Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Just a quick check in to let you know “Somebody” forgot to leave the light on for me in the Hutch! Good thing I’ve gotten real good at carrying a FLASH LITE around lately.

I managed to catch up reading ALL your chatter just a while ago. Took me forever.
I just can’t comment on all the great posts.

One thing I will comment on is I’m thrilled that DAVE is doing so well from his surgery. Keep up the good work

FLORIDA BELLES please get yourselves ready for the “IDALIA”. Better to be prepared early than to be caught without batteries for your flash lites. Hope this storm never makes it to your areas.

We made it through our 2 days of NO POWER. EXTENSION CORDS all over the kitchen and hallway.
The first evening we hooked up to our neighbors generator to save our refrigerators and get a bedroom lamp onto the kitchen table. We had a fan pointing onto our bed. So it wasn’t too bad. Once the temps got out of the 90’s all was much better.
Once we got the power back on I had travel laundry to do. I dumped all the suitcase clothes and washed it all. Since it was 103F in Chicago everything had a hotel smell to it.

The funeral was perfect. My dear brother had 2 priests at the evening prayers on the day of the viewing and they came back for the actual funeral. There were more people than I expected. Sure was comforting to see so many friends I haven’t seen in a few years. Most of them were my childhood camp and choir festival life long friends.

Went to church this morning and truly said prayers for all of the Hutch.

Thanks again for all your kind words and support. It is truly appreciated.

I have to drive Art to his Eye Dr appt at 8:00. (Monday)

Catch up with you all ASAP.

Enjoy your day.


2nd Officer
Good Moan-Day morning Bunnies!

You were beginning to worry me K2.
It's not good to worry us Wabbits. Happy you got your electric back. Lucky you, having a neighbor with a generator.

Speaking of electric; Refresh my memory BB. Is your generator a permanent fixture like an air conditioning unit, or something you pull out of the garage when you need it. Hope you got a new carburetor for it. Happy belated Birthday wishes to Bert.

Looks like you may get some weather mid-week from that hurricane heading your way, KC. Hope it's minor. Happy to hear that the antibiotics kicked in.

Yup, time for some coffee. A can almost smell yours Lee.

We were watching an oddball news story yesterday about taking your shoes off when inside a house. Or not. I never knew there was such a debate. And some people have very strong opinions about it.

So that's today's question; Do you want people to take off their shoes when they enter your home?

Kathi & I don't really care. As long as their shoes aren't wet or have mud on them.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Mornin’ everyone.
We would have left a light on for you Kathie. But the power was out. What a kind neighbour to let you tap into their generator. He did know you were doing that, right? It sounds like a very nice service and send off for George.

They’re sure seemed to be an awful lot of imbibing under the guise of Bert’s birthday here yesterday. Well played all.
If you weren’t so sweet Karen, that bee wouldn’t have confused you for a flower. Surely not what you would expect sitting by the pool.
We do take our shoes off in the house Dave. And unless we’re all headed right out back our guests usually take theirs off to. We always take them off in other peoples homes so we have to remember socks when we go over.
Not much else going on. We have the gang for games day. We’re cooking up a bunch of Costco hot dogs as our food contribution today. Should be fun.
You all be as good as you can.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Mondays Beach GIF by Yevbel
A new week with a TAD COOLER morning start! Oh how we complain about the heat and humidity and then TURN ON MOTHER NATURE the second she decides to cool things down. I think she's just trying to PREP us for what's coming in a few months! There's plenty of INDIAN SUMMER up here in the North to look forward to. Fall colors never disappoint.

ON or OFF in the house!! We take our shoes OFF at the door or even in the garage by the door. Always carry little footie socks when going to other folks homes. If we go to a fancy celebration, like Christmas, New Year's Eve, Pre-Wedding party at peoples homes we leave our shoes on. (They're usually dress shoes on while mingling. If a guest insists on us keeping our shoes on and goes berserk about it, we just leave them on if they are dry.
If you come to my house as a guest to visit and your shoes are dry and not muddy I just tell people to leave them on! If you're family they just automatically take off their shoes.

Karen: I feel for you with that BEE bite. It hurts and burns and ITCHES something horrible. I hope it's gone away by now.

