Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
I have dates for getting the nerves in my neck burned, right side next Tuesday then Sept 5th for the left side. With follow up Oct 11. Don't know times yet but that is okay.


Chief Security Officer
The weather cooperated yesterday in remarkable fashion. It was warm and sunny when we arrived and a couple of hours later, as we were leaving we could hear rumbles of thunder and felt a couple of raindrops. Just as soon as we pulled into our garage, the skies opened and we had a fairly brief downpour. In less than 10 or 15 minutes the rain had stopped and the sun was back out. Dinner was a good time with a little more than 70 folks in attendance.
Not packed yet but most of what we will be taking is out and ready to go in the suitcases. Newspaper delivery has been put on a hold and I will notify the post office to hold our mail until we are back home.
I believe that the various cruise companies will be announcing their plans to provide assistance to the people of Maui, shortly, if they haven't already. I remember being on a cruise several years ago that stopped in Labadee,Haiti after there was a catastrophic event and our ship delivered several tons of relief materials to be distributed to the residents of the island. In fact one of our fellow passengers headed up an effort to have all of us donate some basic necessities and there was a significant degree of participation.


Wacky Wabbit
So I’ll try and keep this short.
This morning after breakfast I took the pup for a morning walk.
All good. He walked nice and didn’t bark at a girl passing us! Whew!
Got to our driveway and were 5 feet from the front steps to go inside and
Manny must have stepped on a BEE!
Riot Games Reaction GIF by League of Legends
The Bee bite him.
He jumped and yelped and I swatted the bee off his paw that he was holding up in the air!
We hurried inside and he was in distress. Licking and looking at me like what the h*ll happened!
Got ice and put it on it.
Art was googling what t do for a bee sting on dog dogs paw!
I called the Vet. Not taking any chances ON MY WATCH!
Give him 1 Benadryl. They had a opening for 10:45 am I said we’ll be there.
He was better by the time we got there (with the BEE in a baggie)!
Checked him out in the back area and brought him back into the room.
No stinger (but we knew that from the type of bee it was).
Watch his breathing through the day and evening. Give Benadryl every 8 hrs.
So here’s the FUNNY part of the story.
We’re in the Vet office in the room and my phone rings while we’re waiting.
It’s Jill!

Wanted to know what’s going on.
I asked if the Vet Office called her?
She saw us on her RING DOORBELL Alert! Saw we were all getting into the car and then got on the “FIND FAMILY & FRIENDS APP and knew we were at the VET’s office!
I told her we were going to call her AFTER we took care of the situation so they wouldn’t worry!
She thought that was fine.

IT GETS BETTER! Keep reading!

We walk out of the Vet’s and WAM, SLAM, BANG……..
Riot Games Reaction GIF by League of Legends
F’ing BEE BITES ME on my ring finger knuckle!
Like OUCH! My finger is getting red and itches and BURNS as we get to the car.

Now what are the chances of that happening! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile::oops::eek::emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
I found some Benadryl Cream and put it on the sting. All is good now. Just a tad red in the area.
So Manny has all my sympathy for his bite pain!

And “NO” I didn’t go to the Vet’s office to get checked out. Ha ha. (I can hear Tony saying something like that after reading this long story! Ha ha.
(That goes for DAVE & LEE too)

I called Jill and told her what had happened to me and I could hear them all laughing in the background! Yup, ALWAYS SOMETHING!

Hope you enjoyed my long story! You. An see the PUNCTURE HOLE in the picture if you have a BIG SCREEN!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
OK, I know that I shouldn’t laugh Kathie BUT, please know that I’m laughing with all of you. Not at you. About the only thing you missed was “If you enjoyed that story, I’m here all week”.
I did get the front done before we headed out for games day.
Too bad the OGC’s weren’t closer to you Karen. You’re keeping busy enough too!
Pretty classy of the folks on that cruise of yours to help the folks in Haiti Bill. What a wonderful way for Hawaiian cruisers to show a little Spirit of Ohana.
Light at the end of the tunnel for some of your aches and pains Nancy.
Your internet connection seems odd Pat. Especially when it seems so regular.
Toasted tomato sandwiches with fresh picked tomatoes from Dave’s garden.
See you tomorrow folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I posted so everyone would get a good laugh. It was just too crazy not to post as a story for the HUTCH!

Let’s hope that’s the end of my crazy stories. Ha ha.

It sure feels like if’s going to rain soon! o_O

You all sleep good. I know I will. :D


2nd Officer
Good evening. Of course the neck is hurting a lot tonight and also the upper arms. I will be so glad for next Tuesday. Was told today that it may take a week to get the full pain relief. Buy as long as it goes away.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
My brother George passed early this morning.
May he finally rest in peace.

