Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Just checking in for the evening, I mowed Jane's front yard & a small section of her back yard this morning & the heat & humidity was unreal! I use those cooling towels & took lot's of breaks & drank lots of water, but it sill wore me out!
Had a nice evening with my sisters last night, Pizza at the pool & then came back to my house for ice cream sundaes
I have tomorrow off other than grocery shopping so will check in with you all tomorrow!


2nd Officer
Good evening. It was a quiet day today. Tomorrow I plan on going to Walgreens for scar cream to help soften my scars. Then on to Publix for a few things.

And tomorrow I will be going back to Bruce's chair. I am having a problem with getting up from the sofa because the knee is hurting. And it is hurting my arms and neck.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
It's just heartbreaking seeing so many people die in Hawaii and the destruction of structural historical buildings and artifacts. Oh the trauma residents are going though now.

Starting the day, where else? At another doctor's office for more tests. I'm told that within a week or two I'll be having surgery on one of 2 problems. The circulation problem in my right leg before it needs or delays its' amputation. (In spite of all my stationary bike and treadmill work.) Oh well, it is what it is.

Yippey, our living room TV is still working. BUT it turns out that during the breakdown it also took out the wi-fi. I am so ignorant about wi-fi and all it effects.

Yesterday morning I found that the TV in the basement was effected and wouldn't work. This Wi-Fi thing also effected Kathi's Smart-Phone and even her Kindle. Her Kindle? I thought that was just for reading downloaded books. Wrong. Kathi also plays games on it, and she can play games on it for free as long as she wins "tokens". But her Kindle wasn't receiving those tokens because of the wi-fi outage.

But from what she learned about getting the living room TV working, she was able to get her phone and the Kindle working again.

Guess what.......My old Jitterbug flip-phone wasn't affected at all. Suck on all your high tech stuff!



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning GIF
DAVE ALL THE BEST AT THE DOCTORS. Yikes, let's hope the upcoming surgery can fix the circulation issue. :oops: You would think with all that HOT SAUCE stuff you put on your "special
breakfasts" it would keep the circulation running full speed ahead. Keep us up to date on what's going on buddy.

The pictures of
Lahaina just keep getting worse. They show the colorful BEFORE pics of the land and then they show the CURRENT situation. Like a BOMB was dropped on the place. So sad. The stories of people jumping into the water is sad too. One fella that was interviewed said he could see bodies floating out in the water and by the sea-wall. Double sad.
It all looks a lot like Ft Myers after the hurricane that went through down there. Plain ole GONE.

Suppose to rain later around 4pm. We have yet to put on the Sprinkler System for the grass this season. Seems to rain just in time. Watch our WATER bill still be high. We have 1/2 the flowers we usually have to water, so hopefully the bill will be lower.

That's it for me........later folks. Enjoy your FRIDAY!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good late morrning! Seems like I can't get on here earlier most days. By the time I finish reading the news and going through my emails, most of the morning has flown away.

Today should be a quiet day around here. Just the opposite of yesterday. As I told you, Missy was making fried smelts for her father. Well, she surprised me with her also making Zwiebelkuchen, German onion cake. It's made in a sheet pan and she made 2 of them to boot. We'll be eating that for most of the weekend.
Then last night they bought 2 pizzas from the place we got one from the other day and ate it here. Gave me a chance to find out how the kids made out their first day of school. Jennifer loves her teachers. Nate isn't too happy as his honors teacher is very strict about everything that goes on in the class, including having the kids have red and green cups on their desks to remind then when it's time to listen to her (red cup) and when it's tike to do their work (green one) Reminds me of a Brazilian steak house!! He also is taking first year Spanish, which he didn't want. This was like a repeat of last year and the year before!!

Speaking of Spanish, the kids' school is doing something new this year, but ours are in too high a grade, starting in kindergarten, all classes will be duel language - part of the day in English and part of the day in Spanish. By the time this bunch of kids get out of school, they will all be bilingual! It's about time they do that in this area.

Dave - Good luck with your doctor's appointment. I hope all goes well.

Karen - I see that once again you are keeping busy doing stuff for others. I guess last night was pizza night for a lot of people!

Kathie - Those pictures from Lahaina are so heartbreaking and the stories are so horrible. Really makes you want to cry seeing it all on the news. Did you get that rain to water your lawn? Loved your picture!