Nancy: Hope your treatments are showing good results for you.

Lee: You'll be wearing a sweatshirt for those morning walks with Ava from now on. Brrrr.

BB: I noticed you keep busy in the kitchen while I was gone. And did YOU or BERT leave out the Candy the kids ate before dinner? Just make sure the CANDY is put away if you know they're coming for dinner. If they brought their own candy, then good luck with taking it away from them. Glad you have your upcoming cruise to look forward to. Always nice to have a END GOAL in getting new things to take with you.

DAVE: So glad you made it through your surgery and hopefully after given permission you'll be back on the the treadmill. I seriously need to find a KNEE specialist and get the darn knee taken care of. Need to start worrying about myself JUST A TAD MORE!!

Bill: Hopefully, you and Rita are doing well. When's your next trip or cruise?

Gotta go........pick up Artie. Wow that was fast. He's just waiting to see Doctor and I wanted to be there. Pre-tests are done.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie - Happy to see your post. I figured you had to be without electric, as we know you just can't stay away from us!! So glad everything worked out so well at George's funeral. Definitely nice to see old friends, even if at such a sad time

Dave - Nice that you're continuing to progress so well. Before you know it, you'll be chasing Kathi around the house. Biggest problem will be that once you catch her, you won't know what to do!! LOL You never answered what you think of ghost pepper seasoning.
Our generator gets brought out of the garage and runs outside. We don't need any carbon monoxide poisoning! If we're expecting a storm, Bert fills it gas and has it ready in place. Once electric goes off, it will immediately kick in, or so they say. We've never had to use it in 18 years and I hope we don't start now!!!
Shoes on or off ... Definitely on. Unless you had snow boots or wet muddy shoes, everyone leaves their shoes on in our family. We often have to tell guests to leave their shoes on when they come in, as so many do it automatically. I think it all depends on how your are raised as a kid. Both of our families kept shoes on and more than once I've seen Bert say let's go when someone tells us to take shoes off!! The kids take their shoes off all the time, but you never know where they're going to leave them and often go home without them.

Karen - I hope you're battening down the hatches. Last I heard, the eye of Idalia might cross right over Ocala! I bet the mad dash is on the clear the shelves of all milk, water, bread, eggs and anything else that can be fixed without electricity.
Here we shouldn't get really bad winds, but we sure need the rain to fill up our lake again. A good 6-8 inches of rain would do the trick and people will be able to put their boats in the lake again.
Ouch on that bee sting! I hope your ear feels better today and that you don't have a "cauliflower ear"!

Lee - So glad to have had our group drink in honor of Bert's birthday. He said to thank everyone for all the good wishes. Really made him feel special!

Bill - Got those suitcases ready to hit the road again. ? Definitely different clothes needed for the trip to Aruba, right? Time for some jackets & sweaters.

Last night's celebration of Bert's birthday dinner was giant snow crab clusters. Keeping with the birthday dinner mode, tonight's dinner will be shrimp cocktail, filet mignon and baked potatoes. With leftover ice cream cake, of course.

Time now for a cup of coffee and to see what's new in the news.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. For some reason I was extremely tired last evening so I went to bed very early, I did not fall asleep until after 10 but I felt good.

I am one to keep shoes on. One big reason is it is not good for your feet to go without shoes, nor is it good for your legs or back. If I don't wear shoes within about 10 minutes my feet legs and back start to hurt. There has to be a cushion under my feet. The Podiatrist actually wants me to wear supportive sneakers all the time but at home I am in heavy duty flips, they are cushioned. I have had to wear some sort of shoes all the time for a number of years, probably at least 20, before that I could go without for a few hours a day.

Hard to believe the month is almost over. No plans for me this week. Next week I get the left side of my neck done and a couple days later an appt with the Podiatrist.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, sounds like Bert is having my favorite kind of Birthday, one that get's celebrated for days & days!
Keeping a close eye on Idalia, but haven't started to bring anything inside yet. I was thinking you had a big whole house generator.

Dave, growing up in Ohio whenever we would go to visit family we almost always took our shoes off. Most people had carpet back then & my parents didn't want us getting it "dirty". Now I mostly leave my shoes on & my guests do the same. Only time I try to remember to take them off is if I have been mowing or working in the yard, then they are usually full of sand.

