Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening!

Kathi, I hope our star patient is doing well & is behaving himself as much as can be expected, it is Father Dave after all!

Pat, how was the apple cider donut? We had some really good ones in Maryland the year we went up for Alyse's 1st birthday, they made them right in the farm stand.

Lee, nice backpedal on the "hot stuff" comment. :) I remember some of Tony's comments regarding HOA's, he sure would have never put up with some of the nonsense that is going on around here.

Kathie, sending hugs & kind thoughts to you for the next few days. Amazing that you were able to find your lost ring, after the insurance company get's over the shock of you wanting to return the money I'm sure they won't have any problem taking it back from you.

Got to spend a few hours in the pool today with my sister's & then came back & picked up Hansel & went out for ice cream. We took along a cup of his "doggy" ice cream and he was a happy camper!
We talked to my brother Ed for a little bit this afternoon & are trying to talk him into coming up to pet sit while we go on the cruise next year. We had mentioned if he wanted to go with us instead of pet sitting that would be good too, but he doesn't think he's up for that, especially since we would be cruising thru his late wife's birthday. But it's a year away, he may decide it would be a good way to remember her, we shall see
Was planning a quiet evening at home & got a call from Rev. Lisa a little while ago. They are having a meeting at church tonight to talk about how to get children & young people interested in coming to church. And she thought I might like to come & share any ideas, she did mention they are having pizza too. I just finished eating a cheese brat so I think I will pass on the pizza. She also wanted to talk to me about going to Cursillo next month. It's a spiritual retreat, but I'm not sure where it is or how much it costs, so I guess I will find out tonight. Now I better get ready or I'm going to be late, see you all tomorrow

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning everyone.
Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
See you all later.
Happy Good Vibes GIF by Luke Alexander


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I was very tired last night so went to be a bit early and never got to sleep. I did a few things in straightening things in the bed room. Finally at 3:30 I came out to the living room and got on the computer.

One thing I did was to upgrade 4 of our flights to first class, we will get dinner, lunch and dinner on 3 of them and we will have more room. Sure It costs but I decided it is worth it. For one of the flights the cost was only $280 total, so that is not bad.
't find
Today I will do some repacking. One thing I did last night was putting my camera and the things that go with it in a see thru mesh bag that is not big and holds everything. But I could not find the sleeve that has my disks for it. But I did think of one place it may be so will look there in a bit. If I can't find them I will order a couple more.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I hope everyone has their popcorn ready for the clown show tonight!

Karen - Your new church sure is keeping you busy and gives you lots of chances to meet more people. We really didn't care for the the apple cider donuts from Trader Joe's. They were very dry. Fresh made at a farm stand are always much better.

Nancy - I see a nap coming up for you after being up last night. I hope your neck starts to feel better.

Lee - HI!

Getting ready to head off to the pulmonologist's office. After we get back I want to make a quick pasta salad. That will go with the Publix fried chicken that we will be getting for dinner. It's on sale this week, so I want to take advantage of getting the best fried chicken available around here.

Have a terrific hump day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Pat, hope the visit with the pulmonologist goes well. And yuck, nothing worse than a dry donut!

Lee, what adventure are you off to today for such a quick Hi & bye this morning? Hope it's something fun!

Kathi, any updates on Dave? Hope all is going well with him & he will be soon home to heal!

Not really sure why Rev. Lisa wanted me at the meeting last night, I mostly just sat & listened to the rest of the people who attended. She did talk to me about going to the retreat so I filled out my form & made my payment today. It sounds like it will be really interesting and I will hopefully be rooming with another lady I know from church. Rev. Lisa will also be there so I won't feel so much like a fish out of water.
Other than that not a whole lot going on around here, I have a list of outside chores I want to do but that will have to be a project for earl morning. Enjoy the day all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Storm warnings added, changed, cancelled, added back in! ARGH!!!
We made it to Costco this morning. Then stopped by Best Buy to add to the research I had already done on iPhones and plans. We have iPhone “X” which we understand will become redundant in 2024. Our mobile networks, pricing, options and coverages are so different to what we see advertised in The US.