Nancy - Have you heard anything yet about whether Maui is canceled? I'm sure it will be.

Time to get to work. I need to make 2 loaves of banana bread before I have to throw these overripe bananas in the garbage. Also need to decide what I'm wearing to the big to do tomorrow at G&E's house. I'm sure I'll come up with more to do as the day goes on!!

Be good, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just thought I'd stop by and say "Hey".
For whatever reason, not unlike some of the other world disasters that have effected thousands of people, the scenes in Lahaina are really bothering me. Lu-Ann and I had some fun times in Hawai'i that all started out in Lahaina. Maybe that's why.
Hopefully The Banyan Tree, which is badly scorched, will survive, bloom and become a symbol for all of the good people of The Islands of Aloha.
Ya Dave, PLEASE keep your cyber family in the loop as you find out more about those pesky circulation issues.
Hopefully you DID get the day off Karen. Not good to have to do a lot of outdoor stuff when it's that hot and humid!
I find that as technology is supposed to be getting smarter I get more frustrated when "plug n' play" as it used to be called doesn't work.
How 'bout a casual dress like this one Pat. Courtesy of Miss Carol Burnett's "Went With The Wind" parody?
Best get my arse down to either the bike or the treadmill.
Be good folks!


Chief Security Officer
Interesting about the kindergarten plan to divide the daily class into half English speaking and half Spanish. Seems like we are well behind other countries in making our people multi-lingual, but somehow I have to think that your governor will find this new program too "woke" and try to put a halt to it.
Seems like we can't go more than two days with good weather before we find ourselves under some sort of severe weather warning or watch. Right now we are in a nice spell but forecast for Sunday is somewhat ominous. Our HOA dinner is Sunday afternoon so I hope the weather doesn't create a problem.
Met our new next door neighbor yesterday. He is in the process of moving in but apparently his house had some water problems and his garage is currently filled with carpeting that he had to pull up. Knock on wood, we haven't had any similar problems in the two years we have lived here and I'm not sure of the reason for his water problem.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Have been moving slow today because I did not sleep very good last night.

Went to Walgreens this morning for scar cream and then to Publix. At Publix I got us subs for dinner.

After lunch I opened the scar cream and the box was empty. So had to go back and get credit then found a box of their brand and did open while at the shelf, it had a tube in so got that. Have rubbed some on both scars and will do at least twice more today.
Have not heard anything about Maui yet. Just saw this:

So will have to wait till closer to our cruise to find out if we will go to Maui or not. Whatever they decide will be fine. Even though we have never been and would love to see Maui I understand.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Dave, hoping you receive a good report from the Dr. today! Kathi is much more tech savvy than I could ever hope to be, about all I can manage is to unplug the router & plug it back in if the internet isn't working, if that doesn't help I call for a tech!

Pat, I too am surprised DipSantis is allowing schools to go
bilingual, if he had his way he would run every non-Caucasian person right out of the state! I have room in my freezer for a loaf or 2 of banana bread if you need someplace to store it :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Bill, hopefully the weather co-operates for the HOA dinner. Feel bad for the new neighbor, you sure don't expect to have to deal with water damage as soon as you move in.

Kathie, hopefully with the rain you have received so far your water bill won't be to high. I've never been to Hawaii but the pictures I've been seeing are just so tragic!

Lee, I remember seeing that episode on Carol Burnett, man they sure don't make comedies like they used to!

Got out of the house before 9 and made it to 3 grocery stores before it got to hot or to busy. Then came home & got everything put away and have been doing pretty much nothing!
Just had a call from "Alert Marion", which is a service to warn us about weather conditions, they've called every day this week to warn of "excessive heat warning", DUH!!!
Planning to go out later & grill some burgers, my friend had fixed the Walmart brand frozen burgers at the cookout last week & they were soooo good I broke down & bought a bag. I figured I'd grill up about 6 or so, eat one tonite & freeze the rest for a quick meal another day.
And that's about all the exciting news from Belleview, stay cool gang!


Wacky Wabbit
WE have TORNADO WARNINGS just North of us right now. Jill said their Sirens went off in her community. I told her to get into the basement corner. She didn't sound like she was listening to "Mother Dearest"! :girly:

BB: No rain as of yet. The grass still looks nice and green.... thank goodness.