Kathie, glad you were able to share your neighbors generator & save your food! Sounds like a nice send off for George and seeing so many old friends made the trip even better, in spite of the circumstances.

Lee, I think it was my bright hat rather than my sweetness that attracted the bee. We've had a problem with bee's in the pool before, I guess they swoop in to get a drink & then can't fly back out. We fished 2 more out that were floating around yesterday & once they were clear of the water they flew off.

Bill, hope you caught up on your sleep last night. I had one of those can't get to sleep nights & finally got up & cleaned the kitchen. I did fall asleep fairly soon after that, but woke up several times in the night so it wasn't restful.

Had my 1st of 4 B-12 shots this morning and misread my appt. time and got there 20 mins. early, and I guess since it was Monday everyone else was there too, so I ended up having to wait till 8:30. Once I got called back I had my shot, made my next 3 appts. and was gone in less than 10 mins.
Went to Dunkin Donuts to pick up a gift card for Deb, her birthday is Wed. but they are having a birthday lunch tomorrow at the clubhouse due to Idalia's expected arrival Wed. While I was there I got an Caramel Mocha iced coffee & 2 pumpkin donuts as a treat for me!

Ear is doing ok today, it's a little itchy, but not swollen & I haven't had to take any Benadryl so that's a plus.
Going over to Jane's this evening to take down her sun shade & tie down some of her patio chairs. Most everything else is still in the garage from last years storm, so that will save some time.

Tomorrow I will bring my grill onto the porch & bring in a few light items, so it won't take me long either to get ready.


Chief Security Officer
Shoes on here and I don't know of any friends, neighbors or relatives who have a "shoes off" policy.t
Lee- after watching the latest Patriots performance, I am
tempted to ask if I can get a discount if I send you those M&Ms in advance? But, hope springs eternal so I will stand by the Patriots and hope that they can actually trounce the Bills. Hopefully the Bills players will be so entranced or distracted by the new monster screen at the Razor, that they won't be able to execute their plays properly.
Slept better last night but still had a problem getting up and going this morning. Just so tempting to roll over and try for another few winks. The fact that it is again gray and gloomy didn't help.
K2- next cruise is coming up in a few weeks: 14 nights from Cape
Liberty in New Jersey to Greenland and return. Definitely requiring a different wardrobe from what we took to Aruba.
Batten down those hatches you Floridians. Only hope that once it crosses over to the Atlantic it keeps heading East and doesn't decide to pay us a visit. As it is I believe we are experiencing the third wettest summer on record.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - Did you get the same response I got from RCCL about entertainment that you have to check the app on boarding day to find out who and what will be going on? Pretty useless lazy answer, if you ask me. Trouble is I don't use my cell phone on cruises, so they hopefully will still have a paper Cruise Compass.
Glad you got a better night's sleep. I'm starting to hate getting up in the morning and find I'm staying in bed much longer. But them again, we usually don't go to bed until around midnight, 9:00 really isn't that bad. Gone are the days where 4-5 hours of sleep was all I needed. Of course, I usually do wake up briefly around daybreak these days. I told Bert that I hadn't seen so many mornings as daybreak arrived since I retired from teaching. Back in those days I was up by 5:15 everyday!!

Laurie called last night to say that she and her family are planning to come down for the day next Sunday, unless Idalia messes up their plans. Laurie is an insurance agent as well as an appraiser. If there's a lot of damage, she'll be on call at least 12-15 hours a day! That's what happened last year with Ft. Myers. This storm may cross right where they love, so she might not have electric and couldn't do her job working from home. Don't know how they'll handle that.

Karen - Not much we have to do here to get ready for this storm. Just need to take down a few plants from the baker's rack on the lanai that could be knocked down. At least we don't have to clear the lanai of all the furniture and plants. That's a good thing.

Kathie - Our generator is large enough to take care of the whole house. I like this one being away from the house as it won't be so dangerous like a built in one. Bert will just chain it down so it can't be stollen. That's the biggest problem here.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I am able to sit and most importantly get up from the sofa so Bruce is back to his chair.

