Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Hi there DAVE! Glad you were detained by a computer and not your own system! Ha Ha.

I do have to buy one long Bully Stick that has been approved by Manny's owners! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: That should keep him busy for a few days. I am totally amazed at how fast dogs can chew up those hard as nails "chew sticks".

Bills paid and moving on from this computer. Got the Bill for Art's dental work in MARCH. Yup, it takes this dentists office 4.5 months to get a bill out to us after submitting to insurance. NOT A HAPPY CAMPER ABOUT THE AMOUNT. And we'll get another one for his latest replacement crown that got started last week. So over HIGH DENTAL BILLS after our maximum allowance has been used up!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Today is a togetherness day around here. Bert & I see our PCP today. Our appointments are 15 minutes apart. I told Bert I should go first because I have nothing to complain about and just need a refill for my thyroid meds. In & out visit. Now Bert, on the other hand, has a list like he would make if he was going to Sam's! He's got at least 5 things on his list. Unfortunately, most of the items are going to require a referral to another doctor which can take months to get to see. By the time we get home, we both might need a serious drink!!!

Karen - I would be so pi$$ed that after all the work you put in on Jane's pool that she is letting it just sit there without taking care of it. I'm sure mosquitos are loving it, if she isn't putting chlorine in it. Kathie might be right about the idea of finding a buyer for it.

Dave - I'm not really down on Biden. I think he's done a fantastic job with all the things he was given to take care of when lil t left office. I just think there should be an age limit on politicians, including senators and congressmen. There's a few out there now that should give it up and had RBG retired, so Obama could have appointed someone else to the Supreme Court, we wouldn't have the awful court we have now.

Kathie 0 What a good puppy grandmother you are! Planning to bring a "gift" to Manny is so sweet of you to kick off your stay with him. What day do you go? Did the family like the zucchini bread? I was just too tired yesterday to make the banana bread. Maybe today after we get back from the doctor's office.

Time for coffee and something for breakfast before we're off to the doctor. Have a good one, everyone, and behave yourselves!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
What a fun picture Red Stripe. I know that some cities have different critters all over the place. Are there more "
rabbids" in Lerwick?
That's a shame about Jane's pool Karen. You put so much time and effort in to getting it set up so she could use it. :( That sounds like a fair sized congregation. It seems they prefer to sleep in and take advantage of the later start time.
Last week we set two perfectly good bar height stools at the curb the day before garbage day Dave. I wanted to get them out so somebody wight come along and either take them or take them for the metal frames for scrap. I watched on Wednesday as the bin man just chucked them both in the back of the truck with the rest of our garbage. Yes, President Biden may be old but he has learned over the years how to listen.
OK, funny story. We are thinking of heading to Mackinac Island for a couple of nights in September. The first dates we looked at, The Island is hosting a Republican Convention. "X" out those nights!
Why do I sense that Mr. Manny is already planning to be spoiled beyond belief for a few days Kathie? The skies are heavy here this morning too. I didn't think Ava and I were going together around on our morning walk without getting wet. But we did. We also made it to The River for our walk there.
Spice in an interesting bag of cats Nancy. Spice can add really good flavour to meals. But it can also be hotter than Hades. The second option is not to my liking either.
Were you able to catch up on some rest yesterday Pat?
We have to do a quick tidy what with it being our turn to host games day. Tomorrow we have an early morning as we have to meet the Cambria (quartz counter top) guy at Lisa's so he can measure the guest bath counter. She's up home in Goderich to see her Mom. Wednesday I have an 8:15 appointment at the Subie dealer for its 20,000 KM service. Hmmm. 12,425 miles in 9 months. Of course almost half that was last January - March going to and from FL.
Good morning Pat.
Bye for now. Be good everyone.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I am going to try sitting in my normal spot in the living room.

Just checked and found that my favorite backpack will work so moved things to it. Found out that both San Francisco and Los Angeles airport no longer sell water in plastic bottles we will carry on our refillable bottles and mine fits perfectly in the side pocket. I then redid the carry on suitcase, of course almost everything in it will be going in regular suitcases. Of course since we are flying I will be mixing our clothes in case of a lost suitcase.

Oh Dave you are so right about Biden. Now if a very promising younger person were to run I would carefully check them out. Of course whoever has to be able to beat trump.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning, back from the vet's without to much damage from my wallet. It was just a tech visit for a Bp check so we didn't see the Dr. The tech did show me the readings & said they were still on the high side but the Dr. wanted to wait before adjusting her med's again. She goes back in 3 weeks for a re-check.

Dave, glad the computer problems got worked out sooner rather than later. And to perfectly honest, Yes, Jane would have been more than happy to let me do the cleaning & maintenance on her pool. I helped her clean it last year & get it set up for the season, but I refuse to do it every year.

Pat, good luck at the Dr.'s office this morning. Sounds like Bert is planning to get his money's worth out of his appointment.

Lee, what a shame that no one picked up the bar stools before the garbage men came. Have fun with game day!