Good to sit and listen Karen. I hope that gave you a chance to understand and consider the retreat. Attendance at churches everywhere seems to be a concern. How you change that is a very good question. Next time we see you ask me about a 12 year old (Me) paperboy, delivering to a Catholic Church and “Holy Water”.
I agree with Karen Pat. Dry donuts are beyond disappointing! Fingers crossed for a good report from the pulmonologist. That would make you breathe easier. ;) Dang you and your Publix Fried Chicken. We love it! I’m doing a nice piece of salmon with a super slaw for dinner.
Hopefully things are starting to settle down for you Nancy. On a flight of that distance 1st class is really nice. Mind you, keep using the computer at 3:30 am for upgrades and Bruce may take your computer privileges away.
HUGS headed you way Kathie. More than usual.
Yes Kathi, any word on our patient. Who I can only imagine is not very patient and would love to get home.
Tomorrow Ava gets her exam, rabies booster and toe nails trimmed. She’s gonna hate me. It’s supposed to storm all day with a humidex reaching 110F. A good day to collect on the antiperspirant money back guarantee.
Be good folks.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
I have never seen lightening like we have had here since about 9:00 last night. It has been going strong all night and continues even now. Beautiful but oh so dangerous for those who have to be out in it.
Hopefully it will stop by 8:30 because we go to the vet this morning for a scheduled visit.
For Ava Dave because I know you’d ask if it was for my shots. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
It seems like you just left Bill and you’re already back. Can’t wait for the vacation report.
Have a wonderful day everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Home from my breathing test. It took longer driving there and home than the test took. As the lady was wheeling me to the test I told her the hard part had been no coffee and she said she has no idea why they said no caffeine as it does not make any difference in the tests, so now having a cup of coffee. Later I have to go to Publix and pick up some Rx's.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Once again this stupid computer is acting up. For some reason, I keep losing the internet. It's only my computer. D*mn computer!!!

Lee - I hope the storms passed and you were able to get to the vet for shots. Was Ava getting some too?

Nancy - When will you get the results of the breathing test? I always hate when I have to do the breathing test.

Had a good visit with my pulmonologist yesterday. Fastest in and out ever! We were in the waiting room less than 5 minutes when I got called. Doctor came in less than 2 minutes later. I told him that for the past couple of days I was very congested and often had to up my oxygen to 4 liters. After listening to my lungs, he put me on 16 days of prednisone and 5 days on an antibiotic. I hope they do their usual job to clear this congestion up.

After leaving the office we drove to my favorite store to get clothes - Bon Worth. I needed to get some new slacks and they had just what I wanted - travel pants. They are made of very lightweight material and don't take up a lot of room in a suitcase. Thus the name. I also picked up a top to go with one pair. I have enough tops to go with the other pants I bought.

From there we made a stop at Restaurant Depot to pick up some flounder filets & sliced mozzarella for caprese salad for tomorrow night.

Now today we are just going to take it easy. We have leftovers for dinner, so we're good. This is my day of rest. Tomorrow the gang is coming for a loin of pork dinner. That will be a lot of work.

I was planning to go sit on the lanai, but I just looked and it is raining. Change in plans ... Put on TV and wait for lil t to get booked!!

Have a good rest of the day, gang!


New Member
In the bustling world of Bunnyland, there lived Benny, an adventurous bunny with a need for speed. He invented the "Cruising Bunny" – a tiny cart made of leaves and twigs. With a push, Benny zoomed through Bunnyland, inspiring others to explore their creativity. As day turned to night, around a campfire, Benny's invention united bunnies, showing that adventure could be found in the simplest of ideas.