Well not sure if Jennifer and family will be getting a hurricane or not but have asked my friends on the West Coast to get ready for one. Of course if it hits land not too far north of them they will get a lot of bad wind and rain. I read that Tampa International Airport is closing tonight at 12:01 am.

Got the call and my appt next Tuesday for the left side of neck is the same time as last week, be there at 1:45. I found today the pills I got from this Dr for pain in the neck and took one today and will take more. AS The left side is hurting a lot and for some reason the right is hurting now.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Howdy Wrabbits. WHAT A DAY.
Got to the Eye Dr's just in time to get to listen to what the Doc had to say about Art's eye and the 2 yrs of treatments. She said she can see a spot that she could get the LASER at and would like to try it. Art agreed it was time to just do something other than just the
injections in the eye.:eek: So Art says "When should we make the appointment for the Laser"?

She says: I can do it right now today! Ha Ha. No time to back out. He got to walk to the room next door and after the nice aid set him up in the chair and put in the numbing drops the Doc came in and I went out in the hallway! One, two, three and he was walking out in NO PAIN and out the door. Now we get to see if he has a permanent spot in his vision from the laser or NOT! Let's hope the spot doesn't show up. He felt no pain the rest of the day and went about his usual work around the house. END of STORY!

I took the patient to "The Pancake Pantry" for breakfast. He's like a little kid, loves his treats.

I then spent the better half of 4 hours getting us new Apple iPhones from Verizon. (that's our cell carrier) We'll get them in the mail by Thursday or Friday. The best part is that we had a deal for our plan that we could get $800 bucks rebate on 'each' of our phones. That covers the cost of 'each' iPHONE 14. Nothing fancy, just more Gigs and better camera. The downside, if there really is one, is paying Michigan Tax on the original price of the phones. The tax was $96 bucks.

I need to buy a new Glass cover for the face of the phone to protect it. Those really are worth getting. And a Clear Case. The old one won't fit this. Apple is making money off of us old folks.
The first Verizon store we went to wasn't giving us as much rebate and wanted $100 for each phone to have all the information transferred to the new phone. That would be $200 bucks. I may look old and not with it, but that wasn't happening. And he looked up the account and the rebate was much lower. The guy lied to my face.

Stay Safe Take Care GIF by Chippy the Dog
Praying that this storm makes a turn and totally misses your area. Find that flashlight!

BB: Sounds like Bert had a fantastic birthday. I would love to eat at your house. Lots of seafood often!

Out of here for now.


2nd Officer
It's interesting the various choices of shoes on, shoes off inside the house. Why did I know that you super polite Canadians would be shoes off.

K2; It's going to be a while before I'm back on the treadmill. I'm still shuffling behind the walker, and usually not able to get in and out of bed without assistance.

You betcha, I'd try that ghost pepper seasoning. That's one of those things you test it out by only using a little bit at a time.

How's that bee sting coming along, KC? Hope the swelling doesn't raise its' ugly head. Ya got to treat yourself to a fancy coffee once in a while.

Bill; You sure don't waste time between vacations and the next cruise.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A nice cool start to the day. OK, so who turned on the runny eyes allergy machine?
I was also getting a kick out of the Great Shoe Debate Dave. Yesterday was games day so I intentionally told the 7 folks that they could keep their shoes on. Just to see what would happen. Lu-Ann and I were already shoeless. Once everyone was here we had 7 pairs of shoes in the entry. Too funny.
We’re waiting for new iPhones as well. Kathie. We currently have iPhone X. Mine is not holding a charge like it should. Funny because Lu-Ann uses hers WAY more than I do. Because of the age the trade in value will only go down from the $110 each we got when the new models come out in September. We opted for the iPhone 14 pro because of the better camera as well as a slightly larger screen. We were happy with the price and happier with the unlimited Canada US calling and 150 GB of data plan. We use Apple Maps as a gps so it’s good to know we have good coverage at no added roaming costs on both sides of the border. Good for Art getting the laser. My worst problem is remembering the nightly drops.
Still all good with that pesky bee bite Karen? Stay safe young lady.
I was trying to remember how long you and I have had our HUGE wager on our teams Bill. As I recall you took both dollars once. :)
Pat, it must soon be time for Wes to head to NOLA for his job. That’ll cut down on grocery bills across your families! I can’t imagine some of the things and claims Laurie has to wade through as an agent and appraiser. Hopefully by getting the generator ready you won’t need it. Either way, you guys stay safe too.
Do you find that the changes in barometric pressure affect your aches and pains Nancy? I understand there’s lots of pressure changes around hurricanes, tornados and mostly for us, severe thunder storms. You’re on the stay safe list too.
I heard Governor DumbSantis telling people they only need to get to higher ground. Maybe everyone could join him in his ivory tower. That MUST be the highest point in FL.
I should feed Ava and get on with our day. I have a haircut at 5:00 pm. What a stoopid time but I’m trying a new place. Lu-Ann goes to Betty and quite likes her so I’ll give her a try. My old guy stopped doing what I asked for a couple of cuts back so it’s time to move on.
You all, each and every one of you, have a great and safe day.


