Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
sparkling 4th of july GIF

A 4:30 post from Dave! Now that’s the way to start a Friday.
I’ll be back later. After I hide the hutch’s supply of ice cream.


2nd Officer
Good morning. No plans for me today. Will watch NASCAR if on tv, now that NBC has NASCAR they don't always show what is happening at the track on Friday's.

Dave, glad you are home even if only for a few days.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
YAY! The master is home!!!!

Happy Friday morning, everyone! So nice to see Dave's post. Glad I hid the ice cream yesterday and also the lemon ice cups.

Dave - Having a wound that won't heal has to do with the circulation problem. I had to go to the wound care doctor every week for months before everything healed. I don't know about where you're going, but the doctor I went to required that you wear a compression "sleeve" from the toes to the knee, even if you only had one tiny sore. I would immediately take them off once I was out of the office.

Kathie - So do you miss Mannie yet? You should invite him to come visit when the rest of the family visits for the day. I do that with M&J's one dog, Daisy. She's a real sweetheart and loves to come by me all the time.

Guy came and fixed our AC yesterday afternoon. Thank goodness, as there was no way we could have stayed here overnight again. M&J brought over a fan that really moved the air around. I might just buy one like it to use out on the lanai when it's real hot and the paddle fans are just not cooling it off. Had the guy not been able to get the system running again, Jimmy was going to let us use some of his Marriot points to go stay at a hotel. No wonder I love my "My son in law is my favorite child" tee shirt!!

Just made a caprese salad for dinner tonight. I hope I remember to take a picture of it before the gang devours it tonight before dinner. Also making baked salmon, mixed veggies and fettucine alfredo. And by the way, this will all take place after Bert goes to the hearing aid place about and hour and a half away from us. Doing what I can before we leave, so that I only have the basics left to do after we get home, which I estimate will be between 5 & 5:30.

Time now to grab some lunch before it's time to hit the road. I'll try, but can't promise, to stop by later to see what the rest of the bunnies are up to today. I hope everyone is being good!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! And a fine one it is to see a post from the "master" this morning. Glad to see you back!

Kathie, are you still taking Benadryl for the bee sting? The few times I've gotten stung I had to take it for several days before the swelling finally went away.

Lee, nice that Ava got to go on the adventure with you & LuAnn yesterday. Jane's dog is so spoiled every time he sees her with her car keys he runs to the door. If she's going somewhere other than my house or to pick up prescriptions at the drive thru he has to stay home & he pouts.

Pat, that sounds like a mighty fine dinner you have planned for tonite. I'm going out with a couple friends to the fish fry at the catholic church. I've been wanting to go for ages but it's no fun to go alone. We got to talking about it on Sunday & decided to go tonight. That was super nice of Jimmy to offer hotel points so you & Bert didn't have to sleep in a hot house!

I've come to the conclusion the people in the community here have gone insane. The lady with the gutters is refusing to pay her fine & is threatening legal action against the board. The hoa president has had enough & tendered his resignation effective Sept 6th, after our quarterly board meeting. His hope was that with his resignation the people who are causing the most problems would back off, as there seemed to be a personal issue between them & the president. I have my doubts that will happen, some people just want to be jerks. December can't come soon enough
One bright spot, my sisters & I finally booked a cruise together, for Sept. 2024, a 5 night cruise out of Tampa. I haven't been on a cruise since 2018 & the 3 of us haven't cruised together since 2015. Should be interesting finding someone to take care of Hansel & my 2 cats, but at least we have time to figure it out.


Wacky Wabbit
A little tune for our Master! (Dave) Happy Days are back~ Whew!