I will be away from the Hutch for awhile. Thank you for being my extended family. :emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer
Kathie, sending prayers & Hugs on the passing of your brother George, may he rest in peace and may you & the family find comfort in your memories of happier days.❤


2nd Officer
My brother George passed early this morning.
May he finally rest in peace.

I will be away from the Hutch for awhile. Thank you for being my extended family. :emoticon 0152 heart:
Sorry for your loss. AT least you know he is free of pain.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Doing laundry right now. Have cancelled my appt with the PC for next Tuesday. Since I can't get an app with the place she set up for my breathing test I figure cancel that appt and now they have sent the information to a different place, so I will call later to set up an appt and then set an appt with the PC. I was able to get two pill refills.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
So sorry for your loss, Kathie. RIP George.
A few odds and ends things to do in advance of our trip and, of course, the weather is less than hospitable, but I'll muddle through.
Lee, on that cruise to Labadee, the pier was packed with cartons of materials to be distributed in Haiti. It was as moving as it has been this week as we watched those boxes of
essential items being transported from boats to the volunteers in Lahaina who were passing them on to the shelters that have been set up on the island.
Not sure if we will be posting much, or anything from Aruba, so everyone stay safe and we'll check back in a little more than a week.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Kathie, Lu-Ann and I are saddened to hear of the passing of George. Lots of love and hugs from us to you and your family.
You know that we are here for you.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well my knee has bee really hurting today and now my back is acting up. Guess I will be going to bed soon.

I have a time for Tuesday, have to be there at 1:45. Not a bad time.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
We're all thinking about you, young lady. I cannot lie K2. Your story about Manny and you getting stung by a bee on the same day got me to laughing. WITH....sympathy. My money is STILL on Manny ending up in your bed.

KC; When you die there is surely a place for you in heaven. You never cease to amaze with with all the good deeds you do for family, friends, neighbors, and complete strangers. You are an angel already. And a role model for all.

Now those who are evil and without a soul get into the packaging business. Using those super thick plastics to package products. Causing you to almost break your new product just trying to get them out of the package. And that goes for some medications in packets of 5 or 6 pills, too.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Not a lot on our plates today. We may pop over to MI and drop in on our good friend Trader Joe. Tonight Lu-Ann has a zoom meeting with well known, well, in the Parkinson’s community, Ninja Warrior Jimmy Choi. He has PD and he and Cheryl do so much for the PD community. It will be an interesting 90 minutes as the group is limited to 50 people.
Have you seen those “tools” to help open plastic ”bubbles” Dave? Hmmm, I wonder if they come in a plastic bubble? ;)
Safe travels Bill and Rita.
Those of us with pets know that they have a way of knowing when something is amiss. I’m sure Manny is doing his best to add a little bit of calm and a smile to you Kathie.
Ava is having breakfast a tad early so we can all, she’s coming along, get ready to head out.
You all have a good Wednesday.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie, I'm sure you know you will be in our thoughts and prayers over the next few days. Hoping you & Mr Manny have recovered from your Bee stinngs!

Dave, you've met me & know I am FAR from being a saint! I just like to keep busy and there are so many older people who don't have families or they aren't close by and my heart just goes out to them.

Pat, I didn't realize the Spool house had sold, but it always amazes me that someone will pay an outrageous price for a house and then proceed to gut it all & rebuild it! I guess it's a "location" thing, but if I liked nothing about the house to begin with I sure wouldn't pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy it.

Safe travels Bill! Hope you & Rita have an AWESOME trip!!

Nothing much going on around here, we got lot's of thunder yesterday afternoon and maybe 10 drops of rain, Jane & Barb both said they got good rain. I was supposed to mow Jane's back yard last night but that got re-scheduled till tomorrow morning.

Amanda was scheduled for her liver biopsy Monday morning, I haven't heard anything from her, but I imagine it takes a few days for any results.
Planning on some pool time today with my sister's but not sure if it will be afternoon or evening, depends on the weather.
Now I need to be getting dressed & head to church, have a great day all!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I have an appt for the breathing test, next Thursday morning. I called this morning took a couple of minutes to get thru the phone maze but then get an appt. The first place sent me an email last evening, which I replied to cancel. I did complain on the reply that I had expected an email the previous day at least letting me know they had received my request. And now I had to leave a message for the PC about getting a follow up appt.

Nothing planned for today.

All have a great day.