2nd Officer
Good morning. They are saying we should expect rain at different times to day and most of tomorrow. Right now it is very sunny.

Lee, I guess the barometric pressure does make a difference. Well find out more today/tomorrow. And yes our governor has no idea what
the state looks like, higher ground here is about 10 feet in most of the state. He went to the memorial for the 3 killed the other day in Jacksonville and the crowd BOOED him, I don't blame them he really does not care for anyone who is not white and really dislikes Blacks. I know he thought going would get him votes, sorry no votes from that crowd.

Only plan for today is doing laundry.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Morning all! The hatches are all battened down so now it's just a wait & see where Idalia is going to make her appearance.

Kathie, hope the laser procedure solves the problem for Art. I think that's how I'd want to have a laser procedure done with no time to think about it.

Dave, at our age even shuffling counts as "activity", move it or lose it never rang more true!

Pat, I didn't have a lot to bring in either luckily, just a few wind chimes & my glass gazing ball. Sure hope Laurie doesn't have a lot of damage claims & reports to deal with.

Lee, hope Betty gives you a hair cut to your liking, nothing worse than paying good money to someone who doesn't listen to what you want done. Isn't it funny how the older we get the less we like to make afternoon or evening appointments? Anything after 2 pm is just a no go for me.

Ear is still itchy but nothing a dose of Benadryl, except it makes me sleepy so I have to wait till bedtime to take it.
Heading down to the clubhouse in a little while for Deb's birthday lunch. Not sure if I'm going to swim or not but will wear my suit just in case.
That's about it from Belleview, have a good one all!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Beautiful outside right now. If only it stayed this way!!

Lee - We must have something blooming right now that is making my allergies act up. Eyes are running and I'm coughing a lot. Unfortunately, Wesley will not be going to Nola after all. The guy who was hiring him and Wes got their wires crossed and couldn't hook up. So now Wesley is a proud (?) employee of Lowes!! He's not happy, but it's better than nothing.

Kathie - That was some day that Art had. How's he making out today with his eye? Nice that you treated him to breakfast as a reward for being a good boy. LOL Yes, we do eat a lot of seafood. I changed up dinner last night. Instead of the shrimp cocktail, I had Bert pick us up 2 lobster tails to go with our steak. The whole meal was delicious. I think flounder might be on the menu tonight. That's one of my favorite fish and I don't care if it's part of a whole meal or on a sandwich. Now I just have to hope it's NORTHERN flounder which is nice and flaky instead of SOUTHERN flounder which is very mushy due to being in warm waters.

Dave - So what was for breakfast this morning? I'm sure it was nothing "normal", right?

Nancy - One of the reasons DeathSantis was booed in Jacksonville was because he only called the shooter a "scumbag" and wouldn't call him a racist. I wonder where he's off to while this hurricane is headed for Florida. It could always make a direct hit on the capital and do us all a favor. Speaking of the capital, did you see where they are putting in bulletproof windows in the whole building. So suddenly, they think they are needed because ...?

Karen - You ready to look Idalia in the eye and tell her to hit the road? We really don't have to do much here. I just want a couple of the bigger plants put on the floor, so they don't get knocked over to make a mess. Go have a good time at the birthday luncheon and get in a swim while you can. Luckily it's not too hot yet.