I'm sure you'll find something nice to wear to the "SHOWER". Just remember to hold up your "little pinky finger" when you have the wine glass in your hand. Gotta look the part in front of the bride's mother! Ha Ha.

Lee: I heard on one of the weather stations (#42 in our area on Comcast) that the TREE is going to be okay. Sure hope so.

I guess if they can't get Pres Biden in a court case they now will go for his son Hunter Biden. The man may start drinking and using drugs again after all the crap that went down today.
All of this is to divert from the Teflon Man and his many CASES. Sure will be interesting to see if the JUDGE sticks to her guns if Teflon Man SPEAKS OUT of TURN at RALLY about the papers he'll be allowed to see. We all know he can't keep his big trap shut and will test the judges to the max.


Bill: Explain just what the heck WOKE means. I looked it up awhile back and still don't get it. Don't like the sound of it at all.


Wacky Wabbit
Storm Raining GIF by Storyful
Black And White Disney GIF

IT’s raining and hinder and lightning out
side now. Not bad, but the weather people are doing a good scare job on TV.

Closing up shop for tonight. Just hope we don’t loose power here or at Jill’s. Hate to have to watch Mr Manny in a hot house!


2nd Officer
Welcome to the weekend Bunnies! You remember those don't you?, It's those days called Saturday and Sunday.

Got a date for the surgery on my right leg. A week from Monday. Even though it's on my leg, and not my heart, they still call it "bypass" surgery. Taking a vein and connecting it to a large blood source in the groin area, and then sending it to below my knee. In my case they'll be using a cadaver's vein, since none of the ones in my left leg were suitable. I'll be in the hospital for 3 or 4 days. And that's about it.

I DO like that idea of teaching kids a different language. So very few Americans can speak anything other than English. Heck, even Lee learned to speak American.

I too remember that episode of where Carol Burnett wore that dress. Great skit.

I'll tell you one thing KC, you DO know how to grocery shop. Dang, 3 different different stores. You better have come home with some good stuff.

After many months since my last haircut, I'm going to the barber today. To Kathi's great joy. I'm still getting used to, and not liking, that I now have to make an appointment. I liked it much better when you'd walk in the barber shop, take a number, and then sit down and wait your turn. If there was a lot of guys waiting, and you didn't want to wait very long, you'd just come back another time.


Wacky Wabbit
Sunny Days GIF
Sunny and DRY outside. You'd never know there was a Tiny Storm and Lightning and Thunder last night!

Dave posted:
I DO like that idea of teaching kids a different language. So very few Americans can speak anything other than English. Heck, even Lee learned to speak American.
Got a good laugh out of Lee "learning to speak American"! Ha Ha

Now about that surgery Dave: Sounds like a major rotor-router job on your leg! OUCH. Nice that their going to let you stay in the hospital a few days to make sure you stay STILL and let the vein heal. Being on Blood-thinners they have to watch you closely.
So the date is Aug 21st? You want all us WRABBITS to show up and cheer you on?? :clap002:


Wacky Wabbit
Now about that surgery Dave: Sounds like a major rotor-router job on your leg! OUCH. Nice that their going to let you stay in the hospital a few days to make sure you stay STILL and let the vein heal. Being on Blood-thinners they have to watch you closely.
So the date is Aug 21st? You want all us WRABBITS to show up and cheer you on?? :clap002:
Art is going biking this morning and I'm going to run the vacuum and dust and clean the bathrooms. I always like to make sure the house is nice and neat when we go away and since we'll be gone starting tomorrow until Thursday that's long enough to qualify for a quick clean-up.

Posting that paragraph above made me think of Lee vacuuming his old house in Ayrs as he would be walking out the door and it was going to be "OPEN HOUSE" there that day! Remember those days LEE???

PAT: What did you end up buying as a gift for the BRIDAL SHOWER? Have fun. Take some pictures or have Missy take some pictures to post for us to see. Have fun.
I have some Blueberries that I want to use up, so I think I'll make some Blueberry Muffins and freeze most of them. The last batch came in handy for breakfast treats for a change of pace every so often. I liked the
streusel topping on the muffins too.
You all have a SAFE and FUN Saturday! I'll be back later.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Only plan for today is later watching racing. Guess I should do a load of laundry in a bit.

