Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Remember the son and daughter-in-law who have 7 kids. Well.......Ole Fertile-Myrtle is pregnant again with kid #8. Lord help us! When they pull up in their van and open the door and start piling out, it looks like a clown-car.

What do you mean Lee, I can't take my Lazy Boy with me when I croak? That sucks!

It is a good sign K2 when Manny obeys you when you use your "FIRM VOICE". It works for me, not so much for Kathi.

KC; It's always interesting how something is easy to do, and how quickly we can do it, after we've done it a dozen times.

Hey "Miss Domestic", Daisy sounds like a good pooch.

Bill, at your doctor's office building, not even a plaque in one of the hallways with your name on it ???

Zip planned for today.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Where is everyone? Usually more people have shown up by now.

This is going to be a really short post. Our company is almost here already. Bunch of early birds!! I already baked a dozen blueberry muffins for when they get here. Too early for chips and dips, right? Plus I have the chicken cacciatore cooking away. Thank goodness, I did the first part of the job last night. Otherwise I would have been spending the day in the kitchen stirring the pot. Between the muffins and the chicken cacciatore, it smells really fine in here right now. No need to light any candles to make the air smell good.

Dave - You cracked me up with the remark about the clown car and all those kids. Are they trying to keep up with the family that used to be on TV with all those kids?

Time for "Miss Domestic" to get back to work. Company should be leaving early, so hopefully, I'll get a chance to stop back. In the meantime, behave yourselves!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning - barely.
Hotter than
Hades here for the next few days. If asked where I'm spending time it won't be doing construction in Jim's garage.
Don't panic Dave. Of course you can take your new Lazy Boy with you. Just not the money...
Perhaps you should play this for Fertile Myrtle's husband...

I would have been spending the day in the kitchen stirring the pot.
Oh Momma Bunny, one could take that line and run with it in so many different ways. Have a fun day.
Dang Nancy, a shore excursion for two now is about a quarter of what our whole 12 night Hawaiian cruise with a balcony - including air fare - for two cost us all those years ago! When we stayed in Honolulu on a three week land vacation we booked day flights to Kauai and The Big Island including a convertible for $59.00 per person for four people!
Well Bill, that's the funny part. We do work for each other and friends. We don't do major electrical or plumbing in each others places either. We don't usually work every day or past about 14:00 and definitely not outdoors if it's really hot. Very few people would want those terms! Plus, as it stands we work for coffee and muffins (morning), subs or pizza (lunch) and a beer or glass of wine once we put the tools away for the day. That's way beyond most people's budgets. ;)
It does take time for a pup to go longer without having to go out Kathie. We always gauged it by when they could go through the night without needing out. Then we built up to longer stays alone during the day. Still, we don't like to leave Ava alone for more than 5 1/2 to 6 hours at the MOST. IT seems that Jimmy passed away from a very rare form of skin cancer. He had been diagnosed 4 or so years ago. We noticed that in his last few photos he was not looking well.
Did the sunshade go up as easily as you had planned Karen? Good to have an easy to operate system to take it down and put it back up.
Today??? Well, we have to pay our bills, do our workouts and then see what the rest of the day brings.
You all have wonderful days!



2nd Officer
A late good morning. Just finished my shower. Not sure whether we will go to lunch or not. The race today is not until this evening.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Finally getting a chance to check back in.
Dave, well I guess the family with all those kids must be firm believer's in the "more the merrier"...maybe if they weren't so merry, they wouldn't have so many.

Pat, I haven't had chicken cacciatore in ages, I will have to dig out the recipe my girlfriend gave me & make it again one of these days. Blueberry muffins sound like a real nice way to start the visit too!

Lee, Living in Florida land of no show contractors I'd happily agree to those working terms. I hadn't heard what Jimmy Buffet had died of, but that is so sad to hear. And yes, took me less than 10 mins to get the sun shade back up again.