DAVE you made my morning as usual with your POST. So, so glad you're back home and even though you're a TAD BRUSIED UP from the fall you're still okay.
And of course it had to be the same leg you're having the vein work done on. Well, at least you'll only hurt on the RIGHT SIDE instead of both sides. ;)

Hope the wound doctor has some good advice for you that you can share with me. Art has a "wound/Scrap" on his calve that just isn't healing as fast as "we" would like it to. It'll be nice to know just what they tell you to do for your leg.
BB: I want to come to your house for dinner tonight. Not sure I can get a flight out fast enough. Maybe you could just leave some leftovers in the Hutch for me!
Manny does come over when Jill and her gang are here. We just close all the bedroom doors so he doesn't chew everything up. He likes to grab socks and have you chase him around to get them. :emoticon 0140 rofl:
SO GLAD THE A/C guy showed up and fixed the issue. Always Something!

Karen: I can't believe that your community is having such issues. These people who buy these condo's must not read the huge pile of ordinances and rules that come in the Deed. Somebody needs to present the owners with just how much MORE it WILL COST THEM in HOA FEE's if your community has to have a COMPANY TAKE OVER. We had that problem here and it was a lot of money going to them to basically do nothing. But if you screwed up you would get a notice that a LEAN WAS ISSUED against your house/condo and when you sell it would be taken off the top of how much you got for the sale of the house/condo! Contractors do that to homeowners who don't pay. Might want to point that out to the NASTY LADY causing all the problems. We finally ended up getting volunteers to take board positions again.
My money is that the "Wit-ch" will get away with leaving the gutters up there as is. There's always a BAD APPLE that gets away with something.
By the way you never told me how the lady that was renting (Betty?) who moved out a while ago because the condo she was living in got sold. Did she buy a condo or is she renting again? Lucky for her to get back into the community she liked so much.

Bill and Rita hopefully made it out of their area just in time. Tornado warnings, high winds, rain, etc nothing good happening on the East Coast area. The weather
channel has been going all day about how bad it is. Sure hope they got out for their trip.

Lee: Bet you're glad the rain has stopped? Or didn't you get any yesterday. At times it was fierce over here.
How's the O.G.C. gate project coming along. I bet you guys knocked that out of the park fast.
We picked 8 Green Beans that the Rabbit couldn't reach and a bunch of Cherry Tomatoes. It's that time of year where you can't eat the vegetables fast enough...........and then it's Winter. :eek: And you wish you had eaten more!
Out of here for now.


2nd Officer
Kathie, sorry I forgot to answer your question about Betty. Yes, she is renting again. The covenants & bylaws allow for a certain percentage of rental homes here. And a homeowner has to live in their home for 24 consecutive months before they are allowed to rent it.


2nd Officer
Good evening. It has been a quiet day , so quiet I took a nap. Now watching the ARCA race, They are in Watkins Glen road course.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies!

And to be honest I feel rather raggedy, way too much more stress than I'm comfortable dealing with, but I'm going to carry on.

The wound-doctor visit went just fine. K2; The wound that hasn't started healing in 6 months is now beginning to. What the doctor did is put me on a regular 2 day regiment of cleaning it, then dabbing it down with a wound-wash of sterile saline solution, then wiping around the wound with some sort of wet-wipes that leave a minor coating on the skin so the dressing doesn't stick, then applying some "Medihoney" to the wound. (It's actually honey but it takes a prescription to get it.) Then apply a nice thick waterproof bandage over the wound. And then do it again every 2 days.

Oh yea, I loved your Happy Days song.

So happy to hear that you've got a cruise planned KC, it's been a long dry spell.

Some of my recent tests were for a new spot on my lung. That's where the PET Scan came into play. Good news, no lung cancer. Found out yesterday.

I don't think I mentioned that my Virginia daughter and her dog came for a visit to Massillon on Thursday. BAD TIMING. Thank goodness they are not staying here except for visits. An adorable little poodle blend, but a high energy puppy. Bless Kathi for taking up the slack for my lack of ability to watch after both of them. Because I sure don't have the energy.