Kathie, I can well imagine the price tag on Art's dental work, that's crazy though for the dentist to wait so long to send a bill. Maybe try waiting 4-1/2 months to send the payment.

Got a call from one of the board members as I was leaving the vet's this morning, the pool is finally open again! Might go down this afternoon for a quick swim if the storm clouds don't roll in.
Nothing much else to gab about, I have some laundry from the other day to put away & some tools to put in my truck for when I go to Jane's tomorrow & mow. Have a good one gang!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Did you ever ask the Tech or the Vet if they take into consideration that Scooter is most likely all nerved up over being at the Vets and her Blood Pressure will be higher? I bet if there was a way to take her BP at home it would be lower. But then again, cats don't like to be messed with when it comes to stuff like that. Glad it didn't cost you a arm and a leg this time.
Hope the pool water is warmed. Enjoy.

If you go to Mackinaw Island are you planning on staying in St Ignace or Mackinaw City? I know that staying on the Island comes with a HIGH PRICE TAG. Good move not going during the Republican Convention. :oops:

We go to watch Mr Manny on this SUNDAY - Thursday when they come home. Yup, he'll be spoiled alright. I just hope he doesn't miss his owners too much. Since we both aren't very fast when it comes to chasing him when outside, he'll be watched by us like a hawk. They have
an electronic fence, but I'm not about to trust it without Jill and the gang being around. He has a long lead we can hook up and we'll all feel much safer.
It's times like this that I wish I would get my ACT TOGETHER and get my knee issues sorted.:emoticon 0140 rofl:
Always Something getting in my way of just doing it.

Bill: How's the money exchange for Aruba. I'm too lazy to look it up. Good or bad?

Off to the butcher shoppe. Later gang.


Chief Security Officer
Not expecting to exchange USD for any other currency in Aruba, K2. Anytime we have been there everyone happily accepted US currency. We will likely get some Danish krone before we head to Greenland but credit cards and USD should cover most of our expenses.
Unsettled weather seems to be in our forecast for at least the next couple of days with lower temperatures that should still be comfortable.
I've just started reading the Thursday Murder Club series of books by Richard Osman about some
septuagenarians in an English retirement community. Quick reads and some interesting characters and some subtle humor.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just back from the doctor. Let me tell you gang, it is hot as he!! out there today. Took this picture in the car on our way home -

Definitely not going to be sitting on the lanai this afternoon!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the race was pretty good once they got it started. The winner also won last week. this is the first time in ten years since a driver from that team won 2 in a row.

I got an envelope from my cousin today. She sent photos that I have seen a couple but most have not. She told me that the only reason she has not had a second knee replacement is because of the pineapple juice she drinks every day, guess I need to restart tomorrow. Ginny is a year and a week older than me. Her brother was 10 months older than my brother. And she had a few photos of when we were small.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good Tuesday morning Bunnies!

My day starts off just like yesterday, with another doctor's visit. With another one on Friday. And another one on Monday. Our living room's little TV box crapped out yesterday. I needed a computer doctor. We should receive a new box today. Damn electronics!

I give K2; What's a "Bully Stick"? It's so nice of you to help the dentist's financial security. Next week could be the perfect time to fine-tune Manny's training.

You don't want to attend the Republican Convention, Lee? You might get a chance to have the Buffoon autograph your butt.

Isn't it amazing Bill how most people in foreign countries are more than willing to accept American dollars.

Yikes BB! 102 degrees. A wee bit too hot for me. I agree that there should be an age limit on politicians like there is on commercial pilots. But you don't pull an old horse from racing when it's on a winning streak.

Sure hope you got to jump in the pool yesterday, KC. It's so nice leaving a Vet's office with a smaller bill than you expected.

After my doctor's visit we'll go vote. Only one issue on the ballot. Whether or not to need 60 percent of the votes to change the State's constitution. It's been just a simple majority for 100 years.

In the fall election we're voting on whether or not to make abortion legal. The majority of Ohioans say it should be legal and each woman should have the right to get one. Well the Republicans have this special election today to make it more difficult to put it into law by upping how many people are needed to put it into the State's Constitution. VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1.
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave - Wow! You posted at 4:33 according to my computer. If that time is right, instead of good morning, you should have said good middle of the night! Good luck with the BO vote today.

Nothing happening here today. No doctor visits and no shopping planned. How will I get through the day?

That's about all I've got right now. I'll try to stop back later, if I find anything to talk about.

Have a good day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good morning. No real plans for today. Except to cancel the reservation we have for a Luau in Honolulu and making new one for the Thursday night of the cruise and will save about $100 and that is good. I have sent the email about canceling the one. And just need to book the other.

Today I will work on getting the papers for the cruise all together, getting rid of what is not needed. Since I am one who has to print everything it is a lot of paper.