Kathie, it's good that you have Manny trained to listen to your "firm" voice, Jane's dog Hansel just looks at me like I've lost my mind & keeps on doing whatever he's doing.

Well my first day of 2 church services & being in the choir went ok, got there at 9 and left around 12:30, but that was with going over to the parish hall for coffee hour. I probably won't do that very often, makes for a long day. Quite a bit different than what I'm used to, here the choir follows the crucifix bearer into the church ahead of the priest while singing a processional song, and we follow him out singing at the end too. It was kind of neat finally seeing the differences between all the different mass's, but I still like the 9:15 mass best.
Now I need to figure out lunch & probably head to the pool later


Wacky Wabbit
Well, I'm bringing up the end of the Caboose! Better late than never! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Nice chatter on here this morning. Good to know we're all still shuffling along!

BB: Enjoy your family company. I'm sure they will appreciate your good cooking! Bless you.

Bill: One of my prescriptions is on Pres Biden's list to negotiate with Big Pharma too. The issue is it will take 2 years from what they said on the News to happen.... if it even happens! :eek:

Lee: How in the heck do you find those songs. A vasectomy song, amazing!
The sun is in and out and it's 87F right now at 2:44 pm here. Only to keep rising all week! But, I'm not complaining. Beats the cold and dreary days ahead of us.

DAVE: I'm NOT shocked that Fertile Myrtle is at it again. The SIL must have one heck of a good paying job to support 10 people in the house. Do they triple stack those kids in the bedrooms? All I can say is better them than me. Do they still come over in mass to your house? :oops:

"SISTER KAREN": Wow, 2 church services and singing in the choir will get you a seat right up front at the Golden Gates of Heaven. BLESS YOU Karen! Maybe you could alter from week to week. Take turns switching from early to later services.
Hope you get some time in the pool today.

Lee........I managed to get the GLASS SCREEN protectors on our new cell phones and then the Cases too. My CASE protector gave me a little trouble getting the FILM off. The tab to pull the film off on my case protector was useless. I had to ROLL with my finger from the edge of the finally get the film started and it came off just fine. Art's phone was a breeze to do. I love all the supplies that came with the kits. I would recommend the Spigen company to others.
I did watch the video on how to do it about 3 times. Very helpful.

Okay, off to enter some bills online that won't get electronically transferred until Tuesday, but at least I won't have to worry about doing it then.

Enjoy your day folks. :sign havefun:


2nd Officer

"SISTER KAREN": Wow, 2 church services and singing in the choir will get you a seat right up front at the Golden Gates of Heaven. BLESS YOU Karen! Maybe you could alter from week to week. Take turns switching from early to later services.

Hope you get some time in the pool today.
I wish I could switch but choir sings every week at 10:30 so I have to be there for that & I enjoy the 9:15 service to much to quit that. It isn't that bad, I used to go to Sunday School & church for about the same amount of time so no big deal. It's just kind of funny hearing a repeat of the sermon at 10:30, but the rest of the music & readings are all different


2nd Officer
Good evening. We did not go to lunch today.

Watching the race right now. I hope I can make it until the end, they are just under half way.

I booked another tour today and am thinking of what one for Maui for Sunday.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Pretty much just checking in this morning. Not much to gab about.

In answer to whether or not the 7 kid 2 adult family comes over to our house en mass, Not if I can help it. It's an unsupervised unruly mob that gets into everything requiring us to lock not only bedrooms but also closets.

Wow KC, to me that's a LOT of churchgoing.

