Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. RISE and SHINE ! 61F and Sunny and going to be hotter later! :clap002:

DAVE: Mr Manny has all of us right around his little paw!! Totally spoiled. But the good part is that it's THEIR DOG and I don't have to live with his antics! Ha Ha. He's still a cutie though.

You all have a fantastic day and I'll be back sometime on Saturday or if I get a minute
in-between pup walks I'll try and catch up.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Hard to believe it's the 1st of Sept. already!

Dave, I do the same as Kathi when I go to the store, park farther out in the lot. I like to pull thru and the only way to find a spot like that is farther out. My sister's hate going shopping with me, I have to drop them off at the door & pick them up

Kathie, have fun puppy sitting Mr Manny, it sure doesn't take them very long to get us trained does it? Sure hope they finish the power line repairs in your neighborhood, that stinks having the power shut off with no warning!

Bill, hope you & Rita have an awesome time on your cruise. Any word on Rich & Diane's travel adventure?

Pat, glad to hear you survived the hurricane & even got some much needed rain from it. We really got very little rain or wind, not that I'm complaining but we could have used a little more rain.

Lee, Nice that the OGC's have another project to keep them occupied & out of trouble. Sounds like an interesting project, hope there will be pictures!

Spent most of yesterday cleaning house & put a few outside items back out front, still have the solar lights & bird feeders to put out back. This morning I changed the sheets on the bed & cleaned the bedroom so the house is all spiffy clean again.

I'm also amazed at myself, but I bought a new wireless router because I'm not paying Spectrum $60 a year to use their's, and was actually able to get it up & running with a minimum of problems. Right now my laptop is running on wifi, but I think I'll go back to the ethernet cable since I have it for better speed.
First choir practice last night was interesting, I'm not familiar at all with the music & I don't read music so it was challenging to say the least. I think it will be interesting though because the director seems to teach a lot about breathing & different things. The people are really nice too so that's always helpful, sometimes they can be kind of clicky.
Need to go down later & help Barb with a project so I better wrap this up, have a super day all!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Am back to using Bruce's chair. My right hand is swollen due to having to use it to push up to get up from the sofa. SO I am going to have to find both a power chair for me and a sleeper chair, so will have a place for Max to sleep whenever he is here. This will mean I less person to be able to sit in the living room but we can always move a dining table chair in.

Yesterday NCL announced that as of tomorrow they are back to stopping at Maui for two days. So I have booked a tour for Monday. Now to see what we will do on Sunday. And also to see what we will do on Thursday and Friday in Kauai. Being that it is now Sept it is feeling real about going to Hawaii.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Didn't have a great night's sleep, so I'm kind of running on empty this morning.

Yesterday was kind of screwy around here what with Bert's quest to get rid of the $@&%# ants on the kitchen counter. He removed everything, sprayed and then washed the counter big time. The rest of the day was spent deciding what was to go back on the counter and what wasn't. I helped with that. After that tiring job was finished I wasn't in the mood to make those fried shrimp sandwiches, so we decided to go out for pizza and wings before the football game. Turns out the place we went to no longer serves pizza and wings there in the dining room after 3, so we had to take it to go. Not what we wanted but food was delicious. Now I have to find a sit down place for pizza & wings where you can also get an adult beverage while you wait. Such challenges.

Now here's the good part - Missy said she would make dinner tonight, which makes me happy. She sent me a message as to what she's going to make - friend shrimp sandwiches!!!! Using our shrimp, of course. She is so my mini me!

Kathie - Have fun puppy sitting Manny again. Good luck with the MSU game. Gators didn't make out so well last night. Among other things, they were playing in Utah where it was at least 4,000 feet above sea level. Air is much thinner there than in Gainesville at 127 feet above sea level. I saw our players having to breathe in O2 from cans after some plays. Definitely, a challenge for the Gator players. Next week they'll be home in the Swamp where all Gators belong!

Dave - Hope your checkup went well and that the doctor is pleased with the progress on your leg.

Lee - How's that OGC project coming along?

Bill - Looks like you and Rita will be getting lots of time to relax and read on this cruise with 2 tender ports. have you heard from Rich & Diane yet?

Karen - Glad you have everything pretty much back in place. Your choir practice sounds interesting. I'm sure you'll get the hang of what they're singing quickly.

Nancy - I love my automatic chair. Biggest problem with it is that I tend to fall asleep in it on a daily basis.

Time to finish putting things back where they belong in the kitchen.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen good for you hooking up the Router. Do you have your own Modem & WiFi router in one. It is compatible with Comcast equipment. xFiGateway. WiFi6. Don't ask me about all those names. All I know is that it works.
I was always afraid to stop using the Comcast modem and then just went for it. I was paying $15 a month. Crazy I didn't do it sooner.
Glad you got your house in order.

