Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning to the rest of you losers (at the lottery,;) that is!)

Lee - WOW! That was some vet bill for food and flea meds! I guess you are single handedly paying for the vets vacation anywhere in the world!!

Karen - Are you also invited to the reception after the wedding? If so, I hope they have "adult beverages". One of Missy's friends got married in a Baptist church and the reception was in the church basement. We all sat on chairs around the outer walls for over an hour before the bride & groom got there. Then we were given fruit punch, a handful of peanuts and a sliver of wedding cake. Leave your envelope and thank you for coming. Never went to another Baptist wedding after that one.

Kathie - Happy shredding! They do that here about once a year in our community. Not sure how many people use it. I hope you go and enjoy your time at the lake cottage. Have fun floating around on the lake! Right now in Publix corn is 89 cents each! We totally refuse to buy it at that price.

Bill - Ask Rita if she got my email. I need to make final payment on our cruise. Thank you!

Dave - Sneaky drink that you enjoy. Used to work with a teacher who kept a bottle of vodka in her desk and would take a nip whenever she got a chance. More than once she took too many nips and ended up taking a nap!! LOL

Nancy - Sorry your knee is hurting. Do you have the brace on it?

Had the gang here for dinner last night and they devoured everything, as usual. Grandson Wesley had 3 or 4 plates of our Cajun dinner. I thought I put too much Cajun seasoning in it, but both Wesley & Jimmy added extra Texas Pete to it.

Missy just stopped by a little while ago to borrow my handicap tag. The community is having their back to school bash today with rides and activities for the kids. It will end with everyone getting some kind of powdered paint to throw at each other. Unfortunately, since they built those townhomes, there's hardly anywhere to park, unless you have the handicap tag. They know this is cheating, but otherwise they would have had to walk to the other end of their neighborhood and taken a shuttle. That's a real problem that our developer created in their greed for the almighty dollar.

We've got nothing going on around here once again. Hopefully, it won't be too hot to go out on the lanai before the rains come this afternoon. Right now I need to figure out what to make for lunch. I'm glad we have leftovers from Thursday night's dinner.

Take care and have a good one!


Chief Security Officer
Everyone: Unpack those bags (or set them aside until the next drawing)
That payout may be
insane, but which one of us would turn it down if we had the winning ticket. Somehow we would find a way to spend it.
Our local farm stand charges a buck an ear, but it is well worth it and so much better than what we can find at the supermarket.
Someone from our town's DPW returned my call and apologized for their error in billing me, so all is well.

Thanks for explaining the Manatee Mover reference. Never heard that one before. Perhaps it's a Florida thing that we are too "woke" to understand.
Keep reading about how DeSantis' quest for the Republican presidential nomination is losing steam and that Trump's campaign fund grows exponentially with each indictment. How any rational human being can tolerate, much less support, such vile candidates is beyond me.


Wacky Wabbit
BB: Never made it to the Lake. The skies are overcast and the crazy weather man keeps reporting STORMS coming. I just don't want to be out on the water with that kind of forecast.
When we first got married we drove 1.5 hrs to a fellow workers wedding. It was Baptist. The entire
ceremony took 12 mins tops. At the reception in the church annex, we got a plastic cup of punch (no booze of course) a piece of cake and that was it. We ended up going to a DRIVE-IN movie that was on that side of town. Never went to another Baptist wedding! Ha Ha.

Went to the Shredding at the township. OH MY GOODNESS. I was there later in the morning and there was a STEADY STREAM of cars dropping off Electronics and then further up the parking lot they had the huge truck that was taking your stuff out of your trunk and shredding it. Amazing teamwork.
The Electronic area was unbelievable. SEMI-TRAILERS being loaded with Hi-Low trucks full of palettes of computers, TV's, screens, you name it it was carefully piled on the wood palettes and shrink wrapped and then loaded on the Semi-Trailers. Had I know you could bring Electronics I could have brought some old computers and screens from the basement. NEXT TIME! I'm still amazed at the steady flow of cars dropping things off.

Went to a different farmer close by the house and bought more corn,
tomatoes, med hot peppers, zucchini and a head of lettuce. Prices were the same as yesterdays farm.
On the way to my car I got to say hello to a choir member! How neat. She's our secretary.

On the way home I stopped at a Estate Sale. Huge house owned by a oriental doctor. Had tons of machines all over the place and basement. Some looked like Frankenstein type electric machines with lots of cords. Scary. The lady must have been very petite. And she bought at least 20 Madame Alexander dolls that were still in the boxes. I still have my M.A. doll. She had really expensive clothes. Size 6 or smaller. :wink2: Really nice china too. My friend at church has the same set from 50 years ago. Royal
Daulton - Ansley pattern.

Then I stopped at a Condo right by our subdivision and went through that to be nosey. HUGE basement stocked to the ceiling with Kick-
Knacks. Boxes for everything. Must have been a real QVC fan. Condo was painted with DARK dreary colors. Always wondered what those looked like inside. Now I know.