Ya'll have a fine holiday.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Labour Day Monday morning.
It’s almost 73F and feels like the mid 80‘s. Not the decade, the temperature.
I’d be locking ”The Mob” in the van and, like some small convenience stores, only allowing a limited number in your home at a time Dave.
How’d your race turn out Nancy?
Oh Karen, your description of the two church services reminded me of my time in the church choir when I was a little lad. As I recall we lead Reverend Bernie in for the first service and followed him out at the end of the second service. You really do seem to be enjoying this congregation for sure.
Good to hear that you are pleased with the Spigen products Kathie. I’m not happy with Bell right now but have to wait until Tuesday if I want, um, “domestic” customer service.
How was you day Miss Domestic? Any blueberry muffins left for today?
I hear Lu-Ann stirring already. I reckon she’d like to get Ava out for her Navy Yard walk before it gets too much warmer. After coffee and chi-gong of course.
Have a wonderful day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by Travis Foster
Good Morning Wrabbits! Like
LEE stated same temps here in my next of the woods. It's going to be a REALLY HOT one today! Feels like a Florida morning here. All I need is a walk on the Gulf shores.
Speaking of which. I saw pictures of Longboat Key's beach and that last storm ended up giving them a HUGE LONG BEACH. The sand bluffs that they had are flattened. Looks so funny to see such a wide span of all SAND! Reminds me of Daytona Beach where they use to drive cars on it because it had so much room. Not sure they do that these days.

Not sure what's on our TO-DO agenda today, not a lot because of the heat.
I think we will try and dig out the POTATOES if we get out there soon enough. We both get a real charge out of up-rooting the potatoes. We got about 6 yesterday out of 3 hills! Not a big crop, but we plant them just for the fun of it. I'll use them in Beef Stew. They're almost the size of a baseball.

Labor Day Strike GIF by INTO ACTION
HAPPY LABOR DAY TO ALL! Get out and enjoy the day!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the race last night was good. I do like the driver that won. And I was able to stay awake for the whole race.

If you are on Facebook, search for Flamingos in Florida. There were 3 groups that were carried from Cuba to 3 places in Florida during the hurricane. One group on Sanibel Island, one on Treasure Island (part of Pinellas County) and Tarpon Springs.

I don't have any real plans for today. Bruce is off doing jobs.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and Happy Labor Day! Going to be a slow day of rest around here for us also. Nothing planned and we'll wing it as to what we'll be eating.

Speaking of eating, our company yesterday sure continued the tradition of devouring everything in sight! Within minutes 10 blueberry muffins were history. And that was just the start of the eating fest. The chicken cacciatore turned out perfectly. I'm so glad I made a huge pot of sauce with lots of boneless chicken thighs, because they all went back for seconds and thirds. Dinner got topped off with homemade key lime pie and a pumpkin log from Publix. Plus neither of the adults had anything stronger than a coke to drink, so it was no problem for them driving home. They left around 4. so them Bert & I could relax for the rest of the day our on the lanai.

This morning we finished off those remaining 2 blueberry muffins for breakfast. Tonight's menu will be a simple one - hamburgers, Suddenly Salad and corn on the cob. I told Bert this is my version of a Labor Day BBQ at the Old Folks Home!! LOL

Dave - Can't blame you not wanting that unruly mob to descend on your place. What's the age range of the kids? They've got to cover quite a few years at this point.

Karen - So glad you're enjoying all these new experiences at your new church. You sure must be getting to meet a lot of new people too. Just don't offer to go pull weeds out of their yards. You do enough of that in your own subdivision!!:emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Kathie - Home grown potatoes are so good. We did that one year in Ocala. We also tried sweet potatoes which would have worked well, except every time the greens started to grow, the rabbits would come along and eat it all. The rabbits did the same thing when we tried to grow peanuts. Not a fan of bunnies like we used to be.

Lee - Glad you and Lu-Ann got out early enough for your Navy Yard walk before it got too hot. Your weather sounds warmer than ours. Right now it's a comfortable 84 out there without too much humidity.

Nancy - I saw that story about the flamingos on the news the other night. Actually, I thought it was pretty cool and wondered if it had ever happened before, but not many people knew about it.

Bill - One of my meds, Jardiance, is also on the list of meds to get the price reduced. Too bad it's going to take that long before we know if big pharma will even abide by the reduced profits.
Bert doesn't mind that Lee Child's brother has taken over. He's read a few of Andrew's books.