Chief Security Officer
Home after a fabulous week in Aruba. Plane landed in Boston at 11:05 pm but Logan has to be one of the worst when it comes to luggage delivery and the first piece of anyone's luggage didn't make it to the carousel until 10 to midnight and we weren't out of the airport until 12:30am.Kevin and Jamie picked us up and I feel sorry for him because he has to be up for work this morning by 6:30 so it had to be 2:00am by the time they made it home. Needless to say, Rita and I slept in until quite late.
I didn't delete the pictures of the gecko but apparently if you post a photo to Facebook's "your story", it expires after a certain period of time. As it is, some 50+ people apparently viewed it before it disappeared. I still have a few marks on my arm from the gecko's nails but there are no signs of infection and I cleaned the cuts thoroughly when they happened. Over all the weather in Aruba was wonderful and the casino was generous. We had very brief periods of rain on two of the seven days we were there and a torrential downpour that flooded the streets on the morning we left. By the time we left for the airport it had cleared and our flight home, though long, was uneventful.
We had some very good meals at the food venues at Costa Linda and an excellent one at Susse Chalet but were very disappointed with a place which was formerly our favorite: Madame Janette's.
There were six of us and when the meals were delivered, Rita's was absent and didn't arrive for about 10 minutes, and then only after one of the restaurant supervisor's came over to ask if there was a problem. When it finally arrived, with no explanation of the reason for the delay or even an apology, she says it was good, but I can't say the same for the rack of lamb I ordered. Overall the quality of the service was low, but the prices high.


2nd Officer
In the bustling world of Bunnyland, there lived Benny, an adventurous bunny with a need for speed. He invented the "Cruising Bunny" – a tiny cart made of leaves and twigs. With a push, Benny zoomed through Bunnyland, inspiring others to explore their creativity. As day turned to night, around a campfire, Benny's invention united bunnies, showing that adventure could be found in the simplest of ideas.
Nice summary of the origin of the Bunny group Mr. Potter, hopefully you will stick around & get to know us!

Kathie, glad to see you are nearly home, it's always a happy time when you cross your state line.

Crazy day around here today ended up back at the Dr.s for my darn tooth again. I'm back on antibiotics and FINALLY have a dentist appt. for Sept. 25th. Of course while I was there the nurse practitioner reminded me I hadn't had blood work done in over a year. So even though I had coffee & 2 of the belvita type breakfast cookies she sent me for blood work. Just got a call from the office my B12 is low again & she wants me to get the shots, not thrilled cause I don't think they helped last time but since insurance covers them I might as well.
Tonight is crafty kitty craft night at church so need to be getting ready. Will try to get back again tonite or first thing in the morning


Wacky Wabbit
The Circle GIF by The Circle Netflix (US)

Real quick: Got home just fine snd because of the WIND/Rain storm they had here yesterday and through Wed night——WE HAVE NO POWER!
Always something! :eek:
I’m in the car with A/C on charging my cell phone.

Electric company said they were working on our area!
Basement battery “Back-Up” sump pump is doing its job keeping the basement dry.
We are keeping refrig closed big time.

Will catch up with you all as soon as I can.

Negc: Great Re-Cap on your vacation. Glad you are back.
Airports suck lately. :emoticon 0108 speechless:


2nd Officer
Good morning. I was so tired last night I went to be early and fell asleep very easily. Right after Bruce left I started hearing noises in the fireplace and there is a large, very large. print in front of the opening and I am not moving it to find out what is there, Bruce can do that when he gets home. We do have a mesh cap over the top of the fireplace but it is possible that there is a hole in it.

Later will watch the Xfinity race at Daytona.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone GIF

Welcome home Kathie and Bill.
A nice recap of your week in Aruba Bill!
Not such a good surprise to come home to Kathie. Hopefully your power gets all sorted quickly! The poor folks in the town of Harrow had the tornado a month ago and unprecedented flooding Wednesday / Thursday.
Noises in the fireplace from things that go bump in the night Nancy? Enjoy your race.
We've noticed that many tests don't require a fast anymore Karen. I think that eases the early morning rush at labs. Darned tooth!

you were able to get to the vet for shots. Was Ava getting some too?
Hmmm. Wise guy, eh? Yes, we did get to the vet and Ava got checked out, toes trimmed, heart worm meds for 6 months and I got to "donate" a tad over $216.00 to the vet clinic. Don't you be wearing "travel pants" just to sit around or even to go to DiCarlo's!! They're made for travelling.
Hey Kathi, when does Dave get "paroled"?
Time to hit the treadmill.
Be good everyone.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood with not a cloud in the sky. Hopefully, it will stay that way.
Nancy - Glad you got a good night's sleep. Enjoy your race today.
Bill - Loved your summary of your vacation in Aruba. Nice that the casino(s) were kind to you. We found they paid off better than normal when we stayed there too. Sorry your favorite restaurant isn't what it used to be. I think that is happening in a lot of restaurants. Cutting back on expenses is definitely costing taste of some foods. I can just imagine how tired you were by the time you got home after that wait to get your luggage at the airport.