I'm off to the kitchen to make a Salsa from all the goodies I bought. And will try and find my Zucchini bread recipe and make it later tonight. 1st one of the year!
Love all the fresh veggies, but they all come on so fast that you can't eat them quick enough.

Okay, I'm out of here.

Bill did you start packing yet for your cruise. Don't forget the SPEEDO! Those use to be big in Aruba! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good evening! Back from the wedding & I can tell you the Episcopal church does NOT do short weddings! They had a full mass, 2 special music numbers, plus all the vows for the bride & groom. It was a little over an hour long. Reception was nice, but no adult beverages & they ran out or was very short on food before it was over. They had platters of small sandwiches & fruit and I guess the people who were first in line took quite a bit. Luckily they had saved food for the bride & groom so they had food after the pictures were taken. They did have plenty of cake so nobody complained about that Lol. The bride had asked me a couple weeks ago if I would cut the grooms cake for her & I said I would. She made it sound like it was going to be a sheet cake, it wasn't, the thing was about 12" round & 6" high! Luckily the man who was cutting the wedding cake for her helped give me some pointers on how to cut it & we had people helping to serve the cake so it worked out fine.
I stayed after the reception was over & helped put up the extra tables & chairs and got the parish hall set up for coffee hour after Mass tomorrow. Our parish hall isn't really big but I think there were 75-100 people there for the reception. Now I'm ready for an adult beverage & a piece of the wedding cake I brought home. Catch up with you all tomorrow!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Sounds like a nice wedding.
Orthodox wedding services are 1 hour long! Lots of traditions go on.
Glad you were able to help out with the cake cutting!

My (2) Zucchini breads turned out good! Jill and her gang will get some of it tomorrow when we go visit.
Next Sunday we will be staying at their house to watch “Manny” for 4 days while they all go Up North on vacation. Praying this all works out as far as my ‘brothers’ situation goes.

Temps outside dropped in the last hour. Brrr. Hate when that happens.

You all take care!


2nd Officer
Good evening. It was a pretty quiet day.

I have not had the brace on today but will put it on before bed. And I will have Bruce rub some leg cramp med on the back of the leg before putting the brace on.

Watched Cup practice and qualifying and then the Xfinity race. Not happy with who won, but as someone on FB said he will get his.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Just checking in this morning. Running a bit tired.

From you guy's posts yesterday I learned at least one thing, STAY AWAY FROM BAPTIST WEDDING RECEPTIONS.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
And here I was applying for a position as a bar tender at Baptist Church weddings...
The short period of rain started early this morning and is now forecast to continue off and on throughout the day. We did manage to get to The Navy Yard for a wander. A few of "the usual suspects" were also out for their walks.
Um, Dave, if you stop running you may not be as tired. And yes, I have been told today.
How are the various aches and pains doing this morning Nancy?
We love zucchini bread too Kathie. Back in Ayr our neighbour gave us a whack of zucchini and we made bread and took a loaf back to them. They had never had it before and loved it! Down side...we didn't get as many zucchinis after that.
So Karen, how do you cut a wedding cake that size to get enough to feed the masses.
Tomorrow is kind of a holiday here in Ontario. Some stuff will be open and other stuff not. So, we are off to the grocery store to get a few things for us and for games day tomorrow.
Have a great Sunday everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Just finished my shower and the only problem is can't blow dry my hair as I can't hold the dryer in my right hand.

Aches and pains are not too bad this morning, just hope they stay that was for the whole day.

Not sure if we will be going to lunch or not.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Running slow this morning as I was awake most of the night. I don't know why. I just couldn't fall asleep. Instead I just stayed in bed all those hours. I am really exhausted today.

Karen - How big is the congregation in your church? For a newbie, they sure are calling on you to do things a lot. Glad you were able to help cut up the cake.

Dave - I'm with you about no more Baptist weddings. Now Serbian is another story. If there was a church near here, I might have to pay a visit to their bar, strictly for religious purposes! ;)

Kathie - Sorry the weather didn't cooperate with you yesterday and that you never made it to the lake. At least you turned into a good day going to the shredding place. That's pretty cool that they also take old electronics. That stuff is so hard to get rid of. Your zucchini bread sounds delicious. If I could find the energy later, I might make some banana bread. I finally have enough very ripe ones to do it. Now I just have to find my recipe to make it.

Lee - We love zucchini bread too. Actually used to grow it in Ocala, but the plants are too large for us to do that here. You can't hide zucchini plants like you can some stuff. We are not supposed to grow veggies here without permission. Needless to say, Bert does his own thing with his tiny garden. He doesn't like having it take a month at least to get permission to grow veggies or put in any new plants in the yard.

Nancy - Glad you're not in too much pain today. Enjoy your race later.

Bill - I could not agree more about these awful repub candidates. DeathSantis is losing steam rapidly. I firmly believe he is on the Autism spectrum. He speaks like a robot and has the personality of a rock. There is definitely something wrong with him. I do wish we had someone other than Biden running. He really is getting too old. I'd love to see someone younger by running and not that Kennedy jerk who really is a repub in sheep's clothing!!

