Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Pat said "Nancy - One of the reasons DeathSantis was booed in Jacksonville was because he only called the shooter a "scumbag" and wouldn't call him a racist. I wonder where he's off to while this hurricane is headed for Florida. It could always make a direct hit on the capital and do us all a favor. Speaking of the capital, did you see where they are putting in bulletproof windows in the whole building. So suddenly, they think they are needed because ...?" Well desantis can't call the shooter a racist because that is what he is and he would never say racist out loud as he knows people would "yell well you are one too".

Read this morning he is actually in Tallahassee and letting Casey do the politicking for him.

K-2, we are supposed to start getting rain later today and tomorrow a full day of rain.


Wacky Wabbit
The Circle GIF by The Circle Netflix (US)

This starting to get old real fast. We’re not hooking anything up in hopes that the power will come back on soon! ALWAYS SOMETHING!
Next week I already know the power will go off again. The electric company has been digging for 3 days around the block from us. I asked them what going on earlier and the guy said they’re replacing a major power line that is in the ground. The black cable the we’re pulling through neighbors front lawns was as thick and round as my wrist.

If you don’t hear from me you’ll know know why!

Bill: look back a few posts to see my question I asked you about your cruise. Thanks.

Night all!


2nd Officer
Good thoughts and hopes for all you Floridians today. There is no perfect way to prepare.

Hope your electric is back on by now, K2.

My goodness the minutes, hours, days and months just keep ticking away, and we hardly notice. I was reminded of that when our 2024 Dachshund kitchen calender showed up in the mail yesterday. It's nice & big, and Kathi uses it to show relative's birthdays and appointments we have. And boy oh boy we already have lots of appointments for next year.

Bill; Your quote cracked me up. " Since I retired, Dave, life is pretty much a vacation interspersed with medical appointments."

I'm actually going out of the house today. For of all things, a Handicapped tag for Kathi's car. Of course Ohio doesn't make it easy. First you get a prescription for one at your family doctor. Then you go to a particular pharmacy to get it. Geesh!

Oh these phone makers. It's just a con. Always finding a new way to make you want to get the latest and greatest cell phone.

I'm surprised that hammer manufacturers haven't come up with some scheme to sell us a new hammer every 5 years.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Reading the morning headlines my thoughts are most certainly with all of our Florida Belles, our friends in Florida and all of your families. As with so many of the other natural disasters this year, Idalia seems to be larger and more destructive than those before her. Please, all of you be safe.
Hopefully your power outage has passed by now Kathie. Frustrating for sure. Especially on the heels of one just the other week.
I’ve never had much luck with mobile phones lasting more than about 5 years Dave. But you are right. The manufacturer stops supporting “model x” which forces consumers to upgrade. It is a vicious circle. I’m giggling with you at the hoops and number of stops you have to go through to get a disabled parking permit. Which you need to park closer to the entrances to places like, oh, the doctor and pharmacy where you have to go to get said permit.
We are meeting more friends from our old neighbourhood for lunch today. I’m hoping that the cold north winds that will see us only reach 70F today fade a tad. Fall? Well, not quite. By the Labour Day weekend we could be feeling well over 100F with the humidity.
Everyone have a good day and for fear of repeating myself, please be safe.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I got a few hours sleep last night then woke at 12:45 and never got back to sleep. And no nap for me today.

We are supposed to get rain a few times today but not a whole lot. The bend is where the hurricane is hitting. Area that has not had a hurricane in a very long time. Even though it is hitting about 100 miles north of Tampa, Tampa is having big storm surge with major flooding.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Quick check in from Belleview, we haven't really had much rain here at all or wind either. We were very fortunate the storm made landfall a lot farther north than they projected.
Both sister's spent the night here, which made me feel much better, knowing they were safe.
Power has flicked off a couple times so fingers crossed it stays on. Will check back in later today if I have power


Wacky Wabbit
;)Another Wrabbit checking in!
Not because of Idalia, but just to let you know WE STILL DON’T have power! :grr05:
Hey, it is what it is. Not getting a lot done so far today. Sitting in the car CHARGING the cell phone as I post!
Made coffee on the “GAS” stove like you would when camping! Strained the grounds and we had a hood cup of coffee! You learn to adapt!

Karen: Good that the sisters stayed at your place. Less to worry about.
I’m so glad you’re not close to the gulf. All I hear on this car radio is the flooding from STORM SURGE! Panhandle getting hit hard. Even my dear Longboat Key are reporting flooding streets.
You ‘Belles’ stay safe.

BB: Hope you’re okay over your way. Didn’t see you on here yet and was concerned.

It’s FREEZING here today. 55F and windy. Got a couple of drizzles of rain. Didn’t amount to anything. Ugly cold.

Lee: Not too sure you’ll be taking your company to the waters edge today! Of course, you Canadians handle the cold better than most US folks!