Enough grumbling, it's ice cream time. :)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Not much going on.
Good to hear things are coming along Dave. Just in time for your next hospital visit.
I may put my feet up and try to grab 40 winks.
Have a fantastic Saturday.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Watched the ARCA race yesterday evening and it was good. Today will be Cup proactive and qualifying and then the Xfinity race. All at Watkins Glen in New York, a good road race.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit

First off Dave.............
Huge CONGRATS on NO Lung Cancer on that spot! What a relief that must be.
Thanks for the tips on the wound care. I'll try as much of it as I can on Art's leg wound today. I saw that "WOUND WASH SALINE SOLUTION" at the grocery store last night. Almost bought it. Now I will go back and get it for sure. I think the honey has a natural healing effect. Thanks for passing on that information Dave.
How nice and timely to get a visit from your daughter right when you're "falling" apart! Ha ha. I'm sure you were happy to see her and her pooch.

Art is at the DREAM CRUISE. MUSTANG ALLEY. You all know all about that after all these years of me explaining it. OLD CARS driving up and down the main artery of WOODWARD AVE. Google it and you'll see and hear the "burn-outs" here and there. Of course these days the burn-outs by the tires are not allowed because of the huge crowds and danger of getting out of control. They still sneak in a few here and there when the police aren't looking!
Lee it's a good thing you guys didn't come over to go to Trader Joe's yesterday or today. The crowds and parking would have been a total challenge. If you park in the wrong spot this weekend, they'll tow your car before you can run back and move it. :emoticon 0140 rofl: The city's way of making extra money! Channel 7 usually does a Dream Cruise broadcast in case you can get it.

Karen: A CRUISE IN THE MAKING! How fun for you and your sisters. Something to look forward to. I'd like to do a cruise, (REALLY) but Art isn't into them at all.

I had a scheduled yearly physical with the NEW Doctor, (since mine took an early retirement), on Tuesday. Well, that needs to get cancelled and re-scheduled. It took 3 months to get this appointment. Should be interesting to see how long I'll wait now. :eek: ALWAYS SOMETHING.

Saw a picture of Bill and some guys on Facebook. He looked very comfortable in his short sleeve shirt and sun shining.

Later all. BB hope you have a good day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good early afternoon from me. Nothing like starting your morning off with no internet! Just got it back a little while ago. After I finish this post, I have 85 emails waiting for me to check. Most will just get deleted without even opening.

Karen - Good for you and your sisters booking a cruise. If my memory serves me correctly, I think your last cruise was with us and Bill & Rita. That sure was a long time ago. If you leave enough food out and a clean litter box, your babies should be fine for while you're on the cruise. We've left Cappi all set up with what he needs for a whole week and he's fine. It's not like having a dog that does need to be taken care of.

Dave - Great news getting the results of the PET scan. That's something I always worry about when the doctor tells me he sees something on my lungs. I'm always thrilled when he tells me it was ONLY a spot of pneumonia! Interesting that the wound doctor had you use the honey save. When I was going to the wound doctor, he told me to absolutely not use the honey one. Too bad as the visiting nurse ordered a whole case of it.

Kathie - Loved your Happy Days song this morning and a well chosen one it was. Thanks too for the video of the Woodward Dream Cruise. While not on the same scale, they have a dream cruise at Old Town every Friday & Saturday nights. To go along with it, they have oldies live entertainment. It's a fun experience, but too darn crowded for us.

Lee - So did you get to have those 40 winks or did Ava have a different idea?

Nancy - Enjoy whatever race you're watching today.

Our dinner last nigh really was delicious and as usual, they devoured everything in sight. I think we had about a dessert dish size portion of leftovers!! We had a nice bottle of pinot grigio with it. Even had to share a glass with Missy which doesn't happen very often, as she's not a big wine drinker.