Nothing going on here today and for once, I am glad. Just too tired to get involved with much today. Time to find something for lunch, if I can stay awake that long.

Have a super day, gang!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon.

Pat, bummer about not being able to sleep last night, I woke up around 3 this morning & had a tough time going back to sleep, but finally did. We are lucky with our houses being fenced it the back we can do whatever we want back there, now the front we are supposed to get permission before we make any changes.
I'm not really sure how big the congregation is at St. Mary's, the 8 am mass usually has around 30 people, 9:15 7-8 & the 10:30 mass has the largest attendance but I've never gone so I don't know how many people, I just know there are a lot more cars in the parking lot. I volunteer for a lot of projects, it helps me get to know more people.

Lee, glad you were able to get your wandering done before the rains moved in. And to answer your cake cutting question, we cut the cake down the middle & then 2 more times on each side, so each row was about 2" wide & the 6" tall, I then cut 1/2" slices from each section. If your wondering, I am available for birthday's & other cake cutting events.

Kathie, glad you were able to load up of fresh veggies from the farmers markets! I haven't had zucchini bread in ages, we used to make a really good zucchini muffin when I worked at Publix.

Dave, even though I grew up in the Baptist religion I got to agree they are more of a "thou shalt NOT" religion than one of peace & good news.

Not much going on here today, pool is still closed, we were told yesterday the repairs had been made but the chlorine level was on the high side so they were going to keep it closed for another day, we drove by on our way back from church & the closed sign was still up. My sister Barb is going thru MAJOR pool withdrawal!
Scooter goes back to the vet tomorrow for a Bp check & they will most likely check her eyes, her mouth & her chest for the upper respiratory infection, I'm not holding out much hope that the bill will be less than $100, oh well, she's my baby & I will do all I can to keep her healthy.

Kitty's are on the porch now with the ceiling fan on so I may go sit outside with them & read a book for a little while, kind of overcast here today so that helps some


Wacky Wabbit
Karen posted: I haven't had zucchini bread in ages,
I think the ingredients are the same as for Banana Bread. I bet you could just substitude Zucchini for the Banana's. I was too lazy to go through all my recipes to find the one I use for Zucchini bread, so I just did a Google and picked one from the masses of them online.

Karen: Does Jane have the above ground pool?? Haven't heard that you girls are getting into that pool much this year? What's up? Good luck with Scooter tomorrow.

Went for a ride to see Mr Manny and his family. All is good. He's going to the groomer this coming week to be all nice and fresh looking for when we watch him starting next Sunday.

Rain on and off and gloomy ALL DAY over here. Glad we got to go for our ride to see the kids and pup.

Out of here for now.


2nd Officer
Karen: Does Jane have the above ground pool?? Haven't heard that you girls are getting into that pool much this year? What's up? Good luck with Scooter tomorrow.

She does & it was a total waste of money as far as I'm concerned, she never even got it cleaned up & ready to use this year. Barb doesn't like to use Jane's pool because she doesn't "trust" the steps I built to go up to get in it. It's a shame cause the pool & getting it installed wasn't cheap.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen Jane should try and just SELL the pool and get back some of her yard. So sad she didn't follow through with enjoying the pool. BUMMER. And all that work you went through with the stairs and ledge you made for drinks. Crazy.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the race was stopped due to rain and will restart tomorrow at noon.

At lunch I had a shrimp dish which I had asked if it was spicy and was told no, well it was a bit too spicy for me so I won't order again. It was not real spicy but I just can't handle any spicy.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks for thinking of us "Red Stripe" ! We've been known to HOP around! Ha ha.

Tired Good Morning GIF by Veronique de Jong
This cup of Hot Coffee is going to come in handy this morning! It's only 67F here in Michigan area and OVERCAST! Good day to find a book and prop myself up on the couch and read.

Hope our Morning Welcome Wrabbit Dave is okay. Not like him to miss a morning post.

I have nothing for you all right now. Just too early. I'm going to pay some bills online and go to the butcher Shoppe later. That's about it for my big ventures today. :girly:

Later all.


2nd Officer
Computer wasn't working earlier.

Thank goodness It's Monday. I'm really beginning to dislike weekends. Way too much sports, when I'm looking for something interesting to watch. Plus all their running over into other programs.

Enjoy your zucchini, Lee. Not a fan.

Give Biden a break, BB. I don't care how old he is, he gets stuff done better than any of the other politicians. Probably because he's so calm and is able to work with almost anyone. I love having an old grandpa as President who's good at the job, rather than some younger person trying to make a name for themself.

Grab your wallet KC, it's Vet time. Jane sure wasted your time, energy, and money erecting her pool and steps. Does she expect you to also to clean and maintain it?

Stocked up on doggy treats for next weekend, K2?

We finally got rid of a sit-up bench that's been collecting dust in our basement. Kathi set it out at the end of the driveway beside the trash yesterday. And once again, POOF it was gone.