I see the death toll is up to 80 on Maui and they expect it to go higher, so sad.

It is going to be another hot day here, it is already 91.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
My gosh there Dave, they're keeping you longer for your bypass than they did for Bert's hip! They would have kicked me out faster after my "buy 3 bypasses get a valve free procedure" but they couldn't get my heart to stop fluttering. I told them to (boy is this gonna be politically incorrect!) stop sending in young attractive female nurses!
We were under severe thunder storm and tornado watches all night here too Kathie. Right up until Ava and I went for our walk at 5:30 this morning. Ah yes, the good old days of vacuuming everything before we left for an open house or a showing. On that note a house four doors down from our old place in Ayr listed for $1.2 MILLION dollars. Mind you it was a larger house with a full on oasis in the back yard but still...Oh ya, and Mandy posted this morning that she had sold it. Nice commission for that girl!
So, mock the Canadian guy because he's bilingual, EH? that would be "Huh" in American. See how easily I can switch back and fourth.
Hopefully you all have a great day and we'll touch base later on.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! The heat sure is on here this morning. Supposed to go up to about 97, but the feels like temp will be about 111!

Dave - Sounds like a good procedure the doctor is planning. I too was surprised you will stay in the hospital longer than Bert with his hip surgery. I guess when he was able to walk back and forth down this long hallway, they decided to kick him out.

Kathie - The gift I bought for the bridal couple is a pitcher with 6 galsses. What makes it special is that I had the pitcher engraved with their first initial and under that is their last name. I thought it was pretty neat
Sorry about the storms last night, but at least your lawn got watered. Look on the bright side.

Lee - Glad the rains stopped so you and Ava could have your early morning walk. That's some price the people got for that house! It's amazing what real estate is going for these days. The spool house next door sold for $705,000. and what was the first thing the new buyer did? Totally gut the inside of the house! They are still working on it a couple of months later. Oh and as if spending all that money on the reno, the sun just got a brand new Corvette!!! Must be nice to have that kind of money.

Nancy - Enjoy your race.

Better get a move on. I still have a few things to do before we head for the party. One thing I forgot to tell you is that we will be entering a republican hornet's nest!! Some of them are tRunpers and the rest support "pudding fingers". Might have to stick with only talking to G&E or M&J so I don't get into a battle royal and get uninvited to the wedding. LOL

I will give you a full report tomorrow on how this goes. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
BB: That's a really nice thoughtful gift you're giving! Enjoy the party. Hope the food and drinks are good. You might just get "Punch"! Ha Ha
These cartoons came from a Facebook site I'm on. They're rolling in fast after the Judge gave the T-man his instructions not to talk about what's in the papers they'll be letting him see.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave, that sounds like some major remodeling going on in your leg, sending good thoughts & prayers that all goes well. How you going to survive eating a normal breakfast for those days you are in the hospital?

Kathie, you sound like me cleaning house before I go on vacation. Once my sister's started staying over I didn't clean quite as deep as I used to because there was always more cleaning to do when I got home. Not that they are terribly messy, I just like to clean again after someone has stayed here.

Lee, wow, sounds like the housing market is really on the rise in your old neighborhood. Good for Mandy snagging a nice commission like that! Glad you didn't have any major storms last night.

Pat, oh my, I don't think I would be up to the challenge of attending that bridal shower today!! I've had to leave the pool here a few times when the trumpies get wound up about how he's being so "persecuted"!

Went & helped out at the church landscaping day this morning & boy was it ever HOT!!! There were 5 other guy's there all in their late 70's to mid 80's and have been doing this for years. They just can't get any of the younger guy's to help out or stick around if they do come help one time.

Please keep my niece Amanda in your prayer's, she has been having some problems since her liver transplant & Thurs. Leon was driving her to Baltimore for a Liver biopsy, it was raining & a truck a couple vehicles ahead of them stopped, the car in front of them missed the stopped truck, but Leon didn't. He plowed into the back of it & both air bags deployed. They were Ok & the driver of the truck is ok, his truck wasn't damaged, but Amanda's Nissan Rogue is most likely totaled! She has only had the car for about a year, she did say that thankfully they bought the gap insurance so that is one good thing. But those poor kids just can't catch a break at all it seems!