Today's going to be a pretty quiet one around here with no expected visitors. Might just convince Bert that we should go out for dinner. Just have to decide where I want to go - steak or Italian. Such decisions!!!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, my last cruise was on Oasis in May, 2018, then Dad's fall & illness put cruising on hold for a while. We had a sister's cruise planned for April 2020, but we know what happened then! Unfortunately putting food down for 5 days won't work this time. We have Jane's dog & Scooter's meds to deal with.

Dave, no lung cancer is a very good start to the weekend!! Didn't your daughter from Virginia have to cancel her last visit? Glad she was able to make it this time!

Kathie, cool pics of the old cars. And your right, somehow I'm just not buying the "Art doesn't like to cruise" story, although being former Navy I could kind of understand why.

Lee, it's Saturday, you're retired, grab 80 winks if you'd like! Hope all is ok in the Berg.

Not much going on here today either, went out this morning & hit a couple yard sales just for kicks. Got a cute pair of dressy sandals for $1, a pretty etched vase & a big picture frame I've been looking for each also $1, so I spent a whopping $3.
Then went to Dollar tree & picked up some dog treats for Hansel & some soft kitty treats for Scooter, and a few other items. Needless to say I spent waay more than $3 there

Our fish dinner at the Catholic church last night was delicious! The piece of fish was huge & it came with these cool looking "wave" potato fries, green beans, cole slaw & a drink for $15. I bought a slice of cake for $2 and it was big too. I brought home half my fish and had it as a sandwich for lunch today. We would definitely go again, but they have a deal where if you buy a gift certificate for $15 you get a free dessert, so that's what we plan to do.
Have a great day all!


Wacky Wabbit
FYI to DAVE: I was able to call our Kroger's grocery store pharmacy and they ordered me a tube of the Medihoney. No prescription needed. It's about $12.50 a tube. Thanks for the tip of what your Wound Dr did for you. I made my own Saline Solution after doing a google search. Boiled water and Table Salt! DUH!
By the time it gets here, sometime on Monday, Art's leg will be healed over! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

I Love You GIF by Chippy the Dog

Have a wonderful Sunday all.


2nd Officer
Now who could that handsome "Silver Fox" holding a drink be???

Thanks so much K2 for posting all those pictures of old cars. Always a DElight seeing them. And thinking back to some of the old cars we owned, and traded them in or sold them. And now wondering, "What was I thinking?" Hope Art's boo-boo heals up.

BB; It's odd the different advice wound doctors give. All I know it that the prescription honey is working on my wound. It worked for my Arizona Son In Law a couple of years ago.

Sounds like a deal on those fish dinners, KC. Plus having leftovers. I sure could go for some fish. Been a while.

Daughter and pooch will be flying back to Virginia this afternoon. This morning it's a trip to IHOP. Nice visit, but very tiring. Will miss them both.

Since I check in at the hospital on Monday morning at 5:30 AM, this will probably be my last post till I get sprung.

Different hospital this time. The local Cleveland Clinic hospital. In the past few years the Cleveland Clinic has been buying up and building hospitals all over northern Ohio.


Wacky Wabbit
Bless Happy Sunday GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021
Rise and Shine Wrabbits. 67F here right now, but it looks bright and should be a nice day!

Dave: Nice that your daughter was around to visit with you and Kathi. Does she bring the pup with her for security? Can't remember what you call it when you bring pups on a airplane?
Doesn't matter. Just nice she could visit with her Dad.

Wishing you ALL the BEST on Monday with the surgery. Follow the doctors instructions and be a good patient. We'll all be thinking of you and Kathi. Not easy on the "caregiver".

Bill posted pictures of a LIZARD that crawled over him while he was on a lounge chair by the pool. He said it was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react to it doing that. He said it had SHARP NAILS and it drew blood. We all have thinner skin these days and I just hope that he put some alcohol or disinfectant on the area. Hopefully, this is all that happens to him on this trip. Always something with Bill! :eek:

I'm off to church to say a prayer for my brother and light a candle. I'll make sure to say one for all of the HUTCH too.

Have a fantastic day everyone.