Okay I’m going back into the house. I have a few extra Cell Bars of ‘Juice’
Last edited:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Last Belle checking in, as usual! We're getting a fail amount of wind here and the rains have been falling steadily for most of the morning. Based on looking at the dock next to us, our lake has come up about 8 inches. Hurray!!! That means boats will once again go in the water and we will be able to see all those lucky people sailing around on their pontoon boats or bass boats.

Nancy - Nice that pudding fingers is staying in Tallahassee for a change. Of course, President Biden has already offered all kinds of emergency aid to Florida, which Deathsantis will accept willingly.

The area where the storm made landfall has very few people living there. It's mostly swamp and mangroves. Only area impacted that is special to many people is Cedar Key, a quaint fishing and shrimping area and very artsie fartsie!

Kathie - Sorry you keep losing power up your way. Nice that you can sit in the car to charge your phone.

Lee - Enjoy your Lunch with your old neighbors. Are you going to take them on the sales tour too to convince them to make a move to your area? LOL

Karen - Nice that your sisters came and spent the night with you. How was the birthday party yesterday afternoon? Did you ever get to go swimming?

Dave - Interesting what it takes to get a handicap tag in your area. We have to have our doctor fill out a form and then take it to Motor Vehicle to get the tag. This past year, instead Bert signed up for the regular handicap license plate. Much easier than trying to remember to hang that tag from your mirror. You can't have it hanging as you drive here in Florida, even though some people still do it.

Rain seems to have stopped for a bit, so I want to go out on the lanai and make sure none of the plants got knocked over. Have a great rest of the day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’m just stopping by to check on our fair Belles. And I’m really happy to read that you’re all doing OK with, perhaps, less impact in your areas than we were all expecting.
Kathie, we have a really long extension cord if that would help your power situation. Seriously though, I hope your power comes back soon.
Yes, we had a nice lunch with Gil and Ginny. They have visited the area before. If it weren’t for family I don’t think it would take much to convince them to head this way permanently.
It’s going to be a great night for sleeping. Temps are supposed to dip to 50F…feeling like 46 with the wind chill. Bet I have long pants on for our morning walks!
Have a good evening friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Last to check IN and out!
Good to read that the Belle’s for the most part made it through the storm!
Thank goodness! Nice that Mother Nature filled the lake for the folks to get their toys in the water again. :clap002:

Lee: You need to sweet talk Gill and Ginny into moving to your fair town! Cute names for those two!

We got our power back on about Noon’ish. All kinds of utility trucks working on pulling cables in various spots. None of this work was from a storm. It was just maintenance work. But the computer generated messages kept saying it was from storms! Well MR COMPUTER the storms were last week.
I told Art that they will most likely turn our power off at least 2 more times.
We drove around the sub ans saw that they still had their big machines around later today.
Our new phones got delivered and we went to the Verizon store and the really patient gal transferred everything from one phone to the other and hopefully nothing got lost. NO charge for the transferring! The guy at the Verizon store closer to our house wanted $100 bucks for each phone. Crazy, just simply crazy.
i need to order glass screen protectors and clear cases. We love the bright color of our phones and don’t want to hide them. CLEAR cases for us.

I hope everyone gets a good nights sleep. I’m taking a Melatonin tonight and going to bed! It’s been a long day.

Dave: Sure hope you are tooling around the house SAFELY with that walker. Just keep moving!

FYI: Here in our neck of the woods if you want a handicap tag or hanger tag you have to get a doctors note on office stationary signed by the doctor and then go to the Police Station to get your hanging tags. If you want the license you go to the Secretary of States office. I think the paper hanger tags are for temporary circumstances only.
Nite all.


2nd Officer
Overjoyed that you Floridians got through the passing of the hurricane. KC, you're probably that happiest of all, since you were initially in its' direct path. Count your lucky stars, Bunnies.

PLEASED to hear that your power got turned back on, K2. Did you ever tap into your neighbor's generator?

Lee; Rumor has it that your really long extension cord has an electric meter every 50 feet.

I knew I shouldn't have left the house yesterday. Oh I did get the Handicapped tag, but it also got me a chance to see one of the whacky people here in town.

On our travels we came upon this middle-ager riding his big ole Harley. And seated behind him was a full sized skeleton.