I think I've earned another cup of coffee this morning while I contemplate how to spend the day relaxing. Whatever you're doing today, make sure you have some fun too!


Chief Security Officer
Lee, your work standards, especially not working past 1400 or outside if it is hot, sound like plenty of contractors almost everywhere, but I doubt that they would work for types of remuneration that you accept, unless those things came wrapped in some green folding money.
I've heard the same thing about how long it would be before those price controls could take effect, if they are ever passed by Congress, but at least there is an attempt to address the problem, K2.
Well, I'm bringing up the end of the Caboose! Better late than never! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Nice chatter on here this morning. Good to know we're all still shuffling along!

BB: Enjoy your family company. I'm sure they will appreciate your good cooking! Bless you.

Bill: One of my prescriptions is on Pres Biden's list to negotiate with Big Pharma too. The issue is it will take 2 years from what they said on the News to happen.... if it even happens! :eek:

Lee: How in the heck do you find those songs. A vasectomy song, amazing!
The sun is in and out and it's 87F right now at 2:44 pm here. Only to keep rising all week! But, I'm not complaining. Beats the cold and dreary days ahead of us.

DAVE: I'm NOT shocked that Fertile Myrtle is at it again. The SIL must have one heck of a good paying job to support 10 people in the house. Do they triple stack those kids in the bedrooms? All I can say is better them than me. Do they still come over in mass to your house? :oops:

"SISTER KAREN": Wow, 2 church services and singing in the choir will get you a seat right up front at the Golden Gates of Heaven. BLESS YOU Karen! Maybe you could alter from week to week. Take turns switching from early to later services.
Hope you get some time in the pool today.

Lee........I managed to get the GLASS SCREEN protectors on our new cell phones and then the Cases too. My CASE protector gave me a little trouble getting the FILM off. The tab to pull the film off on my case protector was useless. I had to ROLL with my finger from the edge of the finally get the film started and it came off just fine. Art's phone was a breeze to do. I love all the supplies that came with the kits. I would recommend the Spigen company to others.
I did watch the video on how to do it about 3 times. Very helpful.

Okay, off to enter some bills online that won't get electronically transferred until Tuesdaybut at least I won't have to worry about doing it then.

Enjoy your day folks


Chief Security Officer
It's Labor Day so I guess the Summer is officially over but Mother Nature is still providing summer-like temperatures so the beaches should be packed with folks enjoying it while it lasts.
Yesterday, we tried out a new (to us) restaurant not too far from our home and were very pleased with both the food and prices. Will
probably become one oft our go-to places when we want to go out to eat. It is on the site of a restaurant/function hall that we used to frequent with neighbors when we lived in our condo, but has been totally refurbished and is a much more informal tavern-like spot overlooking a small lake.
I see that CBS is advertising Yellowstone as one of their "new" programs this upcoming season. I suspect that it is the result of the SAG strike and we will likely see a number of cable network programs being broadcast on the networks (either that or more game shows and mindless "reality" shows. Since I have only seen a few episodes of Yellowstone in spite of how long it has been on cable and liked what I saw, so it is good to have something to look forward in the coming months.

I'm glad to hear that Bert likes Andrew Child's Jack Reacher books. My only complaint is that I have felt that he is simply following the formula created by his brother and the story lines and action have become too predictable. Then again, I have similar problems with some of my formerly favorite authors such as David Balfour .
Sounds like you have
struck gold finding your new church, Karen and they have found a great new parishioner. That's what is known as a "win-win" situation.
An LL Bean store is due to open this Friday in a neighboring town, so we may check it out to see if we can find things that would be suitable for our upcoming Greenland cruise.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well today I have rented a car on Maui the first day we are there for the day and booked the aquarium and the pineapple plantation. The cost of this is just $100 over what we would have paid NCL just for the aquarium. So other than figuring where we will be driving on Thursday and Friday on Kauai we are set for Hawaii.

Tomorrow I get the left side of the neck nerves burned.