Talk about overkill when it comes to a hurricane! If I get one more phone call from a medical provider, I'm going to scream. They all ask if I have a plan in case power goes off. I tell them we have the generator. Then they ask about evacuation plans. I don't bother telling them that I live on a lake that is well below our property. I just ell them yes, we have a plan. Then on to the next call asking the same questions. UGH!!! Never had this much checking done in previous years.
Phone call ... gotta run ...


Wacky Wabbit
Good MID-MORNING Wrabbits! It's 67F Sunny and going to much warmer this afternoon with WINDS kicking up. What's with that Mother Nature?

Lee: Amazing how the rebate prices are so different from Canada to US when it comes to Apple phones. Ours are XR's and we bought them in June of 2019. Not that old, but if you don't take advantage of the current rebate and absorbed the "Michigan Taxes" on the new ones you really loose out when the new models get released. The 14Pro is what Jill has. I couldn't handle the weight. And Art has to have his phone in his back Biking Jersey, so he totally didn't want any more weight. Maybe next time! Phones are like the old Kodak Camera's. They would come out with a new model camera every year! I have a old Olympis camera that still has pictures on the little SIM card in the slot. I haven't looked at the pictures in quite some time.
Nice that you'll be able to call back and forth from Canada to US without roaming charges. You're over here a lot and it will come in handy on your Florida trips.

DAVE: Promise us to "keep shuffling" around that house as much as possible. Don't want to give those muscles a chance to stiffen up from just sitting. Did the doctor say anything about Physical Therapy after the incision heals? Might want to ask him about it. Those therapist can get you LIMBERED UP and show you just how to stretch those muscles. Worth asking for a prescription for PT. And I can bet your insurance covers it.

Karen, BB, Nancy: Sure hope that storm is going to pass you guys. Still thinking about you all.
Good move Karen going and getting the outside furniture tied down at Janes and taking down the sun-shade. How do the Kitties do when there is a storm brewing? I bet they're under the beds!

What's the name of the ship you're going to be on for your upcoming cruise? That's a nice long cruise. Hope you get SMOOTH WATERS both ways.

BB: What's on your agenda for today? Hope you won't have to be in the kitchen too much.
Just saw that you popped on here and got the run down. I forgot all about your Oxygen and that you'll need that generator if power goes out. Good thing the guys got that new carburetor! So tell us, did they get it installed and TRY IT OUT?
Art's had no issues AT ALL after the laser was done. He didn't feel anything once the numbing med wore off and was reading his book later in the evening. THANK GOODNESS. Still has to put prescription drops in his eyes, but she said in 5 weeks she's going to slowly reduce how many times he does it a day. He'll be happy about that. Thanks for asking.

WOW........just got a call while on this big computer from FED-X that the phones will be here tomorrow (Wednesday) and somebody has to be here to sign for them! Now that was QUICK!

You all have a wonderful day. Get outside if you can and absorb some of the sunshine!
Karen, I envy you being able to go over to the Club House and jumping in the pool. I might just have to drive over to the Lake Cottage and pay a visit to Tass and see how she's doing.

LATER................ :wink2:


Wacky Wabbit
Signed up for Fedex Tracking and was very impressed with their site. Amazing how quickly the pkg is moving along.



Label Created​

8/28/23 7:06 PM


8/28/23 7:55 PM

Arrived at FedEx location
8/29/23 2:01 AM

Karen: I loved your comment about "MOVE IT OR LOSE IT"! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :clap002:


Chief Security Officer
Pat, a later response from RCCL was more informative and I now have a list of the shows and the entertainers who will be on the Jewel cruise to Greenland.
Jewel of the Seas is the name of our ship, K2. It is a Radiance class ship and is about 90,000 GRT.
Since I retired, Dave, life is pretty much a vacation interspersed with medical appointments.
Have one such appointment later today, and a bunch of them after we return from the cruise.


Wacky Wabbit
BILL: Do you have the website address for how we can follow your cruise ship while you're on the cruise. I put in Jewel of the Seas and can't seem to find the itinerary showing where it stops along the way.
I know I've been on a site before that tracks the ship.
It's always fun to see just where the ship is as it moves along.
Post anything that can help us .... thanks.