And NO, the skeleton was not wearing a helmet.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A touch above 50F as this Thursday morning dawns. What a beautiful full moon last night and for those of us up early, this morning.
I‘m happy for The Belles and all of our Florida friends that things seem to have gone better than expected with Idalia. I wonder if “puddin’ paws” or tRump will be taking the credit for that?
Good to have power restored Kathie. At least yesterday wasn’t sweltering hot leaving everyone without AC. Hope you got a good sleep. And yes, Gil and Ginny are their real names.
Actually Dave, my extension cord has a “meter” every 3.2 feet. That’s a metric conversion joke…
I suspect not wearing a helmet could be how the passenger became a skeleton in the first place.
Ontario only has disabled permits that either attach to the sun visor or can be left on the dash. They did away with the permanent marking on a license plate so “the bad guys” wouldn’t be able to easily target disabled people. The permits we have now allow for friends or family to transport those who need a disabled spot to do so easily by making sure they have the permit. Extra big fines for misuse of the permit though…
Best get underway. Today The OGC‘s ride again. We’re building an “attic” in Jim and Gail’s garage so they can get all the “crap” off their garage floor and actually make room for their car.
Have a great day everyone. Oh ya, and stay safe.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by ircha_gram
Brrr cold up here in the NORTH! Yikes it really was around 53F when I got up. Way too early for low temps like that. BUT............ next week it's going to be HOT, HOT, HOT again and we'll be able to soak in the heat and sunshine. I pray we get a beautiful Indian Summer up here this year.

Lee: So good to hear that the OGC's have a new job. And a different one at that. You guys should encourage Jim and Gail to PITCH more than half of their STUFF (most likely junk) and that way the OGC would cut down on how big the "attic" would have to be! Try and take of picture of your project if you can.

DAVE: During this last power outage we DID NOT have to hook up into the neighbors generator. In fact, he didn't even pull his out of the garage and hook anything up in his own house. We have my daughter's small generator that could most likely handle the 2 refrigerators if needed. Not taking that back to them until I see all these Utility Trucks totally out of our sub. I have a funny feeling that our power will go out at least one more time before this maintenance project is done. I really am glad we don't have one of those huge boxes on our property. They really dig deep and they'll be repairing a lot of lawns in the work areas.

Now about the guy on the motorcycle and the skeleton. I don't even think that's a funny thing to do. A total distraction for automobile drivers and he could get hit. Did the Old-timer have HELMET ON? Lots of weirdo's out there!!
Good to know you got out of the house for awhile. Take your walker and try and walk outside when it's nice. The sunshine and fresh air will be good for you. Just keep moving!!:emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Karen, Pat, Nancy.......thrilled to know you all made it through the storm. Hope everyone's flowers made it too. And Pat, hope the water is up in the lake for the boats, pontoons and gators! Ha Ha. Good time to go to church and be thankful!
Karen, I feel bad that you'll have to go through all the work of putting the SUN SAIL back up at your sisters. Always something!

I need to get a few errands done over here and then this house needs my attention. Cleaning is on the high priority today. Sure hope it warms up over here. It's now 55F. Brrr & Sunny!

You all have a good day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Bright, sunny skies and 83 degrees. What a nice was to start the morning!!! Of course, about an hour ago, it was pouring, as it had apparently done a few times during the night. Bert brought the newspaper in and it was a soggy mess that went right into the garbage, even though it was in a plastic bag. What a waste!!

Bert's involved in a major project right now. Seems like we have a problem here every summer with teeny tiny "sugar ants" The name is deceiving as they really don't go after sugar, but everything else that is sweet and we even find them on the bathroom and kitchen counter. Right now Bert has everything off the kitchen counter and is treating it to get rid of the ants once again. He decided that while he was at it, he would totally clean the coffee pot and ran vinegar through it. Now he's got a problem in that no matter how much water he's running through the coffee pot, there's still vinegar in it!! Serves him right for being so efficient! And while all this is going on, he has everything from the kitchen counter spread out all over the place. What a mess! I don't want to know anything about this project, so he's on his own.

Kathie - Glad you finally got your power back. Now keep your fingers crossed that it stays on. I was really surprised that we never lost power during the storm yesterday. Some areas got hit real bad. Our electric company is really good for not losing power unless a transformer blows. Then all bets are off.

Dave - Interesting what it takes to get a handicap tag in different states. What works in one state doesn't work in another. What kind of walker are you using - one with 4 wheels or only 2? I have both. I use the one with 4 wheels and hand breaks in the house and the other one outside, as the 4 wheeler is heavy to lift into the house.

Lee - You OGCs really do like to work on projects. This one is the first of this type, isn't it? You sure are all getting experience and could rent out your services!! Bet you had your long pants on for your early morning walk with Ava. Am I right?

Karen - So what's on tap for today? Got an stuff to put back in place in preparation for the storm? I have only 1 more plant to put back on the top of the bakers wrack and all will be back in place.

Tonight we are going all Jersey diner food for dinner - fried shrimp sandwiches with coleslaw and mayo. Not exactly diet food, but they sure are good and remind us of those days growing up in NJ.

Coffee pot is finally ready, so I'm off to get a cup and to go outside for a while. I need some fresh air!!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Yes last day of the month. Only 4 months left in the year. No plans for today. Am trying to think of what to have for dinner, I may go get subs from Publix.