We're about to hit the road. Be good little Wrabbits.

Hey there BB I saw you just popped on: Enjoy your Shrimp sandwiches. They sound yummy.


Chief Security Officer
Found out what happened to my missing post. It popped up on the page for the forum for our Jewel cruise. I am sure that the people on that forum are about as puzzled about it as I am.
BB, seems crazy that the restaurant will still provide the pizza and wings for takeout but not serve it to you in their dining room, but I guess it is what it is.
No word from Rich and Dianne as yet. I think that Wilmington, NC missed the brunt of the storm but they may have lost power or the internet.

Dermatologist noted a squamous cell carcinoma on my chest when I saw him recently and has scheduled it for removal after we are back from Greenland. Have had one removed before so it isn't anything to be concerned about.
As K2 says: It's always something.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Checking in before I head over for coffee and a muffin before we carry on at Jim’s.
So, as you can tell, I started this early this morning…And I’m back now.
Yep, a full stand up attic Dave. Cudos to Kathi. I appreciate those who don’t misuse disabled permits. I say that as what with Dad having ALS and Mom having cardiac and pulmonary problems it pi$$ed me off to no end when abled bodied people abused the permit.
Oddly enough Kathie, we ordered Spigen cases and glass from Amazon for our phones too! Lu-Ann’s phone arrived today but my purple one is about a week out. :confused: Why do I get the feeling that you enjoy puppy sitting your “Grand Dog”.
Those sandwiches sound pretty danged tasty to me Pat! Happy to hear that Bert get everything back in order in the kitchen. That seems like an odd way for a pizza and wing shop to do business.
Enjoy Maui Nancy. If you get the chance leave an offering of a tea leaf lei and an airline sized bottle of gin for Madame Pele. No, I didn’t make that up.
Karen, I’m with you on the magic of a pull through spot. Lu-Ann laughs when I park a couple of rows further out to take advantage of one. Now your place is even tidier, put your feet up, read a book and enjoy a glass of and adult beverage.
Bill, do you ever wonder how we all made all of our medical appointments AND worked full time jobs?
So, how’s the project going? Here’s a couple of pictures…

Above : The stairs going from the garage floor to the new “attic”.
Below : The newly created storage space. The floor has to be properly tacked in place and a railing installed on the stair way and around the edge of the floor.

So, that’s about it from a sleepy little hamlet on the shores of the Detroit River that we call home.
Everyone hav a super day!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I put ice on my hand, I did it for about 45 minutes, it was so cold it was 5 minutes on 5 minutes off.

Lee that attic looks good.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Do you use frozen peas Nancy. Again, I’m not making this up. Frozen peas conform nicely to the area to be iced and can be refrozen.
Another early start to the day. There is a bakery in Kingsville that has the most amazing apple fritters. But only on the first Saturday of every month. Lu-Ann has been wanting one for, oh, about a month. We’ll head off after our morning walk so we’re there for opening.
G’nite everyone.


2nd Officer
DAMN! And now Jimmy Buffett has passed.

That attic storage room looks mighty fine, Lee. And they are so lucky there's enough room to stand up. I sure hope they pitch a lot of their "junk" before they ever think of taking it up there.

You are better than me, KC. Hooking up any electronic item is just asking for trouble and frustration when I do it.

I think you made everybody hungry for a fried shrimp sandwich, BB.

Remember K2; It only takes a puppy 6 weeks to train YOU.

It's so nice of you Bill for once again coming to the financial aid of your skin doctor.

Today, Kathi and I are not going anywhere. We spent WAY too much yesterday.

We started off at the wound-clinic where they continue to work on the "wound" I've had for 6 months. It never got worse but it also never got better. Now it's almost all healed up.

While there they showed concern about the coverings over the vein bypass surgery to my right leg. (Some of it was coming off.) They were more than willing to take those coverings off, clean up the area, and re-cover them. BUT the surgeon would have to approve it. And last week he wouldn't. This week the coverings looked a bit shaggier. So Kathi got on her cell phone and called the surgeons office explaining that my visit with him isn't till next Tuesday, and even put one of the nurses on the phone.

Surprisingly, next thing we know the surgeon walks in the office to have a look himself. (He was in the same hospital as I was, doing surgeries.) This time he approves the Wound-Clinic to clean up the areas and re-cover them.

We have a couple of Lazy Boy couches. A recliner at each end, with just a seat in the middle. After years, the couch we use most started to show bad wear of the fabric. Well guess who noticed that the Lazy Boy store has a sale this weekend. So she went over and picked out one of their couches, and it'll be delivered on the 13th.