This morning I started taking pineapple juice for my knee. I can't take the full cup because of the sugar and carbs, but it has worked before. My cousin has been taking a full cup every day for years and because of it has not had to get a second knee replacement and it has been 5 years since her one replacement. She said in her note that her grandson had to take pineapple juice for a week before having his wisdom teeth out.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Who knew about the curative powers of pineapple juice? Perhaps I should start drinking it instead of orange juice each morning and see if some of my hip and knee pains can be reduced. Probably can't hurt to give it a try.
It was bright and
sunny first thing this morning but the clouds quickly rolled in and before 11 am we were looking at gray skies that opened up to heavy rain. The weather for the rest of the day into the evening doesn't look too promising. The kind of day when you want to roll over and pull the bedcovers back up.
Have started to put aside clothes for our Aruba trip next week. When we get back, our Greenland cruise will be less than a month away. Will need a totally different wardrobe for that one.
Will someone finally hit Mega Millions tonight, so that we can get back to not caring enough to win a couple of hundred thousands to invest a couple of bucks?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon Bunnies.
It was Tony who suggested that I try pineapple juice for a
persistent cough I had a few years back. He swore by it for that and other healing powers. By geez, he was right.
So, how did my day start? Well, being a long standing member of the knucklehead association of North America (KANA) we volunteered to meet the counter top guy at Lisa's at, and we have the mail, 8:00 am. Not wanting to be late we were there at 7:45 am. At 8:30 am we tried to reach Lisa. At 9:00 we called and texted that eh wasn't there and we were leaving. As we were getting in to the Subie guess who pulled up. I said to this young guy "We were expecting you an hour ago". He said, "Oh, we had a meeting and I'm running late". Well punk, didja think to call you first customer and let her know? If it had been for us I'd have sent him packing and found a different supplier.
As I recall Dave, Bully Sticks are all natural dog chew sticks. With Ava's gastro issues and special food (refer to stupid high cost vet bill from the other day) she only gets her food and treats. I can not understand for the life of me why it takes more than 50% plus 1 to be a majority.
With the humidex it feels like the low 90's and the weather guessers are thinking that we may, possibly, or might not see thunder storms this afternoon. Which makes me wonder why people put so much faith in The Old Farmers Almanac weather predictions. Heck, that can't get this afternoon right. What makes me think that they can get January of 2024 right?
Anyway, whatever you all get up to, be good.


Chief Security Officer
Have you no faith in the reliability of the Old Farmers Almanac, Lee? Next you'll be discounting the predictions of the weather forecasters on TV.
Weather has cleared up a bit though there were tornado warnings for Cape Cod earlier this afternoon and some flooding with high winds just north of Boston. We are still on a flood watch until 3PM so I guess we are not totally out of the woods yet. And yet I am sure that some people will still claim that all of this extreme weather is not evidence of any kind of climate change.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
See ... I told you I would try to stop back today. Thank goodness, it is cooler today than yesterday. Today it is ONLY 98 with a feels like temp of 110!! Of course, that means that Bert just had to go to the store a little while ago. I tried to tell him to wait until later when we're going out for pizza for dinner, but he had to go right NOW!!!

Still haven't gotten around to wrapping the package for the bridal shower on Saturday. I personally think it is tacky for the groom's mother to be throwing the shower, but, heck, what do I know about some of these southern traditions. At least I know there will be plenty of adult beverages.

Got our cruise paid for yesterday and got in touch with Bank of America to redeem 50,000 points for $500. ship board credit that we will just cash out on right away.

Speaking of adult beverages, I think it's time for a glass of vino while I look out the window at all that hot air!!

Have a great rest of the day, gang! By the way, where's Kathie today? Not like her not to post unless she's off to floating on the lake.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: The rain and flooding and wind etc, etc. on the East coast was on TV and WOW is all I can say. Hope your area is still okay.
Amazing how many Airports got basically shut down. Flights cancelled or delayed by hours. Sure wouldn't want to be flying Delta today. Their Hubs are all in the storm area. :eek:

Dave: Lee explained the Bully Stick perfectly. It helps keep the teeth clean and gives the pups something to chew on that isn't your furniture or shoes.

Who's that checking in right now??
HELLO PAT. Nice Cash In from Bank of America! I thought Bert wasn't a credit card guy? I'm guessing the credit card credit is from big ticket items like cruises! :wink2: Something nice to look forward to.

I got to meet up with Art and his Biker friends this morning and the place they picked for a coffee break was CLOSED TODAY. They moved on to another place and I headed home. It was nice to say hello to them all. It was one gal's Birthday and they will have treats when they get back to the Big Park at their cars. YUM TIME.

It's SUNNY and nice here today. Whew.... missed that sunshine the last couple of days.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Checking in to say good night. Today was hotter than yesterday. Went up to 104 on the car thermostat when we were going out for pizza after 6:00! How crazy is that? Finallydropped down to 88 right now. Still too hot.

See ya all in the morning. :sleepey smile: :sleep002::sleep2:


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I got all the papers for Hawaii together, in fact I had to make a new folder with info about excursions and restaurants in Honolulu.

All have a good night.