In the bustling world of Bunnyland, there lived Benny, an adventurous bunny with a need for speed. He invented the "Cruising Bunny" – a tiny cart made of leaves and twigs. With a push, Benny zoomed through Bunnyland, inspiring others to explore their creativity. As day turned to night, around a campfire, Benny's invention united bunnies, showing that adventure could be found in the simplest of ideas.
Cute post to describe the origin of the bunny group, Harry Potter, 69. Stick around. Tell us some more about yourself.

Karen - OK I'll bite - What is crafty kitty craft night? Sorry your tooth is bothering you again and also that you need to get a B12 shot. Day 2 on meds and I feel a lot better already. I was really dragging yesterday, but after a good night's sleep, I feel so much better.

Lee - I am using my travel pants for traveling ... I travel from the bedroom to the kitchen and from the kitchen to the family room. If I want to REALLY travel in them, I go from the family room to the lanai! Now that's my idea of daily traveling!!! That was a hefty vet bill you had yesterday.

Kathie - Sorry you came home to no electric. I hope by now that the power has been restored. DO you have a generator for when power goes off? We do and need to have it available because I need power to run my oxygen. We've had the generator for 18 years and have never to use it (knock wood). I hope it stays that way, but is reassuring to know it is there.

Bert's birthday is Sunday and I have been wracking my brain as to what to get him for his birthday. I finally decided to go retro, so I ordered 2 heavy crumb cakes from a bakery in the next city from where we lived in NJ. They arrived yesterday and Bert loved it. The best part was that in tracking the shipment, it went from the bakery to the FedEx shipping facility which just happened to be in the town where we loved! Talk about a small world!!

So what do you all think of lil t's mug shot? It reeks of THUG to me. What a POS!!!

Time to get a few things done around here before I have to start cooking for tonight's dinner. Have a fantastic day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, glad the meds are starting to work for you, that was good timing with the Dr. visit sounds like.
Crafty Kitty is the craft group they do at church to make items to sell for a local cat rescue.

Bill, sounds like a fine visit to Aruba all in all, but to bad about such a long wait for luggage at the airport.

Kathie, hopefully the power is back on for you & you didn't lose any food due to the outage. Don't forget you have another insurance story to tell us when you get settled back in.

Lee, glad you & Ava made it to the vet's safely yesterday! I think we both should be on the Christmas card list for our vets.

Kathi, starting to get a little concerned about our guy Dave, hopefully he is home safely & just keeping you busy being a good nurse to him!

Lot's of people turned out for craft night last night, we had about 6 tables of different type crafts going on. I ended up working at the clay table. They had patterns to make a hanging cat or a mermaid so I did a mermaid. First time I'd ever done clay & it was fun. Here is my wild haired mermaid, next month after she is fired I will get to glaze her & decorate her. I wish I would have thought to take a pic of the sample mermaid.


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Chief Security Officer
Back home and already missing Costa Linda where today it is 84degrees and partly cloudy while here in EAST BRIDGEWATER it is 71 degrees and drizzly. Did sleep well though and getting back into the flow of things a bit slowly. My fantasy football draft is tomorrow night and I am not even the slightest bit prepared Will have to depend on Jason to make the best draft choices.
Can we now refer to Trumpf by his booking number or are there too many numbers to remember.
Hope Bruce can determine what left that large print by your fireplace, Nancy. Don't blame you for not investigating further when you saw it.
0ff to see if there is anything interesting in the mail. In the week's worth of mail that the PO held for us while we were away there were only two or three things of value- the rest went straight to the trash barrel.