2 doctor bills and a new couch. That's enough big spending for a while!
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes, well, damn. Jimmy Buffet has passed. You all know that Lu-Ann and I were big fans. To quote one of his song titles…”It’s Been A Lovely Cruise”.
Dave, you can’t take it with you.
Be good everyone.


2nd Officer
Dang, that was the first thing I saw this morning when I turned on the computer that Jimmy Buffet had passed, and he was only 76, not an old man by any means!

Dave & Lee, thanks for the mornings comedy routine you almost made me spit out my coffee laughing!

Heading over to Jane's in a few to put her sun shade back up & a few other little projects. We have the shade install down to a science now, just 4 clips on each corner, hook the clips to the chains
attracted to the roof & poles and presto, shade is up!
Back later gang!


Wacky Wabbit

Lee: I do like watching Manny. It is a bit of work since walking “far” right now is hard on my knee! But playing with him is fun. He is “SO SPOILED”, but he listens to me when I use my FIRM VOICE! Thank goodness it is not raining this time. Makes going outside much easier on both of us.
The Mosquitos around here are bad. I swell up something horrible. :eek:

Got most of the sympathy Thank You cards written out. Need to find one address. Glad to get that out of the way.

So far MSU is holding its own in the football game. Not doing as well as all the pre-game hype. One of our players got carried off the field on a stretcher during the 1st play of the game! :eek:

The ATTIC pictures are fantastic. You guys are REAL PRO’s.

Fresh Apple Fritters. Yum.

Night all. MSU WON!


Wacky Wabbit
Good SATURDAY morning Wrabbits! I keep forgetting what day it is this week! DUH!!

After getting home late last night I got to watch the SERB - "NOVAK" in one of the tennis matches. It was after 1:30 a.m. by the time it ended. HE WON!! So it was worth it. I needed to unwind from my "Manny sitting", so I was basically wide awake. Did sleep until 8:01 this morning! :clap002:

DAVE: Good for Kathi going out and getting a new couch. Glad Kathi got on the phone about your dressing needing changing. And Kudo's to the Doctor for actually coming in and seeing what it looked like. "the squeaky wheel - gets the grease" as the saying goes. Never hurts to ask.

And YES, the PUP has me trained big time! But he does recognize my SERIOUS VOICE and stops to listen. The cutest thing is when I'm standing in front of the sink area and he has a toy in his mouth and PUSHES it in the back of my legs! He wants to play! I crack up over that every time.

Lee: Love the pictures of the Stand up Attic. That garage must be REALLY REALLY TALL/HIGH up to be able to build something like that! Would have loved to see a picture before you started building in that area. Love the walk up stairs!! What a plus over our Pull Down Stairs. Just not enough room for that in our garage! Good job OGC!

Lee: I walked out to say wave good-bye to Art as he left for his Sat bike ride and saw a PKG on the front porch. It was MY new phone case. The rest of the items are coming today or Monday. I like the color of my YELLOW CASE! It has a clear back on it. I won't put it on until I get the GLASS SCREEN PROTECTOR installed. I read about not putting the case on before the screen protector is put on.

Karen: Bummer about Jimmy Buffet. He always put on a great show wherever he performed. His songs were great and he got the crowds up and moving all the time. He was at our big open concert venue one year. Fantastic entertainer. RIP.
Nice that you got that Sun Sail installing down to a science. Always helps save time.

I'm off to the post office to get the "thank-you's" into the mail. I don't trust our mail delivery people. It's Saturday and who knows when they'll show up. It seems like it's always a different time lately. Use to be able to set your watch by your mail deliver .... not anymore.

Have a great day all. 2nd on my errands is going to the PEACH ORCHARDS and getting some FRESH JUICY PURE MICHIGAN PEACHES. None of those Hard Soft Ball Peaches they try to push off on us from Atlanta, Georgia. They must pick them when they first show up on the trees to be so DARN HARD.

It's going to be a great Labor Weekend here in Michigan and all next week. Not too many of these left. I see a trip to the Lake cottage in our future!! :sign havefun:


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the first thing I read/heard this morning was the death of Jimmy Buffet. I was a fan but not a Parrothead.

Lee, I have used peas once but now I have a very nice ice pack for my knee that has cloth on one side that you put against the skin and it folds so it will ice both sides of my hand at once. My hand this morning is swollen but not as bad as yesterday, but of course will use the ice pack today.

Dave, I have looked at Lazy Boy recliners and the cost for the power recliners is too much, so will look elsewhere.
Plan for today is watching NASCAR starting at 12:30.

