bad he doesn't trim bushes though. Having to hire someone else to do that gets expensive. Bert's looking into getting our previous landscaper back. At least his crew do trim bushes for a reasonable price.

I think I hear a cup of coffee calling me. Time to answer that call. Have a fabulous day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Some mornings my brain is not fully in gear.

First up, the NFL Hall of Fame game is tonight on NBC. Jets and the Browns. (Aaron Rodgers.) This weekend is the HOF parade and induction ceremonies.

Second up, I got you a Mega Millions ticket Lee which includes the "Megaplier" number. It's not called a bonus ball. If you win anything besides the Mega Millions billion, it multiplies your winnings by 2, 3, or 4. This ticket is also on the house.

Kathi took a picture of your ticket which you will get in an E-mail.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Got my stitches out this morning, And since I am having a hard time bending the fingers I got a bunch of exercises to do, she said to do them 3 times a day. Well today it won't be but once tomorrow will do 3 times. I leave in an hour and half to get the last of the test injections in my neck, this time the left side.

For some reason yesterday hearing about Lynne's death made me sad but no tears. Today when it was announced on our class FB page tears, not a lot but some. Yesterday I sent her son a message on FB telling him sorry for his loss and then a second message that I had made a donation in her name to our class scholarship fund. I think the reason for the tears today is that the scholarship has been renamed her name CHS Class of 68 Scholarship. She has worked so hard on it since the inception.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Pat, you had asked a while back about the “bookcase”…
Well, there you have it. Closed it looks like a built in cabinet. Open and it’s a door to the back storage areas.


2nd Officer
Lee, I sent an email this morning with a picture of your Mega Millions ticket, hopefully you got it. I have 2 emails for you so hopefully it went to the right one.