All have a good night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Saying good night from our little part of the world after the quietest Labor Day we've ever had. It was great though. Very relaxing and stress free time on the lanai. Bert had his cheeseburger in paradise, I had a hamburger, we both had salad and corn on the cob. Now to see if there's anything worth watching on TV.

See you all tomorrow, God willing! :sleep002: :sleepey smile:


Wacky Wabbit
BB: It was quiet here too. We got a 1/2 peck of Potatoes from our crops this year. I had a nice 1/2 peck box from when I bought tomatoes at one farmers place. It came in handy. We have Red, Yukon and plain brown skin potatoes. Always fun to dig them up this time of the year.
Nothing wrong with a good hamburger every once in awhile. We had Egg Roll in a Bowl. You make it with a pkg of cole slaw and browned turkey and added spices, garlic and some onion. It's so good. Google for the recipe. It's SO EASY! You eat it in a bowl! Hence, the name.

Nancy, good luck with your surgery.

I hope you are opting to get the added insurance for the car rental. Those roads on Maui are crazy narrow and people don't pay attention. When we drove through Lahaina and up the mountain road you actually had to look at a MIRROR off the side of the cliff and HONK your horn because it was ONE LANE at that one turn. And if you didn't pay close attention you'd be HISTORY off the side of the road in a drop off. NO GUARD RAILS. Scariest part of the vacation there.

I made 2 batches of Choc Chip dough earlier and am waiting for my oven to come up to temp to bake a couple of trays. The rest are getting portioned off into balls and flash frozen and then I'll seal them up for quick future cookie baking.

YES, crazy me is baking when it was 98F and the real temp into the 101 area. Right now outside it's 81F. But the HUMIDITY has finally lessened a tad.

Bill: Art said he's not watching Yellowstone this season. Said it's too predictable. They SHOOT each other and swear like no tomorrow. I'll still watch it. I get a kick out of daughter who does all the swearing. She's a HOOT! I can always binge watch it if I find something better on TV to watch. I can't believe the writers strike is still going on. Sure hope Jimmy K, Jimmy F and Stephen K saved up their money over the years. It's been a long time without a paycheck. Ha Ha.

Off to do my cookies and then chill out. I've been watching TENNIS big time. The US Open Final WINNERS get 3 Million dollars. Both males and females. Lots of hard work for just 3 million dollars if you ask me. This has been going on for over a week. Lots of brackets to go too.

Karen, Lee, Dave hope you had a good day! Can't wait to hear about it.

Nite all.........
thats all folks GIF by A.M.T.G. G.G.
:emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good Tuesday morning, Bunnies!

I don't know about you guys but I still can't figure out what this "Burning Man Festival" is all about. All I know is that at the end of it they normally burn some big statue of a man.

In answer to your question BB; The age range of the "mob" is between 15 and 1.

Lee; We actually only invite only 1 or 2 of the mob over to our house at a time. Where they pretty much behave, because they can't feed off the energy of all their siblings.

I'm with you K2, in that driving your car on a beach is a hoot. I remember the first time I was surprised the wheels actually squeaked on the sand, much like on pavement.

Yes Bill, it is such a joy to find a nearby restaurant you hadn't been to, and find out it's quite good.

Starting off the day with an appointment at the surgeon's office who did my surgery. Then Kathi wants to get back here so she can continue working on her "T-shirt quilt". She's making it for one of the granddaughters.

Kathi had to explain to me what a T-shirt quilt is. We all have lots of old T-shirts, of places we've been or activities we have been in. She takes a bunch of these old T-shirts, cuts off a 12 inch by 12 inch piece of each, and turns the pieces into a quilt. Something that will bring back lots of memories for this granddaughter.

So, What's Going on with you today?


2nd Officer
Good morning. I have to be at Dr's at 1:45, then once I am done Bruce has a 3:45 app just up the street.

K-2, yes I have gotten the insurance with the car.

At 8 this morning it was 73 and now it is 85, so will be a hot day.

All have a great day.