Don't have plans for this weekend. I do hope to book a car for Kauai. I have been looking at tours that would take us to Hanapepe, a town much like Lahaina, but maybe not as old, and the best price I have found is $770 for the 2 of us. So renting a car will be much less expensive and then we can see what we want and spend time where we want.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Damn! I too had the same reaction to seeing the news about Jimmy Buffet as soon as I put the computer on. I guess he'll be spending Labor Day having a cheeseburger in Paradise!

Lee - You guys are doing a fantastic job on that attic area. I am very impressed. How are you guys on electrical work? One of our paddle fans outside suddenly isn't working and the light in our bathroom needs to be looked at. Guess we're going to have to find someone to fix both one of these days.
Those apple fritters sound delicious. Now I'd like one!

Dave - Good call on Kathi's part calling the surgeon's office and having him come in to check your incision. Also good for her getting the new Lazy Boy couch. Lady makes up her mind and just does it. I like that in a woman!!!

Kathie - So let me get this straight - Manny can't be left alone for a couple of hours without having a babysitter? Wow! Or did you volunteer to babysit just to spend time with Manny? I'm confused, as he's not a little puppy any longer and should be able to hold going outside for a few hours at this point.

Karen - Sounds like you really have that sun shade installation down to a science. Nice when you can put it up and take it down so quickly.

Nancy - Sorry you're still hurting. Enjoy your race today.

Had the gang here for dinner last night and the shrimp sandwiches were so good. They brought Daisy, their one dog, with them. She's my special sweetheart and stays right by me whenever she sees me. They tell everyone that Daisy is really my dog and they're just taking care of her for me.

Today's going to be quiet around here. It'll be a good day to get a few things done and to also start prepping for tomorrow's dinner when Laurie, Ron and the kids will be here. Decided I'd make a pot of chicken cacciatore to surprise them. Usually when we see them, we just get fried chicken and salads from Publix, but I'm feeling more domestic this time!!
OK, so while you all choke on that last statement, I'm off to get a cup of coffee before I get to work.\\Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning BB!! Chicken Cacciatore on tomorrow's menu. YUM! Now get busy MISS Domestic!
Manny would have been left for 10 hours. He's still too young to go that long without a potty break. REMEMBER.... I've said it over and over.......this pup is spoiled. Ha Ha. NOT MY DOG --CUTE but SPOILED BIG TIME. Oh well!! For us to go and let him out and then come home is just too far. We don't mind spending time with him. We're retired!! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Here's a website that I came across about Jimmy Buffet and his life. So sorry that he had to pass so young. Nobody is saying what he died from. The last picture I saw of him he looked older than 76. May he RIP.
Post office wasn't busy today! That was a nice surprise. Traffic wasn't bad either. But I'm sure most "workers" will be having 1/2 days today and get off early. I-75 going up NORTH will be horrible with all the cottage folks going up for the last long holiday weekend before school starts.
Okay, I was passing through and just had to stop and post the Buffet website. Interesting.


2nd Officer
Well I have booked a car on Kauai since the tours I am looking at are at least $600 for the 2 of us for one tour and that is way too much. Renting a car and going around ourselves will be much better. And since we have a car now on two island I have bought the guides for my phone for both islands, each tour is $20 but if you buy all 6 for each island it is $30 so I did that and am now downloading the tours to my phone. And they had a code to save some money for purchase so I applied that and saved a bit. Of course this will be our most expensive cruise but worth it.

No the only island I don't have all booked is Maui. I just need to find something to do on Sunday, there.

I have looked again at Lazy Boy at the sofas that have a power recliner but since you don't get a sleeper as part of the two normal sections it is a no go for me.


Chief Security Officer
Boy, you guys do great work, Lee. Job looks very professional. Perhaps you and the guys should consider coming out of retirement and starting a second career.
Sharing everyone's sadness at the news about Jimmy
Buffet's passing. Hope he finds that "lost shaker of salt" in Paradise.
Still looking to see my name engraved on the front of that doctor's office building that my fees financed, Dave. On a positive note, I see that one of my prescriptions and one of Rita's are on the list of medicines that President Biden wants Medicare to be able to negotiate for a lower price. Let's hope that Big Pharma is unsuccessful in its attempt to fight it, though if they take the issue to the Supreme Court in its current makeup, I am fearful.
Have begun downloading some books to my Kindle so that I will have reading material for those days at sea. There is a new writer who has taken over the Lisbeth Salander (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) series that the late Stieg Larsson began. Hope she can match his style.
Not every writer who tries to replace a successful author who has died, can do that. I think that Lee Child's brother, Andrew's attempt to take on the Jack Reacher series is an example of a less than successful attempt while Mike Lupica does seem to have done a decent job in capturing the spirit of the late Robert Parker's "Spenser".