I was asked the other day if the barometric pressure was making my neck hurt when it fell, the answer is YES. The reason I know is because yesterday no change in pressure and the neck did not hurt.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
I would have sworn I posted yesterday but I guess some gremlins got in the system and eliminated it. Too bad, because it was a great post that I can't even attempt to recreate.
Glad to see the Florida belles emerged from the storm unscathed. Our friends Rich and Dianne left here the other day to drive to North Carolina and visit Dianne's sister and brother-in-law. From the weather reports I saw yesterday they were headed directly for a confrontation with Idalia as it makes its way up the coast. Hope they are well.

The ship we will be on is Jewel of the Seas, K2 and it leaves NJ and visits Halifax, Nova Scotia, three ports in Greenland including Nuuk, the capitol, and then visits St. John's, Newfoundland before returning to New Jersey. Not sure what website tracks the cruise ships but pretty certain there is one. If you believe that 50 degrees is cold at this time of the year, as I do, you wouldn't be happy to be in Greenland where that will likely be the warmest temperature we will encounter while there. The ship has to tender in two of the three ports in Greenland so, given our mobility limitations, I expect that our actual experiences there will be limited to Nuuk, where we dock.
Glad you got your handicap placard, Dave. Our procedure in Massachusetts pretty much mirrors the one in Florida that BB described. Here, too, it is nriot supposed to be displayed while driving, but it appears that it is something "more honored in the breach than in the observance".


Wacky Wabbit
I saw on TV that Old Man McConnell had another one of his STARRING episodes. And hours later he got "CLEARED" by the medical staff to go back to work. UNREAL. The man is a walking timebomb if you ask me. All the best to him is all I can say as a Christian.
Lee: I had to come back on here to tell you if your ears and Lu-Ann's ears were ringing at dinner time it was ME talking about "Smashed Potatoes". I made us a few to go with our dinner and thought of you guys right away. They sure were yummy and crispy too. OH... and SMASHED! Ha Ha.
We also had some of Artie's garden fresh GREEN BEANS. Sure were yummy.
It turned out to be a FANTASTIC day here with plenty of sunshine. It's 72F at 7:34 pm. MY PERFECT WEATHER.
Bill & Rita: In case I miss telling you........HAVE A SAFE and WONDERFUL CRUISE. Try not to make the headlines. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee: I ordered Glass screen protectors for our new phones and Cases too from Amazon. My son-in-law uses SPIGEN brand. I'll let you know what I think of them. I watched the video on how to put on the screen protectors and DANG I really think I can handle it! LOL. They came in a 2-Pack so one will be for me and the other for Art's phone. Saving a few bucks by getting them from Amazon. And Ashley has prime so she does the ordering and just has them sent to our house. :smiley25:
We get to go over and watch Mr Manny tomorrow afternoon and through the evening. The family is going to the Opening Football game at Michigan State Univ. I went to the pet shop and bought the pooch a new Bully Stick w/beef cheeks. The nice lady explained just what I was paying $9.25 for! YIKES I must be nuts for spending that much for a 12" collagen stick!


Did anybody see the BLUE MOON last night. FANTASTIC and so BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL. WOW.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well Publix called that there was a Rx ready for pick up, so I went this afternoon got it and also two subs for us for dinner.

Well my right hand is hurting a bunch and I know it is mainly from having to use my right hand to get us from the sofa because the knee is hurting with getting up. I think I am going to buy me a power lift recliner and a chair that turns in to a bed, they will fit where the sofa is now.

My best friend's youngest daughter became a Grandma for the second time this morning. Her oldest's girlfriend had a C-section and they have a boy, which TJ's older son is overjoyed having a brother. Emily had gone in the hospital two days ago so today being the 3rd the Dr's decided a C-Section was the way to go. I know that Rosie would be thrilled to have two Great-Grandsons. Am sure Kristi is thinking of her Mom and how she would react.

Will be going to bed soon.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good morning Bunnies! And I hope it's a good one for all of you.

Got another check-up this morning that we need to roll out of here at 7.

In answer to you BB; My walker is a 4 wheeler with hand breaks. Super quiet. Plus a cushioned seat with a small basket under and a bit in front of the seat. I like that seat because if you get tired you can lock the brakes and just turn around and sit down till your energy returns. Another neat thing about the seat is if I have something heavy I need to move to another room, I just sit it on the seat.

Kathi was a good citizen yesterday when she went to Wally-World to pick up a bunch of prescriptions. In spite of having a Handicapped tag in the car, she did not pull into a handicapped spot, but parked in a regular spot quite a ways back in the lot.

Bill; I always have to remind myself that the people who named Iceland and Greenland had a sense of humor. Greenland is the country with lots of ice. And Iceland has more green.

Is Mister Manny spoiled?..........Naa. ....... Wink-Wink.

That building of an "attic" above the garage project sounds like fun, Lee. Stand-up attic?